Therefore, in the following time, Zeng Xiaoxian worked as a coolie for Yifei for a month, buying snacks, running errands, shopping and transporting planes. . .

09 It's not that Zeng Xiaoxian never thought of resisting, but under Yifei's violent suppression, he didn't even dare to fart.

Wait until the day of liberation!He was about to kneel down and thank heaven and earth. Living in purgatory for this month, he has been shadowed. Not to mention any progress in his relationship, it would be good if he didn't rebel and resist.

One day after a month, the weather was clear and sunny, Zeng Xiaoxian got a new life, and was tricked by Lu Ziqiao to go out to have fun, leaving Baizhi Guangu and Youyou at home.

At this time, Bai Zhi hung the basket on Da Ha, put the money in it, patted the two dogs on the buttocks, and the two dogs ran out happily.

After 15 minutes, Daha and Erha ran in with a basket hanging around his neck, and inside was a bottle of soy sauce and the change he had found.

"Oye~~ It worked." Bai Zhi clenched her fist and took out the meaty bones from the kitchen and put them on the ground.

"Wow, is it true or not, it really succeeded?" Hearing Bai Zhi's cheers, Yoyo ran over in surprise.

I counted the change in the basket, and there was a bottle of soy sauce, but soon became depressed: "Ah! Why is this happening? Obviously, I can have such a dog. It's all Mr. Zeng's fault. Why call it a special service if it's okay~ "

Last time when Youyou asked Bai Zhi why no one was there, Bai Zhi just found a reason to prevaricate it. Of course, it also said that there was something wrong with Yifei, so she was affected.

When Zeng Xiaoxian asked why he was looking for a special service, Bai Zhi still used this reason.

So they still haven't figured out that the dogs Bai Zhi mentioned refer to Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao.

It can be said that this woman not only harmed them, but also helped Bai Zhi, there are pros and cons!

But it was difficult for Lu Ziqiao to explain, Bai Zhi just said that he was not attracted to him, but Lu Ziqiao would not believe it even if he was beaten to death, saying that he was so handsome, there was no reason at all.

But Bai Zhi didn't say anything, he had no choice but to acquiesce to this reality, and continue to pick up girls to survive with peace of mind.

"Honey, you can't blame Mr. Zeng. Didn't he explain it clearly later? It was the woman who accidentally broke into his private room, and he has been punished by Yifei for a month."

"I know, isn't it a pity for me~ Bai Zhi, you really can't get such a smart dog anymore?"

Bai Zhi shrugged: "You've also seen it, it's okay, I trained the big ha and the small ha, but the cycle will be longer, and what I trained is completely mine."

Bai Zhi showed a mouthful of big white teeth, completely cutting off Yoyo's back path, since it belongs to him, so does the big and small ones!There is absolutely no need to train a few more.

"Ah~~" Yoyo lay on the table and almost cried, Guan Gu hurried to comfort her.

Suddenly, Yoyo seemed to think of something, and sat up: "Wait a minute, why do you have to train!? Bai Zhi, can you give me the method of training the dog? Then I will train myself."

"Pull it down! I have studied for four years, and then I have experienced many times of practice, and then I succeeded by relying on my luck." Bai Zhi shook her head.

"Four years?" Yoyo blinked, "Where did you learn it from?"


"University?" Yoyo's eyes widened, and she searched in her mind for a long time: "Wait a minute, you never seem to say what your university major is? Could it be dog training?"

"Oh~ Of course not." Bai Zhi seemed to recall some memories, but it has been a few years since he graduated, and it is normal to have a lot of things to recall: "I remember, my dad wanted me to apply for business management, but at that time some Resist, so, reported a 'cosmic linguistics'."


Yoyo and Guan Gu looked at Bai Zhi, who was stroking the dog's hair, as if thinking about something, Yoyo couldn't help but weakly asked: "What is cosmolinguistics?"

"Er..." Bai Zhi came back to her senses: "Oh, in layman's terms, it is a language subject that studies the language of aliens."

"Hiss~" Yoyo and Guan Gu couldn't help but gasp, this subject, I've never even heard of it!

"But, what does this have to do with your dog training?" Guan Gu asked curiously, and suddenly realized: "Oh~ I see, you mean, just because you learned this thing, you can talk to animals and let them 593 understand your words?"


Both Baizhi and Yoyo looked at Guan Gu, and couldn't help but be defeated by his brain.

You mean, aliens are cats and dogs?Oh, that's right, after all, they are called cats, dogs!

But, come on, big brother, this is called a cat, but it is still an earth species after all!

"Guan Gu, your mind is jumping too much." Bai Zhi rolled her eyes.

"By the way, do you understand this thing?" Yoyo asked curiously, and then said excitedly, "Tell me, how do aliens make their voices?"

"Ah~~" Bai Zhi slapped her head, then blushed and interrupted with a thick neck: "How do I know? If I could understand, I wouldn't skip class every day and go to the next door to watch someone professionally train dogs for police dogs, and I wouldn't I have learned the skill of training dogs."


Youyou opened her mouth: "Damn, so you learned it secretly? You can learn so much by stealing it. Are you cheating?"

Only then did Bai Zhi return to normal: "Almost! I remember that when the police dog major started school, each of them was given a dog, and then they kept cultivating relationships, eating and sleeping together, and finally became police dogs."

"Oh~~ So, you said it took a long time to train out because of this?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Bai Zhi spread her hands. .

Chapter 539

"Then how did you graduate? Don't you understand nothing?" Guan Gu is still more concerned about this issue.

Bai Zhi nodded: "Indeed, if you haven't taken a class, you won't be able to graduate, so after studying for one semester, I changed my major, animal science."

Guan Gu and Youyou looked at him blankly: "So, why haven't we heard anything from you?"

"That's because I've been studying for several years... learning where the meat from animals is more delicious, so why don't I go to take a chef certificate after graduation?"


"Okay, since it's almost done, I'm going to go out for a walk." Bai Zhi got up and stretched.

Youyou stroked Daha's head, watched Daha and Xiaoha gnaw on the fleshy bones, and heard Bai Zhi's words, she couldn't help being stunned: "Ah? You are not going to continue training?"

Bai Zhi scratched her head: "What else are you training for? I just want them to look after my house well, and then help me get some things when necessary. Now the training has exceeded the standard, and there is no need for it."

"You really don't ask too much!" Yoyo complained.

"Hehe, don't think they haven't experienced professional training in catching thieves, but I usually train Erha to be Daha's bodyguard when he goes shopping. If he encounters a small thief or something, I guarantee that he will be bitten to pieces." Bai Zhi Said proudly, don't look at the low IQ of Erha, in fact, it is quite smart when it comes to training, they are just unable to vent their energy, why don't you put them on the snow?

"Hey~~" Guan Gu and Youyou twitched the corners of their mouths, this is really, really amazing. . .

"I'm going to the bar, are you going?"

"Uh." Guan Gu was stunned for a moment: "No, I'm going to participate in the manga recommendation meeting later, and I'm leaving soon."

"I'm not going either, I have something to do."

"Okay! I'll go by myself then."

Bai Zhi didn't force it, and told Yoyo to put away the bowl after they finished eating the meat and bones, and then walked out the door on her own.

. . . . . .

Just entered the bar, haven't reached the bar yet!I saw a person running out in a hurry, and almost bumped Bai Zhi.

Bai Zhi twisted her waist, and retreated a bit enchantingly: "What is it? Big black mice are running around all day long."

Seeing a few people sitting on the sofa, I went to the bar and ordered two cups of milk tea, then walked to the sofa.

"Eh? Why is there no applause for the handsome guy coming out?" Bai Zhi said narcissistically.

Yu Mo's eyes lit up when he saw Bai Zhi: "Bai Bai, you came just in time, did you bring your wallet?"

"Bring it, what's the matter?" Bai Zhi said and handed the milk tea to Yu Mo: "What do you want to drink, I'll buy it for you."

"No, take out 200 yuan and give it to the members."

"Participant money?" Bai Zhi was a little dazed: "Someone burped? But, what does this have to do with us?"

"No, it's our pastry chef, Danny." Yu Mo hadn't spoken yet!The waiter next to him interrupted to answer Bai Zhi.

Bai Zhi frowned and shook her head: "Who is Danny?"

"Oh~" The waiter explained very thoughtfully: "Maybe you don't know the name, but you must have eaten the seafood pie he made. He is the best pastry chef here."

"Oh~~ seafood pie?" Bai Zhi suddenly realized, and then her face became serious: "Since when did you have seafood pie? Why didn't I know about it?"

"I..." If it's Brick now, the waiter might be about to shoot Brick: "Then you've always eaten the dim sum here, right? Most of it is made by Danny."

"That's it! Let me tell you sooner!" Bai Zhi nodded this time with a real sudden realization, um, indeed, he often eats dim sum, and it tastes good, and said with some regret: "Hey, the dim sum he made is quite delicious , died at such a young age, hey~~"

Bai Zhi shook her head, ready to pay, but the expression on the waiter's face froze again. Seeing this, Zeng Xiaoxian and the others wanted to laugh.

The waiter smiled awkwardly: "No, sir, you misunderstood, he didn't die, he just resigned from us, so we want to hold a farewell party for him."

"Farewell party?" Bai Zhi blinked, and suddenly shouted: "Party?"

"Yes... yes~" the waiter was taken aback.

"Then I won't go, I don't want to go!" Bai Zhi shook her head like a rattle, put the money she took out into her wallet, waved her hand, put the wallet back into her pocket, and sat down beside Yu Mo depressed.

"Why?" the waiter asked curiously.

Bai Zhi glanced at him indifferently, and stretched out two fingers. The waiter looked at his two fingers, nodded solemnly, and then carried the merit box, um, no, the donation box left.

Several people looked at Bai Zhi's two fingers inexplicably, and stretched out two to see.

Yu Mo looked at Bai Zhi and scratched his head: "` ‖ Bai Bai, what do you mean by these two fingers?"

Bai Zhi took a sip of water calmly: "In this world, everything can be answered with a sentence, but I stretched out two fingers, and he naturally understood, and walked away tactfully."

"Which two sentences?" Several people looked at Bai Zhi curiously.

"'None of Your Business' and 'None of My Business'."


Zhang Wei and the others hurriedly covered their mouths and began to snigger, Yu Mo covered his mouth and laughed for a while, then asked, "Bai Bai, why don't you want to go to the party!"

"Why should I participate? Drinking water and thinking about the source? This is just a marketing strategy of the bar. What kind of money is it, isn't it just a self-help party in disguise?

Besides, if I really support him, I usually think that his food is delicious, and I would be very supportive if I buy more food. If it is not delicious, it is even more nonsense, and the devil will attend his farewell party. "

"Just because of this?"

"Of course not, these are only secondary factors (Li Nuohao)." Bai Zhi retorted confidently.

"What about the main factor?"

"The main factor..." Bai Zhi's eyes drifted to the ceiling, as if there was something he cared about: "I threw up at the party, so I don't want to go anymore!"

"Ah? Why did you go to the party behind my back again?" Yu Mo asked with some dissatisfaction.

"Then I can't help it. Zi Qiao has rented out the apartment to hold parties behind your back every day this month. I can't hide out because I don't want to go to the party, can I?

You also know that the parties held by this guy are full of handsome men and beautiful women. Now I am scared when I see women, especially the women who attend the party.

One by one, good guy, after drinking a little wine, I will act as if I am delirious, and when I meet someone I don’t like, I will be sober as if I didn’t drink, 噫~ It’s too scary. "

Bai Zhi couldn't help shaking her goosebumps, as if she had encountered some wild beast. .

Chapter 540

"You know, it seems quite clear~" Yifei looked at Bai Zhi jokingly.

"Cut~" Bai Zhi waved her hand disdainfully: "Nowadays, women are all doing this, don't think I don't know, don't you understand, now on the street, it's not girls who have to be careful, but boys.

Hey, it's because of women like you who often come and go, so the world has changed now, not only girls say to be careful, but even boys say to be careful. "

Having said that, Yifei's complexion became as ugly as constipation. What does it mean that a woman like her haunts?Is she so dangerous?


Bai Zhi shrank her neck: "You...don't scare me, otherwise, why wouldn't I even want to go to the party? You can tell by looking at the party yourself, that aggressive gaze wants to swallow people alive gone."

"Say less." Yu Mo tugged at Bai Zhi's sleeve, as if he wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

Not only Yu Mo is like this, but other people are similar, although Zhang Wei and Zeng Xiaoxian also admit that this is what they mean, but if you say it, it is your fault.

"Hahaha~~" It's over, Zhang Wei and Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't hold back anymore, they just burst out laughing.

Hey, you said that you can't talk to others, but you still like to go up, isn't this making yourself guilty? 593?

"Shut up." Yifei glared at the two with fiery eyes, and their laughter stopped abruptly, as if they hadn't heard anything.

Bai Zhi shrugged, made a random grimace, and didn't continue to laugh at her: "However, I just saw someone running out like a ghost, and almost bumped into me. What happened here?"

"What more can there be?"

Yu Mo sighed, Yi Fei would definitely not explain to him at this time, Zhang Wei and Zeng Xiaoxian did not dare to speak, Yu Mo could only sigh, and explained the cause and effect to Bai Zhi.

"It was he who heard that the farewell party was going to charge members money, and he was reluctant to pay it, so he was kicked out by the waiter."

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