Then with a stinky face, he dropped a sentence to go up to get the things, but Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian told him to come down because they didn't want others to know about it, so Bai Zhi was strictly required to keep it a secret.

Therefore, Bai Zhi simply made a mistake and followed her previous misunderstanding.

However, I didn't expect the misunderstanding to get deeper and deeper, and Yifei and the others secretly followed, just in time for the scene where Bai Zhi was pouring mung bean soup, so, out of a sense of justice, they came to stop Bai Zhi from doing something that might kill two people. move.

What's more, what's really cheating is that during their argument, Bai Zhi didn't explain a word, but watched quietly, it was so cheating, they dared to bet that Bai Zhi definitely knew all the truth.

"What did you give him to drink?" Yifei asked angrily, out of anger.

"Mung bean soup! Didn't you watch me make it?" Bai Zhi spread her hands.

"Who knows if you have 410 refueling?" Yifei rolled his eyes.

Lu Ziqiao licked the corner of his mouth, it seemed to be quite delicious, but before he heard that it was an abortion drug, it was like poison for the intestines, so he was afraid to avoid it: "Then you went up for this?"

"Otherwise? This shit of yours is just a food allergy. The ghost knows what you ate. A bowl of mung bean soup will solve it." Bai Zhi almost spit on him. Such a simple thing, I have to think about it. It's so complicated: "If you have syphilis, you should prepare a coffin, and save the fart."

"Then why do you act like someone owes you 500 million?" Yu Mo asked curiously.

"I've been looking forward to it so much, and they actually told me this, who wouldn't be upset?"


"Are you sure you don't need to go to the doctor?" Zeng Xiaoxian pointed at Lu Ziqiao's arm, a little unbelievable, so it was resolved like this?Too sloppy, right?

Bai Zhi rolled her eyes: "Who said no? Mung beans are cool in nature and sweet in taste. They have the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, quenching thirst and relieving heat, diuretic and moisturizing skin. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is true to detoxify, but it is not as good as you think. It’s so exaggerated, it’s still necessary to check it.”

"It seems that it really doesn't itch, and the red spots are less."

"Does it really work?" Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Lu Ziqiao's arm in amazement, no wonder others said coarse grains are a good thing!Small mung beans have this effect.

. . . . . .

Thinking of this, Zeng Xiaoxian already knew the answer, so he said confidently, "I choose C, mung bean."

"C? Mung bean?" Gao Lingfeng read the answer: "Zeng Xiaoxian, the answer is correct."

At this moment, Gao Lingfeng applauded first. This wit is really admirable.

"It's amazing, Zeng Xiaoxian. You have answered four questions in a row in our program and won a bonus of 50 yuan. If you answer one more question correctly, do you know how much the bonus will be? It will be 100 million .

You will become the first millionaire produced in our program, but I also want to remind you that the next question will be very difficult and very unpopular, if you answer wrong, you will have nothing, so please be careful Answer me, take away the bonus, or continue to answer questions. "

Faced with this choice, Zeng Xiaoxian still glanced at Yifei's seat, and there was nothing there, and Yifei still didn't come.

He was a little discouraged. After the last two questions, he still didn't come. Maybe he won't come?

He couldn't help saying: "She didn't come."

However, the voice was too low, no one heard it, Gao Lingfeng frowned and asked, "What?"

Zeng Xiaoxian let out a breath, as if he had made a decision: "I will continue."

"Papapa~" There was another round of applause in the arena, which Zeng Xiaoxian deserved. This question is about to enter a heated stage, and they can't wait to know the result.

"Okay, I admire your courage, but I hope you will stick to the end. May I ask: Without considering inflation, "Avatar" is the highest-grossing movie in the world, but if inflation is considered, which movie is the highest-grossing movie?

A: "Gone with the Wind"; B: "Forrest Gump"; C: "Blue Bridge" D: "My Fair Lady".Please answer. "

"Do you know?" Yu Mo asked Youyou curiously.

Here, Yoyo is an actor. If it is said that the box office is the highest, then it must be an actor who has absolutely passed the test, and only Yoyo will come into contact with it.

But Yoyo also shook her head, saying that she didn't know: "I don't know either, I haven't watched all these movies!"

"Ha...ha...ha~~" Bai Zhi laughed out loud.

Yu Mo squeezed his arm: "Don't laugh like a big brother, okay? I feel uncomfortable when I hear it."

"When it comes to watching movies, you definitely don't watch as many as I do." Bai Zhi said proudly.

This is due to the fact that he was born again. He has watched those popular and trendy movies a long time ago. Some of them would be fine if he never got tired of watching them, but there are really not many such movies.

So there is no way, Bai Zhi can only look for those very old movies, some of these movies are from the beginning of the last century, maybe he has not seen the ones with a bad reputation, but the number one at the box office, so it goes without saying?Must have seen it.

"Have you seen it? Do you know which one it is?" Yu Mo asked in surprise.

"When the time comes, you will know. I remember that if it is converted into the current box office, it has already exceeded 30 US dollars, and the global box office of "Avatar" is less than [-] billion US dollars."


A few people shook their heads, maybe they have heard of the names of these movies, but if they really want to say which one is the box office champion, they really don't know!Especially the box office champion after inflation.

This time, Zeng Xiaoxian was indeed a little bit confused, but Lu Ziqiao also sighed a little: "Bai Zhi, it would be too wasteful for Mr. Zeng not to take you. You know the answers to all the questions. It doesn't seem like it's luck." Is it okay to say it?"

"Hehe~" Bai Zhi sneered twice: "It means that I know a lot, learn a lot, and have rich social experience."

"I agree with this." This Lu Ziqiao didn't refute. This guy does know more about some things than they do. Although Bai Zhi doesn't understand some specialties, the things he involves are still very wide.

Now this is the proof, there are already several questions, the mung bean one and the first question, the rest are all extremely unpopular questions, professional ones have to kneel down, not to mention ordinary people! .

Chapter 651

"Zeng Xiaoxian, do you usually watch movies?" Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian's expression, Gao Lingfeng asked a little proudly, and picked up the water bottle next to him to drink some water.

Zeng Xiaoxian nodded: "I will watch it often."

"What movies do you like?"

"The Temptation of Returning to the Village."


The water bottle in Gao Lingfeng's hand fell directly on the table, and the water splashed on his face. Gao Lingfeng quickly took off his glasses and wiped off the water stains on his face~.

There was a burst of sighing from the audience, I don't know if it was contempt or ridicule, or even contempt.

"Cough~ Well, there are still some differences between TV dramas and movies." Gao Lingfeng corrected embarrassingly: "If you don't know the answer, you can guess one yourself-well!"

Zeng Xiaoxian didn't answer, but started thinking about something. . .

. . . . . .

"Boring, so boring!" This afternoon, Bai Zhi was wriggling on the sofa like a caterpillar. If Yifei was here, she would definitely beat him up. It's going to be moldy when I'm idle.

"Where's Yu Mo? Why don't you go and play with her?" Zeng Xiaoxian sat by the side and read the magazines, but he enjoyed the leisure time, because he works the night shift every day, so he wouldn't yell about being bored.

"She wouldn't let me go to her, saying that my income has dropped a bit recently, and I have to investigate the reason, so that I don't make trouble, but I feel that there are more and more people who come to consult, and sometimes I can't be busy, why? Possibly a drop in income? I don’t understand.”

"Hehehe~" Zeng Xiaoxian and the others also know about the business model of Baizhi and Yumo, on the Internet!Of course it is a free consultation, and then according to the financial strength of the other party, you can really sell the target: "If you ask, you may not buy it. This is not a conflict. Then you can go to the movies!"

"But there don't seem to be any good movies coming out recently, and the better ones will be in the second half of the year." Bai Zhi said a little depressed.

For some ordinary movies, Bai Zhi is too lazy to contribute to the box office, but in the first half of this year, there have not been many good-looking movies to review, and when I am with Yu Mo, I will go to see them, but most of them are not good for Yu Mo. Spoiler alert, he fell asleep right there in the movie theater.

"Hehehe~ Then just find a better movie and review it."

"The question is, what film are you looking for?"

"Highly recommended, "The Temptation of Returning to the Village", it's very good~ Dear."


Bai Zhi stared blankly at Zeng Xiaoxian, then fell down, I chose to die.

Who doesn't know that Zeng Xiaoxian only watches bitter dramas?On the contrary, Bai Zhi doesn't like bitter dramas, in his words, it is. . .

Life is already so hard. Watching TV shows is supposed to be relaxing, but you still make me cry?Isn't this just looking for trouble?I can't watch a better comedy, a better blockbuster, or a better costume drama!

To resonate, to resonate, this reason is simply killing people.

"Eh? Maybe, I can buy a horror movie. Foreign horror movies are pretty good, and I still have a lot to watch!" Bai Zhi suddenly remembered.

Domestic horror movies are simply unwatchable!This also caused Bai Zhi to be almost disappointed, and there was nothing he could do!

But now there is a direction, Zeng Xiaoxian twitched his eyebrows: "Yo~ you still like this tune?"

"Damn, Mr. Zeng, you're really wretched!" Bai Zhi said unhappily, "Do you have any good recommendations?"

"I don't like watching this either. I suggest you ask Guan Gu. He often goes out with Yoyo. He must watch horror movies and eat Yoyo's tofu."

"..." Bai Zhi suddenly froze: "That's right~ watching horror and eating tofu is cool, why should I watch romance movies? I'll go, I'm such a pig brain."

Zeng Xiaoxian blinked, everyone in the world knows about this!Why does he act like he just found out?

"There happens to be a renter downstairs. If you want to watch it, you can try it there. If it doesn't look good, you can return it, so you won't waste so much money."


"Just after entering the bar, the small alley next door! Isn't that a small newsstand? There are rental discs inside."

"Any high-definition ones? High-definition ones look scary."

Horror movies, if you stop watching a paragraph, don’t say it’s scary, it’s good if you can keep people from breaking down, let alone a movie-watching experience.

"I don't know, you'll know if you look at it?" Zeng Xiaoxian directly threw the matter back into Bai Zhi's hands.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Bai Zhi pouted and looked at the time, it seemed to be quite early, so buy it first, read it again, wait for Yumo to come back at night, read it again, that would be great.

Walking by, I found the place Zeng Xiaoxian mentioned. It was still a small newsstand. Bai Zhi had seen it a few times, and thought she would just buy some cigarettes, alcohol, snacks, etc., but it turned out that she even rented out DVDs. This is a bit embarrassing. !

Randomly picked a few, heard the names but haven't read them, Bai Zhi paid the money and went home, Zeng Xiaoxian was still reading his magazines, but saw Bai Zhi came back and took several discs, Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help but Curious and took a look.

"Huh? Why are there still romance movies?"

"How can there be?" Bai Zhi retorted with some displeasure, she followed the horror picture completely, how could there be such a thing?Where did you find out that there are romance movies?

.... . . .

"No." Zeng Xiaoxian put a disc in front of Bai Zhi: ""Gone with the Wind", from the name, is more like a wartime romance movie, not a horror movie, right?"

"Huh? Really?" Bai Zhi took it over: "But it seems that the outside of the box is Sadako? Oh, it must be the wrong box."

"Then why don't you change it?"

"Why do you want to change it? Please, can I read it first?" Bai Zhi rolled her eyes.

"Okay." Zeng Xiaoxian conceded defeat, but quickly asked cheaply: "How about showing me this? It will take you a long time to finish watching this horror movie! Anyway, I'm not interested, and I don't have a girlfriend to watch it with me.

Moreover, the name sounds like a bitter drama, which is my favorite genre. "

"Are you sure this is a bitter drama?"

"Of course, troubled times! The love of several people in troubled times is beautiful. I'm sure that the hero and heroine in it are either dead and alive, or one is stupid and the other is dead."


Bai Zhi didn't spit out a mouthful of blood, what logic is there?Is there no good love in troubled times?Really enough.

But he still waved his hand in disdain: "Take it, take it, don't break it for me, or you will have to pay me the deposit."

"Received." Zeng Xiaoxian happily took the disc and left, Bai Zhi yawned, randomly took out a disc, and put it inside. . .work.

Chapter 652

Bai Zhi was sitting on the sofa, her head was nodding, and she was about to fall asleep. The strange thing was that there was still a horror movie on the TV in front of her. If any girl came to watch the disgusting scene, It must be disgusting to vomit without being frightened.

However, Bai Zhi acted like a normal person, and even wanted to sleep for a while.

He even wondered if he was too old and nervous, so he was already immune to this stuff, or if he was a bold person with a high level of art, he wanted to laugh and sleep when he saw these things. . .



As soon as Bai Zhi squinted her eyes, she was woken up by Daha and Xiaoha. These two guys barked at the TV, and I don't know if they were serious or simply frightened.

"What's your name?" Bai Zhi scolded a few times angrily, and the two dogs jumped onto the sofa obediently, lay down beside Bai Zhi, squeezed together, and continued to watch with their eyes open.


Suddenly another scream came from Zeng Xiaoxian's room, the two dogs sat up subconsciously, Bai Zhi also looked towards Zeng Xiaoxian.

Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian being kicked out by a ghost, he ran out of the room and sat down on the sofa in shock. Bai Zhi asked inexplicably, "Did you see the ghost? I haven't screamed like a horror movie watcher, you shouted so loudly." ?”

"Do you watch horror movies?" Zeng Xiaoxian said unhappily, and wanted to refute, but subconsciously glanced at the TV: "Ah~~"

There was another scream, and Zeng Xiaoxian rushed out, not even closing the door in time.

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