After being teased by Guan Gu, Yoyo didn't even have the desire to buy things online, she could only sit there bored, thinking about something, but Baizhi didn't seem to be in a hurry.

Even if she doesn't need to recall the plot, Bai Zhi can know that Guan Gu will definitely not leave the iPartment so easily. It's only the second season, and they still have a long way to go, so don't worry at all.

"Oh! There is always a banquet in the world. If Guan Gu really wanted to leave, he would have left long ago. You won't wait until this time. Yoyo, don't worry. Besides, the earth has become a village now. I want to meet you. It's easy to take."

"Bai Bai..." Yu Mo pulled Bai Zhi's arm so that he could not add fuel to the fire.

Bai Zhi patted Yu Mo's arm and touched her chin: "Why don't you, Yoyo, let me do the math for you? I'm pretty good at fortune-telling. Look, I can calculate the ending between you and Guan Gu. Maybe I can figure out whether Guan Gu can survive this crisis."

Yoyo's eyes lit up, and a feeling of Sima as a living horse doctor came into her heart. Maybe Bai Zhi could give her some psychological comfort after forgetting it.

"Okay, okay! Let's see if Guan Gu will leave."

"Let me see!" Bai Zhi looked at the ceiling, completely different from the magic stick in the movie: "No, Guan Gu's crisis will be resolved, and he is the person you least expect."

"...The most unexpected person? Who is it?" Yoyo asked expectantly.

"The secret cannot be leaked."


Ok!Now it's inexplicable, it's like a magic stick, but in order not to have any accidents, Bai Zhi still reminded: "By the way, don't think that someone will help Guan Gu, so you don't help and think of a way. You should know that the future is It can be changed, if you don't do anything, maybe the future will change, and Guan Gu will leave."

"Isn't it the same as not saying what you said?" Zhang Wei said helplessly.

"Who said it's the same"? Bai Zhi shook her head: "Zhang Wei, don't blame me for not reminding you!"Sometimes, people, what they lack is self-confidence. When people believe in themselves and tell themselves that this thing can be done, they will burst out with unlimited potential.

It's like a balloon, you blow it in, you know you blow it in, the balloon can inflate, this comes from people's most basic self-confidence,

However, if you suddenly poked someone with a needle and let them know that there is a hole, even if you can blow it up, you will give up, right?Because the air will leak, blowing it up is useless. However, you may not have been able to predict that this balloon has two layers. It is precisely because you poked a needle that you lost the opportunity to blow up. "

"..." Seeing that Yoyo had the urge to kill himself, Zhang Wei couldn't help tightening his clothes: "Is it so serious?"

Bai Zhi smiled, and suddenly said seriously: "Zhang Wei, do you now think that you can pass the exam for a lawyer's license and meet someone you have lived your whole life with?"

"Of course, isn't this nonsense?"

"Well, let me tell you, you won't be able to get a lawyer's license in the future, and you will still be a bachelor until you are at least 35 years old. What do you think?"

Zhang Wei's face froze with confidence, thinking of Bai Zhi's mouth opening, he couldn't help beating his heart: "I'll go see if Guan Gu is back, do you want to go?"

Guan Gu just went out, how could he come back so soon?Zhang Wei just found an excuse to go out, leaving behind a few people in the suite who kept smiling.

It didn't take long to go out and ask. Youyou waited at home for a long time, but Guan Gu never came back. Although Bai Zhi cheered her on, she was still unreasonably anxious.

Finally couldn't bear it and made a phone call, only then did I know that Guan Gu had gone to a bar and was in a bad mood.

Now even if Yoyo still has a little hope, hearing Guan Gu's tone, she can't help but feel bad.

A few people rushed to the bar and found that Zhang Wei was already there. Youyou asked anxiously: "Guanguan, how is it? Is the visa not flexible?"

"I asked, it's impossible. They said that after the publishing house closed down, I haven't gone through the relevant procedures, so I belong to the state of detention, which is the so-called... black account."

"Don't worry, Guan Gu." Yu Mo didn't know how to comfort Guan Gu. At this time, he could only find a way to solve the matter, which is the best comfort: "For nothing..."

Yu Mo looked over to Bai Zhi, and found that Bai Zhi was standing nearby by herself, waving her hands as if she was catching mosquitoes, and nodded from time to time: "Bai Bai, stop playing, think of a way."

"There are many ways!" Bai Zhi said casually: "There are several kinds that are suitable for Guan Gu, such as marriage, travel, and job hunting! They are all possible."

"Um..." Yu Mo's brain froze a bit, that's right~ a little change, and not only a work visa is required to stay here.

"` ‖Hey, these are fine!" Even Zhang Wei was full of praise for Bai Zhi, what is it now?It's time, as long as Guan Gu finds a cooperative publishing house, he can apply for a work visa in a logical manner.

"Then what are you waiting for? Choose the easiest way!" Yoyo was pleasantly surprised, and she knew that there would be no way out.

Zhang Wei blinked quickly, and quickly analyzed the feasibility of these methods: "Don't even think about getting married. Immigrant visas are more complicated than work visas. It's impossible to get them done so quickly. If you have this time, it's better to go to a publishing house to cooperate." .

Then there is a tourist visa, which is okay, and the processing time is only 20 to [-] days, which is enough time. As long as you calculate the time well and find a publishing house to cooperate with, it is still possible to find it. "

"Wait, wait." Guan Gu suddenly took out the envelope: "The postmark of this envelope is from last month, that is to say, I have not had (good Zhao's) for fifteen days, only... seven days. .”

"..." Zhang Wei was a little confused by this news, this. . .It's really worse!Somewhat embarrassed, he said: "Then... the only option left is to find a job, Guan Gu, hurry up and find a publishing house to cooperate with! There are only seven days left."

"Eh?" Yu Mo suddenly thought of an idea: "Why do you have to find a publishing house to cooperate with? You can find a job that can handle visas! Even sweeping the floor is fine until you find a publishing house to cooperate with!"

"That's right!" Yoyo's eyes lit up, and sure enough, the three cobblers are the best Zhuge Liang, and it's really effective to come up with ideas together, this is not a solution.

"Come on~" Bai Zhi propped her chin: "Ordinary sweeping work, you don't have the qualifications to apply for a work visa at all, okay?"

"I'm just making an analogy..." Yu Mo felt a little helpless, do you understand the analogy? .

Chapter 616

"Yes, for seven days, you just need to find a job that can handle visas." Youyou repeated, maybe there are requirements for jobs that can handle visas, but after all, the scope is quite large: "Seven days is enough."

"But..." Although Yoyo feels very reliable, Guan Gu still has no confidence: "But, apart from drawing comics, I have no other work experience. Who would want a 27-year-old newcomer?"

"Nonsense, don't you know how to cook? You can be the heir of authentic Guangu cuisine, how come you don't have other experience?"

"That's right! It's okay to find a job as a chef!"

Several people wanted to advise Guan Gu in a few words, but at this time, someone had no choice but to come out and pour cold water: "You have a good idea, do you know how long I was looking for a job?"


A few people shook their heads. Among them, Zhang Wei would often look for a job, but what he was looking for was basically a job that took time and money. He also knew that seven days seemed to be a bit tight.

However, the few people present, except for Guan Gu, don't know the specific details of Guan Gu's job search.

"Four months from 373 to [-], I have a chef certificate! Even if Guan Gu is the authentic heir of the Guan Gu family, but, according to what he said, he started drawing manga from the very beginning and came out. Thinking of taking a test for a chef certificate or something?

I know that certificates cannot represent strength, but you have to understand that in this day and age, college students go everywhere, and all kinds of certificates and honors can be obtained for only a few dollars. , the first threshold will be brushed down. "

"Then do you have a better way?" Yu Mo silently looked at Bai Zhi.

Bai Zhi shrugged: "I'm just giving you a reminder, don't have too much hope in everything, the so-called hope is greater, the greater the disappointment, I am such an excellent person, and I am still a local, it is so difficult to find a job, let alone It's off the valley."

"This is the only way." Although Zhang Wei knew what Bai Zhi said, he couldn't help it: "Guan Gu, you can only apply for a work visa if you find a job within seven days. You can't hesitate."

"Okay! I'll try." Guan Gu had no choice but to treat Sima as a living horse doctor at this time: "But, I have never looked for a job, so what should I prepare?"

"You can ask me about this, I have looked for it."

Bai Zhi can teach him this thing, why not ask Zhang Wei?Just kidding, has this guy ever used a resume to find a job?Especially for part-time jobs, they are all directly interviewed.

Bai Zhi excitedly asked Guan Gu about science: "First of all, you need to make a resume for yourself, find out your own strengths and write it on it, and then make a simple package. This step is very important. Nowadays, when recruiting online, the first impression is the resume. It is also the first threshold."

"But, my Chinese is not very good?!"

"It's okay, leave this to me, and I can help you." Yoyo readily agreed. Strictly speaking, Yoyo really understood himself better than Guan Gu.

Besides, if Guan Gu is allowed to write Chinese, when will he write it?It's only seven days now, even if it's all used to find a job, it's too short, let alone add the weekend.

Guan Gu shook his head, took a sip of wine, and was full of anxiety. Perhaps his resume could be packaged, but his accent and other things couldn't pass the test!

. . . . . .

After Yoyo went back, there was no news. If Yoyo hadn't stayed in the study all the time, maybe Bai Zhi and the others thought that Yoyo had given up struggling.

Until the next day, Yoyo finally took action and dragged Bai Zhi who was still sleeping: "Bai Zhi, come out and help me, help me make a video!"

"What video are you shooting? Have you finished your resume?" Bai Zhi asked in a daze.

"Isn't this what I'm doing? I suddenly thought of inspiration, so Guan Gu needs a video resume."

"Inspiration? Creative resume?" Bai Zhi suddenly regained consciousness.

"Yes, hurry up, we don't have much time. Today we have to finish the filming, and then send it to Xiao Hei for editing! Then upload it and start looking for a job tomorrow."


Bai Zhi thinks about it, it seems that if Guan Gu uses an ordinary resume, there is really no advantage, but using a creative resume may have a miraculous effect.

Fortunately, Yoyo didn't cheat to the point of preparing to shoot a TV series, she just found a filming studio, asked Guan Gu to do some actions, then found two extras, took a few casual shots, and it was over.

These things can be achieved without acting skills, but it is a test of editing skills.

After just working all morning, all the necessary shots have been shot and brought to Xiao Hei.

Yoyo stayed behind and told Xiao Hei what kind of cut it would be. Bai Zhi felt a little bored, so she ran out halfway through, and continued to soak in the bar while comforting Guan Gu.

The editing didn't last long, and it seemed that Xiao Hei had finished it overnight. After everything was done, Yoyo hurriedly put it on the recruitment website and put it in the mailboxes of various companies.

After reaching this step, Yoyo breathed a sigh of relief: "Guanguan, let's wait for the interview news next! Don't be nervous, our resume is well done, and many people must have invited you for an interview."

However, five days passed. . .

Yoyo didn't even bother to answer the announcement, and stayed at home with Guan Gu, waiting for an interview call from a certain company.

But, there was none, really none, except harassing calls, harassing calls, Guan Gu had crushed his phone to pieces in the past few days.

If it weren't for seeing Yoyo submitting resumes to various companies, Bai Zhi would have thought that Guan Gu hadn't submitted resumes at all!

Yoyo became more and more anxious, and finally came up with an idea, took the initiative to ask Xiao Hei to make the video into a CD, and then gave it to Zhang Wei.

"Zhang Wei, give this to your company's human resources and let them have a look." Yoyo handed the CD to Zhang Wei with a heavy hand, and then looked at him expectantly.

"What is this? Guan Gu's resume? Then you shouldn't give it to me?"

"Aren't you going to the company?" Yoyo was taken aback, who should I give it to him?

Zhang Wei pointed to Bai Zhi, the melon-eating crowd next to him: "Leave it to him! I'm just a small lawyer, not the main force. Bai Zhi is the boss's friend. Wouldn't it be better if you let him do it?"


As a senior melon eater, Bai Zhi said that she is more MMP, why was she shot while lying down?

But think about it, it seems that I really have a greater face than Zhang, this is undeniable, um, then do Guan Gu a favor!Who made himself face big?right? .

Chapter 617

"What bullshit theory? Does it have anything to do with Go?"

"Why doesn't it matter? Do you believe that I can abuse you thousands of times with the movement of lifting Go?"

"Hey, don't make trouble, don't make trouble."

"Baibai, don't talk about it, you'd better listen to Yifei!" Seeing that the two were about to fight again, Yu Mo and Zeng Xiaoxian hurried out to persuade them to fight. Yifei has been in an irritable period these days!It's not fun to fight at this time: "Well, Yifei, you can't beat them, can you?"

Thinking about Yifei's state these days, both Yu Mo and Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help asking worriedly.

"How is it possible? Students who punish students with corporal punishment are subject to complaints. Do I look like that?" Yifei didn't want to fight with Baizhi anymore, so she went down the steps and explained patiently.

"You're not...then who is it? Hahaha~" However, life goes on and crimes continue, and Zeng Xiaoxian played out his traits of being cheap and teased Yifei fiercely.

Yifei squinted at Zeng Xiaoxian, Zeng Xiaoxian's laughter stopped abruptly, and he became a turtle again.

"Hahaha~~" Bai Zhi suddenly laughed loudly, and kept patting Zeng Xiaoxian's thigh, Yifei and Yu Mo both covered their foreheads helplessly, this idiot, how could anyone do this~?

Yifei felt that if he cared about every word Bai Zhi said, he would definitely ruin the mess, so he took a deep breath and continued: "I have found it, people nowadays! I am completely numb to the matter of martial arts. , I want to be like the one written in the novel, if I don’t work hard, I just hope that I can find an old grandfather to teach my skills, and I will be invincible in an instant, how can there be such a good thing in this world?"

"What's wrong?" Yu Mo asked curiously, in her impression, Yifei was not such a person who would give up easily.

"I asked around, and found that these students either had a mistake in the course selection system and were assigned here by mistake, or they were not forced to buy textbooks, and some even went to the wrong classroom. There are very few who really like Taekwondo. "

"Nonsense." Bai Zhi rolled her eyes: "Hey, who doesn't like to learn martial arts because of the incomparably elegant lightness kungfu, or the majestic martial arts moves described in the novel? But reality gave them a heavy blow, How do you make those who are used to sitting in the classroom all day like it?"

"But even dreams are so strange! I asked them about their dreams later. One of them said they wanted to be an accountant, some said they wanted to be a Taoist priest, and some even wanted to be a radio host. Listen, what are these? dream?"


Bai Zhi and Yu Mo were very speechless about Yifei's use of this kind of map cannon. Although Zeng Xiaoxian knew that Yifei had this personality, he couldn't help but argue: "What do you mean someone wants to be a radio host? Is this a bad job? Otherwise, how can it be considered a good dream? Punching tigers in the Western Mountains, kicking dragons roaming the world?"

Yifei sighed, she had no choice but to ignore Bai Zhi, but Zeng Xiaoxian was not afraid: "I thought you were decadent, but I didn't expect you to be useless, it's fine if you are already numb, but they can't.

They are young people, college students, and the proud sons of heaven. Look at what kind of dreams these are?What is easy to achieve is called a goal, not a dream. As a dream, it does not matter how grand or great it is.

But at least it needs to be a little harder, right?Just muddle through, that's the thinking of old people, okay?Now they have no burden, no parents to support, and full of imagination, what is this? "

"Well..." Bai Zhi nodded at this time: "Although it's a bit extreme, it makes sense. What do you say if you have something to say? Comfortable, it's reserved for the dead. When you're alive If you don’t fight hard, come fight when you’re ready?”

"So, can you stop wasting your youth at home every day when you're full and have nothing to do? Go out! Fight hard!"

"..." Bai Zhi regretted speaking for Yifei, asshole, it's fine if you know these things yourself, what do you say?Isn't this bullshit?

"Oh, okay! I was wrong. There is something wrong with what you said. People's dreams are none of your business. If they are dreams, you don't care if they eat two piles of shit."


Yifei took a deep breath, suppressing the surge of true energy in Ren Du's second pulse, and didn't care about Bai Zhi.

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