"What are you busy with?" The people next to him were persistent and still harassing him.

"It's already said that there is no time, why are you not finished?" Lu Ziqiao roared in dissatisfaction, and then wanted to push the person away, but found that no matter how much he pushed, he couldn't push it!

"Lu Ziqiao, how long are you going to pretend?"


Hearing this voice, Lu Ziqiao was so frightened that he quickly let go of his hand. Now if he doesn't know who this person is, he can just buy a piece of tofu and kill him.

He looked at Bai Zhi with some horror, this coquettish bitch, unexpectedly. . .Actually. . .

"Okay! Lu Ziqiao, how dare you call me a coquettish bitch?" Bai Zhi's face darkened, and she wanted to kill him in a rage.

"No...stop...stop..." Lu Ziqiao hurriedly stopped him, and almost knelt down to beg for mercy: "Hero Bai, what are you singing about?"

Bai Zhi taught him a few times casually, and clapped her hands: "Don't care which one I sang, I looked around a lot, and I didn't see the combination of sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks and fairy-like appearance you mentioned!"

"Are you blind?"

"Then tell me where is it? Apart from the average-looking woman at the opposite table, and the average-looking man at 0.6, are there any other male-female combinations?"

"..." Lu Ziqiao twitched the corner of his mouth, pointed at the table next to him and said, "Are you sure you're not blind? Isn't that woman pretty?"


Bai Zhi gasped suddenly, looked Lu Ziqiao up and down suddenly, and saw his arm touched her own.

She walked one meter away from him in horror, and then kept patting her sleeves: "Don't come here, I'll beat you to death if you come here again."

Lu Ziqiao was stunned for a long time, but didn't understand what Bai Zhi meant?

He looked back at the woman, it didn't make sense!Isn't this woman pretty?Even if the makeup looks a little thicker, but as far as it is concerned, it is really pretty.

At least they didn't see no makeup, and now they look absolutely seductive. .

Chapter 528

"No, what happened to you?"

Bai Zhi disliked him and told him not to come, then waved his hand: "Don't say I know you from now on! I don't want to be said that I am that kind of person, by the way, don't come with me, so as not to be misunderstood by others."

Lu Ziqiao couldn't understand more and more, so he took out a telescope from his pocket and glanced over there: "No, brother, you have to give me a reason, right?"

"Okay then! Tell me the truth, do you want me to be your wingman for fooling me this time?" Bai Zhi sighed, as if she had made up her mind.

Bai Zhi looked at him steadily, as if to see if he was lying.

There was panic in Lu Ziqiao's eyes: "No, what happened?"

"See you later." Bai Zhi stretched out her hand, as if to say goodbye, and went out directly.

"Okay, okay, let me tell the truth, can't I tell the truth?" Lu Ziqiao softened: "Yes, indeed, I want you to be my wingman, but... I didn't lie to you, they are indeed looking for you."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Thank you!"

09 "What great deed have I done, and they have to come and look for it for several days, just to thank me?"

Bai Zhi was a little speechless, she came here to find herself, and asked around, did she save their family, or did she help them earn millions?

"Almost, do you remember the thief you caught at the bar last time?" Lu Ziqiao didn't feel anxious when he saw that the incident had been revealed, so he simply ordered a drink and talked while drinking.

"Thief? Isn't it a robber?"

"Eh..." Lu Ziqiao glared, "Almost."

Speaking of the thief, oh, no, the robber, Bai Zhi is quite impressive.

thing!It happened in a bar some time ago, and there happened to be an event that day, a theme event called "commemorating the first anniversary of the boss", which was actually a reason for the bar to find a reason to give a discount.

The result~ Someone sneaked in, stole something, was caught straight away, and ended up robbing it directly, and rushed out after robbing it.

Bai Zhi, who was going to watch the excitement, was bumped into the front, grabbed his clothes, and the whole clothes were torn by him. In the end, after chasing him far away, Bai Zhi caught him.

Don't tell me, this man!If your life is in danger and you can unleash your huge potential, you can run fast!It's just like parkour, ducking around, and trying to use the traffic to scare Bai Zhi away, but it seems that she doesn't know the route and is blocked by Bai Zhi.

"Oh~~~I see." Bai Zhi nodded: "You mean, they are the owners, and they came to thank me."

"Oh, no."

"Then they came to thank you!" Bai Zhi felt a little helpless and wiped the makeup on her face into ghost symbols.

"Hey...hey..." Lu Ziqiao sighed, and said helplessly, "What did you wipe it for? Isn't it beautiful?

By the way, when did you learn it?Don't you never do these fancy things?He also said that you can accept men to use various facial cleansers, or apply powder, but you cannot accept eye shadow or eye makeup on the eyes, saying that the eyes are the windows of the soul.

Unless it's acting, otherwise, if you see it, you will treat it as a bitch, why?You are this. . .Careful enough? "

Lu Ziqiao shook her eyebrows wretchedly, and she didn't know if she was infected by Zeng Xiaoxian. Now when everyone is wretched, they all flick their eyebrows.

Bai Zhi supported the bar counter: "Don't talk about these useless things with me, I don't do these fancy things, but Yu Mo can do it! Hey, after you have a wife, you will understand, there are some things you don't want to learn , But it’s not that you don’t want to learn it if you don’t want to learn it. I watch her make up every day, and even a sow has learned it.

Also, I turned into this. Strictly speaking, my name is Yi Rong. I want to find out from the side first what they are looking for me for.

But I suddenly realized that you seemed to care too much. Now that I know their purpose, what am I still doing? "

"The makeup is disguised?" Lu Ziqiao said in disbelief.

"Ah! Otherwise, you can find any woman on the street and ask her to take off her make-up to see if you recognize her."


Ok!Lu Ziqiao, who is criss-crossing the flowers, does often see plain makeup when she is in bed with others, and these are completely two people.

Therefore, when he usually looks for prey, he mainly looks at his figure, because he knows that the face is the easiest thing to fake. If the big deal is not to turn on the light, who is afraid of whom?

"Let's get down to business! You say they are not the owner, so what are they thanking me for?"

"Um, this..." Lu Ziqiao suddenly began to breathe rapidly, with a look of wanting to laugh but didn't dare to laugh: "The last time you caught a thief, oh no, didn't you go on our city news about the robber? "

"Well, what's the matter?" Bai Zhi knew about this, but he asked for a mosaic, so no one else knew what he looked like. Except for the people at the scene, most people knew that he had appeared in this bar.

Lu Ziqiao's face turned even redder: "Actually, they haven't been looking for you for long, and they just came here today to try their luck and ask you to be their spokesperson."

"Oh~~" Bai Zhi nodded: "Are you doing pyramid schemes?"

"Uh..." Lu Ziqiao patted his forehead: "No, I just want you to be the spokesperson for their products."

"So that's how it is." Bai Zhi felt relieved, as long as she wasn't seeking revenge, that's right!Peace is the most important thing in everything 573: "Then I can't go, why should I be the spokesperson for Laozi?"

Lu Ziqiao spread his hands: "So, you can figure out the following things, right?"

Bai Zhi nodded, Lu Ziqiao insisted on saying something bigger than sesame, it was like the sky was about to fall, why Yifei could hold it, not necessarily Yumo.

In the end, he was simply tricked into being a wingman. It must be Lu Ziqiao who heard Bai Zhi's name and saw the beauty of her parents, so she was ready to attack.

He just used Bai Zhi's convenience to try to win her favor, but after Bai Zhi came to the bar, he actually wore makeup to find someone, which was very embarrassing.

Thinking about it at the same time, it seems that Lu Ziqiao also exposed a lot of things, so Bai Zhi forced her to question her.

"Next time, don't get me wrong about this kind of thing!" Bai Zhi cursed, "Also, you haven't thought about explaining it to Zhang Wei yet!"

"Life is short, and I can't give up the opportunity to enjoy myself just because I might die in the next second. This is an attitude in life." Lu Ziqiao opened his mouth with a famous saying, which made Bai Zhi stunned.

"All right, all right...what's the mess~" Bai Zhi waved her hand: "You just have a stomachache from being idle, I'll find something for you to do, and you won't be having fun.".

Chapter 529

"That's fine! You can find me something to do, but let's say it first, I don't accept unpaid part-time jobs, and if you want to find free labor, don't even think about it." Lu Ziqiao looked like a broken jar, as if he had seen through It was the same as Bai Zhi thought.

But, did he really see the thoughts in Bai Zhi's heart?The answer is of course no.

In fact, Bai Zhi's real thought is: "Hehe, free labor? I have nothing to do by myself! Do you want to be a free labor?"

But he didn't say that, what if this guy has a brain twitch again?

"Don't worry, do what you want to do."

"What am I willing to do?" Lu Ziqiao frowned, his eyes lit up: "You mean, you have a better prey?"

"Of course not." Bai Zhi pointed to the two men and women Lu Ziqiao had mentioned before, and patted him on the shoulder earnestly: "Zi Qiao! Now there is a heavy and difficult task for you in the organization. A member of the team, you have to take on this next task, which is better than you!"

"Who else but me? Isn't this a bit exaggerated?"

Lu Ziqiao asked suspiciously, you said that the man and woman were nothing more than letting him match up, or Bai Zhi saw that the man was a scumbag from somewhere and asked herself to save the girl, but it's not difficult!

Bai Zhi shook her head: "Since this task is special and more difficult, I can approve you, no matter whether you use conventional or unconventional methods, as long as you can complete it."

"Yo~ You're really surprised, how could you compromise on this matter?" Lu Ziqiao was even more surprised: "Tell me! What are you going to do?"

"Hey~" Bai Zhi patted his arm, pointed at the two people and said, "Your mission is very simple, that is, correct their orientation so that they don't harm other people with normal orientation.

This is related to the safety of the general public!You don't want to live around you with a bunch of men trying to get your ideas, right?

As the saying goes, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world!The same reason. . `ˇ. "

"Slow down." Lu Ziqiao couldn't understand more and more, and frowned, wondering if this guy spoke too fast and didn't understand: "What orientation? What's wrong? His orientation is normal! I remember when I said I met you, that woman even used a beauty trick! If it's not normal, she should be sick, right?"

"That's right~ So, I want you to break it back!"


Lu Ziqiao opened his mouth wide, looked at Bai Zhi, and then at one or two couples flirting around him, and then he was relieved.

Otherwise, he would think that the world he lives in has changed, and that becoming gay is the orthodox world.

"Are you okay? He's a normal orientation, are you going to break him?"

"Who said her orientation is normal?"

"No one said it, I proved it." Lu Ziqiao retorted bluntly to Bai Zhi. This was confirmed by him, and it is absolutely impossible to be abnormal.

Bai Zhi was stunned for a moment, then covered her hands and waved her hands, then let out a foul breath: "Brother, fortunately I didn't listen to you and appeared in front of her, otherwise, I would be the one who was used as a 'beauty trick'."

"What's the matter? You don't suffer."

"No, it's a big loss."

"Lack of meat is still a loss of integrity?" Lu Ziqiao retorted dissatisfied: "No, why are you talking like a god? Could it be that you haven't gone out for two days and something went wrong at home, right?"

Bai Zhi blinked her eyes, covered her face with her hands, and couldn't bear to look at Lu Ziqiao's expression: "Didn't you see that the 'girl' who is so beautiful in your eyes is actually a man?"

"Pfft~" Lu Ziqiao spit out a sip of water, but luckily Bai Zhi covered her face, otherwise she would have spit it all on his face.

Bai Zhi hurriedly asked the waiter for a pack of tissues to wipe the water off her hands.

Lu Ziqiao obviously did not recover from the shocking news: "What did you say?"

Bai Zhi shook her head: "Poor child, now do you think that people have used beauty tricks on you, have you made money or lost money?"

Lu Ziqiao picked up the water glass tremblingly, wanting to take a sip of water to calm down the shock, but his eyes kept on the so-called 'girl' who looked like a fairy.

It's a pity that the other party has a silk scarf tied around his neck, and he seems to have a good figure, and his bones seem to be relatively petite. No matter how he looks, he looks like a girl!

Just when he was about to ask Bai Zhi if he was wrong, Bai Zhi said again: "Oh, I forgot to mention, the guy with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks you mentioned is actually a woman."

'Pfft~' Another sip of water spewed out, this time Bai Zhi was prepared, and suddenly dodged, and a sip of water was sprayed directly on the ground.

The waiter just came over, stepped on the water he vomited, and slipped. Although he didn't fall, the plate in his hand fell to the ground, making a bang sound.

This voice caught the attention of the bar, and the two people who were looking for Bai Zhi also found Lu Ziqiao.

Bai Zhi hurriedly faced the bar, trying to get away with it. Lu Ziqiao coughed violently, and suddenly heard a person behind him pat her on the shoulder.

Then he felt a person holding his arm, and when he looked back, it was the beauty he had mentioned.

He immediately got goosebumps, wanting to get rid of his 'claws': "' ‖That...beauty, can you not touch your hands, men and women can't accept each other!"

Originally, he wanted to say that he belonged to a handsome guy, but he felt that if Bai Zhi got it wrong, he would be finished.

"What beauty! I told you to call her Ann~~"

"Okay, beauty." Lu Ziqiao kept trying to push his hand away, but he hugged him tighter and tighter, as if wanting to melt his hand into his flesh and blood, Lu Ziqiao almost burst into tears: "Can you Let go of your hand?"

"No, no~~" The girl named An An (Li Zhaohao), uh, let's call it a girl!He kept shaking his arm, and made a series of coquettish voices: "You lied to others, didn't you promise to bring your friend here? Why have we waited for so long and still haven't seen each other~"

"I...I..." Lu Ziqiao asked Bai Zhi for help without tears, and even used thousands of miles of sound transmission: "Help~ Bai Zhi, help, me, Bai Zhi, help me~~"

However, Bai Zhi held the mentality of being a dead friend but not a poor man, so she didn't reply him for a while, but just kept pretending to be stupid.

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