"Do you know the answer?" Gao Lingfeng asked suspiciously, because Zeng Xiaoxian was very firm when he said it.

"I don't know, but I know one thing."

"Although I don't know what you are talking about, but this is your final answer?" Gao Lingfeng confirmed again.


"Everyone, he chose B." Gao Lingfeng looked around, and found that everyone was looking at this place nervously, and couldn't help but buy another pass: "The final answer, the correct answer, is... [-]% ,correct answer."

"Oh yeah~" The people in the apartment jumped up immediately, happier than they themselves won 500 million. . .work.

Chapter 657

"Oh oh oh, hahaha~ I knew that Teacher Zeng would definitely be able to win." Lu Ziqiao was the first to jump up.

It's not a dream now, Zeng Xiaoxian's winning the grand prize has nothing to do with Lu Ziqiao, but Lu Ziqiao is still happy, because someone will borrow money in this way. . .

Several people hugged together excitedly, they didn't even pay attention to Yifei walking out, instead they pulled her to celebrate together.

Hearing what Bai Zhi said, they all thought that Zeng Xiaoxian would give an answer casually, but now that the dust has settled, they are not worried anymore.

With a smile on his face, Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help becoming excited when facing the fireworks and the enthusiastic cheers at the scene. At this moment, he felt like he was dreaming. This was not only the joy of getting 500 million, but also There are achievements in challenging history and creating history.

Even if he can't get the money, or something will happen, but not everyone will have this kind of experience, this experience is enough for him to tell people to 09 for a lifetime.

But what followed was worry, because when he was called to sign the contract, he was told that he needed to complete some programs and commercials before he could get the money.

Only at this time did he understand what Bai Zhi said.

That's right, the 500 million is worthless in Bai Zhi's eyes. They used 500 million to create a celebrity, that is, a legendary Internet celebrity, and then used his popularity to earn enough money before giving the bonus to he.

It can be said that as long as Zeng Xiaoxian can use this popularity to do it himself, maybe it will be more than 500 million. Therefore, if you look at it from this aspect, Zeng Xiaoxian will lose all his money.

More importantly, Bai Zhi did not lack these millions. When Zeng Xiaoxian came out after signing the contract, he looked at the sky, the sky of the city, even at night, it was all gray, and he couldn't see a single star.

He didn't understand at the beginning why Bai Zhi didn't miss it at all after getting a bargain. Indeed, there was nothing worth nostalgic about.

But he is not Bai Zhi, he cannot give up what he got like Bai Zhi, even if he knows it is a trap, he is still reluctant.

Unknowingly, he walked to the river and leaned against the railing. To be honest, his current mood is very complicated.

Sure enough, as he guessed, he will soon leave this city to work in another place, isn't this what he is worried about?He still has a lot of things to do!Just leave.

I don't know how long it took, when the beer was handed to him, Zeng Xiaoxian froze for a moment, looked at Bai Zhi's smiling face, and took it.

"How did you know I was here?"

"Did you forget? Your phone can be located on mine." Bai Zhi broke open the beer and took a sip: "Why don't you go back?"

"You know what I mean."

"I don't think I can deal with Yifei? I feel that I just left like this. I am very unwilling and unwilling. I imagine the scene where everyone celebrates for you, but you want to tell everyone that you have to leave. It is a bit sad and very sad. melancholy."

"Are you a roundworm?" Zeng Xiaoxian cursed self-deprecatingly.

"Don't forget, in the apartment, I can feel the character of each of you. It's a very simple thing to see through your thoughts."

"Then you know what I'm thinking now?"

Bai Zhi leaned on the railing with her hands behind her back, swallowed a mouthful of beer, closed her eyes and thought, "You want to ask me, what should you do? Which one should you choose between friends and wealth?"

"You know, I have choice phobia."

"Heh..." Bai Zhi took out a coin: "He can make the choice for you."

"Isn't it too hasty?" Zeng Xiaoxian stared at the coin with big eyes, as if trying to see through him.

"What you got is very hasty in itself. A hasty decision is also a good choice." Bai Zhi nodded: "Actually, no one can make a choice for you. If you are with Yifei, maybe Yifei can be strong." I told you what you should do, but unfortunately, you didn't."

Zeng Xiaoxian sighed and threw it up. Maybe his cerebellum problem was too serious. When he fell to pick it up, he accidentally bounced it on his finger and fell directly into the river.

"what is this..."

"Pfft~hahaha~ Teacher Zeng, you are going to laugh me to death!" Bai Zhi burst out laughing, "I tell you! It is against the law to damage RMB! Do you think I will report you?"

"Stop making trouble, could it be that God is playing with me?"

"Like I said, no one can make decisions for you, and you have to rely on yourself." Bai Zhi patted Zeng Xiaoxian on the shoulder: "But I can give you advice."

"What advice?"

"Since you don't know how to choose, then give up everything, or choose everything, isn't that all right?"

"How can there be such a good thing in this world?" Zeng Xiaoxian rubbed his eyebrows in distress. If it was possible, who wouldn't want to choose?The best friend is by your side, the person you love the most lives across the street, and you don’t have to worry about daily necessities. Every day, the parents are short-sighted, you cheat me, I cheat you, how nice.

"So~ you have to work hard, for example, if you want to get 500 million, you need to leave and go to another city, which is good, you can realize your dream.

Then here comes the problem, if after you go out, you get used to the days of 417 without everyone by your side, where you stay, you will not have this trouble, and it is not a regret.

If you are still reluctant to part with everyone, they can't trap you forever, can they?The big deal is to take the bonus and leave, there are 500 million, what can't be done?You can pursue your dreams on your own, instead of relying on others. "

"So you're suggesting that I leave for a while?"

"I didn't say that. I just generated the best solution for you. Next, I will talk about another situation. That is, if you are really reluctant to let everyone know and want to solve Yifei's matter, then Just drop the idea.

Of course, you don’t get nothing. For example, popularity, getting 500 million and resolutely giving up is much more domineering than being angry at the crown. If you use this popularity to realize your ideals, it’s not Impossible, just a little harder.

The two have different inclinations and different directions of effort. You can only think for yourself. "

"If you say this, it means you didn't say it!"

"Then you choose!"

"...Can you swim?"

"Yes~ what's the matter?"

"How about you go and see which side of the coin is facing up, so that I can choose?"


Chapter 658

The next day, at the airport, Zeng Xiaoxian finally chose to fulfill the contract, first get the 500 million yuan, but in Bai Zhi's view, he got stuck again when he was explaining clearly to Yifei, and had to use another one. Program.

When everyone sent Zeng Xiaoxian away, it wasn't really sad, but there was always some melancholy. Zeng Xiaoxian promised that he would come back as soon as he got the bonus.

"Go back! I'm going in." Zeng Xiaoxian waved his hand and dragged the suitcase, telling Bai Zhi and the others to go back.

"Teacher Zeng, how about we make a bet?"

"What's the bet?" Zeng Xiaoxian laughed for a while, he didn't know when he would come back!What else can I bet on.

"I bet you'll be back in three months."

"I'll go..." Zeng Xiaoxian was stunned for a moment, has this guy turned on the magic stick mode?So accurate: "Okay, I bet, if I come back within three months, I'll treat you to a big meal."

"Come on! Send me away with one big meal? How come you are a millionaire, and you have to eat twice."

"Haha~ okay, you can say whatever you want." Zeng Xiaoxian laughed twice, the mood of parting was diluted a lot, he looked down at his watch, Zeng Xiaoxian put away his smile: "Okay, I should go, go back Bar!"

The few people just waved and watched Zeng Xiaoxian enter the airport, then they went out slowly and drove home.

Zeng Xiaoxian left, Bai Zhi knew it was temporary, but several people in the apartment felt uneasy, although Zeng Xiaoxian said that he would come back as soon as possible, and Bai Zhi also said that he would come back within three months, but they didn't think so.

From now on, Zeng Xiaoxian's career can be said to have already started. There are tailor-made programs and several million start-up funds. As long as he is not too stupid, it should be fine, right?

However, the fact is that Zeng Xiaoxian is not only stupid enough to kill himself, but also seems to have not earned a dime during this period of time, and is still living on his laurels.

A few people drove back to the apartment, parked the car in the parking space, and discussed whether they wanted to go back to play something, but when they went upstairs, they found that Xiao Hei's door was blocked.

"Wow~ What's going on here? How did Xiao Hei arouse public outrage¨"? "Zhang Wei asked with some surprise.

"How do you know it's public anger? What if they came to thank Xiao Hei?" Lu Ziqiao retorted, "I'll go and see."

Bai Zhi was too lazy to squeeze, he hated such a crowded place the most, so he decided to wait for Lu Ziqiao to ask and come back to talk about it, and at the same time discuss with everyone what bad things Xiao Hei did to be blocked at home.

Not long after, Lu Ziqiao came back: "I found out clearly, it has something to do with Mr. Zeng's participation in the millionaire this time. Didn't Xiao Hei open a bet! Now it's all right, all the bettors have come to ask Xiao Hei for debts. "

"I'm going, so many people are down?" Yifei couldn't help but swear, he thought Zeng Xiaoxian had no one to support him!But I didn't expect so many people to support him. It seems that he gives people a sense of security!

Looking around, there were at least a dozen people crowded at Xiao Hei's door, and they should all be the ones who beat Zeng Xiaoxian to win, otherwise there was no need to block here.

"Don't talk about it, okay?" Bai Zhi was a little dumbfounded: "This is obviously to make money with the mentality of thinking about it, but it really made money. You pay two hundred and five, and you can win a thousand by betting four yuan. You come and you Can you press it?"

This is no longer gambling, this is clearly money grabbing!

However, Xiao Hei probably didn't expect that Zeng Xiaoxian would be so powerful, and he won the bonus after passing through the test. Regardless of whether Zeng Xiaoxian can get it or not, he won after all!

"If you don't tell me, I forgot. I also bet five yuan! According to the odds, I can win [-] yuan! I'm going to ask him for it too."

"Guan Guan..." Yoyo held Guan Gu dumbfoundingly, couldn't she see it so obviously?Xiao Hei must have run away, and he went to get the head.

"Guan Gu, don't worry, monks can't run away from the temple, I don't worry about tens of thousands! What are you in a hurry for?"

It was only then that Guan Gu remembered that the big guy seemed to be here, and it seemed that among all of them, Bai Zhi had pressed 100 yuan, right?The rest of the people are four or five yuan to support, try their luck, after all, the probability of winning is really low.

But the problem is, if these four yuan and five yuan are added up, even if Xiao Hei wins everything and Zeng Xiaoxian loses this one, he won't be able to pay it back!

This is really killing me!Xiao Hei probably carried the train away overnight.

"Then what do we do?"

"Don't worry..." Bai Zhi waved her hands: "What we want is for Xiao Hei to lose money, not for him to hang himself. If you force him like this, he will run away instead."

"You have a way to find him?"

"Haha~ Of course, I already counted that Teacher Zeng would win. Since I counted, then I also know that Xiao Hei will definitely run away, so I have already prepared." Bai Zhi laughed twice.

"' ‖Great, shall we go find him now?" Guan Gu was a little excited.

"Aren't you adding fuel to the flames! We are all friends, don't be so desperate?" Zhang Wei asked weakly. Anyway, he didn't bet by himself, so it doesn't matter whether he pays or not, so he can be safe Stand up and say sarcastic remarks.

"I didn't say that if I found him, he would pay for it." Bai Zhi spread out the price.

"Then why are you looking for him now? When people see you, they must think you are collecting debts!" ​​Yu Mo said a little funny: "You are his biggest creditor, and the main reason is to avoid you, otherwise, these extra money It's only ten thousand yuan, so if you save money, you can always have it, right?"

As soon as Yu Mo said this, everyone nodded in agreement. His own winnings and Xiao Hei's own savings were indeed enough to pay back the money, but Bai Zhi's own money was more than everyone else's, which was embarrassing.

You said that you are not looking for someone to collect debts, who would believe it?

"Then he can still run away for the rest of his life?" Bai Zhi spread her hands, expressing that she is innocent too!When Xiao Hei accepted his money back then, he almost grinned behind his ears, didn't he just accept Bai Zhi with certainty that he would lose?

It's all right now, if you lose, you will run away, and escaping can't solve the problem, I've said it all, we are all friends, and I'm not short of money, I can give you time to make up for it!Of course, it is not impossible to discuss and discuss.

At least I won't throw stones at others, so it's no fun for you to run away like this.

"Then I'll go to the store." Yu Mo sighed.

After Teacher Zeng left, no one was in the mood to play, so she didn't plan to go out with Bai Zhi, since Bai Zhi wanted to find Xiao Hei, let's go!

"Go, Guan Gu, I'll take you to look for it." With a big wave of her hand, Bai Zhi embarked on a debt collection journey to find Xiao Hei. . . .

Chapter 659

Xiao Hei was in a broken mood, very broken. Bai Zhi and Guan Gu found him in a black Internet cafe. Originally, he had cooperated with Bai Zhi several times. He knew that Lu Zhanbo could track his location, so he even turned off his mobile phone Well, the Internet cafes I chose were black Internet cafes that don't require ID cards. In the end, these two guys came back.

"Brother, you don't have to kill them all like this? I'm already borrowing, can you give me a few more days?" Xiao Hei pointed to the computer in distress. There are indeed some loan pages on it, and there are also some places to borrow money from friends.

However, friends like Xiao Hei are the same as Lu Ziqiao, their trouser pockets are faster than their faces, and they can hardly protect themselves, let alone borrow money from him, it would be good if they didn't ask him.

"Why are you nervous? I didn't tell you to pay it back now."

"Huh~ that's good, that's good..." Xiao Hei patted his chest, since he is not a debt collector, then everything is fine, as long as he is given time, he can still pay it off if he wants to.

Bai Zhi just sat down on the armrest of his chair: "How much money can you make by selling your crotch?"

"Uh... it's only around [-]!"

"Isn't that almost the same? You can settle other people's accounts first. Don't worry about me and Guan Gu's. Take your time. What we want is your money, not your life."

"Where is the same 420?" Xiao Hei complained, and a dozen people chased after him!Four yuan costs one thousand, and most of them bought more than four yuan!Let's say less than [-] to [-].

"Forget it." Bai Zhi sighed: "I'll borrow it from you first! I guess if you pay these back, you won't be able to eat anymore."

"Really? Oh, I'll go, brother Bai, from now on, little brother, you'll be the only one to look after you, it's too timely, it's just in time!" Xiao Hei almost knelt down for Bai Zhi.

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