"Boom~" There was another thunder, and Lu Ziqiao fell down instantly. Then, they saw the end of the game again, and they still won.

"Ke, tui, let you bully me." If the characters can spit, Bai Zhi must spit on their corpses a few times, as if to vent all the grievances: "Eh? Why did you die again? It's me who rushed to the front? If I die, I should die first!"

"Just as long as you're happy." Guan Gu and Lu Ziqiao's mouths were about to twitch. Sometimes, it's really irritating to compare people to others!It’s true that Bai Zhi rushed to the front, but at that time there was only one person using fire to suppress, and the remaining two were throwing mines. Bai Zhi rushed up, just in time for him to change bullets, and killed the person who suppressed the fire , and then took advantage of the fact that the other two of them hadn't changed their guns, they went down in one shuttle, and all KO'd.

However, they were the ones who were injured. They were directly killed by the two mines. This is simply unreasonable, okay?It doesn't matter what they do, they are shot while lying down.

After playing two rounds, they expressed that they were so tired that they couldn't get any more tired. Lying on the chair was like a body without a soul.

"What are you doing? I heard you shouting from outside." Yu Mo knocked on the door and walked in directly.

"Play a game! Come on, Yu Mo, and see how I lead these two scumbags to victory." Bai Zhi proudly pulled Yu Mo over and sat down.

"Playing games?! What's there to show off?" Yu Mo said casually.

"It's really nothing to show off." Guan Gu and Lu Ziqiao complained, and went out to pour a glass of water.

Yu Mo didn't have anything to do, so he just found a stool and stayed to watch Bai Zhi play.

A new round started again. They fought all afternoon, and they all won by inexplicable luck, while Lu Ziqiao and Guan Gu died all afternoon, and they were all used as cannon fodder by Bai Zhi.

Although Yu Mo didn't quite understand it, she couldn't help but laugh and cry. If the world was really mysterious enough, she would definitely suspect that it was Bai Zhi who sucked all the luck of Guan Gu and Lu Ziqiao, otherwise, how could it be possible for these two people? It's already afternoon, just put on a death pose?

However, although the dead were a little bit ecstasy, they passed all the way and broke out of the finalists. However, the points need to be calculated next, and the high scorers will be shortlisted, so the semifinals can only be held tomorrow, but with their unbeaten victory In terms of record, it is appropriate to enter the semi-finals.

Guan Gu and Lu Ziqiao finally breathed a sigh of relief, now Guan Gu understood why Lu Ziqiao was depressed when they jointly sanctioned him, and now he himself was very depressed.

"I made you laugh at me, now you know how powerful I am?" Bai Zhi curled her lips, complaining to the computer, regardless of whether the other side could hear it or not.

As for the team that 'I killed the lamp', their captain's face was ashen, why?Because they lost, this thing, the point system is open to the public, and if they calculate it themselves, this score must be hopeless.

Ever since they fought with Bai Zhi and their team, it was like taking laxatives. Their state has plummeted. They have not won a single game, and they have even had their heads shaved several times. Now they are so angry that they are going to smash the keyboard, right?

The game is like this, strength is important, feel is important, but luck is also very important. When luck is unlucky, it's like a landmine is planted in the whole area. Wherever you go, it will explode, and you will bring your teammates.

And when you're lucky, you can blow your head off with just a flick of the sniper. . .Um, although it may be to blow the head of a teammate.

"Team...Captain, I went to see the team that played against us just now." The other members of this team weakly said to the captain.

"What's so interesting about them?" The captain was a little disdainful: "This time the opponent is too strong, we can't get out of the 060 line, and they must be brushed down."

"Well, Captain..." The team members said weakly: "That team may qualify first in the group."

"..." The captain's eyes widened: "It's impossible. I know their strength. If it weren't for luck, they wouldn't even be able to beat us. How could they be the first to qualify? It must be a cheat, I Report it, report it."

The team members were about to cry: "Captain, they probably didn't cheat. If you want to say that they beat us by luck, then their group first place is also luck."

"What do you mean?" The captain showed blue veins: "You mean we are very good?"

"No, really, Captain, you can go and watch the video. They really rushed out by luck, and we can still see the cheating." The team members hurriedly explained for themselves.

As an old player, he knows very well that if some support types do not have the corresponding strength, so what if they are given to him?Correspondingly, if you have no strength, if you open too obvious cheats, it is easy to see, at least some old players can definitely see it.

Therefore, he can say with certainty that this guy definitely didn't cheat, and if he did, he was still so good, why did they take the first place? .

Chapter 797

"Yu Mo, why did you come back so early today?" After winning the game, Bai Zhi and the others were undoubtedly very happy. Lu Ziqiao and Guan Gu wanted to drag Bai Zhi to celebrate.

Just on the way, they discussed tomorrow's tactics. Bai Zhi felt bored, so she didn't join the discussion, but chatted with Yu Mo. There was no way, the main reason was that Lu Ziqiao and Guan Gu's tactics were still too boring, either squatting or Lying on the stomach, Lu Ziqiao, as the captain, successfully led Guan Gu away.

"It's fine, I'll be back!" Yu Mo replied casually: "Bai Bai, the wedding photos you mentioned earlier... When will it be done!?"


Bai Zhi raised her eyebrows, and looked at Yu Mo with a weird smile: "Guess! I'll tell you if I guess."

Because of Lu Zhanbo and Wan Yu's affairs before, they were so busy that they were turning into spinning tops, Bai Zhi thought that Yu Mo had already forgotten about this matter!Unexpectedly, Yu Mo suddenly remembered at this time. Sure enough, women can remember this kind of thing more clearly than men.

"Don't guess, tell me! Please, tell me~" Yu Mo couldn't wait, and pestered Bai Zhi softly and stubbornly, insisting that he tell her the time.

Bai Zhi had no choice but to say helplessly: "Okay, let me tell you, well, I have already made an appointment for a photo studio, and I am going to go to a place with a better scenery to shoot. It is really not very interesting in this big city, but this After all, it needs to be prepared, so last time they said it would take a month to prepare, it was set in a month later."

"Ah? It's been so long!" Yu Mo pouted, a little disappointed.

"That was said more than 20 days ago..."

"Huh? Doesn't that mean it's only been a week?"

"That's right! So, don't worry, I've even paid for the wedding dress. It's the wedding dress that you went to see with Yifei and the others last time. How about your favorite wedding dress? How about it? Do you think I'm great? "

"What did you pay for? Why didn't I know¨‖?" Yu Mo was almost stunned~ She didn't know anything!As a result, Bai Zhi arranged everything without saying a word.

"Didn't I want to surprise you! Who knew you would remember it so clearly, I just said something casually, and you have remembered it till now."

"Hmph, I must remember this kind of thing clearly." Yu Mo said in a dissatisfied 'hum', she herself thought that Bai Zhi had forgotten it!At first, she was still wondering why Bai Zhi could remember and tell her, but in the end she couldn't help herself, so she dug out the surprise that Bai Zhi wanted to give her.

Lu Ziqiao chatted with Guan Gu for a long time, and found that Bai Zhi didn't say a word. Looking back, this guy and Yu Mo were whispering to each other!Suddenly there was a lightning strike.

Dare to love, he pretended for a long time, but people don't buy it at all?

"Baizhi, we are discussing tactics very seriously. If you want to show off, can you go home and lock the room and then show off?" Lu Ziqiao roared dissatisfied.

Bai Zhi spread her hands: "You talk about yours, I talk about ours, is it okay?! Anyway, you didn't hear us, and we didn't hear you either."


Lu Ziqiao was speechless towards Bai Zhi, and walked to the bar sullenly, thinking that Bai Zhi would definitely be slaughtered today, so that he would not pay attention to the game, and if he lost at that time, it would be entirely his fault.

But Bai Zhi doesn't care anymore, let Lu Ziqiao be with her!Even if he is drunk today, Bai Zhi will pay for him, oh no, it should be said that Yu Mo will pay for him, happy!Not bad for that.

In order to stay away from Lu Ziqiao's psychosis, Bai Zhi and Yu Mo specially chose a corner place, and then sat down and drank slowly.

However, no matter how they hide, someone will still disturb them. A few minutes later, Zeng Xiaoxian walked over like a walking corpse, and sat down next to Bai Zhi and Yu Mo like no one else.

"Teacher Zeng? Are you sitting in the wrong seat?" Bai Zhi reminded helplessly.

"No, I just want to sit here so that you can't date." Zeng Xiaoxian smiled strangely at Bai Zhi and Yu Mo.

"...Mr. Zeng, what's wrong with you?" Yu Mo asked with some fear.

"He was upset because he was cut off." Soon, Yoyo jumped out to explain Baizhi and Yumo's confusion: "They have a new colleague on the radio station, and Lisa asked him to receive him, but he thought she was an ugly girl. So Peter Jura from the sports channel was taken advantage of, but that Nuo Lan was unexpectedly beautiful, and in the end, he was in a tragedy!"

"Nuolan?" Bai Zhi frowned.

"You know him?" Yu Mo asked curiously seeing that Bai Zhi's expression was a little off.

"do not know."

Although Bai Zhi said so, she murmured in her heart, making her appearance so soon?It seems to be a little faster than he expected! ?But it's okay, anyway, it doesn't seem to have much to do with him now, a week later, he and Yu Mo will go out, and God knows if they will miss something by then.

Zeng Xiaoxian sat there without speaking, as if acquiescing to Yoyo's words, but at this moment, an unexpected person appeared in the bar again, saw Zeng Xiaoxian, walked over quickly, and called the waiter to give Zeng Xiaoxian who didn't drink ordered a bottle of Bingrui.

"' ‖ Zeng Xiaoxian, I really don't know how to thank you."

"Mou~~" Zeng Xiaoxian called angrily.

"Uh, he meant, you're welcome." Afraid of causing any conflict, Yoyo replied for Zeng Xiaoxian.

Peter Zhu really took it seriously, and he didn't know if it was because he was dazzled by love, or he didn't care about Zeng Xiaoxian's reaction at all, but continued: "When you called me, I was thinking about it, you must I met an ugly monster, otherwise there would be no reason to ask me to be taken advantage of! Unexpectedly, the real (king's) blamed you, brother."

"Ah?~~" Zeng Xiaoxian yelled again, but he didn't know what it was.

"Well, he means, this is the bow he should make."

Peter Zhu nodded happily, and gave Yoyo 120 likes. Regardless of whether Zeng Xiaoxian meant it that way, he thought it was anyway: "Just now, Nuolan and I spent a very unforgettable few hours. It’s not that my show is about to start, I’m not willing to leave, no, I’m here to thank you brother, thank you very much, I think she must want to pass on the incense for me.”

"One of the three major illusions in life."

Bai Zhi said something speechlessly. Although the voice was relatively low, it was clearly heard by everyone. He really didn't understand that he could have such confidence after meeting him once. Who gave him such confidence? .

Even Bai Zhi herself doesn't have such confidence? ! .

Chapter 798

"What are the three major illusions in life?" Peter Zhu asked with some dissatisfaction, why is this person so unscrupulous?Seeing that you are friends, why are you so speechless? Will I talk nonsense without evidence?Go out with me on a date the first time you meet, what do you tell me that this is not a crush?It's just unreasonable.

Bai Zhi shrugged, he could hear Peter Zhu's dissatisfaction, but dissatisfaction was none of his business!He's just telling the truth, and. . .

Bai Zhi doesn't know if Peter Zhu still remembers his voice, oh, no, it should be said that she definitely doesn't remember, in the second season, Bai Zhi once tricked everyone in Zeng Xiaoxian's radio station, including this Peter Zhu, But at that time, Bai Zhi was driving a voice changer, if he could hear it, then he would really go to hell.

"The so-called three major illusions in life, one, the phone is vibrating; two, someone knocks on the door; three, she likes me."

When Zeng Xiaoxian heard Bai Zhi's words, his mood immediately improved, right!These are the three major illusions in life. If that Nuolan was just perfunctory, wouldn't it be interesting for him to be so confident?

Thinking of this, Zeng Xiaoxian became happy, and started to be mean: "Hey, Bai Zhi, how can you talk like that? We should bless Peter, Lao Zhu, congratulations on your wishes come true!? Hahaha~~"

"Thank you 060, brother."

Bai Zhi squinted at this guy who became a bitch and set up an archway: "Of course, what I'm talking about in general, these are called the three major illusions. If a girl is willing to accept your invitation, it is indeed easier to succeed by taking the initiative, so , Congratulations! Maybe it’s not as simple as passing on the incense to you, maybe it can make you flourish!”

"..." Zeng Xiaoxian's face suddenly shrugged.

"Oh, what's going on!" Peter Zhu turned his anger into joy, and he was very pleased with Bai Zhi's statement. Isn't it that Nuolan is really happy to accept his invitation!Doesn't that mean? ? ?


Peter Zhu laughed in his heart and said, "By the way, my show will start soon, so I have to leave quickly."

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Bai Zhi with a dark face: "Bai Zhi, why do you flatter that Peter Zhu?! How many benefits has he given you?"

"No! But I think that Peter Zhu is much better than you. Even if he is a little nympho and narcissistic, at least he dares to invite girls out if he likes it! But you are different. Apart from being cheap, you You don’t know anything, expect other girls to take a fancy to you, unless you do something messy that moves others.”

Zeng Xiaoxian became angry: "If I don't wash the sports channel with blood, I won't believe in Zeng."

"Calm down, Mr. Zeng, last time you said you were going to wash the person surnamed Hu in the apartment with blood, but in the end you washed the carrots in the kitchen." Yoyo unceremoniously exposed him as one of the three scumbags in the love apartment. This is not a joke, it is something that has been tested over time.

"Teacher Zeng...don't chase after Yifei?" Yu Mo asked curiously, "Otherwise, why are you so mad at Peter Zhu for taking on Nuolan!"

"Hey, man! It's normal to eat what's in the bowl and look at what's in the pot. It's just that Mr. Zeng is special. It hasn't been put into the bowl yet! Let's look at the pot first."

"...You too?" Yu Mo asked quietly.

"I...Of course I'm not." Bai Zhi retorted righteously.

"So you're not a man."


"Hehehe~" Zeng Xiaoxian watched with joy as Bai Zhi posed a difficult problem for himself, trapping himself in it.

You can think about these words in front of me, but you actually say it in front of your own wife, you really have the courage!I want to see how you answer now, if you can't answer, you will die.

Bai Zhi glanced sideways at Zeng Xiaoxian, and he knew that Zeng Xiaoxian must be waiting to see his joke, so Bai Zhi sighed with some melancholy: "Someone knows whether I am a man or not, but someone doesn't know. My girlfriend has been dating for eight years, but she is still a baby, hey, this world is becoming more and more pure."

Zeng Xiaoxian's face darkened, it sounded like he was complimenting him, but why did Zeng Xiaoxian feel that something was wrong!After dating for eight years, there are only two men here, if it's not Bai Zhi, it's him.

Yu Mo was a little bit annoyed that these words obviously brought her along, her face was a little red: "So, you are a man, it means that you will also eat what is in the bowl and look at what is in the pot?"

"Can we stop talking about this topic?"

"You started it yourself."

Bai Zhi curled her lips, okay!He admitted that he was being mean, but said: "Wait a minute, no, Yu Mo, don't you really want me to eat what's in the bowl and still think about what's in the pot?"

"Where is it? How can I hope for it?"

"Then why do you keep holding on to my words? Generally, those who care about it are either wishing for a long time in their hearts, or they are full. It's not that you want me to eat in the bowl and think about the pot, it's you Wish I wasn't a man."

"I...go..." Yu Mo was stunned for a long time, but he couldn't find a reason to refute.

Bai Zhi rubbed her chin, and brought her face closer to Yu Mo's, their noses almost touched together: "Yu Mo, I didn't expect you to be such a person, you are too wild, right? Such fancy things? Say, does every girl have such a perverted idea in her heart, maybe she still has the mentality of speed-dating a 'boyfriend' for her boyfriend?"

"What are you talking about?!" Yu Mo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, now she turned against the customer, and she found that she was eaten to death by Bai Zhi. This guy's crookedness is not ordinary, why did he suddenly become that unreasonable person? people?

Yoyo and Zeng Xiaoxian looked at each other, and they both saw each other's helplessness in each other's eyes. Zeng Xiaoxian propped his chin and looked at Bai Zhi with some envy, why his women are so easy to deceive.

Bah, it's not that easy to cheat, but the moment I saw him, my IQ was automatically subtracted by [-].

After taking advantage, Bai Zhi wisely chose not to continue entangled in this topic, lest Yu Mo become angry. Not only her offensive, but also let her want to stop.

Seeing that the two of them no longer take her and Zeng Xiaoxian seriously, and staying here as a light bulb is purely for self-comfort, so seeing Guan Gu and Lu Ziqiao drinking, she also walked over.

Only Zeng Xiaoxian was left, no matter how much trouble he made, Bai Zhi and Yu Mo just ignored him. .

Chapter 799

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