"Don't worry, I'm not anxious to be with Xiaolong because of Lu Ziqiao. I really like Xiaolong. The thing you said will never happen. Bless me! This time I really found my heartbeat." Feel."

As Meijia spoke, she took Yifei's water and brought it to Baizhi. Baizhi and Yifei looked at each other, not knowing whether to touch the glass or not.

Touched, on behalf of them to bless Mika, then she will be responsible for the future, whether she is deceived or dumped; if she does not touch, it means that they are not optimistic about Mika. , not respecting her opinion.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Bai Zhi was hesitating, Yifei sighed, and pushed Bai Zhi: "Forget it! Drink~"

Bai Zhi picked up her wine glass and drank it down: "Congratulations."

"Thank you."

Meijia put down the wine glass, stepped on her high-heeled shoes and ran out. Bai Zhi and Yifei couldn't help but sighed: "Hey, it's all over now, I really can't interfere."

"I told you to do it quickly. Now it's all right. If you want to help, you won't be able to help. Even if Meijia cried to death, she would probably smash her teeth and swallow it. Hey, don't you usually claim that you have no plans? Why? Did you lose the chain at the critical moment?"

"When did I ever claim that?" Bai Zhi couldn't laugh or cry: "Zhuge Liang doesn't dare to say that, does he? It's alright, alright, don't talk about it, wait for you to tell me, the flowers are all withered, I have already looked for it an hour ago Zi Qiao is gone, I said I wish her well, but it doesn't mean I'm optimistic about her relationship with Xiaolong, so I can support Zi Qiao to pursue Meijia with all her strength, at least compared to Xiaolong, I think Zi Qiao is more reliable."


"Choosing the taller out of the shorter ones is the only way now." Yifei instantly understood Bai Zhi's thoughts. Although she was not optimistic about Ziqiao, compared to Xiaolong, she thought Ziqiao was quite good.

People are more deadly than others, and they compare things with each other. Xiaolong and Lu Ziqiao are both people Mijia loved deeply. If they had to choose between the two, they would definitely choose Lu Ziqiao.

At least they know Lu Ziqiao very well. Similarly, the two of them have experienced so much. So far, Lu Ziqiao has also learned how to love Meijia, which is completely incomparable to Xiaolong. Just for this point, they will support them unconditionally.

"Hey? I suddenly discovered that if the two people who set this curse are combined, it is the only way to break this curse!" Yifei suddenly changed the channel again, and instantly thought of the curse.

"You didn't know?" Bai Zhi curled her lips: "I found out a long time ago. In four days, Mei Jia came out to talk about the matter. No one can find true love. The only possibility is that they are together. They just mentioned it. I'll see it when I get out."

"That's why you want to match Meijia and Ziqiao?"

"What did you say!?"


Chapter 911

"Bai Zhi, I'm going to meet the girl you mentioned." When Bai Zhi woke up the next day, she was about to go to the bathroom to wash up, and found that Lu Ziqiao was sitting on the sofa in her suite, with Yifei and Yu Mo two people.

Hearing Lu Ziqiao's words suddenly, Bai Zhi woke up in an instant, even Yifei and Yu Mo looked at each other, Bai Zhi looked at Lu Ziqiao with surprised eyes, took a deep look at him, and sighed helplessly : "You...you went to see me? Then what are you doing sitting here now? Do you want to invite me to dinner? No, I have no appetite."

"Who told you to invite you to dinner?" Lu Ziqiao said dissatisfiedly, "You lied to me."

"How did I lie to you?"

"You lied to me... She is more perfect than I imagined. Last night, we talked very happily. I found that I really felt my heartbeat. Thank you! Brother, if it wasn't for you, I would It won't be so easy to find the heartbeat girl, Chen Meijia and I will lose the bet, and after I get her, you can eat whatever you want, and you won't be short of money."


Yifei and Yumo looked at each other, and Yifei stared at Bai Zhi dissatisfiedly, her teeth were gritted, is this what you said you have already acted?Why did it instead deepen the misunderstanding between Lu Ziqiao and Meijia?

Perhaps Lu Ziqiao felt that this was not enough to express her gratitude, so she ran over and held Bai Zhi's hand excitedly: "I'm going to ask her out soon, and she's going to travel soon today, and I'm here Thank you for waiting for you to wake up, thank you brother."

Bai Zhi twitched the corner of her mouth and glanced at Lu Ziqiao's arm, feeling an urge to shake him off: "Then hurry up and stop wrangling here, do you hear me?"

"Go right now..."

As Lu Ziqiao said that, she immediately ran outside, Bai Zhi sat down on the sofa depressed, and didn't even brush her teeth.

"Baibai, didn't you tell me yesterday that Ziqiao would definitely stop Meijia? Why is it different from what you said now?"

Yu Mo's words were tactful enough, but Yifei didn't give him any face: "Maybe he bet heavily on Lu Ziqiao! Otherwise, he wouldn't have spared no effort to help him. I've heard that, why don't you I contacted my mother specifically, and found it after burning three computers."

What Yifei said was yin and yang, but Bai Zhi acted as if she didn't hear it, frowning as if she was thinking about something.


Bai Zhi's eyes suddenly changed, and she ran to the door of the apartment. Under Yu Mo's and Yifei's inexplicable eyes, she carefully looked at the door frame, and muttered to herself: "So it's like this?"

After finishing speaking, Bai Zhi didn't even change her pajamas, and rushed out directly, Yu Mo and Yifei looked at each other, blinking, wondering what Bai Zhi wanted to do.

They inexplicably ran to the door frame to look for it, and Yifei ran away immediately: "Whose brat? You made a hole in our door? Do you have public morality? Zeng Xiaoxian, die for me!" , someone shit on you, the head of a woman, do you care?"

Yu Mo sighed, and said helplessly: "Stop shouting, Mr. Zeng has signed up for the decompression training class, and it's time to go to class now."

"Is there anything wrong with him? If you have money to burn, why don't you sign up for this kind of deception class?"

"I don't know, it seems that Guan Gu and Youyou have also gone." Yu Mo shook his head: "Forget it, Bai Zhi went out in her pajamas, she should be back soon, I'll know when he comes back."

"Ghost knows how long it will take." Yifei rolled her eyes, and could only sit quietly and watch TV, waiting for Bai Zhi to come back.

After more than an hour, Yifei and Yumo really heard the sound of chattering outside the door. They opened the door curiously and saw that Bai Zhi was holding a small bottle and didn't know what she was doing.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't make noise, it's time to witness a miracle." Bai Zhi applied the liquid-like substance to the damaged door frame, and for a while, it actually glowed.

Bai Zhi nodded, looking very happy, but Yu Mo and Yifei felt very boring: "Damn, you have been doing it for a long time, and you just want to make this thing? Is it time to play?"

Bai Zhi said lightly: "Do you know what this is?"


"Luminol reagent."

"What luminol reagent?" Yu Mo asked curiously.

Yifei opened his mouth, and slowly looked at Yu Mo: "Have you never seen Conan?"


"Luminol reagent, also known as luminol 0......a kind of blood that cannot be observed by the naked eye at a crime scene, and can show a very small amount of blood stains." Bai Zhi pointed to the blood stains on the door frame: "See if it's like this."

"There will be blood on our door frame?" Yu Mo was frightened: "Then you mean... who died?"

Yifei touched his chin: "Is it Xiaolong?"

"Or is it Meijia's? Xiaolong and Meijia quarreled, Xiaolong killed Meijia, threw the body in the wilderness, and then accidentally spilled a little blood on the door frame, ah~~" Yu Mo screamed and ran behind Bai Zhi: "Then what did we do yesterday?" Who is Mika that I saw at night? Her lonely soul came to us to help her avenge her."

Bai Zhi listened to Yu Mo's analysis of this matter in a daze, then patted her forehead helplessly: "It's not as complicated as you think, this blood should belong to Zi Qiao."

"Could it be that Ziqiao and Xiaolong fought for Meijia's true love, and Ziqiao killed Xiaolong?" Yifei guessed: "That's great, I've disliked him for a long time, Ziqiao finally got a man back."

"..." Bai Zhi simply stopped talking, and you continued to perform. I will wait until you finish the performance before I speak. With such a brain, it would be a pity not to become a screenwriter!

"Baibai, why don't you speak." Yu Mo looked around, his eyes revealing the worry that 'there will always be troublemakers who want to murder me'.

Bai Zhi shook her head helplessly: "I see that you guys are very happy with the analysis, so I decided to give you the stage, you go on, just pretend that I don't exist in 2.9."

"Stop talking nonsense, do you want to talk?" Yifei glared at Bai Zhi.

Only then did Bai Zhi slowly say: "The blood I'm talking about belongs to Zi Qiao. There is no murder case, no fight because of jealousy, and there is no such thing as Meijia's soul coming back for revenge. This is just a struggle in Zi Qiao's heart." , you are too nervous."

"What do you mean?"

"It's just on the surface." Bai Zhi shrugged: "However, there is one more thing I must confirm to ensure that my reasoning is correct. If this is the case, maybe my plan has not failed, but there is an accident surprise."

Yifei and Yumo were a little surprised, there was no failure, and there was a surprise?Are you sure you are right?

But looking at Bai Zhi's confident appearance, it seems that she really didn't lie to them! ! ! .

Chapter 912

"Probably so."

In the 3601 suite, Bai Zhi roughly talked about his guess, from the initial plan to the subsequent events, and Lu Ziqiao's abnormality today, he said it all over again, Yifei and Yumo were stunned.

"You mean, Ziqiao wanted to talk to Meijia yesterday, but he heard something he didn't want to hear at the door, or saw something he didn't want to see, so he gave up this choice and went to find Meijia. That woman you mentioned?" Yu Mo and Yifei couldn't believe it after thinking about it: "How did you know? You saw it too."

"Of course I saw it." Bai Zhi nodded with her hips crossed, "The finger print outside and the bandage on Zi Qiao's hand are the evidence."

"He has a wound on his hand?" Yumo and Yifei were taken aback, they really hadn't noticed it before, bumps and bumps in life are normal, even if they had them, they wouldn't care, let alone think about it up.

"Yes, when he held my hand in 09 just now, I felt scratched, so I looked down, and then thought of what I said to Zi Qiao yesterday afternoon, he disappeared for an hour, and he probably disappeared in that hour. I have already struggled with what to do, but it happened that Xiaolong came to find Meijia, so Ziqiao felt very uncomfortable, and even made fingerprints on the door frame. hurt."

"That is to say, he did this purely to cover up?" Yifei guessed.

"That's right, it looks like a good thing."

"Is this considered a good thing?" Yu Mo shouted in surprise.

"That's right! It means that Ziqiao cares, and only when he cares will he get angry, as long as he is guided a little." Bai Zhi shrugged, and some things are enough to prove this problem: "For example, Yu Mo, if on a certain day, I think Seeing you talking and laughing with other men, but I am not moved, as if nothing happened, you feel unhappy instead?"


Yu Mo blinked, looked at Yifei, and then nodded helplessly. Using such an intuitive metaphor, she really understood. If it happened at that time, it would prove that Bai Zhi didn't care about her at all, and she really didn't care about her. It's not time to laugh, but to cry.

"But, how to guide this?" Yifei asked a practical question.

"Simple, the person who needs to tie the bell to untie it." Bai Zhi snapped her fingers: "You guys come here..."

Yumo and Yifei moved their ears closer, and Bai Zhi whispered something next to their ears, and the latter kept nodding, seeming to agree with Bai Zhi's statement. . .

On the other side, some people were happy and some were sad. Although Lu Ziqiao said that he had a good chat with that girl, he was obviously absent-minded when chatting with her today.

As for Meijia, she is very happy on the contrary. Perhaps compared to Lu Ziqiao, she has true love for Xiaolong!Her happiness was not faked.

After talking with Yifei and Yumo, Baizhi came to the bar. It seems that Lu Ziqiao didn't choose the bar to eat because the girl was willing to raise him, but went to another place.As for Mika and Xiaolong, they should be dating somewhere by now!

However, not long after the three of them sat in the bar, Meijia came back, wrapped tightly around her body, and when Bai Zhi and the others saw it, Meijia was still showing off to them.

"Meijia, what's the matter with you?!" Yifei looked at Mijia in a suit speechlessly, it was clearly a racing driver's suit!

"How is it? Cool?" Meijia showed off with her hips on her hips, took the helmet off her head with difficulty, and stroked the messy hair caused by taking off the helmet: "Xiaolong promised me that tonight, I will take me to review the story of flying close to the ground." Feel."

"What? This is too..." Yifei suddenly became anxious, she wanted to say it was too dangerous.

But in the middle of speaking, Bai Zhi covered her mouth, and then said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, Yifei said, this is great, Meijia, your persistence finally paid off, congratulations!"

"Thank you." Although Meijia felt strange, she didn't think too much about it. She was obviously immersed in this joy.

Bai Zhi told Yifei in a low voice: "Don't be nervous, as I said, Xiaolong's motorcycle has been confiscated, this must be a lie to Meijia, they can't race the car."

When Bai Zhi said this, Yifei felt relieved, and when Bai Zhi took her hand away, she also congratulated her.

Bai Zhi made a move to Yu Mo, and Yu Mo cautiously asked Mei Jia: "Mei Jia, but, don't you think it's a bit dangerous to ride a motorcycle?"

"It's okay, because of this, I bought a full set of equipment from Xiaolong." Meijia also patted the motorcycle helmet proudly: "It cost me a lot of money!"

Both Yumo and Yifei sighed. They knew that Mijia was still immersed in the sweetness of love and thought everything was good, but if she calmed down one day, she would find out how stupid her behavior was. .

"Even if you buy a full set of equipment, it's still dangerous! Meijia, don't you think Xiaolong doesn't worry about your safety at all?"

"It's okay, Xiaolong must have confidence in himself, that's why he took me there, and I also have confidence in him." Meijia nodded shyly.

In other words, girls who are in love are crazy, and they are giving their lives to each other when they are racing motorcycles. A real racer, even a 177 racer who has confidence in himself, they know the dangers of driving better. Sex, when your whole world is in the car, you will involuntarily slow down.

This is why, the older the driver, the more stable the car is, and the driver who just got the driver's license feels like driving the car out of the plane.

"I suddenly remembered a word, a word from a racing driver." Bai Zhi said suddenly.


"There is no one trick that will win. It depends on who can make fewer mistakes while approaching the limit. Every corner you pass, there is no chance to do it again. Every mistake you make will ruin the whole game. , or even your career.

Every racing driver needs to be professional and calm, and needs you to move forward at full speed in the most dangerous place in the world. You don't care about dignity, face, glory, and shame.How to defeat the opponent?It is to find the latest braking point, to find the friction limit of the tires, to find the limit of your self-ability, and then to pass every corner in front of you well. This is not a driving technique, but an art of driving. "

"Who said that? Why have I never heard of it?" Yifei was stunned for a while, then took out her phone and searched, but still couldn't find it.

Bai Zhi smiled, of course they had never heard of it, because it will take a long time for this movie to come out. .

Chapter 913

"A professional rally driver said that when you are driving at full speed, you don't care about anything, dignity, face, glory, shame, then in turn, when you are racing, when you still think about these things, it is When you are about to have an accident, it is conceivable that this little dragon is not enough for the title of racing driver, let alone Jiangnan car king?" Bai Zhi said disdainfully.

Yu Mo and Yifei both held their foreheads helplessly. After listening to Bai Zhi's words, they naturally knew that Xiaolong was not a "Jiangnan Car King" at all, but they didn't know why Bai Zhi was crazy, so they insisted on belittling it. Isn't he afraid that Meijia will say that he is small-minded?

But soon Yu Mo was relieved, what was he afraid of?If you have a small mind, you can have a small mind!Bai Zhi really didn't care at all.

"I won't tell you anymore, Xiaolong invited me to dinner, and we will go for a ride later." Meijia didn't care when she heard Bai Zhi's words. Although her IQ was lowered, she knew that no one in the apartment was optimistic about her. And Xiaolong, so no matter what Bai Zhi said, she didn't care, and she still insisted on going her own way.

After finishing speaking, Mika ran out on her high heels, leaving the three of them staring at each other.

Yu Mo sighed, and said helplessly, "Honey, is your idea really useful?"

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