"You're really patient. It's been a few weeks, right?" Bai Zhi was speechless about Lu Ziqiao's investment in an 'excessively plump' woman. This product is also a big deal. But the question is, do you have the patience to persevere?

"In the second week, I'm idle anyway, and I have nothing to lose. If I spend their own money, I can get some food."

"Oh, no wonder you can hold on for so long, so it's just for food!" Bai Zhi suddenly realized, and couldn't laugh or cry, these are the spare tires, right?A spare tire for meals. . .

"I said, what are you busy with these days? I can't find a wingman even if I try to find one."

"You care about me?!"

"You won't have anything to hide from us, will you?"

"of course."

"whats the matter?"

"None of your business?"


Lu Ziqiao has learned a lot about Bai Zhi's recalcitrant character, which is completely two extremes with Yoyo.

He and Zeng Xiaoxian followed for a long time, but they didn't find out what Bai Zhi wanted to do. In the end, he thought he was exhausted and gave up the plan. Now he didn't ask, Lu Ziqiao wondered if this guy was doing something outrageous. .

After Yu Mo went back, he brought safflower oil for Yifei, and after doing some things for her, it was already late, and Bai Zhi also returned to the apartment, took a shower and was ready to go to bed.

"How is Yifei?" Bai Zhi asked casually when she saw the door of Yifei's room was closed when she went out.

"The hot compress has been applied, and I should be asleep by now."

"Hot compress? You did it?" Bai Zhi was startled.

"Yes! What's wrong?"

Bai Zhi patted her forehead: "No, you don't have that common sense, neither does Yifei? If the bruise persists, the heat will make it more swollen. Tomorrow her feet will turn into carrots!"

"Really?" Yu Mo was stunned: "But, this is Yifei's strong request. I really don't know. I rarely sprain my feet, so I will ask Yifei to take another measure."

"Forget it." Bai Zhi stopped her: "Everyone is asleep, just wait! We can only take her to the hospital tomorrow."

Yu Mo sighed: "Okay! I'll take a shower and wash my clothes by the way."


Yu Mo went to the bathroom to take a shower, came out to check the time, and felt that it was not particularly late, so he tidied up his clothes and prepared to throw them into the washing machine.

However, she found that there seemed to be something missing from Bai Zhi's clothes, and she couldn't help muttering: "I haven't searched everything." She went in along the water and took out a pregnancy test stick. . . .

Chapter 1000

The next morning, when Bai Zhi woke up, Yu Mo was no longer in bed, and Bai Zhi was already used to it, she just yawned, got up to wash up, poured some dog food for the two dogs, and checked the time by herself , to determine what to do next.

"What's going on today? Why isn't everyone at home?" Bai Zhi went to 3602 to check, and found that even Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao were not at home, and Guan Gu had disappeared.

Guan Gu and Youyou Baizhi are understandable, they are definitely going to prepare for the wedding~ But Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian can't figure it out, these two guys are not at home to sleep in the morning, where are they going at this time?

But at this time, everyone in the apartment gathered in the study room, Bai Zhi just looked at 3602, instead of going to the study room, instead, they escaped a catastrophe.

"Yu Mo, why did you call us here so early in the morning?" Lu Ziqiao yawned, still wearing pajamas.

"I'm here to ask you for help, analyze and analyze for me." - Yu Mo looked worried.

"Analysis? That's Bai Zhi's strength, right? Why don't you call him? He should be up by now, right?"

"But I just don't want him to know." Yu Mo said sadly.

"Okay! What's your question?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked silently.

"No." Yu Mo took out a pregnancy test stick from the side pocket, and said dissatisfiedly: "This is it..."


Several people took a breath, then cupped their hands excitedly: "Congratulations, Yu Mo."

Youyou breathed a sigh of relief, thinking what was going on!The result is not pregnant!Yu Mo is not like Meijia and Lu Ziqiao, the couple are inseparable, they subconsciously think that Yu Mo is afraid that Bai Zhi will know about this, and she is not ready to tell Bai Zhi.

"This is a good thing, Yu Mo." Zeng Xiaoxian's drowsiness disappeared for a while, and he was quite excited about this kind of gossip: "No need to analyze, just tell Bai Zhi directly, based on my understanding of him, he will definitely be crazy about it Yes, but learn from Guan Gu and Yoyo's lesson, when you tell Bai Zhi, don't say that you have already told other people."

"That's right, Yumo, don't be afraid. Although I have never been pregnant, I don't think it's scary at all. Imagine that you are going to be a mother and give birth to a child. This child is very cute, just like a porcelain doll Same, from when she/he started teething, started to learn to speak, and started to learn to walk.

Babbling and calling mommy and daddy from behind, you hold her/him in your arms, the little guy twists and turns restlessly, and then kisses you on the face, what a warm picture it is ! "

Yu Mo listened to the scene that Youyou was thinking of, and gradually showed a smile on her face, but soon, her smile dimmed, and she looked a little sad: "You are very bad, but, this is not my pregnancy test stick. of."

"Huh?" Several people were shocked.

Guan Gu rubbed the back of his head: "Bridge bean sack~ This is not yours? Whose is it?"

"To be honest, I don't know either." Yu Mo sighed: "So I want you to analyze it. I found this in his pocket when I helped Bai Bai do the laundry yesterday. I'm sure that I I haven't used it, so I just want you to analyze and analyze, whose is this?"

When Meijia saw the pregnancy test stick, she panicked a lot. She was a little confused by the incident with Guan Gu and Yoyo yesterday, and forgot where the pregnancy test stick was.

She thought she threw it into the trash can, but Bai Zhi picked it up?That's embarrassing.

"You mean... Bai Zhi cheated on her?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked in disbelief.

"It's very possible that no one can keep seductive all the time. There are so many girls seducing Bai Zhi, it's normal for him to cheat." Lu Ziqiao said seriously.


"Oh~" Yoyo slapped Lu Ziqiao on the head, and Yoyo rolled her eyes: "Do you think everyone is like you? If you want to cheat on Bai Zhi, you would have done it long ago, why wait until now?"

"Then let me deduce it!" Guan Gu put his finger under his chin: "According to what Zi Qiao said, no one can keep seductive all the time, but we have no evidence, only a pregnancy test stick, which is not enough to explain the problem , but the question is, haven't you noticed Bai Zhi's behavior these past few days, has Bai Zhi been mysterious these past few days?"

"You mean?" Yu Mo seemed to think of something.

"There is only one truth. Bai Zhi has been dealing with the relationship with Xiaosan these days. This Xiaosan is pregnant, but Bai Zhi doesn't want to drink Yumo to divorce, so he is busy asking Xiaosan...to get rid of this child."

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

"Hiss..." Several people heard Guan Gu's reasoning, and took a deep breath for a while: "It's too sinful, this can be a small life!"

"But Guan Guan, if that's the case, why didn't anyone come over to make trouble?"

"Hmph, it's very simple." Guan Gu said confidently: "Think of Bai Zhi's charm, even an ex-girlfriend can develop into a client of the current girlfriend, let alone let Xiaosan hide the truth."

"How could it be?" Yu Mo obviously didn't believe it: "But he never hid his love history from me, and he cut off contact with all his ex-girlfriends very decisively, how could he do such a thing without telling me? ?”


"Sometimes, it's involuntary, such as when you're drunk."


"Hey, Guan Gu..." Zeng Xiaoxian saw that Guan Gu had been adding fuel to the fire, and Yu Mo was getting more and more sad, so he hurriedly stood up and interrupted Guan Gu's reasoning: "You don't have evidence, you can't If you're so stupid, just say that Bai Zhi cheated on her, maybe there are other reasons!"

Guan Gu originally wanted to retort and ask for another reason, but seeing Zeng Xiaoxian winking at him, Guan Gu quickly understood: "Um, maybe... right? Yu Mo, don't be sad, I just said it casually. . . ”

Youyou saw Yu Mo's hesitant look: "Yu Mo, haven't you and Bai Zhi always trusted? If that's the case, it's better to just trust to the end, or it's a misunderstanding in the end, and you have doubts about Bai Zhi. Isn't it a loss to be separated?"

"But, what should I do? I can't just ignore it, can I?" Yu Mo was also very entangled in her heart, she told herself that all this was a misunderstanding and a lie.

But, besides his own woman, who would carry other women's pregnancy test sticks?This is very unscientific.

"Or else we'll be like this..." Youyou leaned closer to Yu Mo's ear and muttered for a long time.

"Can this work?" Yu Mo asked worriedly.

"It's definitely possible, and this is the most effective method. Don't you want to find out? That's all."

"Okay...Okay!" Tu.

Chapter 1001

On this day, Yu Mo didn't have the heart to do anything, so he simply put off all the work and stayed in the bar sadly. Sure enough, Bai Zhi was still not in the bar, let alone in the apartment, until night, Bai Zhi still didn't come back .

In the evening, everyone was resting, so everyone came to the bar in a tacit understanding. At the same time, seeing Yu Mo in a daze, You You asked helplessly: "Yu Mo, Bai Zhi hasn't come back yet?"

"No, I haven't seen him all day. I called him, but he didn't tell me where I was, and he didn't let me go find him." Yu Mo muffled what happened today.

"Don't worry, the monk won't be able to run away from the temple, he will definitely come back." Zeng Xiaoxian also comforted him.

"I know, but when I think about that time, I feel a little scared. Tell me, is it because I didn't agree to Bai Bai's request that he did this?"

"Don't be so nervous, you have to think about the good."

"Hey~" Yu Mo sighed.

Meijia felt guilty, this incident was her fault, but for some reason, there was also a gap between Baizhi and Yumo, but she didn't think about what to do, now she can only change the subject: "Hey, we Why don't you care about this topic and talk about something happy? Anyway, if you are not sure, you don't know anything, or... Guan Gu, let's talk about your proposal to Yoyo?"

"What? Marriage proposal?" As soon as Meijia's words came out, the rest of the people were shocked.

Meijia was taken aback, but seeing Yumo's attention also attracted her: "What? Don't you all know?"

"Guan Gu, when did it happen? Didn't you guys still have a temper yesterday?" Lu Ziqiao didn't care about Yu Mo and Bai Zhi's problems, but turned to confirm with Guan Gu and Youyou.

Guan Gu and Yoyo were very satisfied with their expressions, Guan Gu hugged Yoyo: "That's right, it happened yesterday, Baizhi and I went to the wedding club to pay for it yesterday, but we didn't make a reservation, so..."

Guan Gu told everyone what happened yesterday, and looked at Yoyo very affectionately: "You can't imagine the scene at that time, my heart was pounding, and I was about to jump out, until Yoyo said that sentence: I am willing, and immediately, my whole body lights up."

"Let me prove that Meijia used a pack of tissues from me and almost wet my clothes." Bai Zhi's voice suddenly came from behind.

Everyone looked back in a 'swish', just staring at Bai Zhi, Yu Mo smiled when he heard the voice, then his face sank, Bai Zhi said with a hippie smile: "But unfortunately, time is a bit tight, Guan Gu didn't even have time to buy a diamond ring."

"You still know to come back?" Yu Mo said lightly.

"Of course I know to come back." Bai Zhi hadn't noticed it just now, and always felt a little awkward. At this time, Yu Mo's tone was a little strange, and he realized that if it was normal, when they heard Bai Zhi say this sentence, they would definitely follow. Booing, but not now, everyone stared at him seriously: "What are you...doing?"

Zeng Xiaoxian said seriously: "Bai Zhi, where did you go today?"

"Me? I went to work." Bai Zhi said casually.

"Have you had an abortion?"

"Bah~" Bai Zhi's mouthful of saliva almost chilled Zeng Xiaoxian: "What kind of abortion did I have with a man? Have you eaten too much brain fragments?"

"Then what have you been doing?"

"Are you finished? Of course I will tell you when the time comes." Bai Zhi waved her hand impatiently, she couldn't stand these guys: "Let's talk about Guan Gu and Yoyo! You don't want to participate in Guan Gu's engagement Party?"

"Party? I'm going, I'm going."

"Let's play." Guan Gu dismissed the booing Meijia and Lu Ziqiao depressedly: "Baizhi, we already know."

"Got it?" Bai Zhi stared, how did this guy know?reasoning?So powerful: "Okay! Guan Gu, your reasoning has improved! You have reasoned out such a complicated thing."

"You admit it?"

"Of course, you already know it all, why didn't I admit it?" Bai Zhi spread her hands, and it wasn't something shameful, what was she afraid of admitting: "I'll tell you..."


Just as Bai Zhi was about to speak, someone interrupted him from behind. They looked back and saw a girl walking over with a smile. This is not the point, the most important thing is that the girl's belly has become a ball 0... .....

Several people gasped, looked at each other, and gestured twice with their hands. Bai Zhi nodded, and then stood up: "Come on, let me introduce to you, this..."

"Little San?"

"..." The expression on Bai Zhi's face froze instantly, and she stared at Zeng Xiaoxian angrily. Are you about to give birth? So you beat the baby? This is murder!"

"What are you talking about?" Bai Zhi asked depressedly.

"Bai Zhi, let's give birth!" Yu Mo sighed and said in frustration.

Bai Zhi was even more baffled. Seeing the disappointment of these guys, he was very puzzled: "What's wrong with you? Why? Do you despise people when you see pregnant women?"

"We don't despise pregnant women, but we despise you."

"Why?" Bai Zhi retorted dissatisfied.

"Nonsense, you are ruthless, and you still have the heart to kill a child who is about to be born? I have never seen you, a bastard."

"Hey, are you going too far? When did I abort a child who was about to be born?"

"Right now."

"You mean her?" Bai Zhi understood, pointed to the pregnant woman next to her, then thought for a while, and rolled her eyes: "Although I don't know what happened, did you guys make a mistake? Just brought her to the bar, and didn’t let her drink at 2.9? I didn’t take her to the hospital, why did I abort her child? Are you brain cramps?”

Yu Mo felt something was wrong!Why are Bai Zhi's words not always on the same channel as them?It's unscientific: "So, you didn't mean to take her for an abortion?"

"Although I'm two, I'm not crazy. Why would I want to fool someone into killing the child? What's in it for me?" Bai Zhi retorted with her hands folded: "Take a step back, even if I fooled her into doing this , do you think she can still greet me so happily? Even if she volunteered, she wouldn't treat me very well, would she?"

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