Although it is possible to move forward step by step in a steady and steady manner, although others are in crisis, they may return to their hometown, but at least they have a short journey!And those obtained things can still hold you back a bit. . .

"Who have we provoked?" Guan Gu Youyou was a little speechless after being fixed in place again because of Nuolan and Yifei's fight.

The two are attacking constantly now, and they only have a counter-attack item in their hands, and they have to use it when the situation gets out of hand!It is really a disadvantage to resist these unknown AOE damage.

"Wow, Yifei has caught up?" When Yifei had a few more ingots, Meijia's envious saliva almost flowed out.

Bai Zhi looked at it with gusto. He was the only one who could keep up with the attacks and judgments of the two of them. From this, he had the urge to play on the table again.

"Hey, come and watch, Teacher Zeng's live broadcast is on fire."

Just when Meijia was sighing, Lu Ziqiao's voice came over suddenly, and they didn't have time to sigh Yifei's luck, so they hurried up: "What, let me see, let me see?"

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Facts have proved that the mood of Chinese people for watching the excitement has never changed. In the past, there were crowds watching the performers on the street, but now they are watching even the fire: "Wow, what a spectacle! What happened tonight?"

Guan Gu also came out to explain: "When I was watching just now, I happened to see Teacher Zeng pressing a big belly woman to the ground!"

"Wow, how much we missed." Yifei tutted twice.

It even aroused Yoyo's curiosity. After watching them one by one, the other side had already changed the channel, and Yoyo was a little angry.

"Ah? The other side changed the channel?" Youyou said distressedly: "What should we do now? We can't watch Mr. Zeng's program, and we don't know what will happen next. What should we do when Mr. Zeng asks?"

. . . . . . .

"Then how about we find someone to ask the opposite party to change the station?" Guan Gu suggested.

"Me, me." As soon as Guan Gu finished speaking, Yifei raised his hand.

"You volunteered?"

"Of course not." Yifei pouted his nose: "I have five ingots, I can let people go on a big adventure, I attack... Nuolan, you go on a big adventure."

At this time, every step is the key. Although I went to the big adventure, the chance of rolling the dice will be made up when I come back, but who knows if someone will go directly to Chuangjie Mountain?At that time, even if you make up for it, it won't have much effect, so you must never leave the poker table.

"I have a gossip array." Nuo Lan was not false at all, and directly sacrificed her own card.

"Very good, decision." Bai Zhi is very happy, because now everyone understands the rules, and he doesn't need to explain, which invisibly reduces his pressure, Nuo Lan draws a card: "Yellow, Nuo Lan transferred to. ... Mika."

"Ah?" Meijia was taken aback, looked at the cards in her hand for the first time, and then said confidently: "Hmph, I have a blame card, haha~~ I'll blame..."

"Don't look at me, give it to Guan Gu, he is weaker." Seeing Mijia looking at her, Youyou quickly sold Guan Gu.

"Nani?" Guan Gu's face turned dark immediately.

Meijia sneered twice: "Haha, you're done, I'll blame... Yumo."


Chapter 956


A few question marks popped up on Yu Mo's forehead, and she pointed at herself with wide eyes, but then she was relieved when she thought that Mijia was on the same path as her, and she was relieved that they were enemies if they were colleagues, so naturally the two were competitors.

Yu Mo, who has always been the most low-key, has been silently taking damage and accumulating strength throughout the game, but she is not afraid at all in the face of attacks, because her ability is also not weak: "I am not afraid of you, I still have one The race card is useless, the next person I transfer can't use counter props~~"

"Okay, continue with the judgment." Bai Zhi hurriedly took out another deck of cards from the side, and then asked Yu Mo to draw out one: "Very good, this big adventure has been transferred to Zi Qiao."

"What?" Lu Ziqiao's smile froze on his face. Since the soul exchange with Guan Gu, he had not been attacked. Now that he was attacked, he yelled, but he also reacted quickly: "I and Guan Gu Gu's soul has been swapped, and now the big adventure is his."

"Nani? But Bai Zhi said that the big adventure is obviously yours."

"But he also said that this big adventure has been transferred to me once, and it can't be given to me again, so you can either block it with counter props, or you can go to the big adventure."

Everyone nodded, Bai Zhi also clearly said this question, Guan Gu has no choice but to use his hand to fight back, but now Yu Mo is using a racial attack, so the hand is invalid, Guan Gu will definitely be hit.

Guan Gu opened his mouth and was at a loss for words, and was immediately depressed. Now he didn't know how many attacks he had blocked for Lu Ziqiao, but he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet: "Okay, I have a chapter card, honey, it's up to you, who will tell you?" You pointed at me just now?"

"What?" Yoyo immediately dissatisfied: "Racial attacks cannot be countered with hand cards."

"I didn't fight back either! I've already been hit."

Bai Zhi nodded: "That's right, you can't use cards in your hand to fight back, but you can use this to launch an attack! This is equivalent to borrowing a knife to kill people, and it is also a racial attack, Yoyo, unless you have similar cards, or you also have race cards, otherwise, You can only go on a big adventure with Guan Gu."

"Ah? How could this be?"

"Hahaha~ retribution! It's all retribution." Lu Ziqiao laughed crazily: "Yu Mo, you did a beautiful job, did you see that, [-] is opposite, go with peace of mind! Hahaha~"

Bai Zhi sneered twice: "Zi Qiao, I forgot to tell you, Guan Gu went out on a big adventure, that is to say, he will not be attacked, and similarly, your damage will not be transferred to him, that is to say , everyone’s attack on you has worked~~”

"..." Lu Ziqiao froze.

Guan Gu burst out laughing, patted the table and said, "Retribution, this is retribution, hahaha~ Zi Qiao, how many rounds have you played? Do you have any cards in your hand? Do you have ingots? Hahaha~~ Let me see how you deal with other people's attacks? Hahaha~~"

Lu Ziqiao was stunned. According to the time when everyone got the hand cards, he came to the conclusion that it would take at least four rounds to have the power to counterattack. He has only participated in a few rounds now, let alone the hand cards. , Yuanbao didn't get a single one, how to fight back?

"Ah~~ It's over."

Lu Ziqiao is in a miserable world. Although he doesn't need to serve now, but he lacks amulets, how can he resist everyone's tricks next?

But anyway, no matter how miserable it was, the game still had to continue. One round ended, and now another round came, and it was Nuolan's turn to be the first again.

After shaking the dice Gu, Nuo Lan lifted the lid, and there was an eleven o'clock on it.

Yifei proudly said, "Yes, this is my territory."

Bai Zhi nodded. At present, Yifei and Nuolan seem to know the rules well. There is no such thing as who knows the rules of the game better. Now we have to see who has a deeper understanding of the game.

Obviously, the two confronted each other on the same path, not only gaining a lot of benefits for themselves, but also setting countless traps. Flying chess has the rule of going home when you step on it, so naturally there is.

"Nuolan, now you choose to tell the truth or give up your hand."

"To be honest, let the horse come here!" Nuo Lan seemed to be inspired by Yi Fei.

"Okay." Bai Zhi flipped over a truth-telling card: "Excuse me, how many rumored boyfriends have you had so far?"

"Six." Nuo Lan was silent for a second before answering directly.


Nuolan quickly explained: "But nothing happened 0......"

"Very good, very good answer." This is not an order to answer the truth, but an attack by the player, so there is no ingot, Bai Zhi just asked: "Do you need to fight back?"

"of course."

Bai Zhi nodded, and said to Yifei: "Yifei, Nuolan is now equipped with a bloodthirsty halo, and the damage counterattacks, so, are you planning to give up the cards in your hand, or..."

"To be honest, who is afraid of whom?!"

"Excuse me, when was the last time someone confessed to you?"

Yifei was silent for a second, as if mentioning something sad: "Three years ago."

"Huh? No one has confessed to you for three years?" Meijia was stunned, it didn't make sense!They have finished the big adventure many times, aren't they even joking?But it's not right to think about it: "Yifei, did you forget to joke, that's okay, and you also met Mr. Shen within three years, right?"

Yu Mo pulled La Meijia and explained in her ear: "Well, Meijia, you have to think about it, who would dare to take such a big risk? They will be beaten to death by Yifei."

"Um... what about Mr. Shen?"

Yu Mo sighed, and glanced at Yifei, but Yifei replied in a very bachelor way: "I confessed to him, are you satisfied?"

Lu Ziqiao was watching in horror, wasn't he just playing a game?As for this?

"What are they doing? Are they going to die together? 2.9" Lu Ziqiao was afraid that he would become the scapegoat who was slaughtered, and after serving the table later, he was even more low-key than Yu Mo.

Meijia understands Yifei's temper. She knows that Yifei cares about winning and losing and points. Come and keep your cards."

"Oh, I see. Wait a minute, what is a hand?"

Meijia rubbed her forehead and explained to him that if this Lu Ziqiao joined the battle between Yifei and Nuolan, he might not know how he died, not even the cards in his hand.

After explaining Boss God, Lu Ziqiao remembered that he didn't seem to have this thing himself, mainly because there were too many poker cards, race cards, and identity cards, so he didn't realize it all at once. . . .

Chapter 957

"Guangu, Yoyo, why haven't you guys gone to the big adventure yet? It's almost over now, let me remind you! Up to now, the selection of the dungeon may start at any time, if you don't Come back, you won't have a round to supplement." Bai Zhi reminded them again and again.

Although their chances of rolling the dice will be made up by the number of rounds after the big adventure is over, if the number of rounds is not enough, they will naturally be directly disqualified from replenishment.

Guan Gu and Yoyo are also very helpless!If Yu Mo didn't take out the race card to attack, they might still be able to resist, but after taking it out, they can't help it: "We want to too! But, go to someone's house in the middle of the night and ask them to change the channel, you Do you think it's that easy? You have to word the words first, right?"

"Oh, alright!" Bai Zhi didn't say anything more, this big adventure is really troublesome, so let's finish it if they can!If you can't finish it, forget it!

Nuolan was not so lucky this time. Dice 09 ran to Yifei's territory, but was punished a bit. Although he also fought back against Yifei, it was Yifei's turn to roll the dice now.

Yifei started to shake it angrily, lifted the lid and looked, and his eyes lit up: "Twenty? That's great."

Bai Zhi rubbed her eyebrows, and rolled a twenty at this time. It is conceivable that for Nuo Lan, it will definitely make things worse. Could it be that God is really on Yifei's side tonight?

Bai Zhi was complaining crazily, but since she had already rolled this point, according to the rules, she would naturally choose the target to attack. No need to think about it, it must be Nuolan: "Nuolan, now Yifei has a combination of continuous attacks, your addiction The blood halo has lost its effect, are you sure you don't want to give up the card in your hand?"

"let me try!"

"That's good." Bai Zhi handed the truth card to Yifei.

Yifei glanced at the above content proudly: "You are dead, honestly: who is the most unforgettable man in your life?"

"...Vincent." Nuo Lan hesitated for a moment, but said it anyway.

A name doesn't mean anything, Yifei continued to draw a truth card: "Do you have his phone number?"


"Okay, next one, Big Adventure: Call him now and say the following lines aloud."

Meijia poked her head over to take a look, and instantly felt pain in her stomach: "Wow, this thing is worse than Guan Gu's great adventure!"

Yifei handed the truth-telling card to Nuo Lan, and after Nuo Lan took it, her heart skipped a beat. Maybe she had already guessed that this would be the result, but she had no choice but to bite the bullet, but after seeing this After the big adventure, she was completely out of ideas: "This... I can't do it."


"Doo~" Bai Zhi pressed the alarm to remind them that it's time to drink, Bai Zhi yawned: "Nuolan, this is her combo combo attack, if you can't catch it, you have to give up all the cards in your hand, you Do you want to give up?"

"Because, not long ago, he and I...divorced."

"Pfft~~" If they were drinking water now, they would all spit it out, and then shouted in unison: "Are you divorced?"

Nuo Lan nodded helplessly, with a bit of bitterness on the corner of her mouth: "He has already formed a new family, and I don't want to disturb him anymore, let alone at this time."

Everyone was immersed in the news, but Bai Zhi and Yu Mo didn't seem surprised at all, and their performance naturally aroused the satisfaction of others: "Bai Zhi, Yu Mo, you don't seem very surprised!"

Yu Mo said calmly: "Last time, when we went to the restaurant for dinner, we met Nuo Lan and talked a little bit. We actually know about her."

"What's the point?" Seeing that the game has reached this point, Yifei obviously still doesn't want to give up this opportunity to pursue: "Isn't it just a divorce? I still have an attack card, to be honest: Why did you get divorced? Did you cheat. "

"I'm sorry, I give up my hand." Nuo Lan threw down her hand and ran away without hesitation.

Even Meijia and Yoyo, who are honest, can't stand it, let alone Baizhi and the others. Looking at Nuolan's back, Baizhi sighed. Although he knew that Yifei had this kind of character, how could he continue playing now? It's not appropriate to go down.

"Yifei, go and apologize to her! This is just a game. Our original intention of playing this game is to have fun, and now we have obviously deviated from this original intention. Otherwise, there is no need to continue this game."

"That's right! That's not good. Mr. Zeng will think we are bullying his friends."

"Who bullied her?" Yifei said dissatisfied: "I didn't say the truth, I just spoke aggressively, and I finally won, what's wrong with being proud?"

Bai Zhi spread her hands: "You did not write the truth, and it is not your fault that you are proud of winning, but, you know that this matter will hurt people, and you still want to continue, so that is different.

If according to what you mean, the person who wrote the truth and the person who invented the game didn't know that this would happen, and they were not wrong. Moreover, playing games can never exceed the scale of humane attack, otherwise Will be a purple magic weapon. "

"Ah~ okay, okay!" Yifei walked inside with a candle, apparently to comfort Nuolan.

At this moment, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They were afraid that Yifei would be stubborn and refused to go to comfort 217. No one could force her to decide what she decided, so it would be bad.

But Bai Zhi has a way, since the game is the fault, then use the rules of the game to handle things, so that Yifei can still achieve her goal, that's great.

After Yifei entered the door, Yu Mo took a breath and said, "Now do you know why I didn't let you dig Nuolan's bottom? Now this is an example."

Meijia and Yoyo also completely lost the idea of ​​gossip. If you know this, they probably won't be so curious!But then again, it was precisely because of her deep concealment that they were so curious to know.

"But I really can't see it at all! Nuolan is divorced? So Teacher Zeng also knows? Otherwise, he won't stop us?" Thinking of Zeng Xiaoxian's strange behavior, it is obvious that Zeng Xiaoxian also knows this One thing: "But isn't Nuolan his competitor? Why does he help Nuolan hide this matter?"

"That's needless to say?" Bai Zhi shrugged: "Mr. Zeng, it's not like you don't know. Although this guy has a thick skin, he is indeed a warm-hearted person. I have to admit this, so I don't have the heart to use this as a threat." ~"

"All right!".

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