Bai Zhi's car stopped in the underground garage, which also avoided direct contact with the people who came back. Although they might not come back at this time, Bai Zhi looked at Wan Yu in the rearview mirror and kept staring out the window.

Bai Zhi glanced at it casually, Lu Zhanbo and Yifei were anxiously running towards the artificial lake in the community, they didn't notice Bai Zhi's car at all.

"Don't worry, if you are destined to meet thousands of miles away, if you don't have the destiny to meet each other on the other side, your fate with Zhanbo is not over, and you will always meet again."

"En." Wan Yu replied perfunctorily.

"Don't you believe me, I'm a good-for-nothing, I said you can meet, you can really meet, otherwise I will just let you go? Believe me, brother is not just a legend." Bai Zhi showed a smile 2.9: " Sit down, we're leaving."

Bai Zhi started the car, turned out of the community in a jiffy, got on the motorway, and left without dust. . .

On the other side, Yu Mo chased after Yifei, and in a blink of an eye, she happened to see Bai Zhi's car going outside. She was so frightened that she quickly blocked Yifei and Lu Zhanbo's sight, and when she saw that Bai Zhi had turned a corner and disappeared, she secretly relaxed. in one breath.

"Yu Mo, why are you still here? Didn't I ask you to put makeup on Wan Yu?" Yifei asked helplessly.

"Already...already melted!"

"So fast?"

"Didn't you say to put on light makeup? It won't take long for light makeup, it will be soon."

"Where did you get the makeup?"

"Wanyu herself has it! Light makeup is more than enough."


Chapter 777

Wan Yu left quietly. Although she didn't attract anyone's attention, she would be discovered sooner or later. When Yifei and the others went back, they found that Wan Yu had disappeared, leaving only a letter behind. At the airport, Yifei almost couldn't hold back and died with Bai Zhi, but in the end it was Lu Zhanbo who pulled Yifei to not care about Bai Zhi.

However, this just shows that Wanyu's previous worries were right. If Yifei and the others knew, Wanyu would definitely not be able to leave, so leaving without saying goodbye, on the contrary, proved Wanyu's firmness.

However, the sequelae of doing so are the same as before. Lu Zhanbo can't figure out some things and can't sleep at night, so he dozes off during the day and can fall asleep anywhere.

In such a state, everyone will obviously be very worried, so Yu Mo finally couldn't help it: "Bai Bai, didn't you say you would help Zhanbo? Why don't you take action?! If things go on like this, something will happen to Zhanbo , How about I tell him the matter in advance, so maybe he can feel more at ease?"

"Who said I didn't take action, I'm already doing it, okay?" Bai Zhi retorted with some dissatisfaction: "It's just that there are some things that you must be prepared to execute, otherwise something will happen."

"But now something has happened."

"Then you can't tell him, otherwise there will be ups and downs, who knows what will happen."

"..." Yu Mo sighed, okay!She knew Bai Zhi's temper, if she didn't tell her, she wouldn't tell her, so she should wait!

It was not only Yu Mo who was also worried, but also other people in the apartment. On this day, everyone finally couldn't help it, and they gathered together at the bar to discuss it together.

"I didn't expect that Zhanbo's reaction to falling in love was... lethargy?" Zeng Xiaoxian felt very interesting.

"It should be more appropriate to say hibernation."

"Pull it down!" Bai Zhi retorted, holding a bottle of wine in her hand, "From a psychological point of view, there should be other reasons for his lethargy, but it's definitely not caused by a broken relationship."

"Yo, when did you understand psychology?" Yifei laughed disdainfully.

"A good doctor after a long illness. If you said that you became depressed because of a broken relationship, I would still believe it, but lethargy is impossible. Generally speaking, people who have lost their love can't fall asleep." Bai Zhi explained calmly.

"Oh, now is not the time to discuss the reason. No matter what, the result is lethargy! We are discussing the seriousness of this matter." Yoyo interrupted the argument between Bai Zhi and Yifei, maybe Bai Zhi sent Wan Yu away Yifei has always been brooding about the matter, and if they quarrel, they will probably quarrel all day: "Look, where you are now, you can fall asleep under any circumstances. If you fall asleep while crossing the road one day, isn't it Something serious happened?"

"It makes sense, so we have to discuss why lethargy! To cure the disease, we must treat the root cause, so that it will be effective!"

"If Zhanbo doesn't say anything, there's nothing we can do! We can only do it one by one, and the first thing is to ensure his safety."

Everyone was discussing with each other, and Yifei felt that what he said made sense: "That is to say, Zhanbo needs a guide dog."

"Zhanbo is tired, not blind."

"But what's the difference between him being blind now?"

"That's it, Zeng Xiaoxian, I'll leave the task of guide dogs to you." Yifei commanded Zeng Xiaoxian unceremoniously.

"Where can I find a guide dog? Should I let Da Ha follow? Anyway, he is quite clever."

"You got it!" Bai Zhi, who knew Daha's virtues, was not at all optimistic about Daha's ability to complete this task: "It can take Zhanbo into the ditch and take it out, and it will be more dangerous in the future."

"But apart from Big Ha and Little Ha, there is no other dog in our apartment that is capable of this task. Now the dog is already very clever when going home by itself, let alone taking the owner home."

What Zeng Xiaoxian liked was nothing more than Xiaoha's ability to know the way. When Bai Zhi gave it away, he used this ability to return home from a long distance. Although he came back in a mess, he came back no matter what. Yes!

But the problem is, that's Erhaye~ Are you sure that it can bring Lu Zhanbo home quickly?Instead of taking him to the pit and then going home?

"You are!"

"..." Zeng Xiaoxian twitched the corners of his mouth, and glared angrily at Guan Gu who said this: "You are just like a dog! Why should I be a guide dog?"

"But besides you, there seems to be no other choice here? You don't go to work during the day."

"Who said, except for Meijia, you don't go to work during the day, so why me? Besides, Zhanbo has to go to work during the day, so many colleagues are watching, how could something go wrong?"

"Then what if something happens?"

"You've already said what's the case, what about nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousandths?"

"Damn~" Yifei cursed depressingly, she said this sentence to deal with others, how did it become someone else's to deal with her?so helpless.

In this way, a discussion ended without a problem, mainly because everyone didn't want to just look at him like this. After all, everyone had their own things to do.

However, something really happened on this day. When he returned home at night, Lu Zhanbo told everyone that the company sent him to the YDL branch as the system supervisor, which was regarded as a promotion.

Hearing this, Bai Zhi breathed a sigh of relief. After all, this matter has not changed due to any incident, or he has not changed the ability of this company, and Lu Zhanbo still has to go to work in other places.

So, the debate started again, and Yifei was the one who objected the most: "Zhanbo, are you kidding me?"

"No! I'm serious."

"Oh, Zhanbo, I'm sure you asked for it on your own initiative, that's fine! Then Wanyu will have nothing to say." Lu Ziqiao winked, thinking that Lu Zhanbo applied on his own initiative.

"What?! I fell asleep during the meeting and didn't know anything."

"Damn, I knew that accidents would happen when I went to work during the day, Zeng Xiaoxian, it's all your fault."

Zeng Xiaoxian spread his hands, expressing his helplessness, could this be considered an accident?Isn't it just going to work in a foreign branch?What's the big deal: "It's my fault too? Even if you didn't fall asleep, the result is still the same?"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with what Mr. Zeng said." Bai Zhi stood up to help Zeng Xiaoxian at this moment: "Suppose Zhan Bo is awake, and the boss tells him to go to a branch office in another city, Zhan Bo, tell the truth, will you agree? "

"I...Of course I will agree." Lu Zhanbo hesitated for a while, but finally confirmed his answer.

Now he is quite sensitive to the place name ML, and finally had this opportunity, how could he not agree?Even if he is awake, he will agree to come down!So the accident that Yifei said didn't exist at all. .

Chapter 778

Lu Zhanbo's reply made their guesses self-defeating. No matter from what point of view, this matter seems to be for Lu Zhanbo and Wan Yu to meet again, so the subsequent thoughts can only go with Lu Zhanbo. .

Bai Zhi knew that there was one more thing that had to be explained, which was Lu Ziqiao's matter, so on the day Lu Zhanbo went to apply for a visa, Bai Zhi told him: "Zhanbo, don't answer Ziqiao's call today. .”

"Why?" Lu Zhanbo was puzzled. Could it be that Lu Ziqiao was poisonous?

"Because a few days ago I heard him talking about finding an unlucky guy. I guess he was playing some prank. If you don't want to miss the visa, just ignore him. It's better to hack him today and finish the visa Let him out of the little black house again."

"Oh, that's it! That really shouldn't be answering his call." Lu Zhanbo nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and under Bai Zhi's attention, he blackmailed Lu Ziqiao, so he felt more at ease.

After completing this series of work, Bai Zhi received a call, saying Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there!It was Lu Ziqiao who called, Bai Zhi squinted her eyes, and showed Lu Zhanbo: "Look, Ziqiao's phone number, believe it or not, he will definitely say something very exaggerated, and it will be a prank if people hear it. .”

"Gulu~" Lu Zhanbo swallowed, glanced at the phone number of Lu Ziqiao who was still in the small black room, and sure enough, it came: "You try to answer it first."

"Listen!" Bai Zhi picked it up, and then turned on the speakerphone: "Hey, Zi Qiao, what do you want from me?"

"Bai Zhi, that's great, you finally answered the phone, come and save me, I'm in the hospital, about to be amputated."

"..." Lu Zhanbo's eyes widened, and he muttered to himself, "Is it really like this?!"

Bai Zhi acted like "I'll just say it", as if nothing had happened: "Really? The front hoof, the back hoof, or the middle hoof?"

"I didn't lie to you, let me tell you the truth! The thing is like this, #@¥%#...¥#@¨‖¥" Lu Ziqiao told Bai Zhi all the things that he spoke very quickly, but unfortunately he spoke too fast. Hurry up, his speech was vague, neither Bai Zhi nor Lu Zhanbo understood what he was saying.

Bai Zhi covered the microphone, turned her head and asked Lu Zhanbo: "Did you understand what he said?"


"I knew it." Bai Zhi curled her lips in disdain: "Believe it or not, he will definitely say later that the time is urgent and he is not clear. Let me go to the hospital to find him?"

Lu Zhanbo didn't speak, but listened to Bai Zhi's question again: "I didn't hear what you said clearly, please say it again."

"The time is urgent now, I can't tell you clearly, you come to the hospital quickly, and I will tell you the truth, come quickly! Click~~~"

As soon as Lu Ziqiao finished speaking, Bai Zhi heard a crisp sound, as if her phone had dropped to the ground. Bai Zhi yelled loudly, but still no one spoke, so she hung up the phone: "Zhanbo, I saved you once."

"Then he..."

"Don't worry, I'll go there. If it's his prank, I'll teach him a lesson. If it's not a prank, then I can help him. Get ready and apply for a visa! Remember, don't accept Anyone's phone."

"How did you become anyone again?"

"Brother believe me, look, I have saved Zi Qiao for you. Believe me, brother, if you answer any call, you may never be able to see Wanyu in your life."

"..." Lu Zhanbo shuddered, which hit his weakness: "Okay, I will definitely not answer anyone's calls until the visa application is completed."

"That's right, I'm leaving first." Bai Zhi nodded, and he decided to look at Lu Ziqiao, so as not to mess with him again.

Bai Zhi drove to the hospital that Lu Ziqiao mentioned, and found the ward he mentioned, just in time to see Lu Ziqiao lying on the ground, trying to pick up the mobile phone on the ground. The moment she saw Bai Zhi, it was as if she saw an angel descending.

"Bai Zhi, thank God, you are finally here, save me quickly! Just save me and take me out of here."

"Hey, Zi Qiao, where are you playing!?"

"Go back and explain to you, take me away quickly, I can't stay here, or I will be amputated."

"Okay! Let's go!"

"No, just carry me on your back. I was given anesthesia and I can't move."

"It's really troublesome..." Bai Zhi muttered as she picked up Lu Ziqiao and walked outside the hospital. . .

On the other hand, Bai Zhi just went out, Lu Zhanbo looked at Bai Zhi's back, thought of his 'glorious history', couldn't help becoming more and more afraid, looked at the phone, and simply turned it off, so he felt relieved.

Just when he was about to apply for a visa, Yu Mo suddenly came back from the outside, just in time to see Lu Zhanbo standing there hesitantly: "Huh? Zhanbo, why are you standing here in a daze?! What about Baibai?"

"' ‖Bai Zhi? He went to find Zi Qiao, what are you looking for?" Lu Zhanbo replied casually.

Yu Mo put down the bag: "Why is he looking for Zi Qiao?" She really couldn't figure it out, and she didn't struggle: "By the way, Zhan Bo, do me a favor."

"What are you busy with?"

Yu Mo took out a rotary lock from the bag, and shook it in front of Lu Zhanbo's eyes: "Last time Yifei broke our lock, we found a lock picker and installed a new one after that, but I think the lock is It doesn't seem to be fixed, it keeps shaking, so I bought a new one, it's not there, you can help me put this on!"

"Do you know?"

"No, so I need your help! Yifei is not at home today, Teacher Zeng is sleeping again, and Guan Gu can't find anyone, so you are the only one at home. It's very simple, just tighten the screws. That side, I screw the side outside the room."

"Okay~" Thinking about it, it seems that Yifei broke the door because he wanted to help him and Wanyu take wedding photos. He thought it was still early, so he didn't rush to apply for a visa, so he took it Lock the door and go in. . .

The two of them worked hard for a long time and finally found the trick. At this moment, Yu Mo heard her cell phone ringing. She saw a strange call and picked it up suspiciously.

"Hello, hello."

"What? Baizhi stole someone in the hospital and was hit by a car? What are you kidding?"

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Yu Mo put down the phone, remained silent for a few seconds, then quickly picked up the handy bag, and rushed out, forgetting what he was doing.

Lu Zhanbo waited inside for a long time, but there was still no movement outside. He scratched his head involuntarily, and then knocked on the door: "Yu Mo, have you finished answering the phone? Are you okay over there? Yu Mo... Yu Mo?"

Lu Zhanbo looked as if Yu Mo hadn't finished answering the call, so he casually found a stool and sat down, waiting for Yu Mo to finish answering the call. . . .

Chapter 779

When Yu Mo hurried to the hospital, he saw Bai Zhi drinking Yakult alive and kicking, while Lu Ziqiao was lying on the bed miserably, looking hopeless.

But more people gathered around Bai Zhi, touching him up and down, as if checking whether he was missing any arms or legs, but no matter how he checked, it seemed that the parts were still there.

Only then did Yu Mo pat Bai Zhi on the head: "You scared me to death, you can't survive, and you stole people and ran to the hospital? Do you feel that your life is too ordinary, so your heart is perverted?"

"What?! I'm here to save Zi Qiao, when did you steal someone?" Bai Zhi explained depressedly, these people would really help him spread rumors: "Besides, what is the hospital? Is this a place to steal people? ? I'm not that stupid."

"Save Ziqiao?" Yifei raised his eyebrows.

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