Sure enough, not long after, Lu Zhanbo called, with disappointment in his tone: "Bai Zhi, I want to change the answer to the questionnaire, but you haven't handed it in yet?"

"Ah?" Bai Zhi was also taken aback when she heard this, "What do you want to change?"

"I want to change the second question."

"How do you want to change it?"

"When I met a little girl crying on the road, I think I should ask the reason first. Is it because I got lost or had a conflict with my family? Only by knowing the problem can I help her. If I just send her home, it is only a temporary solution. No solution."

Bai Zhi scratched her head: "Then you..."

"I gave Optimus Prime to her and sent her home. She really has a brother with leukemia, but... when I went there, her brother just passed away. I gave Optimus Prime to the little one. Girl, she said she'd keep it forever."

Bai Zhi's phone was always on the hands-free, and everyone heard Lu Zhanbo's words clearly. Yifei's current mood is very complicated. In this way, did Lu Zhanbo pass?While he was relieved, he was also a little bit reluctant. . .earth.

Chapter 785

For a while, everyone was a little silent. Everyone thought that Lu Zhanbo might really give Optimus Prime to her, but they never thought that when Lu Zhanbo knew about this mistake, he would specifically tell Bai Zhi that he wanted to revise the answer. After hanging up the phone, he shook his head and picked up the questionnaire, crossed out the words "send her home" on it, and recorded what Lu Zhanbo said verbatim.

Amei nodded and took his answer: "Okay! His interview just now can be given a pass, but now he can definitely be given an excellent. I will go to meet him formally now."

"Zhanbo is qualified now, but how to persuade him to join you depends on your ability, I dare not say anything else." Bai Zhi shrugged, interviews are always a two-way choice, they think Lu Zhanbo is qualified , but Lu Zhanbo didn't know their situation, so naturally he could choose to refuse.

But Bai Zhi has confidence in Lu Zhanbo, otherwise he would not have planned such an action, and even tried his best to persuade Yifei, let alone waste money to buy a 'small gift' for Lu Zhanbo, he would keep the money for himself Isn't it delicious to buy pork for cooking?

"I understand." Amei also understood this truth, and gave Bai Zhi a reply with certainty.

"Okay, I can't find anything, I'll go back first, Yu Mo, do you want to go together?"

"No, I still have a client to meet. I'll be back after the meeting. Just wait for me at the bar or at home." Yu Mo shook his head, watching Bai Zhi and the others go out.

As for where Amy asked Lu Zhanbo to meet and what they said, Bai Zhi didn't know at all. After this matter was done, it seemed that he didn't have anything to do. He just had to wait and see the result.

When he came back at night, Lu Zhanbo was still downcast, but he was more ambitious than what he said before. When he saw Yifei, he always felt a little guilty, as if he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

Bai Zhi didn't urge her either, he was going to tell Yifei sooner or later, it was obvious that Yifei had lived under high pressure for too long and was unable to speak out.

But at night, Lu Zhanbo pulled Bai Zhi aside: "Bai Zhi, Bai Zhi, are you free now?"

"Yes!? What's the matter?"

"I have something to tell you. It's like this. Do you still have any impression of the fact that I gave Optimus Prime to a girl today?"

"Yes!" How could Bai Zhi have no impression, that little girl's brother has leukemia, and his first love also has this disease, and he even came to the apartment to meet him, but since she sent a chess piece over, they have never been in touch However, Bai Zhi knows that she has succeeded, that's enough, for the future, she can only go on alone.

Lu Zhanbo didn't know what Bai Zhi was thinking, but said anxiously: "Later, an organization claiming to be EIO approached me and said they wanted me to join them."

"Then have you agreed?"


"You agreed without knowing the details?" Even though she knew the result, Bai Zhi was still a little surprised. It wasn't as before, Lu Zhanbo came to the door, but the other party came to the door, and he actually believed it.

"Yes! I think what she said is true." Lu Zhanbo explained weakly: "These are not important, but because of this, I don't know how to tell my sister now. I passed the interview, but they Let me go to the YDL branch."

"Then what do you think?"

"I...I want to go."

"Honestly? Wasn't it because of Wan Yu?"

"Yes, to be honest." Lu Zhanbo said firmly: "Wanyu has a new life, I shouldn't bother her, but now there is a job I want to do, and I can be closer to Wanyu, Even looking at her from a distance is fine.

Moreover, I have been protected by my elder sister since I was a child. I think it is time for me to protect and help others. This is much more challenging than simply engaging in IT. "

"Then if that's the case, why are you struggling? You've made such a difficult decision, and you're still afraid of confessing to Yifei?" Bai Zhi calmly encouraged Lu Zhanbo: "Man, the most difficult thing to defeat is yourself, you Even if you have defeated yourself, are you still afraid of your sister? Go ahead and talk about it! This way you can prove your determination to Yifei, what is it for you to ask me to help you?!"

"..." Lu Zhanbo was stunned for a moment: "That's right! I even defeated myself, and I'm still afraid of this little obstacle. Okay, I'll tell my sister now."

Lu Zhanbo was no longer confused, Bai Zhi shook his head, since he had already made up his mind, that little test of Yifei was nothing more than a test...

Sure enough, within a few seconds, there was Yifei's angry roar and Lu Zhanbo's voice of reasoning. This was the first time that Lu Zhanbo responded to Yifei's question directly, and it seemed plausible.

I don't know why, but afterwards, not only did Yifei not be angry because he contradicted her, but she was a little relieved. Lu Zhanbo once again proved his determination and growth with reality.

As planned, Yifei planned to create difficulties for Lu Zhanbo, and Lu Zhanbo readily agreed.

Bai Zhi stood on the balcony, looking up at the starry sky, Yu Mo came out without knowing it, and she obviously heard the quarrel between Yifei and Lu Zhanbo: "How is it? Zhanbo has made up his mind?"

"Ah? Ah~" Bai Zhi replied, continuing to look up at the sky.

"Even Zhanbo has his own goal and ideal, what is your ideal?" Yu Mo asked suddenly.

Yu Mo has asked Bai Zhi this question more than once, but every time Bai Zhi said the same thing: eat and wait to die.

Although Yu Mo knew that Bai Zhi didn't mean that, but every time she asked, she never tired of it.

Bai Zhi laughed at herself: "You have asked me many times."

"I don't believe it. If you're just waiting to die, why do you meddle in your parents' careers?"

"However, despite this, I didn't ask for a salary. I asked them for it every time I ran out of 2.9."

"Then why did you buy the bar?"

"Because, I don't want our memory place to just disappear."

"Don't struggle. In my eyes, the so-called eating and waiting to die is like Ziqiao. There is no job. Every meal is a meal, and every day is a day. I only do what I like and don't think about others. , do you think you look like a qualified second-generation ancestor who eats and waits to die?"

"Not like it?"

"looks like?"

"Isn't it? You can collect the rent in a stable manner. Even after you buy the bar, you can still keep it as it is, and you can make a profit. But you still experiment with themed bars. I don't care if this is feasible or not, at least you are working hard. , it will be more persuasive if you don't.".

Chapter 786

"If you think so, I can't help it." Bai Zhi felt helpless: "If you insist on asking what I really want to do, then I can tell you, a free job, don't worry about daily necessities, and don't care about salary Pros and cons, find a virtuous and beautiful wife, live an ordinary life every day, quarrel with that hooligan mother, play chess with the father who likes to guess riddles, fight wits, live an early retirement life, this is what I think life to do."

"So, you're saying this is just eating and waiting to die?"

"Uh, isn't it?"

Yu Mo couldn't laugh or cry, she would not laugh at Bai Zhi because of this matter, on the contrary, this is a wish that many people can't fulfill in their lifetime.

People's desires are endless. If you earn enough one thousand today, you will choose to earn ten thousand tomorrow. Similarly, not everyone can be so tough, and how many people are still struggling to survive in this city? struggle.

How many people are worrying about finding a girlfriend? There are many difficulties in life, and each one is more difficult than the other. When they were students, they had to take the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination. Worrying about buying a car and a house, otherwise, I might not be able to find a wife.

You can’t 09, when you have passed through these difficulties early and enjoyed these achievements, you can say that you are eating and waiting to die, because this just means that this is the time to enjoy the fruits, and eating and waiting to die is very irrelevant what!

Someone may ask, these are left by his father, how can they be regarded as his fruits?But the problem is, Bai Zhi's efforts are enough to achieve these things, but he has all these things, he just needs to prove that he can do it, isn't it his fruit?

"Forget it, let's go! Literary young man, don't stand here and feel melancholy. Ziqiao will go to remove the plaster tomorrow. You are the only idler. If you don't take him, should I take him?"

"Ah? Remove the plaster? Isn't it a hundred days of injury? Why so fast?"

"Idiot, he wasn't that serious in the first place. He said it was serious on purpose just to pick up girls. This guy should have been ready long ago. Now that he's had enough girls, of course he has to take it off."

"Then why should I follow?"

"Stop talking nonsense and go."

The two entered the room chattering, waiting for the arrival of a new day.

After a few days of calm, even so, Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian stayed in the bar all the time, Bai Zhi was very strange, and only found out after asking.

It turned out that they heard the quarrel between Lu Zhanbo and Yifei that night, and they were afraid that it would be inexplicably affected in the past few days, so they could only take refuge in the bar.

After hearing this, Bai Zhi couldn't laugh or cry: "It's not as serious as you think, is it? Yifei is just pretending. If he gets angry, can Zhanbo live till now?"

"That's not sure, she won't kill Zhanbo, but she will kill us!? It's better to be on the safe side." Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head like a drum.

"Then you can't go back, can you?"

"We can choose to go back when Yifei is not around."

Bai Zhi was speechless, and was too lazy to care about them, but Yoyo was very curious: "Bai Zhi, do you know why Zhanbo and Yifei quarreled?"

"It's not a quarrel, it's just that Yifei is more reluctant."

"Reluctant? Where is Zhanbo going?"

"YDL! He signed up for EIO and wanted to go to ML to develop, so he told Yifei, but Yifei disagreed, saying that Zhanbo had to pass her test, so the two hit it off. !"

"Nani?" Several people were shocked, this matter is really full of twists and turns! ?They thought Lu Zhanbo was because of Wan Yu's affairs again!As everyone knows, even without Wan Yu, he might have signed up, it's just a matter of time, and Bai Zhi just moved this matter forward.

"You don't know yet?!" Bai Zhi was stunned: "It's been a few days, I thought you already knew!?"

"We've been hiding from Yifei, and Zhanbo doesn't know what he's been up to lately, and we haven't been able to find anyone, so of course we don't know." Zeng Xiaoxian scratched his head in distress: "Would Zhanbo be popular again for 3 minutes? The second time he said that the company sent him to work, but he stayed because he missed the visa, how long has it been this time?"

"It doesn't look like it. It's been a few days, and Zhanbo doesn't seem to be letting go." Meijia also lives in 3601, and she didn't see Lu Zhanbo and Yifei intending to apologize. It must not be a 3-minute popularity! ?

They were chatting, and Lu Zhanbo, who hadn't seen him for a long time, finally showed up, and Lu Ziqiao, who was sharp-eyed, saw him at a glance: "Zhanbo, here."

"Where are you all here?"

"Zhanbo, what have you been doing recently?!" Yoyo asked curiously, "Did you quarrel with Yifei?"

"Oh, I'm handing over the work in the company." Lu Zhanbo nodded: "It's not a quarrel, I just talked to my sister, she reacted a little bit, this is the courage that Baizhi gave me, otherwise, I would not dare Tell my sister."

Everyone looked at Bai Zhi, and Bai Zhi said indifferently: "Don't look at me, although I taught this, but he is the one who makes the decision, and the rest is none of my business."

"Are you really planning to go to ML?"

"That's right!" Lu Zhanbo nodded: "I've thought about it for a long time, and now I'm missing my elder sister. I can realize my dream, and at the same time, I can meet Wanyu in 047, which is very good!"


They don't know how to persuade him better, but they are not like Yifei, who are reluctant to part with Lu Zhanbo. He has gone to pursue his career and love, so they might not stop him, right?

"By the way, Bai Zhi, do you know that my elder sister is ready to test me? I have been waiting for several days, but she hasn't moved at all. Why don't you ask me?"

"No, I don't have the heart to meddle in your business." Bai Zhi shook her head, and she didn't agree even if she was beaten to death. At that time, it took a lot of work for the boss to persuade A Mei and Yi Fei. If he still got involved now, then he wouldn't Knowing what will happen: "Anyway, you just wait! She can't drag you!?"

"That's just right, why don't you teach me how to fight? Learn a skill to deal with danger."

"Fighting?" Bai Zhi glanced at him up and down: "You got it! You are so old that you can't learn it even if you want to? Why don't you go to the gym and exercise! You can run faster this way."

"Uh, that's it!" Lu Zhanbo seemed to make sense after thinking about it. Even if he wanted to practice now, he wouldn't be able to practice for long. Yifei's test may come at any time. If he fails, his practice is meaningless. If he passes, he will soon There is no need to practice walking, and it is better to practice running than this. . . .

Chapter 787

It was another sunny day. After Lu Zhanbo finished handling the company's affairs, he had nothing to do. He just stayed at home and watched boxing tutorials all day long!Or fooling around with Bai Zhi and Lu Ziqiao, without any awareness of the imminent disaster, but they keep talking about why Yifei's test hasn't started yet.

This afternoon, Lu Zhanbo couldn't take it anymore, so he took Bai Zhi, Lu Ziqiao, Zeng Xiaoxian and others to the court to play basketball, but it was a pity that Lu Zhanbo was exhausted after only playing for an hour, and was severely beaten by Bai Zhi Laughed.

"Zhanbo, with your strength, how can you save the world!?"

"Hoohoo~" Lu Zhanbo wiped the sweat from his head, and waved his hands weakly: "You guys are running too hard, can you stop working so hard? We just came to the stadium to play casually, and those who didn't know thought you were alive Great revenge!"

Bai Zhi and Lu Ziqiao looked at each other, Lu Ziqiao shrugged, Bai Zhi smirked: "That's a pity, Zhanbo, you were KO'd in the first pass."

"...Ah???" Lu Zhanbo forgot to take a deep breath, and opened his mouth in surprise: "What... what do you mean?"

"What do you say?"

"This is my elder sister's test? Impossible, how is it possible? She just tested this for me?" Lu Zhanbo scratched his head and walked around anxiously.

"I lied to you." Lu Ziqiao shook her head, looking very helpless: "You think Yifei will let us know about your content? Last time she asked us to persuade you to stay, we betrayed in a second, how could she do that?" Trust us?"

"Huh~ That's okay, why are you lying to me?"

"If we don't lie to you, you won't know how you died." Bai Zhi curled her lips, jumped up on the spot, threw the basketball out with both hands, and hit the net hollowly. Bai Zhi was very satisfied: "Zhanbo, I really didn't scare you. Fei is very reluctant for you to leave. Similarly, she still treats you as a child, so her test will be abnormal. This is for sure. If you are not in the mood yet, then I can only tell you in advance 'Unfortunately' ¨‖."

"How perverted?"

"how could I know?"

Lu Zhanbo nodded: "Forget it, don't worry about it, I've rested, let's continue!"

Seeing that he still didn't take this matter to heart, Bai Zhi simply ignored it, Zhanbo, I've tried my best to help you, if you don't live up to it, then you really can't blame anyone, this is your family business after all ah!I can do so much, I have already crossed the line, the rest is up to you!

Intermittent rest and playing, one afternoon passed like this, and seeing that the time was almost up, everyone discussed it and decided to go home!

Back home with the basketball in her arms, Bai Zhi was stunned the moment she opened the door.

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