Bai Zhi was stunned for a moment, as if she hadn't seen Yoyo for a day, and she didn't know what she was busy with, but thinking about the attribute of Yoyo's big mouth, it seemed that she would say it to everyone she saw.

"That means we can act now?"


"Hmm..." Bai Zhi nodded, "Where is Zhang Wei now?"

"Wait a minute, I suddenly thought of a question." Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly stopped what he was doing: "Then since Xiaoli is going to get married, will your plan still work?"

"Hey, Mr. Zeng, can you stop being so rigid in your way of thinking? Sometimes, a little flexibility will yield unexpected gains."

"for example?"

"For example..." Bai Zhi whispered a few words in Zeng Xiaoxian's ear, and then in Zeng Xiaoxian's frightened and expectant eyes, she stroked her hair pretendingly: "How is it? This plan?"

"You are so perverted~~ But I like it, hehehehahaha~" Zeng Xiaoxian laughed wretchedly.

"Don't take the usual path, this is the routine that my generation should have." Bai Zhi smiled cheaply, Zeng Xiaoxian saw this smile, couldn't help but mourn for Zhang Wei for a few seconds, and then laughed too.

But when Zeng Xiaoxian was smiling happily, Bai Zhi coughed suddenly, turned her head away, and by the way, she winked at Zeng Xiaoxian, and turned her head to look.

"Oh~" Zeng Xiaoxian patted his chest: "You two, why are you walking without sound? Who are you trying to scare to death?"

Yifei looked at him jokingly: "What are you discussing? Is there something shameful? Tell me and listen."

"What's there to say?" Zeng Xiaoxian complained helplessly. Don't you know what to discuss?

At this time, Lu Ziqiao came over after chatting with someone: "Hey, Zhang Wei, I heard that Xiaoli is getting married? Is it true?"

"That's right! I congratulated her, but she insisted on writing me a check, saying it was compensation for me, but I didn't ask for it." Zhang Wei replied lightly, as if to say, are you dumbfounded?I was right, not an illusion.

"Well done." Yifei nodded in satisfaction: "Did you see that? Zhang Wei has let go, and you are going to lose."

Bai Zhi shook her head: "I've said it many times. You can't look at the surface of everything. It's just a check. It's just a matter of dignity. It's far from letting go or not letting go. Do you know what kind of standard is to let go?" ?”


Zhang Wei shook his head. Anyway, in his eyes, his behavior should be standard, right?

I knew Bai Zhi's expression was like this: "The so-called let go of a relationship, refer to the standard when you are friends, that is, when the other party gets married, you will not be jealous, and you will not have any resentment or other things, only sincere blessings, and even go to participate Wedding, send people out happily.

Of course, your situation is quite special, so if you just let go of this relationship, you only need to act like a stranger to pass the test, and you don't even need to forgive her.

Of course, if it's your generosity to wish her sincerely, that's fine too. "

"Then I have already achieved it." Zhang Wei said with some joy.

"Pull it down!" Bai Zhi rolled her eyes: "I'm speaking from the bottom of my heart, you are just a superficial thing now, and you won't be qualified until the test is over."

"Then you should start!" Zhang Wei said angrily, whether it is life or death, it is an idea!

"Don't worry, we have plenty of time to play slowly."

Zhang Wei's goosebumps all over his body came out again because of Bai Zhi's words, he swears, if one day he can beat Bai Zhi, he will definitely press Bai Zhi hard on the ground and rub it.

This guy is so shameless, he feels that Bai Zhi's words will become his shadow and accompany him for the rest of his life.

"Zhang Wei, don't worry about them, these people have a dark mind and don't want to see others' good." Yifei is now in the same camp as Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei is scared, which is not a good thing for her, so she is very It's time to come out and comfort him.

Bai Zhi got the effect she wanted, so she stopped arguing with Yifei.

Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian looked at this scene with joy, and they suddenly felt that they were really comfortable in the same camp as Bai Zhi, and all the details could be taken care of to ensure the perfect implementation of the plan.

At this time, he couldn't help thinking about the problem of Guan Gu's painting: "Bai Zhi, you have such an idea, why don't you think of a perfect solution to the problem of painting for me?"

"Solve the problem of painting? Do I have to think of a way?" Bai Zhi scratched her head: "Have you done less than this excessive thing? This is not living well, what else is there to think about?"

"..." Bai Zhi, if you don't say that, we can still be friends.

Lu Ziqiao complained silently, what does it mean to have done more than this excessive thing?How can there be such a thing?

"Okay, we've discussed it a long time ago." Seeing Bai Zhi teasing him, Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help shaking his head, this bad taste is not a good habit!If you want to change, you must change: "We have prepared three plans for you, which are divided into the best strategy, the middle strategy, and the worst strategy. You can choose which one you want to choose."

"Isn't this nonsense? Of course it's the best policy." Lu Ziqiao's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he had three plans, which means the problem is easy to solve! .

Chapter 593

"I want to hear the best policy!" Zeng Xiaoxian looked at him jokingly, and then said lightly, "The best policy is to apologize to him before he finds out that the painting has been destroyed."


Lu Ziqiao's smile froze on her face, her eyelids twitched and she looked at Zeng Xiaoxian: "Isn't it? You discussed this all night, and you came up with this?"

Zeng Xiaoxian shrugged: "Otherwise? We have figured it out, even in Guimao, we are all brothers, as long as you have a good attitude, and you have a good wording, and then you'd better make a fool of yourself, it's basically~almost."

"Hey, I won't change my orientation just because of a cartoon." Lu Ziqiao firmly made a deal with Bai Zhi and Zeng Xiaoxian. Listen-."

"Forget it if you don't listen." Zeng Xiaoxian didn't bother to say, if he didn't have a share in this stuff, he wouldn't bother to care about Lu Ziqiao!

Lu Ziqiao struggled for a long time. Anyway, he would definitely not use this best strategy. In desperation, he could only look at other ideas: "Forget it, you should say it! Even if it is a dead horse, it will be a living horse doctor."

"Cut~" Zeng Xiaoxian raised a middle finger, and then Bai Zhi slowly said the so-called middle strategy: "The so-called middle strategy is that you find your little aunt, since you can't make love, then let Guan Gu's girlfriend make love , and, as her only eldest nephew, you wouldn't just ignore death, would you? At worst, you can do her some favors, it's better than being seppuku by Guan Gu."

"Eh? This method is more reliable." Lu Ziqiao's eyes lit up, but he felt something was wrong again: "Wait a minute, you won't put all the good methods in the bad strategy, are you? What is the bad strategy? You talk about it first."

Zeng Xiaoxian and Bai Zhi looked at each other, holding back the smile in his eyes, Zeng Xiaoxian continued: "It's a bad idea! It's also simple, you remember that Guan Gu has a senior brother whose painting skills are not lower than Guan Gu's."

"Remember, that little white dragon in the waves, didn't he come to our place before? You mean..."

"Yes, I asked him to draw another one as it was. When the time comes, we will replace Guan Gu before he comes back, so that Guan Gu won't be seen." Zeng Xiaoxian said proudly, then rolled up his sleeves and looked at it Time: "Calculating the time now, the courier should arrive."

"Okay! Dude, it's amazing, but why did you put such a good idea in the plan?" Lu Ziqiao asked dissatisfiedly, if he really didn't listen to it, it would be a big loss.

Zeng Xiaoxian laughed wretchedly: "Surprised or not, exciting or not?"

"Surprise, excitement, but as long as it can be resolved, then everything is easy to talk about." Lu Ziqiao saw that the matter was just like this, and she didn't blame Bai Zhi and Zeng Xiaoxian for entertaining him.

Bai Zhi suddenly interjected: "By the way, I thought of a bad idea just now, do you want to listen?"

"Yes, you must listen!" Lu Ziqiao nodded like a chicken pecking rice. There is actually a better way, this must be listened to!

"This method hammer yourself on the head, so that you can forget about the thing that you broke Guan Gu's painting. It's better to give Guan Gu another hammer. It will be settled once and for all, that's great."


Lu Ziqiao's smile froze on his face: "Why don't you play cards according to the routine?"

"What's wrong? I'm talking about the next move?"

"I..." Lu Ziqiao didn't know how to get over it. When he heard the bad move, he subconsciously thought it was a better plan than the bad move. In the end, you really made the wrong move!

Bai Zhi sighed: "Stupid human beings, the thinking jumps too much. I was just joking and put the best strategy in the bottom strategy. In the end, do you think I will keep joking? Academic research, sometimes Very strict."


Lu Ziqiao suddenly didn't want to deal with this psychopath anymore. As you talked, you said that you are on academic research. When you pick up girls, you say these things, and you are guaranteed to be able to gallop, but you tell me these things, isn't this nonsense?

"Hey, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here, the courier call came, let's pick up the courier." Zeng Xiaoxian heard the ringtone of the mobile phone, picked it up and took a look, it was an unfamiliar number, at this time, only the courier up.

Lu Ziqiao didn't even have time to take a sip of water, and ran out with Zeng Xiaoxian, Bai Zhi had no choice but to follow.

Have no idea!Here, Yifei and Zhang Wei are still in conflict for the time being, so it's better to follow along!

After receiving the courier, several people entered the house. Lu Ziqiao never stopped smiling. Seeing that Guan Gu and the rest of the people did not answer, she said with confidence: "Haha, I didn't expect this kid to speak very slowly, but he can draw very quickly." .”

0 ・・・・・・ Ask for flowers 0 ・・・

"I'm aggressive. I told him that it takes two days for Guan Gu to paint. He immediately said that one day is enough." Zeng Xiaoxian didn't even boast about himself.

"Come on!" Bai Zhi couldn't help curling her lips. Although he hadn't learned it before, he could figure it out logically: "Creation is harder than copying, right? Du Jun just drew another one according to Guan Gu's painting." , one day is already considered long, right?

When you were a child, you learned to draw and drew according to the things in the books, right?Isn't that very simple? "

Guan Gu's painting was just painted with Easter eggs and couldn't be washed off, but his basic outlines were still there. If it wasn't for the line problem, they would just paint a picture.

...... 0

"Eh? Does that mean that Du Jun is dragging us?"

After Bai Zhi's analysis, Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian felt that one day was really too long. This is not a very complicated picture, and it only has lines.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you take your time or not, as long as we come back from Guangu and we post it, it won't be too late." Compared to Bai Zhi and Zeng Xiaoxian's entanglement, Lu Ziqiao seemed much more free and easy, and began to speak for Du Jun, by the way Also take out the painting.

"Then take a look! If it doesn't have that effect, then complain to him."

Lu Ziqiao took out the things excitedly, and then, the smile froze on his face, and after a long time, he said slowly: "Now I know why it took him a day."

Lu Ziqiao turned the painting around, Zeng Xiaoxian was also stunned, this painting, even the color has been done.

"No wonder it took a day." Bai Zhi complained silently: "To a certain extent, Mr. Zeng, your aggressive method has worked."

"Also..." Zeng Xiaoxian was even more helpless: "If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't need it, what should I do now? Hanging it up like this, why not draw a picture and hang it up ourselves! Oh, Baizhi, you already knew it, right? So You will put the strategy of using Guan Gu to fight amnesia as the worst strategy, knowing that something like this will happen, and we will use the injury sooner or later."


Chapter 594

When Bai Zhi heard this, she was taken aback for another moment, and then coughed twice: "That's right, I figured it out, and even if there would be this result, so I came up with a bad plan, precisely because there is no way to use it alone, It needs to cooperate with the bad policy, so it is designated as the bad policy, in fact, the real highlight is here.”


It was so good, I almost believed it.

Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao were powerless to complain, your sister, your expression just now clearly told us that when you made this bad move, it was to satisfy your evil taste.

"Then what should we do now? We won't really beat Guan Gu to lose his memory, will we?" Lu Ziqiao asked helplessly. He just didn't want to die, and he never thought about Guan Gu's death either!

"I still have a good policy, a medium policy, and a bad policy, which one do you want to listen to?" Bai Zhi stretched out three fingers.

"Guan Gu is coming back soon, are you still playing tricks?" Lu Ziqiao roared dissatisfied, and suddenly thought that no one else could hear her, so she quickly covered her mouth: "I will listen to the worst plan."

Bai Zhi nodded, and then said calmly: "The worst strategy is to ask Du Jun to draw another one, and then use the aggressive method to let him draw it within an hour and send it over."


"No, there may not be enough time on the light path, let alone painting, I follow the best policy."

One hour is not always enough time to paint a painting, even if Bai Zhi and the others are aggressive, it is useless, and what they make is definitely not enough.

Moreover, Lu Ziqiao seemed to be in a hurry, and immediately jumped to the best policy, obviously thinking that Bai Zhi had brought it back again, and that the worst policy was still the worst policy, which was not a good idea.

Bai Zhi nodded: "The best policy! It's still the same sentence, beat Guan Gu into amnesia."

"..." Lu Ziqiao wanted to hit the wall now, isn't this nonsense?This thing is even worse than the bad strategy mentioned before: "Brother, don't play with me, you must be the last one is the best way, right?"

"There is still an hour, why are you so anxious?" Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't understand Lu Ziqiao's meaning, since there is still time, you have to rush like this.

Then do you know that Bai Zhi has a very strange attribute, the more you urge him, the less anxious he is, maybe he will take two catwalks for a step that can be taken in one step.

You ask him why?It's very simple, you must have had the experience when you were a child!When you want to do your homework, your parents say: "If you don't do your homework, you can play all day long." '

Then after hearing this sentence, you immediately don’t want to do it, do you have this feeling?

"Okay, okay! Then you can say the right thing to do!" Lu Ziqiao patted his forehead, and patiently waited for Bai Zhi to finish speaking.

Seeing that Lu Ziqiao had understood it, Bai Zhi nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "The next step is the middle strategy, the word 'drag'."


Zeng Xiaoxian nodded suddenly: "This is a good way!"

"Bang bang bang~" Lu Ziqiao really started hitting the wall. Now that he has heard all the methods, but none of them work, these people are so cheating!

"Brother, the word 'drag', how long can you delay it? Isn't it the same if you die sooner or later?"

Zeng Xiaoxian glanced at Bai Zhi and blinked: "Bai Zhi, did I get it wrong? It is indeed a good idea! Why does Ziqiao seem dissatisfied?"

"Did your brain get kicked by a donkey? None of these can solve the problem." Lu Ziqiao roared dissatisfied.

Zeng Xiaoxian scratched his head: "I know! But can't it be solved together?"

"You let it go together?" Lu Ziqiao was just about to yell, but when he turned around and thought about what Zeng Xiaoxian said, his eyes suddenly lit up: "You mean the best strategy, the middle strategy, and the worst strategy to use together?"

"That's right! Otherwise, what do you think?" Bai Zhi spread her hands with an innocent look on her face.


It was only then that Lu Ziqiao realized that she seemed to have lost her mind. Looking back, Bai Zhi's ideas seemed to have a beginning and no end, but when they were connected together, they turned out to be a brilliant idea!

"How to do it, tell me..."

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