
The corners of their mouths twitched, this shit is even more awesome, but I don't know if Zhang Wei would throw things away if he knew about it.

"Mine is also ready, this is mine, this is Teacher Zeng's."

Everyone knows that Zeng Xiaoxian is going to participate in the dance forest conference, and he should be practicing dance hard now, but he didn't expect that he couldn't even spare this little time.

However, this also shows that Zeng Xiaoxian is weak and needs such impromptu practice.

"This is ours." Guan Gu took out a box from under the table.

Lu Ziqiao took a look and saw that she was right, there was indeed only one gift: "Hey, after you get well, can you only give one gift? You see, Bai Zhi and Yu Mo both gave two."

"What about you? Last time on my birthday, you gave me a soft kiss."

"Cut~" Lu Ziqiao couldn't refute: "Are we really having a surprise party? This is very old-fashioned!"

"What do you know? Surprise parties can expand people's blood vessels and benefit their physical and mental health."

"..." Lu Ziqiao shook his head, but there was no other way, he didn't have the right to speak here, so let's be pleasantly surprised!Anyway, the effect is the same.

Lu Ziqiao turned around, wanting to see if Zhang Wei was here, when a monster jumped out from beside him, so frightened him that he threw the present into the sky, fell backwards, clutching his chest and dying.

Cough, just kidding.

Yoyo came out of the monster cover and asked with a smile: "How is it? The effect is good! This is the costume I used when I played Ultraman. I lent it to you. If the effect is not good, I can do the second wave." .”

"Tang Youyou, I saw that you not only expand your blood vessels, but also bleed from your seven orifices." Lu Ziqiao struggled to get up from the ground, with a spoiled expression.

"There are such things everywhere in our place, what are you afraid of?" Guan Gu comforted him casually, probably he already knew that Yoyo had borrowed this thing.

Before Lu Ziqiao could continue to criticize Yoyo, Yu Mo ran in from the outside and shouted in a low voice: "Zhang Wei is back, hurry up and hide."

"Yes, hide it quickly."

Guan Gu and Yifei took the cake and hid behind the chair, Yifei turned off the light casually, Baizhi and Yumo ran to the corner of the bathroom, looked outside, as long as Zhang Wei turned on the light, they could jump out very quickly.

However, Bai Zhi listened carefully to the voice, and kept thinking about the doorknob, but no one came in: "Uh, the one who won't come is a thief, right?"

"Probably not. I just saw Zhang Wei coming over. I think I took the wrong key."

"The door has to be locked? Who did it, take off your pants and fart like this? 387" Bai Zhi complained silently, but they were still in the room!Lock the door to guard against who?


Finally Guan Gu and Yifei got a little impatient waiting, Yifei got up and was about to open the door to have a look, Bai Zhi saw someone had gone, and Yumo waited patiently for Zhang Wei and Yifei to come in.

After a minute, Zhang Wei finally pushed the door open, and when the lights were turned on, they jumped out immediately: "surprise..."

Zhang Wei was stunned for a second, then he yelled in surprise, Bai Zhi's eyebrows trembled, this was too fake, Lu Ziqiao said silently: "I said the effect is mediocre."

Zhang Wei sighed, knowing that his acting was a little fake, but he couldn't help it, who let him know in advance!If you want to rely on this to surprise, then it's a bit nonsense.

Before he stepped aside, Yoyo jumped out from behind the curtain, Zhang Wei saw a monster pounce on his face,

"Ah~~" Zhang Wei came to his senses, screaming and falling backwards. This time it was really a surprise, but there was no surprise but no joy!

Yifei watched Zhang Wei fall down with a stiff expression, and couldn't help but patted Yoyo on the shoulder as if he was about to lose consciousness.

Now it's all right, Zhang Wei won't be suffocated, will he?It's unlucky, they just wanted to give a surprise, but in the end, they were frightened. . . .

Chapter 630

Fortunately, even if Zhang Wei has hypoglycemia, if this kind of thing scares him into a disability, then Zhang Wei probably won't be able to live so long.

He just fell to the ground, and when Yoyo took off the monster costume, Zhang Wei faintly woke up. Not only was Zhang Wei startled, but Yoyo stood aside like a child who had made a mistake, at a loss.

Knowing that Zhang Wei was sure he was fine, he patted his chest this time, expressing that he was almost buried by him.

"Zhang Wei, which planet are you from? Donate blood for your birthday?" Lu Ziqiao breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, but she still couldn't help complaining.

"This is the tradition of our orphanage. Every birthday, we have to do something to give back to the society."

"Isn't that a lot of things to do? Do you need to hurt yourself?" Bai Zhi replied weakly.

"for example?"

"Eh..." This is a question, Bai Zhi really didn't think of it for a while, but she still answered calmly: "For example, throwing money on the street is so impressive, and it also contributes to the society. Everyone will thank you .”


"This is what is said in the legend, the coin?" Guan Gu twitched at the corner of his mouth.

Zhang Wei shook his head, shuddered, and rejected Bai Zhi's idea, just kidding, even if he was throwing coins, he would be heartbroken to death, those who didn't know thought you were throwing paper money!

"Forget it, don't mention this matter, come, Zhang Wei, let's blow out the candles!" Youyou didn't want to continue talking about this sad matter, so she quickly diverted her attention.

Although Zhang Wei was a bit scared, he was still very happy, because someone celebrated his birthday, Yu Mo said casually: "Don't worry, birthday boy, I'm blowing out candles and paper money, let's make a wish first!"

"Hey." Zhang Wei happily took out a list from his pocket, and then said under the puzzled eyes of everyone, "I specially prepared a wish list this year."

A checklist that can be stretched to the ground while sitting was rolled out, several people watched this scene in shock, Zhang Wei began to read out happily: "First, I want to save enough for the down payment to buy a house; second, I want to Marry a woman as a wife; third, I want to persuade her to pay the mortgage with me; fourth...¨". "

The crowd couldn't stand it anymore, they moved closer to the cake in one breath, and blew out the candles. Zhang Wei's hands froze, and he didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, Lu Ziqiao stood up and patted him on the shoulder: "Zhang Wei, learn Feng Shui when you have time, and occupy a tomb after death, which also makes up for the regret of not being able to buy a house when you were alive."

"That's all you want." Bai Zhi rolled her eyes: "Is that enough to buy a house?"

"Don't be sarcastic." Yifei retorted impatiently: "Do you think that everyone is like you and has such a good starting line? Zhang Wei is self-made, okay? He even got his life back."

"Cut~ It's as if I couldn't afford a house without my parents." Bai Zhi is really not talking big, and he is not considered a keyboard warrior. Didn't he just buy the house with his own efforts in his previous life?

Although it is a down payment, he is still very confident that he can pay off the loan. How do you say it?

Oh, yes, excellent people, no matter what era and environment they are in, are excellent. Only those who have no strength will complain about their untimely birth.

Because there is another sentence: Luck is also a part of strength. Even if he is as unlucky as Zhang Wei, he has no father and no mother, and he can live to this day. Can you say that this is not due to luck?

People who are unlucky are already dead, so naturally it is impossible to argue.

They didn't refute Bai Zhi's words. Although Bai Zhi had said a lot about his past, they still knew whether he had the strength or not. They dared not say anything else. If he had been soft at the beginning, this guy would have been able to go to heaven. . .

"Actually, if you go to the countryside, you can still afford a house. Your goal is too high."

"I agree with that." Bai Zhi nodded: "In the future world, rural household registration will be more difficult than urban ones! Maybe you can try it."

"That's right, this is your last birthday before you turn 30, so can't you make a more reliable wish?" Yifei said silently.

Compared with Zhang Wei, their lives are much luckier. It is still possible for them to buy a house here, but Zhang Wei. . .It's been three years since I took the judicial examination, and I'm almost thirty now, and I don't have a lawyer's license yet. If I calculate his life in proportion, even if he can save enough for the down payment and pay off the mortgage, he will retire long ago.

Maybe one day I was overworked and died suddenly, then this is basically GG.

"Stop talking, I'm sour when I say it." Yu Mo burst into tears as he listened.

"Nani?" Several people raised their heads and glanced at Yu Mo: "What are you sour about?"

If you want to say that Bai Zhi knows Bai Zhi best, it is Yu Mo. Similarly, Bai Zhi knows Yu Mo best. With her foresight and foresight, and such a long time of negative distance contact, Bai Zhi understood Yu Mo's thoughts in an instant.

"What else can ' ‖ be? Because Yumo is a little sensitive when he hears the word 30 years old."


"Yu Mo, I can understand your feelings." Yoyo wanted to comfort Yu Mo very much, so she said, "I also just celebrated my 25th birthday."


The smiles of Guan Gu and Lu Ziqiao froze on their faces, little aunt, are you sure you are not adding fuel to the fire.

Yu Mo sobbed, and was about to get up and leave, but was stopped by Bai Zhi: "Ann, don't you still have me with you? You are only 30 years old, and there are still two or three years left!"

"Two or three years passed in a flash." Yu Mo said, crying on Bai Zhi's shoulder.

"No way." Bai Zhi tilted her head, you shouldn't be the one who said this!It should be what I said: "Two or three years will pass in a hurry. If you do two more papers every day, it will be too slow."

"...(Good Money Zhao) Island."

"That's it. From now on, I'll print two papers for you every day, so you won't feel that time flies by." Bai Zhi clapped her palms: "Come on, let's eat the cake first, it's Zhang Wei's birthday Cake, if you say that, how can Zhang Wei and Yifei be in love? Yifei is the same age as you, Zhang Wei is one year older than you, and Teacher Zeng is also older than you.

You see, there are three older than you in the apartment. If you like, just treat me as older than you. "


Although he knew that Bai Zhi was comforting Yu Mo and had no malicious intentions, but Yi Fei and Zhang Wei really wanted to hit him. This is true, youth depends on comparison!

Yu Mo was even more sad when he heard that, he wanted to leave but Bai Zhi refused.

Just kidding, let her go at this time, wouldn't that agree with what she said, others don't care, if Bai Zhi lets her go, it's over, Yu Mo will be even more sad. .

Chapter 631

Regarding the issue of age, Bai Zhi found that there seemed to be a generation gap between herself and Yu Mo!It took Bai Zhi a long time to coax Yu Mo into forgetting about it.

Of course, as for how to coax, this kind of thing is a secret between lovers, and it must not be revealed.

But what is certain is that Yu Mo didn't figure it out, and Bai Zhi had to do something.

For this, Bai Zhi still has an impression. I remember that Lu Ziqiao proved a proposition with his actions: youth has no limits.

I have to say that this is a very good idea, and I will be moved by actions. However, Bai Zhi feels that this does not seem to be suitable for me, like that night that does not return. . .

Nonsense, with a beautiful girl sleeping in her arms, who wants to go outside and sleep on the cold floor on the floor?

As for squat jumps, it's trivial, let alone two hundred, five hundred is fine; there are also pole dancing and blonde hair, these are only bad boys doing it, okay?

Although it cannot be generalized, who stipulated that young people should do these things?Who stipulated that the representatives of young people are these things?

Therefore, Lu Ziqiao's set was decisively passed by him. It's not that he couldn't do it, and it wasn't that 390 looked down on him. He just wanted to explain that his adolescence was not like that.

But this kind of thing still needs to be figured out slowly, there is no rush. . .

Bai Zhi is still thinking about how to comfort Yu Mo, and Zeng Xiaoxian is also working hard to prepare, but this time he is not preparing for any dance festival, but preparing for 'who can become a millionaire'.

The next afternoon, Baizhi, Yumo, Yifei, and Guan Gu were sitting at the bar to pass the time, Guan Gu went out to receive a courier, and was very excited when he came back.

When he came back, Guan Gu held a 'dinosaur egg' in his hand, with some soil color on it, and he knew it was dug out from the soil.

"I didn't expect them to send this too." Guan Gu rubbed his palms and opened the cover.

Bai Zhi took a sip of water: "Guan Gu, digging graves and stealing graves is not recommended! You should bury them back!"

"What?" Guan Gu explained: "This is not a cultural relic."

"The tomb doesn't necessarily have to be cultural relics!"

"Spring Huahua Alumni Association? Is this from the school?" Yifei glanced at the delivery slip, which had the name of a school written on it.

Just in time, Yoyo went out to the crew for an interview, and came back at this time, saw Guan Gu take out a piece of yellowed paper, and asked curiously: "Guan Gu, what are you?"

"You'll understand after reading it." Guan Gushen said mysteriously, and then spread out the paper: "Ha~ this is it."

Yoyo suddenly realized, and looked at Guan Gu in shock, Guan Gu thought she knew, nodded vigorously, and asked loudly, "Guan Gu, did you have an illegitimate child in Nihong?"

"And still in elementary school?"

"Yeah..." Guan Gu nodded subconsciously and admitted, but when he came back to his senses, he shook his head vigorously: "What are you talking about? I drew this."

"Don't lie to me, your belly drawing is better than this."

"I drew this when I was in elementary school." Guan Gu hurriedly explained, fearing that Yoyo would misunderstand, but after explaining, he recalled: "Ah~ Our teacher asked us to draw it and put it in the time capsule. 20 Years later it was dug up and sent to me."

"Wow~" Yoyo couldn't help feeling a little envious: "If I saw things from my elementary school days, I would also burst into tears."

"Is this hard to see?" Bai Zhi complained silently: "If you want to see it, I can find at least ten things from my childhood."

"Are you sure?" Yifei couldn't believe it.

"That's right!" Bai Zhi pointed to the back: "In our study room, there are more than ten books I read when I was young."


Yifei rolled her eyes, she couldn't believe it even if she was beaten to death, Bai Zhi would actually read such an incomprehensible thing when she was a child, what "Three Kingdoms"!What "The Collection of Sherlock Holmes"!There are novels and histories both at home and abroad.

When they moved, Bai Zhi brought them here together, saying that it was to fill up the bookshelves, and they just put them there, and they would look through them when they had time.

But if you say that Bai Zhi watched it when you were in elementary school, they wouldn't believe it anyway. Do you think you are Conan Edogawa?Did you start playing reasoning in elementary school?

Please, they are open and hanging, can you compare with them?

However, they didn't believe it, and Bai Zhi couldn't help it, because at this time Yu Mo started crying again.

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