"Go, follow...".

Chapter 534

However, the time was approaching night without knowing it, Yifei and Yoyo were in a hurry, and Baizhi still didn't seem to take any action.

He stayed in the bar all day, happily chatting with Lu Ziqiao, Zeng Xiaoxian and Guan Gu, and even Yu Mo couldn't wait for his own shop.

"Why doesn't he go and bring the dog back? Does he still want to fool us?" Youyou looked at the time, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon, and it would soon be dinner time, and the agreed time was almost here.

"He dares?" Yifei said angrily, "Why do I think he is waiting for the courier to arrive?"

"Can the courier still carry goods?" Yoyo asked in surprise.

"Uh, no." Yifei smiled awkwardly: "I mean, he might be waiting for the pet store to deliver the pet. Didn't he say it himself? He trained it from the beginning, so now he can either It doesn’t take long to send it to a certain pet store, or a certain pet base.”

"Oh~~~" Yoyo suddenly realized: "That means we were cheated by him, and he doesn't need to go get it himself, right?"

"In a way, it is."

"I go..."

Both Yifei and Yoyo covered their faces, so they had been sneaking along for so long, and in the end they just peeked at Bai Zhi and the few talking.

"Then shall we go in?" Yoyo didn't want to sneak around anymore.

"No." Yifei held Yoyo: "We can't go."


"What if we go, and Bai Zhi tells Zeng Xiaoxian about it? Don't you want to surprise Guan Gu? Bai Zhi doesn't know, we have to wait until night."

"That makes sense, shall I go back?"

"Yes, we have to go back. Before Zeng Xiaoxian and the others saw the courier, they signed for it first."

"Then let's go..."

After Yifei Youyou reached a consensus, she quickly moved the place and ran to her home to wait for the courier to arrive.

On the side of Bai Zhi and Zeng Xiaoxian, the chat was in full swing, but it can be seen that Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao were obviously very happy, but Guan Gu looked worried,

Why is there such a big difference in expression when talking and laughing in the same place?It's actually very simple, because Bai Zhi told them just now.

"Teacher Zeng, Ziqiao, I have some good news for you' ˇ."

"What good news?"

"Someone is willing to take care of you."

Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao opened their mouths wide in an instant, and they both saw the unbelievable look in each other's eyes.

"What's going on, what's going on?" It was Guan Gu who came to his senses and asked Bai Zhi what was going on.

Bai Zhi nodded, obviously very satisfied with their expressions, which satisfied his vanity to the extreme, because of this, he even put it off for a while, and then said.

"That's what I mean on the surface, Mr. Zeng, Ziqiao, you are very good~ Someone can take care of you, and their conditions, as long as you can solve the three meals a day by yourself, and even help them solve it by the way, you won't defecate at will, no They can throw garbage at will, and they can be there whenever they are called, and they will support you for the rest of your life."

"It's that simple?" Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao obviously didn't believe it.

Lu Ziqiao stretched his neck over, and asked with some excitement: "Then can I go out to pick up girls?"

"Hmm~" Bai Zhi rubbed her chin, thinking that Yifei and the others couldn't be boyfriends when they bought it back: "In theory, it should be possible, but you have to be there whenever you are called."

"I'll go, then I must agree..."

When Lu Ziqiao clapped his hands, didn't he mean he was on call?Who doesn't have a time to sleep and take a nap?Take a sleeping pill and sleep until dawn, she won't let herself go at this time, will she?

"Hey..." Zeng Xiaoxian hurriedly stopped him: "You don't understand anything, so you're so active in agreeing? What if they want you to be an old black slave?"

"Don't worry about that." Bai Zhi nodded, expressing Zeng Xiaoxian's peace of mind: "Let me tell you this!" Bai Zhi calculated with her fingers: "Their purpose! It's actually very simple, that is, they are usually lonely. To find a partner, of course, is the kind of dumb partner who can listen. You don't need to be lovers, just keep your mouth tight.

In addition, as long as the appearance is a little passable, and the IQ is high. . .When the baby is about four or five years old, it will meet the standard. Occasionally, it will be enough to run an errand to buy soy sauce or something. "

"Is there such a good thing?" Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't believe it anymore. As long as he is an individual, he can basically meet these conditions, right?

Bai Zhi shrugged: "There is such a good thing. Of course, if you have a crush on someone and want to develop a lover relationship, it is also possible. It depends on how much they look down on you."

"Then what are you waiting for? I'll go! It's such a good thing, I must go!" Lu Ziqiao rubbed his hands, already beginning to yearn for the days Bai Zhi mentioned.

"Isn't it too sloppy?" Zeng Xiaoxian looked down on Lu Ziqiao, and then asked Bai Zhi: "' ‖By the way, can you remove that on call? I always feel a little weird."

Bai Zhi frowned: "This... Then you can discuss it with others! Anyway, you are discussing it, and I am just spreading the word, just to make a difference... um..."


Both Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Bai Zhi in horror, making a difference?Is this what humans should do?

"Brother, when did you expand to the trading of living people?" Zeng Xiaoxian looked around like a mouse, and asked in a low voice after making sure no one was eavesdropping.

"How can there be? My nature is similar to the work of the matchmaker. They get together, and I get together to make an agreement. Besides, isn't it all voluntary by you? The matchmaker still has some happy money ! Can’t I charge a little for this agency fee?”

"Then why don't we find someone else?" Lu Ziqiao said dissatisfied.

"That's fine too! As long as you can find it."

"Eh..." Lu Ziqiao choked for breath, it seemed (Li Nuo's) that he had never met him before, if he did, he would have licked it immediately, and would wait until now.

And it is still such a clear condition, then I can do whatever I want in the future, isn't that good?

After Guan Gu heard this, his face turned pale, and he wanted to persuade Lu Ziqiao: "Zi Qiao, isn't it good for you?"

"What are you afraid of? Didn't Bai Zhi say that we can talk among ourselves?" Lu Ziqiao looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water: "If it's a beautiful woman, I'd be more than happy to stay."

Lu Ziqiao rubbed his palms, but Zeng Xiaoxian felt very strange.

Bai Zhi nodded: "Joe's point is a little bit right. The one who likes Teacher Zeng can be regarded as a beauty, and the one who likes Ziqiao is not a beauty, but it is definitely not ugly."

"Okay, when will we meet?" Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes lit up when he heard the word "beauty", and he immediately agreed. .

Chapter 535

"Okay, since you all agreed, you should dress better. After dinner today, at eight o'clock in the evening, I specially prepared for you to separate, and I sent your respective meeting places to your mobile phones.

By the way, let me remind you, really dress smarter, if people like you, then no matter whether you agree or not, the initiative is in your hands. "


For this kind of matter, Lu Ziqiao has the most say, which is the same as selling Dali Wan.

If others really need it, then he can raise the price a bit. If they don't need it, then naturally they won't be able to sell it. It's that extreme.

But man!Sometimes, it is very necessary to take off your pants and fart, so. . .

Zeng Xiaoxian began to be arrogant: "Bai Zhi, I just think that if you introduce girls to me, if I don't go, I won't give you face. Don't think so much!"

"Eh, eh?" Seeing that the three had reached a consensus, Guan Gu couldn't wait to go back and prepare, he was a little puzzled.

Sitting on the sofa and thinking for a while, Guan Gu finally realized: "The big thing is not good."

Guan Gu took out the phone and called Yoyo, his words and actions were full of anxiety, and he was still muttering to himself: "Yuyo, answer the phone, answer the phone 590!"

The hard work paid off, and after ten calls, Yoyo finally answered the phone.

"Hey, Guan Guan, what's the matter with you? So anxious."

Yoyo waited for the courier to arrive in the apartment, but waited and waited, waited and waited, but still didn't arrive. Instead, she seemed to hear the phone in the room ringing.

Seeing ten missed calls, and they were still ringing, he quickly answered them and asked nervously.

"Yuyou, something serious happened. Do you know that Mr. Zeng and Ziqiao are going to be taken care of by others?"


"The thing is like this, we were at the bar just now, and Bai Zhi told us @#%#%, it is said that as long as the IQ reaches the age of five, it is fine, and she is also a beautiful woman, so Teacher Zeng and Ziqiao are both moved."

"What? Okay, you come back first, let's talk slowly."

Yoyo hung up the phone without closing her mouth, and Yifei saw it inexplicably: "What's wrong with you, Yoyo?"

"Sister Yifei, something big happened, #@¥%..."

Yoyo relayed what Guan Gu said to Yifei, and Yifei suddenly became angry: "Zeng Xiaoxian's brain cells are all dead, right? Do you believe such nonsense?

Also, Baizhi's brain is also broken?Why doesn't he go full-time as a matchmaker? "

"Sister Yifei, calm down." Youyou hurriedly pulled her back: "The top priority now is not to let Ziqiao and Teacher Zeng continue to make mistakes. We will meet tonight. We must destroy this meeting."

"But..." Yifei hesitated: "What about our dog? It's the first time I've seen such a powerful dog. It's not kind to abandon them for two sluts, right?"

"Sister Yifei, what time is it? The dog won't run away after being brought back by Baizhi, so it's important to get down to business first!"

"That makes sense, then go and follow Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao first, and see what they're up to."


Yoyo and Yifei also made up their minds that Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian must not be corrupted, so they must spoil things tonight.

At the same time, Yifei had already cursed Bai Zhi a hundred times in her heart, and Bai Zhi, who was resting in the Yumo shop, yawned and rubbed her nose involuntarily.

"Who is scolding me?"

Yu Mo looked at him jokingly: "You cheated Yifei and the others so much, can they stop cursing you?"

"Who said I was tricking them?" Bai Zhi's dead pig looked unafraid of boiling water: "I am creating opportunities for Yifei and Teacher Zeng, okay? Look, when Teacher Zeng escaped from prison, everyone said that Yifei belonged to him." Don't think I didn't hear you."

"That doesn't need to be done in this way! What kind of dog can be used as soy sauce? If Teacher Zeng and Zi Qiao knew that you compared them to dogs, they would definitely kill you.

   Also, you want to match Yifei and Teacher Zeng, so why did you bring Yoyo with you?Do you still want to match Yoyo and Ziqiao? "

Bai Zhi stretched out a finger: "The first question, comparing Teacher Zeng and Ziqiao to dogs, are you afraid that they will kill me? Did I lie to Yifei and the others? A single dog is not a dog?

The second question, am I trying to match Yoyo and Ziqiao?Please, I don't know about Yoyo!She wanted to join in by herself, I just said to train the dog for Yifei, but not for Yoyo.

Besides, didn't I consider Yoyo to have a boyfriend, so I recommended Ziqiao to her?They are relatives, so there can't be any spark of love, right?If I match, I will choose Zhang Wei, he must be more happy. "

"Eh..." Yu Mo blinked his eyes: "Then does Yoyo suffer from an indiscriminate disaster?"



Suddenly, Yu Mo thought of another question: "Baibai, you don't really want to take money from Yifei and the others, do you? That's too cheating, right?"

Bai Zhi rolled her eyes: "Pull it down! Do you think they will pay after seeing Teacher Zeng and Zi Qiao? Wait a minute, you reminded me."

Bai Zhi suddenly thought of a question, touched his chin, and suddenly asked Yu Mo: "Tell me, Yifei and Teacher Zeng, is this a date in disguise?"

"Well, let's barely count! What's the matter?"

"Forget it, that's right." Bai Zhi took out the phone, and under Yu Mo's puzzled eyes, she dialed Yifei's number and explained to Yu Mo: "Since it's a date, of course you have to dress better." Yes, I asked Mr. Zeng and Ziqiao to dress better, so Yifei should dress better, otherwise how would they look right?

But Yoyo didn't need to notify, anyway, she was tricked when she met Ziqiao, and she wore the same clothes. "

"Hey, Yifei! I forgot to tell you something."

"Well, yes, at night, what? You said you want to postpone the time? When will it be postponed? Nine o'clock? That's fine."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. Remember to dress well to give the dog a good impression."

"Who said that dogs can't understand? This is a dog with a high IQ, can't understand? Don't blame me for not reminding you, since dogs are so smart, they must be more picky about their owners. Believe it or not, dogs I despise you every minute."

"Hey, that's right~ Even if it's respect for the dog, no matter whether it can see clearly or not, it should be regarded as a sense of ritual that I give to life."

"Okay, that's it, hang up."

Bai Zhi let out a sigh of relief and hung up the phone. Well, apart from the change of the meeting time, there seems to be no major problem. From now on, just tell Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian the delayed time. .

Chapter 536

At the same time, Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian also received a message at the same time, the time was nine o'clock, but the location remained the same.

The two nodded involuntarily, and then arranged their hair respectively, intending to tidy up as a whole.

Yu Mo and Bai Zhi stayed in the shop for quite a while, seeing that the sky was getting dark, they went out to have dinner arm in arm.

But the people in the apartment started to get busy. Yifei and Yoyo agreed that she would follow Zeng Xiaoxian, and Yoyo and Guan Gu would follow Lu Ziqiao.

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