A few people walked into 3601 cautiously, only to see Yifei lying on the sofa with her teeth bared, moaning non-stop. I can't imagine that this happened after being tripped by herself. Although Bai Zhi looked a little miserable, But Yifei didn't seem to be much better.

When Yifei saw them coming in, she immediately became angry: "What are you doing here? Get out of here? Ah~~"

When he got up, he accidentally twisted his foot again, and screamed again, Zeng Xiaoxian felt relieved, it seems that she is also a strong outsider!He licked his lips and walked over: "Do you still think you are not injured? Did you get hurt by a bullet?"

"Are you that bitch who came here to laugh at me? Then you have achieved your goal, don't think I will let it go, let me tell you, when I recover, I will tear your bones apart."

"..." Zeng Xiaoxian twitched the corners of his mouth, he just came to see how she was doing, who did he provoke?How could it be said that they came to laugh at him?baffling.

"Then you can let it go if you are not good here! I'd better avoid it!" Zeng Xiaoxian got up speechlessly, he felt that Yifei didn't need him!

"Wait a minute." Yifei suddenly stopped him.


037 "Well...give me...bring me the safflower oil, it's in the cabinet next to the TV." When Yifei said this, she obviously lacked confidence, Zeng Xiaoxian laughed immediately, and Yifei became angry from embarrassment : "What are you laughing at, hurry up, you want to die, don't you?"

"Okay, I'll get it for you..."

Bai Zhi returned to 3602, took a drink, raised her head to rinse her mouth, and then spit it out. Seeing that there was no more blood, Bai Zhi stopped and wiped her face with a towel again. The black eye circles around her eyes fell off like shed skin .

"Hey, it's really troublesome. This woman is like eating gunpowder. I really don't know if she will give up if she doesn't do some drama." Bai Zhi muttered, but her hands didn't stop. Got it down.

After wiping with a towel, he came out humming a song. Just as he was about to go back to 3601, he found Zeng Xiaoxian standing next to the sofa like a eunuch, and Yifei rubbed safflower oil on his legs.

Bai Zhi's eyes lit up: "Yo~ An unexpected harvest!"

Nodding, he didn't bother them, but asked Lu Ziqiao where they were going, and followed him.

. . . . . .

Two days later, everyone was busy with their own affairs, and Bai Zhi was looking at his bar as usual, but at this moment, he was looking at the decoration of the bar, thinking about how to decorate it best.

There was thunder outside, and the rainstorm was about to start, Bai Zhi sighed, thinking that she didn't seem to have any clothes confiscated, so she felt relieved.

"Hey, it's raining so hard! I don't know when it will stop. I just don't know which couples are breaking up today. God, is it to set off the atmosphere for them?" Bai Zhi shook her head, whether it was raining or not The rain doesn't seem to have any effect on him, he doesn't need to go out, even if the rain stops.

The bar is the same, when it rains heavily, more customers come to hide from the rain, which naturally drives the popularity and consumption of the bar, but similarly, people at home are naturally lazy, so the situation in the bar is not much different from usual go.

But at this moment, an uninvited guest ran in from outside the door, and Lu Zhanbo ran to the bar like a walking dead: "Man, buy ten bottles of vodka with me."

"Ten bottles? Are you sure?" The bartender was obviously taken aback. He stretched his head to look, but there was no one else behind!This is not to commit suicide, is it?He looked at Bai Zhi with pleading eyes.

Bai Zhi frowned and waved her hand: "Give him a bottle first."

Seeing Lu Zhanbo's state, Bai Zhi already guessed the matter pretty well, but the question is, why is it still like this?Obviously, Bai Zhi had already reminded him, and he had clearly told him in the suit shop that you might not go with Wan Yu, but in the end, it was because of this that they broke up?

"Zhanbo, you and Wanyu... broke up?"

Lu Zhanbo couldn't wait to take the wine bottle, he didn't even need a cup, he just drank it in one gulp, and then said: "It's over, don't worry about it anymore, I really don't know what Wan Yu is thinking, I have already done it There are so many, why is this the result.”

Bai Zhi patted him on the back, and sighed helplessly. At this time, he really didn't want to say so many big things, but if he didn't say these big things when he was not drunk, he would have no chance.

"Zhanbo, to be honest, what is the reason why you go with Wanyu? Is it because you are reluctant to part with Wanyu! Or are you worried that you will lose your long-distance relationship?"

"Can't I have both?"

Bai Zhi shrugged, okay!This is indeed nonsense: "In that case, if you break up, won't you get both?"

"...But what can I do? Wan Yu doesn't want me to go."

"you sure?"

"I... I'm sure."

"Are you really sure?"

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Lu Zhanbo became impatient, and took a sip: "I went to see Wan Yu tonight, and she told me that she wanted to go alone, and told me not to follow her." , I worked overtime to learn languages ​​and make meat sauce noodles, but because of this sentence, all my hard work was in vain.”

Bai Zhi snatched his wine bottle over, took a sip of her own breath, and let out a sigh of relief: "Originally~ When encountering a broken relationship, I should really drink with you quietly until I get drunk and forget it, but , This matter, I just gave up like this, I feel it is a pity, I really can't do it with you and just drink like this."

"What do you want?"

"Have you heard a word?"


"Opportunities are for those who are prepared. Leaving aside Wanyu, what can you do in YDL? You can't do anything, and you can't even understand what people say. Well, in this case, you go What's the use? Can you get a job? Can you survive? Or do you think you're better than that suit shop owner?

Conversely, if you are already proficient in their Mandarin, no matter whether Wanyu lets you go or not, if you go there with a face, can she hold you back?In the final analysis, you are still not ready at all. You are different from Wan Yu, she has already made plans, and you are just drifting with the flow. "

"But what does it matter, don't I need to study when I go?"

"Unfortunately, Wanyu doesn't want you to do this, Zhanbo! You don't want to embarrass her, I understand, but now is not the time to worry about this. Do you have to bear such a painful price for such a simple thing? ? Then your hard work these years, is it really worth it?".

Chapter 770

When Lu Ziqiao, Zeng Xiaoxian and Guan Gu rushed over, Bai Zhi had already done the ideological work on Lu Zhanbo, they looked left and right, but they couldn't find Lu Zhanbo.

"Baizhi, where is Zhanbo? Let me tell you! We just went back and saw Wanyu leaning against the balcony window very sadly. I found out after inquiring that they broke up. Some people saw him coming to the bar. What about others?" ?” Zeng Xiaoxian asked anxiously, this is a big deal!The person who was thinking about how to propose marriage yesterday, is now gone. This is very unscientific, you know?

"I know, you guys will have stopped cooking long ago." Bai Zhi said speechlessly: "I have already made it clear to him, he said he was going to apologize to Wan Yu, you are late, by the way, he just left, you are here Didn't you see it on the road?"

"No." Guan Gu exchanged a glance with them: "It's raining too much, we all came straight here."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Lu Ziqiao shouted excitedly, startling Bai Zhi.

When Bai Zhi came to her senses, she found that Guan Gu and Zeng Xiaoxian ran outside holding her up, attracting frequent glances from the people in the bar.

"Hey, you put me down." Bai Zhi struggled, and finally put her feet on the ground, straightened her clothes: "What are you in a hurry for? What's so gossip about this kind of apology?"

"Are we gossiping about his apology? We want to see the result."

"Yes, as a result, this is the worst ending I have ever seen. I want to witness this relationship turn around with my own eyes."

"But, Teacher Zeng, don't you like bitter dramas the most?" Bai Zhi asked weakly.

"I...I like to watch bitter dramas, but I don't like these bitter dramas happening around me." Zeng Xiaoxian said in a broken jar: "Besides, in bitter dramas, there is no such a bad ending. .”

Bai Zhi stopped talking, braved the heavy rain, held an umbrella, and returned to the love apartment. When she returned to the door of the room, Bai Zhi found that Yifei, Yumo and Youyou Meijia had already squatted here.

"Yu Mo, why are you here?"

"Shhh~~" Several people put their hands to their mouths quickly, Yu Mo pulled Bai Zhi over, put his ears to listen to the movement inside, and inside, Lu Zhanbo and Wan Yu had already started talking.

Lu Zhanbo: "Wan Yu, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. We are so happy together, how can we end up in a fight?"

Wan Yu: "I'm sorry, I'm too willful."

Lu Zhanbo: "If tomorrow is the end of the world, will you leave me?"

Wan Yu thought for a while, then shook her head firmly: "No."

"That's right, since we won't be separated at the end of the world, how can we separate because of such a trivial matter? We actually have a lot of things to do, which are more important than quarreling."

"What do you want to do?"

"To do something that we didn't have time to do before, but we talked about it and never realized it. Just before you leave, we can achieve it all."

"You mean?" Wan Yu's mood also began to change wonderfully: "Go to the Sea World to see turtles? Watch the sunrise at the iPartment, feed the alpacas, and go to the restaurant where the lights are turned off?"

"Yes, that's it. We can try all the things you mentioned to me." Lu Zhanbo and Wan Yu recovered, and they were not bowed down by the emotion of parting, and began to think about those very happy things.

Seeing this scene suddenly, Wan Yu felt very warm and reluctant. At the same time, she thought of another thing that she wanted to do very much, but she didn't tell Lu Zhanbo about it: "Zhanbo, I I want to try that wedding dress for you once, even for taking a photo."

"Really? But... I don't know what kind of wedding dress?!"

"We know we know." Yoyo and Meijia finally couldn't help but stand up. In an instant, Bai Zhi was pushed in from behind, exposed to the sight of Lu Zhanbo and Wanyu.

However, these Yifei and the others did not look embarrassed at all, but showed off the poss chicly, and Yifei said simply: "Wanyu, I'll help you with that wedding dress, your business is Zhanbo Things about Zhanbo, things about me, things about me, things about me..."

Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian didn't show face, Yifei slapped him hard. Zeng Xiaoxian said in a very 'demonstrative' way: "It's our business."

"Yes, that's right, not to mention a wedding photo, but a whole set of wedding photos, I can handle it for you."

Now even if Yifei stomped Zeng Xiaoxian's feet, he didn't dare to answer. Is it that simple to take wedding photos?If it was really that simple, wouldn't it have been shot a long time ago?

"I won't bother you anymore." Wan Yu smiled awkwardly.

"No trouble, I'm here, I'll definitely take a whole set of wedding photos for you, and I'll get them ready for you tomorrow morning."


Now no one agrees with her. No one can make an appointment for a photo studio so quickly, let alone find a complete set of people. If photo retouching is added, it will take longer. This time is not enough! !It's just not enough.

Yifei didn't waste time, hurriedly asked Wan Yu to rest, and dragged everyone to 3602 for a meeting, while Lu Zhanbo was ordered by Yifei to buy a suit.

0  …  

As soon as he sat down, Zeng Xiaoxian began to complain: "Tomorrow morning, your satellite is a little far away?!"

Yu Mo was also a little worried. Bai Zhi said last time that she could take wedding photos first, so she was very happy to find out about it a long time ago. Up to now, she hasn't made an appointment for a photo studio, but she is still checking which ones look good. How can I help Wan Yu and the others take pictures now?

"Yes! Is it too soon tomorrow morning? Even if it is taken, it is not a qualified wedding photo, right?"

"What do you know? After the experience last time, I can see that Wanyu must be very excited. As long as I take a set of wedding photos, maybe things will turn around. Moreover, even if I can't let Wanyu stay, I can take wedding photos." Taking photos can also make her remember this unforgettable love! When the time comes, the long-distance relationship, the probability of Zhan Bo being able to continue with Wan Yu will increase infinitely. So attenuated!?"

"It also makes sense." Bai Zhi nodded.

Yu Mo suddenly stared at Bai Zhi closely, Bai Zhi glanced back, and met Yu Mo's eyes, he couldn't help but glanced up and down, as if there was nothing wrong!

"Yu Mo, what are you doing looking at me like that?" Bai Zhi suddenly realized: "Well, if you want to take pictures, you have to wait for a while! We can't imitate Yifei, she is shameless, anyway, it's okay to take pictures. If it’s not her, we still have to lose face! What if the photos are not good? Take your time, don’t worry~~” Tu.

Chapter 771

"What's wrong with me? Do you think everyone is like you, dawdling, dawdling, not at all cheerful?" Yifei blew up when he heard Bai Zhi's words, and roared angrily, tidying up mood, Yifei continued calmly: "Besides, who said that you must make an appointment for a photo studio to take wedding photos? We can completely DIY!"

Bai Zhi patted her deaf ears, a little speechless, just do whatever you say!Anyway, it's not for you, nor for me. When the time comes, it will be ugly, let alone us.

Yifei obviously didn't realize this, she started to do it with great interest, and when Lu Zhanbo came back from buying a suit, Yifei finally started to act.

"Okay, let's start assigning tasks now, Yoyo, you are in charge of going to the bridal shop to bring the wedding dress, do you know which one it is?"

"I know." Yoyo nodded happily.

"I'm going too, I'm going too." Meijia yelled.

"Forget it! You're already wanted by that bridal dress shop." Yoyo was talking about the wedding dress being destroyed. They had so much fun that they ruined the wedding dress. Mei Jia didn't know if she was running away. Those who came out didn’t even pay the money, and if they go back now, wouldn’t that be a trap for themselves?

Yifei didn't care about the argument between Yoyo and Mika, and just stopped Mika a little bit: "Meijia, you have more important tasks. Zhanbo's engagement ring is still in that shop. You can't use paper rings for wedding photos, right?" ? So, you have to get it back as soon as possible."

"Fuck, Zhanbo, you haven't brought back such an important thing?" Bai Zhi complained, "Where did you say you were going the next morning last time? Are you so lazy?"

"My sister said to help me get it back." Lu Zhanbo was a little innocent. If he knew it earlier, he couldn't hand it over to Yifei. Who knew she was so unreliable? !

But if you think about it, Yifei was in a lot of trouble because of her weight in those few days!Bai Zhi, who is still immoral, weighs hands and feet every day, and helps him get the ring, maybe she will fight with the boss when she goes there.

"I forgot." Yifei admitted very bachelorly: "So, Meijia, I will leave this matter to you. By the way, in order to prevent driving the wrong way, this time, take a taxi."

"No problem." Meijia agreed straight away, "Can I stop by to see the wedding dress again?"

Seeing that Mika had agreed, Yifei nodded in satisfaction, and looked at Bai Zhi and Yu Mo: "Bai Zhi, Yu Mo, your mission is to find a makeup artist. I brought someone here to put on makeup for Wan Yu, so that we can shoot smoothly."

"Why do I have to get up early?" Bai Zhi rolled her eyes: "Don't you know that disturbing people's sleep is seeking money and killing someone?"

"Anyway, I don't care, either you can handle it, or you can do it."

Bai Zhi wanted to say something, but was stopped by Yu Mo, Yifei was obviously in a period of excitement now, besides, everyone also wanted to help Wan Yu, so Yu Mo didn't object, but quietly whispered in Bai Zhi's ear Said: "Bai Bai, it's okay, have you forgotten what I do? I'm a beauty consultant, and I know a lot of people in this field. Let's talk to them tonight and let them come over tomorrow morning."

"Uh, that's fine." Bai Zhi nodded, as if she just agreed.

Yifei ignored Bai Zhi, but continued to assign tasks to Lu Ziqiao, Guan Gu, and Zeng Xiaoxian: "Guan Gu, Zeng Xiaoxian, you two are responsible for finding the best photographer and lighting engineer."

"Ah? But where do we go to find this point?" Zeng Xiaoxian was a little embarrassed. If he wanted to find a photographer, he had to find those photographers who worked alone, or those who did private work. The problem was, how could they have the resources!Otherwise, if you go to the photo studio, it will be a whole set of services. This is not what they mean, but after being stared at by Yifei, Zeng Xiaoxian is cowardly: "Hehehe, what a big deal! It's on me."

"Okay, Zi Qiao, you are in charge of fixing the studio."


"Yes, you can go to Xiao Hei, he must have a solution."


"Then what about me?" Lu Zhanbo was more positive about this matter than Yifei. There was no way, who made him the party involved?

Yifei nodded: "You... go and order me a takeaway breakfast, double-sided pancakes, with two eggs."

"... oh~"

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