"Cheer up? How do you cheer up?" Amanda became angry after hearing this, opened Yumo, and put her hands on the bar: "I love Kara so much, but he lied to me, this big liar, I will never forgive him, woo woo woo~~"

"Don't forgive him, don't forgive him, but you don't need to drink so much~"

"Don't touch me." Amanda yelled: "Whoa~ Why is it so unfair to me? In school, Yifei got better grades than me. She is the big sister in the class. Even Kara likes her , What about me? I can only play with you, and everyone isolates me."

"Uh, this..." Yu Mo really didn't know how to answer when he heard this.

Said that your personality is too bad, so everyone is unwilling to talk to you?Please, isn't it too hurtful to say that?

"It's all right now, you've become so beautiful, and married a young, wealthy, and considerate man. Even if you don't work for the rest of your life, your family property will be enough for a lifetime. 0.6, and I will give you a real pigeon egg diamond. What about me? Married to a liar, even the diamonds were removed from the chandelier, woo woo woo~ Even if I want to find some sense of presence on you, I can’t find it, woo woo~"


It's not that Yu Mo doesn't know how to comfort her now, and doesn't want to comfort her at all, is this human?Playing with her is to find some sense of existence.

Bai Zhi sighed in her heart, sure enough, it was exactly what he thought.

And Lu Ziqiao's eyes widened, and she couldn't help looking at Bai Zhi. Seeing him nodding, Lu Ziqiao also looked at her with a tragic face.

This woman is really brain-dead!The things that were removed from the chandelier can't be seen, this is simply the perfect prey!

Lu Ziqiao couldn't help feeling a little admiration for this Kara, unexpectedly such a woman could be met. . . .

Chapter 581

"Don't look at me, I haven't said a few words to her. I definitely didn't tell her these things."

Seeing Yu Mo looking at him, Bai Zhi couldn't help but waved his hands, leaving all his affairs behind. In this way, his goal was achieved, and all the blame was given to Amanda.

"Don't look at me either, I just met her, at most I just drink some wine, I didn't even know you knew each other before!" Lu Ziqiao waved her hand in the same way, throwing the blame away.

What they were talking about was, of course, the issue that the inheritance could last a lifetime, and whoever admitted it at this time would be an idiot.

"That's what the fortune teller said!" Zeng Xiaoxian ran over at the right time, although he knew that Lu Ziqiao was pretending, but he would not just sell Lu Ziqiao and push the matter to the fortune teller.

"Fortune teller?" Yifei followed Zeng Xiaoxian: "Oh, I really want to hear from Yu Mo that she called and asked when we were shopping before?"

"Yes." Zeng Xiaoxian explained to Yifei and Yumo: "She wrote for the fortune teller to calculate the future of Baizhi and Yumo, but in the end, she was fooled."

"No wonder she's so unbalanced!" Yifei said disdainfully to 09. Obviously, she heard what she said just now. Seeing Amanda, who had gone crazy for a while, sleeping on the bar, she had no intention of sending it back: "Fortune tellers also believe it, they deserve to be deceived like this."

Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head, if he met an old man on the street and said something about his friend, then he would definitely half believe it, besides, there is such a super wingman as him!

"Mr. Zeng, don't you know not to let that fortune teller talk nonsense?" Yu Mo said helplessly. At this time, he didn't know whether to thank the fortune teller for letting her see Amanda's true face, or to blame him for ruining her. lost their friendship.

"She said she didn't believe it before, and I thought she didn't believe it at all! But she believed it again, what can I do?" Zeng Xiaoxian looked innocent.

Both Bai Zhi and Yifei came out to speak for Zeng Xiaoxian, Yifei simply thought this guy was an idiot, Bai Zhi just felt embarrassed to let Zeng Xiaoxian take the blame.

"Don't blame Teacher Zeng, didn't you expect Amanda to really believe that fortune teller? Didn't you also answer her question?"

Yu Mo sighed, now, she and this Amanda seem to have a classmate status, and there is nothing else: "Then what should she do?"

"That's fine." Yifei was even happier: "Since she has a showdown, just throw it in the study, let her sleep, and drive people away tomorrow. She is shameless herself, so we don't have to get used to it." with her."

"That's the only way." Yu Mo had no choice but to support her and walk into the apartment.

After Bai Zhi helped Yu Mo put him back, she went back to the bar again!For them, this place is still more lively, and it seems that everyone is here tonight, so they will go back later.

Yifei and Zeng Xiaoxian didn't go back, they were still playing some small games.

When the plan is achieved, the fun will be even more exciting. Lu Ziqiao will not let go of this opportunity. The truth party is actually the name of a plan. As for whether the words are human or nonsense, who cares!

. . . . . .

In the evening, everyone had fun and had fun, and when they went back, they were all drunk. Fortunately, no jokes were made, but when they woke up the next day, they just had a headache.

Amanda was the first to wake up. After all, she was the first to fall asleep. Although she was drunker after drinking, if it counts, it doesn't count that way.

"Yu Mo, why did I sleep downstairs yesterday? Did you send me back?"

"Yeah." Yu Mo nodded lightly, although she was also drunk yesterday, she did not forget what Amanda said.

Be sad!It's not that much, but it's just a little melancholy. If there is nothing else in the future, she probably won't contact Amanda.

"Why don't you send me back to the room?" Amanda asked dissatisfied.

"That's Yifei's room." Yu Mo corrected Amanda's words, and she lost her mind to speak, and quickly shifted to business: "By the way, Kara told me yesterday that she will come to pick you up today, so you should tidy up! "

"Go back? I won't go back! I've been lied to so badly, you can see if I will go back." Amanda said goodbye, ruthlessly refusing.

Yu Mo just nodded lightly, not intending to continue talking to her.

Bai Zhi yawned and walked out of the room, seeing Yu Mo reading a book on the sofa, Amanda was watching beside him, as if talking about something, but Yu Mo ignored him at all.

He shook his head: "Yu Mo, is there anything to eat? Have you eaten?"

"No, it seems like you didn't buy groceries yesterday?" Yu Mo blinked.

"Forget it." Bai Zhi sighed, stretched her waist, and went to the bathroom to wash up: "Let's go! Let's go shopping and cook, I'm starving to death."

"Why don't you go out to eat?"

"That's right! Let's go out to eat!" Amanda approached unceremoniously, trying to pull Yumo away: "I found a restaurant with delicious food when I was shopping last time, let's go together!"

Bai Zhi stroked her chin and asked Yu Mo: "Yu Mo, did she forget what happened last night?"

"What's the matter?" Amanda was taken aback, feeling a bad premonition.

She just remembered that she had a very happy chat with a handsome guy, and then she got drunk after drinking, could it be? . .Lost yourself?

But when I got up today, my clothes were in good condition, and they were still in the apartment!It's not like losing your virginity.

Yu Mo shook his head: "It's fine if you don't remember, Bai Bai and I went out to buy groceries, you can do whatever you want!"

"613 Yu Mo, what's wrong with you?" Amanda felt that something was wrong with Yu Mo, but she didn't know why Yu Mo was so indifferent to her suddenly.

But obviously, her popularity is not particularly good. After Bai Zhi and Yu Mo left, she asked Yifei and Zeng Xiaoxian the doorman, but no one answered her questions.

This made her mutter inwardly, why did everyone become so indifferent in one night.

After thinking about it, she must have done something after she was drunk, which caused them to ignore her.

At this time, she happened to meet Lu Ziqiao, and she could easily tell, after all, she was still sober when she met Lu Ziqiao.

"It's you, Lu Xiaobu?"

"Huh?" Lu Ziqiao was startled, thinking it was her ex-girlfriend chasing her?It turned out that it was Amanda, and they all breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh, it's you! What are you doing?"

"Why are you here?"

"Nonsense, I live here, where is it?" Lu Ziqiao rolled his eyes: "Oh, yes, I was sorry last night, I didn't know you were Yifei and Yumo's classmate."

"What did I do last night?" Amanda couldn't help asking when she heard that it happened last night again.

"do not you remember?"

Lu Ziqiao looked at her in surprise, and shook her head helplessly: "Then you can ask Yu Mo yourself! You won't believe me when I tell you."


Chapter 582

The more mysterious Lu Ziqiao and Yu Mo were, the more curious Amanda became. However, now that Yu Mo and Bai Zhi were clearly avoiding her, it was even more impossible for Lu Ziqiao to tell her, so she had only one solution.

. . . . . .

"What? I said that I made friends with Yumo just because I wanted to set her off?" When Amanda heard these words, she felt like the sky was about to collapse.

No wonder Yu Mo was acting weird when talking to her today, and she was obviously avoiding her. No matter what happened before, she would come out to smooth things over, and she always talked to her.

But now, she is turning to Yifei. It turns out that she was drunk and said something she shouldn't have said!

A woman's world is different from a man's world. If a man gets drunk and says what she said, basically everyone around him will think that he is drinking too much, bragging, joking.

But it seems that in the world of women, this kind of situation is to speak the truth after drinking, and to be remembered for real.

Later, she threatened him by firing Zeng Xiaoxian, and Zeng Xiaoxian finally told her the truth of the matter, and Amanda realized the seriousness of the matter.

He hurriedly dialed Yu Mo's number, but what he received was indeed: Hello, the number you dialed has not been answered for the time being.And the voice was announced after two rings, indicating that it was Yu Mo who hung up after hearing the ringtone.

"Lend me your mobile phone." Amanda thought of another idea and ordered Zeng Xiaoxian to give her the mobile phone.

"Ah?" Zeng Xiaoxian felt a little guilty, and handed her the phone.

This time it was finally connected, and Amanda was overjoyed: "Yumo, listen to my explanation..."

'Beep beep~~' "Hey hey~" Hearing the voice, she hung up again. Amanda was really dumbfounded this time, why don't she be so heartless.

Your sister, since even Yu Mo doesn't pay attention to her, why does she have to stay here?Whatever does not forgive Kara, what absolutely does not go back, all because of this damn drunk, turned into nothing.

"Who called?" On the other side, Bai Zhi asked curiously seeing that Yu Mo had hung up the phone twice in a row, and was dragged into the blacklist by the way.

Although he could probably guess it, he still couldn't help asking.

"Who else? Amanda! She said she wanted to explain to me, what's there to explain?" Yu Mo pouted, with a strange expression on her face.

Bai Zhi shrugged: "Whatever you want, anyway, didn't Wang Kara say that he would come to pick her up today?"

"I'm afraid, Amanda won't go back without saying anything, what should I do if she stays with us?"

"Don't worry, even if she has the face to stay, we have a way to let her go." Bai Zhi stretched her waist, "She's just a woman, she can't resist even if she does it!"

"That's right! Yifei can do it, anyway, she wanted to do it a long time ago." Yu Mo felt relieved when he thought of this matter, if Bai Zhi did it, she might be caught by her, but for Yifei, Basically no problem.

Maybe it's because Bai Zhi and Wang Kala spoke more seriously on the phone, Wang Kala bought the latest flight, Bai Zhi and Yu Mo just bought a dish, and when they went back, they saw Wang Kala arrived.

He is trying his best to persuade Amanda to go back, but this person who has no princess life but has princess disease still likes to ignore her.

Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao were both present at the scene, but Yifei was not there. It seemed that Wang Kara was embarrassed to see her, and Yifei was afraid that Amanda would lose her temper when she saw her, so she avoided it.

However, this seems to be basically the same!Even if Yifei avoided it, Amanda still ignored her answer.

Amanda saw Yu Mo coming back, her eyes lit up, and she came over: "Yu Mo, listen to me, it's not what you think, I..."

"Okay, since Kara is here, pack up and go back with him!"

"Yes! Amanda, come back with me! The private swimming pool and yacht are always there..."

"Shut up." Amanda glared fiercely, Wang Carla shrank her neck, and dared not speak any more.

Seeing that she still had entangled thoughts, Yu Mo covered his forehead, pulled Bai Zhi out, and returned to 3602 with the vegetable basket.

"In western Xiangxi, the corpses are chased away, the yin people borrow the way, and the strangers avoid it."




Bai Zhi rolled her eyes and realized that something was wrong: "Um, what I mean is, you should go back! Whether it's divorce or reunion, no one here can give you advice, and you don't want to talk about the matter of the couple. Everyone knows about it, right? Then go back and deal with it properly!"

"You..." Amanda felt powerless for a while, here Yu Mo would speak for her, now Yu Mo ignores her, what can she do?Even if you want to play a rogue, you can't play it!

Amanda turned around, and yelled at Zeng Xiaoxian angrily: "` ‖What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and help me pack my things, don't worry I'll fire you."

"Okay~~" Zeng Xiaoxian was shocked and came back to his senses.

Lu Ziqiao grabbed him and said, "Hey, when did you become a servant?"

"That's right~" Zeng Xiaoxian was stunned: "I hate this kind of conditioned reflex."

"Uh, um, let me clean it up for you!" Wang Kara followed awkwardly. Just now, I saw that this guy and Yifei seemed a bit like a couple, so it's better not to let him clean it up, or else Yifei's domineering manner will wait. Character, maybe give him two slaps.

"Hey, this Wang Kara must have owed Amanda 100 billion soft sister coins in her previous life. Otherwise, even if she paid back a little bit, she wouldn't be eaten to death like this?"

Lu Ziqiao was amazed, if he had Wang Kala's net worth, wouldn't I change it to someone more obedient?What do you want such a woman for?

"What's more important is that it's Amanda who chased after King Kara, don't you think it's strange?" Bai Zhi added quietly.

"Huh?" Lu Ziqiao was completely stunned when he heard (Wang Dehao's) words, this is really, awesome!

From the beginning to the end, Bai Zhi couldn't figure out how this Amanda did it, it was too weird: "Forget it, don't think about it, I have to cook! I'm already hungry."

"Wait a little longer." Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian quickly chased after her. It wasn't just Bai Zhi who was hungry, they were already hungry. As for why they didn't go to eat, nonsense, of course they had to look at this Amanda. The ghost knows what she will do.

Amanda also left with Wang Kara, and the friendship between her and Yu Mo dissipated just like that. Bai Zhi and the others did not show a trace, and Yu Mo would not think about them.

Amanda would not think that it was a game set up by them. She is not smart enough to fully see through the ability of Bai Zhi and Lu Ziqiao's plan, so she can only follow Wang Kara back inexplicably. As for the follow-up, Bai Zhi and the others don't know, and don't want to know . .

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