"That's right! I suddenly realized that we've been dating for so long, and we don't even have a single couple's outfit, so I bought several couples' outfits on purpose, including spring, summer, autumn and winter. Winter clothes are rarely sold now, so I plan to wait a few months before buying."

"Well, this is fine..." Bai Zhi nodded.

Originally, he wanted to buy it himself, but he found that Yu Mo's dressing habits were really difficult to match with couple suits, so he ran aground many times. This time, he didn't expect Yu Mo to buy it by himself, which is very nice. up.

Yoyo watched them exchanging gifts enviously, so she started acting like a baby.

"Guan Guan, do you have any presents for me?"

"Nani? But we're not celebrating our anniversary?"

"I don't care, I don't care~ I want a gift, you see, we are also on a date, you can just give me one~ I will prepare one for you too."

"Hey...hehe~" Guan Gu smiled wryly: "But where should I prepare a gift for you now?"

"Then we...continue?" Bai Zhi and Yu Mo Ni swayed for a while, and then they were ready to accept the trial.

"Wait a minute, isn't the stage of giving gifts to each other over yet?" Yoyo directly denied, "Okay, close it..."

"Well! Alright, I'll go and prepare a gift for you right now." Guan Gu thought with a wry smile, trying to see what better gift to prepare. . .

Bai Zhi and Yu Mo looked at each other, that's all. . .escaped?Bai Zhi nodded, then whispered a few words in Yu Mo's ear, Yu Mo nodded, and grabbed Bai Zhi's arm.

Only then did Bai Zhi say: "By the way, Guan Gu Youyou, we prepared movie tickets earlier and are going to go out to watch a movie tonight, so do we want to go together?"

"` ‖Huh? But we still have activities behind us!" Yoyo said with some dissatisfaction.

"But, it takes you all night to prepare the presents!"

"Okay...Okay~" Yoyo blinked her eyes, as if she made some sense, she saw that Guan Gu was distressed, so why wasn't she distressed herself?Even if you know what to give, you have to prepare it!

"Then let's go, bye~~"

Bai Zhi and Yu Mo walked out the door of 3602 arm in arm, Bai Zhi and Yu Mo breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, Yu Mo muttered to himself: "It's too scary, Guan Gu Youyou and the others are too excited, right?"

"That's right, but luckily they suddenly became interested and wanted to give gifts, otherwise we wouldn't be able to get away so easily." Bai Zhi sighed.

But this time they were invited by them, so Yu Mo won't be so stupid in the future, right?They are busy during this period, Guan Gu and Yoyo can see it, that is to say, they should be fine for a while, after a while, maybe their enthusiasm will dissipate, and they (Nuoma Zhao) are safe up.

"Let's go~ No matter what, I'll go to the bar to tell Joey what's going on tomorrow, and then we'll play outside all night, shall we?"

"Well, let's go~" Yu Mo agreed without hesitation.

Then, Bai Zhi came to the bar, explained to Joey a few times, and happened to see Guan Gu Youyou, the rest of the people were here, and Yifei was holding a banner.

He pointed curiously, and Yu Mo followed to see what was going on.

"Dear Zhanbo, Wanyu, long time no see~"

Yu Mo scratched his head, stared at Yifei with wide eyes: "Have we crossed?"

Before Bai Zhi answered him, Lu Zhanbo told her the truth: "Hehehehe, yes! We met this morning..."

However, Yifei didn't care what he was talking about, but pretended to be happy and said: "You have finally finished traveling around the world, welcome back."


Chapter 736

"Feifei, have you time-traveled? We've been back for a few days." Wan Yu reminded her helplessly.

In this way, no matter how much Yifei pretends not to know, it is useless, it just adds to the embarrassment, so she simply admitted: "Uh, that's right, but my surprise is just just started."

Talking about the banner that directed Lu Zhanbo and Wan Yu to pull it up, but the glue on the last iPartment's word '住' had already dried and fell off.

"Damn printing shop, tofu dregs project." Even the last thing has become like this, and Yifei couldn't help cursing.

Zeng Xiaoxian put away the banner helplessly: "It was you who hid the banner for too long, the glue was all dry, but the cake was not."

"Sister, there is no need to hold any surprise parties, as long as we are together."

"Don't worry, your sister's rumored surprise party has been shrinking again and again due to limited technical capabilities. Now there is nothing else except this banner."

"Yo, that means you didn't make the cake?" Bai Zhi said jokingly, "Hahaha~ Then you've done the welcome ceremony now, which means you've surrendered~"

"Who said that?" Yifei yelled in dissatisfaction, and Bai Zhi hurriedly dodged her spout of saliva in fright: "I'll let you see it, it's really not called a real cake."

Yifei walked to a table, lifted the lid next to it, and glanced at 953's nose disdainfully: "Well, did you see that? Yifei has a special cake surprise."

Bai Zhi crossed her arms and exposed her with a sneer: "If there is no video to testify, I will not admit it."

"I... I just forgot to take pictures." Yifei found a more peaceful reason with a guilty conscience.


"What are you doing? I forgot to take pictures of you, are you dissatisfied?" Yifei became furious: "I made it, and I didn't ask you to change your name. It's not bad. I'm letting you go, otherwise there will be an extra man named Beard in our apartment." , I find it embarrassing."


Seeing that there was going to be a quarrel again, Yu Mo quickly pulled Bai Zhi back, she knew that Yifei was a face-saving person, but Bai Zhi didn't care that much about it, so she held Bai Zhi back and didn't let him continue talking.

"Hehehe, Yifei, keep it up..." Yu Mo praised.

"Hmph, of course." Yi Fei raised her head like a proud rooster, and didn't provoke Bai Zhi anymore, otherwise she felt that she would not be able to get off the stage, well, this is fine: "Come on, try it !"

"Hehehe~" Several people nodded, and they knew that Yifei bought it.

It's just that they weren't stupid enough to expose her, not to mention whether they would become angry and seek surgery on them. It's better to eat this kind of cake than Yifei's cake, right?They were glad that Yifei didn't make the cake. If they did, would they eat it?Or eat it?Or eat it?

So, in order not to lose themselves in this difficult problem, they choose to say nothing, just eat and finish.

"I'm going to order something..." Wan Yu felt thirsty while eating, so she walked to the bar.

After a few seconds, Meijia also found a reason, not knowing where to go.

Bai Zhi and Yu Mo just ate a couple of casual bites, and they couldn't eat any more. There was no way, Guan Gu and Yoyo were too 'enthusiastic', what they ate today could be used as a day's meal.

"Let's go first, and we bought a ticket to watch a movie!" Bai Zhi looked at the time, and felt that it was almost time, so she hurriedly said goodbye to a few people, and walked out the door with Yu Mo.

In the bar, Lu Ziqiao found out and was beaten up, and Wan Yu was put on a ring, but Bai Zhi could no longer see it.

However, although Bai Zhi has forgotten all these things, Bai Zhi has not forgotten one very important thing, that is, the marriage proposal between Lu Zhanbo and Wan Yu.

He is now thinking about what to do. Bai Zhi remembered that within a few days after Wan Yu came back, she planned to continue studying abroad. I changed my flight and embarked on a journey alone.

So, here comes the question, Bai Zhi remembers this incident, so what should he do?Let Wan Yu and Lu Zhanbo break up, maybe never see each other in the future, or use their own advantages to change their ending. ?

Needless to say, Bai Zhi directly KO'd the option of letting them develop. This was the worst result he could think of.

It must have changed their ending, so here comes the question again, should Wan Yu stay? !Or let Lu Zhanbo follow?

Undoubtedly, letting Wan Yu stay is the best ending, but Bai Zhi finds it very difficult, at least Wan Yu is different from everyone in the apartment.

Although she is weak and weak, she is actually the most assertive person in iPartment. The decision she makes is to persuade others, but no one persuades her. Just like the original one, everyone has tried both soft and hard. Even when she broke up with Lu Zhanbo, she still didn't change her mind, which already showed the problem.

"Hey, hey, what are you thinking? So serious?" Bai Zhi was thinking about which target to choose better, Yu Mo waved his hand in front of his eyes, interrupting Bai Zhi's thoughts.

"I..." Bai Zhi was stunned for a moment, then frowned, and then asked, "Yu Mo, let me ask you! If Zhan Bo and Wan Yu break up, what shall we do?"

"What should I do? Of course it's persuasion~"

"Can't you persuade me?"

"How could it be impossible to persuade? Don't Zhanbo and Wanyu have a good relationship? Why did they break up?"

"For example, a long-distance relationship? A transnational relationship."

"..." Yu Mo choked for breath, this. . .It seems that it can indeed be regarded as a breakup: "Then either Zhanbo compromises and goes to another city to find Wanyu, or Wanyu compromises and goes to another city to find Zhanbo."

What I was waiting for was your words, Bai Zhi secretly rejoiced, so that someone could discuss with herself: "Well~ Who do you think is most likely to compromise?"

"It must be Zhanbo, Wan Yu's temper is still quite stubborn." After all, Yu Mo has lived here for so long, she still knows Wan Yu's temper.

"Then if they have a long-distance relationship and Zhanbo compromises, they need to leave us, what should we do?"

"..." Yu Mo stopped cooking immediately, this was too difficult to accept, but she immediately realized that this matter, how could it happen!And: "Bai Bai, you are so strange today! How could you think of such an inexplicable thing, and something that is not very likely, are you too tired recently, or else, we won't go to the movies, and I will give Do you get a massage?"

"Uh, this... No need, let's go to the movies!" Bai Zhi laughed dryly, it seemed that Yu Mo couldn't give him the answer he wanted, so he could only think slowly by himself. . . .

Chapter 737

The next morning, twelve o'clock. . .

Bai Zhi hasn't slept so comfortably for a long time, it's been half a month!I get up early every day, and now I can finally sleep in. Bai Zhi skipped breakfast as a celebration.

Yu Mo got up early and didn't know where to go. Last night, they had a great time. Originally, they decided to spend the night outside, but unexpectedly found a hotel on the street, which was already full. Bai Zhi couldn't imagine What happened last night, why was it full of people.

But it’s casual, anyway, it’s just a few more steps, and it’s good to go home and sleep, and you don’t have to get up early the next day and go home.

"A busy person finally sleeps in? - Strange!"

As soon as Bai Zhi got up, brushed her teeth, poured a glass of water to drink, a strong smell of mockery came to her face, no need to think about it, it must be the head of the female devil, Yifei.

"Your boss is a very busy person, but you are not busy with business."

"..." The corner of Yifei's mouth twitched, early in the morning. . .Oh no, the language confrontation at noon ended in her failure, and she was too lazy to pay attention to Bai Zhi.

"Where did Mr. Zeng go? Did you see him?" Bai Zhi went to 3602 to search around, but found that no one seemed to be there, so he had no choice but to ask Yifei.

"Why are you looking for him?" Yifei was obviously still brooding over the failure in the morning, and didn't show Bai Zhi any good looks.

"He said he wants to eat the dish I want to learn, and I happen to have time today, so I might as well make a copy first."

"What kind of food?" Yifei's eyes lit up when he heard this sentence, and his depression about the previous things was swept away: "Why is only Zeng Xiaoxian having it? Don't I have it?"

"Because, he paid for the ingredients." Bai Zhi rolled her eyes.

"Then you do it first, and I'll go find him."

"No, no, I'll go find him myself!" Bai Zhi didn't dare to ask Yifei to find Zeng Xiaoxian, thinking about it with her butt, if she asked Yifei to find Zeng Xiaoxian, she would definitely say when she came back: Zeng Xiaoxian is not free now, let her taste it. , leave a little on it.

Then Yifei ate all of them unceremoniously. When Zeng Xiaoxian came to him, Bai Zhi would be unlucky. Moreover, Zeng Xiaoxian was eaten by Yifei to death. In the end, he didn't dare to look for Yifei. with angelica. . .

"Damn, cheapskate."

Ignoring Yi Fei's complaints, Bai Zhi called Zeng Xiaoxian, and after learning that he was in the bar now and had finished his lunch, Bai Zhi could only postpone the plan until the afternoon.

However, as soon as the Bai Zhi people arrived at the bar, Joey came to find him, and in Bai Zhi's helpless situation, he handed a user survey to Bai Zhi. . .

"Hahaha, it's unbelievable that I can actually see you being so busy!?" Zeng Xiaoxian smiled gloatingly. In the past, it was Bai Zhi who watched them busy, but now it's finally his turn.

Bai Zhi rolled her eyes and ignored him, Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the shape of the bar today, the lighting of the bar today is much softer, and there is soft music: "I said your theme today is good, the ones that were gaudy in the past."

"Nonsense, music bars, this is very popular, okay? And most of them can understand and accept it, can't it be okay?" Bai Zhi said without raising her head: "Unfortunately, I haven't found a singer to sing, otherwise It's even more perfect."

"After all, time is still too tight." Zeng Xiaoxian nodded, indeed, this is a fly in the ointment, music theme!If they were all CDs, something would definitely be missing, but they change every day this month, so it's really hard to find.

Only if he chooses this theme at that time, he will invite another resident singer to come back.

Zeng Xiaoxian wanted to say something, but suddenly Wan Yu ran over in a panic, and walked behind Bai Zhi and Zeng Xiaoxian: "Mr. Zeng, Bai Zhi, do me a favor."

"what happened?"

"The man in the back." Wan Yu pointed behind her: "He has been following me since he came downstairs just now."

"Playing tailgating in broad daylight? Don't be afraid, leave it to me." Zeng Xiaoxian patted his chest, took off the big bag, and then walked aside.

"It's just helping you get rid of an idiot, why go away?" Bai Zhi was a little confused, but the person had already walked over, and Wan Yu sat down next to Bai Zhi, which gave her a sense of security.

"Wan Yu?" Wei Xingnan came over and called out happily.

Wan Yu quickly calmed down: "You are?"

"I'm Kevin! We met two years ago when we were taking out the trash downstairs."

"Two years ago?" Bai Zhi was a little surprised when he heard this. Wan Yu was indeed still in the iPartment two years ago, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "Oh, I remembered, you are the cock feather in Building No. [-]." .”

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"My name is Kevin." Ji Gongmao roared in dissatisfaction, then changed into a gentle tone, and pushed Zeng Xiaoxian aside who wanted to speak up: "Wan Yu, it's great to see you back, I have been waiting for you for so long."

"You may have misunderstood, I don't know you..." Seeing that the other party would not go too far, Wan Yu didn't have any fear, so she simply refused.

"Hey, friend, where are you from?" Zeng Xiaoxian was about to lose his temper.

"Are you his boyfriend?" Ji Gong Mao asked dissatisfied.

"No...it's not!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? I hate your kind of flirting." After speaking, he pushed the person away again, and then looked at Wan Yu with a gentle face.

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