"A conditioned reflex? Like a knee-jerk?"

"It's almost the same, but there are differences." Bai Zhi imagined the appearance of knee twitching, and felt that it was not rigorous enough: "In short! If you are close enough, you will feel shy and itchy when you meet them. If you are not close, According to the routine of ordinary girls, it is just a slap, son Joe should be more aware of this, you can ask him, if he sometimes made a mistake in judgment and played a hooligan, was he slapped?"

"Are you kidding me? Massaging is not indecent." Zeng Xiaoxian obviously felt that Bai Zhi's statement was unreliable.

Bai Zhi spread her hands and did not speak, but after making a comparison, Lu Ziqiao understood Bai Zhi's meaning and began to help Bai Zhi to speak: "Hey, let alone, I suddenly understood. For example, some people, he is not a hooligan, but When you are crowded, if you meet a girl suddenly, you will be slapped by the girl regardless of whether he is intentional or not. This is not a question of intentional or not, but a question of what you have already done.

In other words, this girl slaps that person not out of anger, but as a kind of self-protection. This is called psychological conditioning, and it has nothing to do with intentional or not. "

Zeng Xiaoxian lowered his head and thought for a while: "So, you said that giving Yifei a massage would be dangerous because she also has a psychological reflex, maybe she will slap you?"

"Maybe it's not as simple as a slap, and it's even more unbearable to give you a kick."

Thinking of the power of Hu Yifei's kick, Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help but shudder. If he kicked it, it must be at least an internal injury, maybe it will be permanently disabled. . .

"Wait a minute, why do you know that Yifei's sensitive part is the ankle?" Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly thought of a question: "Hiss~~you..."

"I just don't know, that's why I'm not sure! Otherwise, I'd stop Master Huang now instead of analyzing it with you here, and I'm not asking for blessings with Master Huang."

"Doesn't that mean, Master Huang, there is danger?" Lu Ziqiao also suddenly remembered: "What are you still doing in a daze, go back quickly! Otherwise, I will collect Master Huang's body..."

Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian hurriedly stood up and ran into the apartment. They had to stop Huang Huifeng before he was killed.

Running all the way, without even having time to wait for the elevator, he ran up the stairs directly, Zeng Xiaoxian hurriedly pushed open the door, and shouted: "Yifei, be merciful...Peng~~"

Then he heard a loud knocking sound, the door was directly locked, Zeng Xiaoxian froze in his anxious movements, and slowly looked at Huang Huifeng behind the door, he could only say tremblingly: "I The infuriating...dissipated...dissipated."

Falling to the ground, Zeng Xiaoxian looked apologetically at Huang Huifeng who was vomiting blood on the ground, with a tragic expression on his face: "Dare you, he also suffered a bloody disaster!"

"Why are you back?" Yifei was not very angry with Zeng Xiaoxian now, no matter how he was running back and forth for her injury, even though he still didn't help much.

Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao looked at Bai Zhi, Bai Zhi rolled her eyes: "No reason, it seems too late now, just to collect Master Huang's body!"

"I'm not dead yet! What kind of corpse are you collecting?" Huang Huifeng got up from the ground with trembling hands and feet, with a look of helplessness on his face: "Miss Fu, what are you doing~~"

"I don't know why. When you touch my foot, I feel like kicking you. No matter how I restrain myself, I can't restrain myself." Yifei said that she was also helpless, and she didn't know how it happened.

Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian didn't know how to explain it with bitter faces. Zeng Xiaoxian was really afraid that Huang Huifeng would say that he was taking revenge. In fact, he really didn't know about it!

"Well, Master Huang, I think you are injured, or should I take you back? Do you need me to call an ambulance?"

"Okay! It looks like I can't help you set your bones today." Huang Huifeng was also scared, he was lifted by Yifei, and now he feels like his whole body is falling apart: "There is no need to call an ambulance, thankfully I have also practiced, and I can walk by myself."

"Then I'll see you off." Zeng Xiaoxian sent him out.

Bai Zhi and Lu Ziqiao breathed a sigh of relief, Lu Ziqiao covered his forehead: "Yifei, are your feet okay?"

"I don't know, I don't feel very good." Maybe it was out of guilt, or maybe the anger disappeared after kicking twice, and the gunpowder smell in her speech now basically disappeared: "I kicked twice, and it hurts a bit. "

"It must have deteriorated." Bai Zhidan explained painfully: "Yifei, you should not even think about going to the hospital. It's probably the same if you go. Other doctors are not as resistant as Master Huang."

"Then what should I do? Is there no other way?" Yifei asked helplessly.

"Eh~~ It's not that there is no way, I have an idea to try." Bai Zhi rubbed her chin, thoughtfully, and glanced at Yifei.

"any solution?"

Bai Zhi didn't speak, but walked to the TV, dug into the drawer, her eyes lit up, and she took out a roll of tape: "253 is here."

"Tape?" Both Lu Ziqiao and Yifei scratched their heads: "What do you want to do? Tie her up? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to use a rope?"

"Of course not, I'm not that violent." Bai Zhi shook her head: "The reason why she reacted so strongly is that she wasn't close enough to the massager. If she finds someone who is closer, this situation can be avoided."

Yifei narrowed her eyes: "You want to say...you?"

"Do you think I'm your closest person?"

"Do you think that's possible?"

"Then what are you talking about?" Bai Zhi spit out a mouthful of saliva: "I mean, let the person you think is closest to you massage for you, so that you won't be repelled."

"Wait, I understand what you mean, but the problem is that if you are passed, then even if you are passed, you won't be able to!"

"So, the next step is my focus." Bai Zhi showed a smile: "Tell me the person you are closest to, just tie our fingers, and then I will control his/her fingers and press you, then like this You won't be rejected."

"Good idea!" Both Lu Ziqiao and Yifei's eyes lit up, and their hearts were conditioned. This is a complicated thing, but no matter what, the touch is the first sense of discrimination, and it is not impossible to use this to fool the brain: "But, Who should I choose?".

Chapter 1008

"Then Yumo! At least she's a woman, we're close enough, and she's a woman, even if it's not good, she shouldn't be so repulsive." Hearing Bai Zhi's method, Yifei thought of the first thing It is Yu Mo, at least the two are good sisters who grew up together, and it doesn't matter if they are close to Bai Zhi.

The most important thing is that when you ask Yifei who is the closest person, it is nothing more than asking her to say who she likes~ How could she say such a thing?

She also wanted to talk about Yoyo and Meijia, but thinking about tying her fingers to Bai Zhi, maybe Guan Gu and Ziqiao would kill him, and Yu Mo would not let him go, so for such a troublesome matter, Yu Mo Is the best candidate.

"Have you thought about it?"

"Think about it."

"Alright then, wait for Yu Mo to come back tonight!"

Bai Zhi shrugged and said that she didn't care, but Yifei couldn't wait any longer. After all, she was also afraid of the sequelae and wanted to repair her injury as soon as possible: "Don't be at night! Yumo is fine now, right? I remember she said yesterday that she would be staying in the store all day today, so let her come back now~"

"Is that so? That's okay." Bai Zhi struggled for a while, and thought it was okay: "You call yourself, and you have to ask for help."

"If I hit it, I hit it..."

A few minutes later, Yu Mo also came back, Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao stood aside, arms crossed, they wanted to see how Bai Zhi operated.

I saw that Bai Zhi tied all her fingers and Yu Mo tightly, except for the joints, and Yu Mo moved around casually, and found that her hands were not hers at all: "Isn't it too tight? Do you want to relax a little?"

"No, this is a technical job. It is already difficult to feel the position of the ligament with only one hand separated. If you loosen it a little more, it will have no effect." Bai Zhi refused straightforwardly: "Ann, don't worry, if Yifei dares to Kick it over, I will definitely be able to react immediately ¨‖."

"Ah? She's still going to kick me!" Yu Mo's face was a bit bitter, you didn't tell me about this!Now Yu Mo is standing in front of Bai Zhi, and Bai Zhi is standing behind her, tied with her hands, she can't escape even if she wants to.

"Why do I feel like I'm at war!?" Both Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help complaining.

"Okay, I'm going to start." Bai Zhi stretched her fingers, and after getting used to the process, she pinched Yifei's ankle.

Well, it's good, I didn't reject it, which means it's effective, Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian looked at each other: "I'll go, it seems to be really effective."

Bai Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, which shows that this matter has an effect!Then he can try his best: "If you don't reject it, then I will officially start."

"Ah~~~" Yifei let out a scream.

Both Bai Zhi and Yu Mo's hands froze, Bai Zhi couldn't laugh or cry and looked at Yu Mo's hand: "Emma~ I forgot to ask you to take off the fake nails."

"You guys..." Yifei wanted to beat Bai Zhi to death with a hammer. The fake nails felt like bruises. Fortunately, it wasn't a knife, or they would be bloody: "No, hurry up and put your nails on." unloaded."

"But, I can't help it now." Yu Mo couldn't laugh or cry, Bai Zhi could freely manipulate her fingers to massage, it was because Bai Zhi's strength was stronger than hers, and her fingers were also slender, so it was easier to manipulate.

But you let her use Bai Zhi's fingers, isn't that cheating?She doesn't have that ability.

"Then let's forget about it~~" Yifei was discouraged, waiting for her to take off her nails, and then tied them on, which wasted a lot of work, and she didn't know what the consequences would be.

Bai Zhi didn't care, she removed all the tape, Yu Mo had no choice but to say, "Forget it, Yifei, I'll take you back to your room to rest! If it doesn't work, I'll take you to the hospital, they will always have a solution of."

"Huh~" Zeng Xiaoxian was also a little discouraged, and finally thought of a way, but the result is still like this, it is simply unreasonable!

Both Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian sat on the sofa frustrated: "It seems that sometimes being a saint is not very good, at least you have to lick your wounds silently, and no one else can help you."

"What's this called? Didn't we help?"

"Is there any difference?"

"Cut~~" Zeng Xiaoxian looked down on Lu Ziqiao, his elbow seemed to touch something, and when he looked back, it was a blue bag: "Hey, whose bag is this? Does anyone else in our apartment use such an ugly bag?"

"Master Huang's?" Bai Zhi glanced at it.

"Really? Then I have to return it later." Zeng Xiaoxian said so, but he held it up and looked at it, flipping through the contents casually: "I'll go, what is this?!"

"` ‖Oh my god~ Yi Jin Jing?" When Lu Ziqiao saw the book, he also snatched it, and then read out the words on it.

"..." Both Zeng Xiaoxian and Bai Zhi were stunned, and Zeng Xiaoxian complained silently: "Brother, you don't know how to read, but you also need to know how to count?"

"Could it be, the Jade Heart Sutra?"

"It's the Canon of Internal Medicine." Bai Zhi snatched it helplessly: "This should be the secret book handed down by Master Huang, right? But it doesn't look like this! Isn't this too new?"

Lu Ziqiao snatched it back again: "You don't want others to copy the original? Besides, if it is passed down from the ancestors, it is not in simplified characters!"

Saying that, Bai Zhi showed Bai Zhi the contents inside, it was indeed in simplified characters, it was translated and then reprinted, it was definitely different from the original created by the ancestors.

Bai Zhi didn't bother to snatch them up again. If they were torn apart, that Huang Huifeng would probably tear them up. Just looking at it like this, Bai Zhi didn't know much about the meridians, but the basic things (Li Hao) were still Understand: "It seems that this Master Huang did not lie this time. Their family indeed opened a medical clinic. It looks like massage, but if you look closely, it looks more like acupuncture."

"Do you still know acupuncture?"

"Of course you don't understand?"

"Then what you said is true."

"But I know a little bit about massage! And I can read. Did you see that he wrote: The relationship between massage and acupuncture, which is obviously transformed from acupuncture."

"That doesn't mean that his family runs a medical clinic!" Lu Ziqiao retorted: "At most, we can know that he got a cheat book, maybe he can master it by himself after practicing, and then in order to increase credibility, Said that his ancestor opened a medical clinic!"

"Wait a minute... What did you just say?" Zeng Xiaoxian interrupted Lu Ziqiao suddenly, Bai Zhi didn't have time to speak.

"What did you say?"


Chapter 1009

"No, you just said that Master Huang got a secret book by himself, and he will be able to do it by himself?" Zeng Xiaoxian ignored Lu Ziqiao's teasing, but repeated Lu Ziqiao's words: "In that case, we are Can't you just learn and learn? In this way, as long as we help Yifei press, she won't reject it."

"Isn't it? You want to learn this?" Lu Ziqiao said helplessly.

"That's right! Master Huang's not very smart appearance can be learned, why can't I learn it? And I think what Master Huang said is right. Traveling in the rivers and lakes, you don't have to be overwhelmed by your skills."

Bai Zhi squinted her eyes, and complained infinitely: "If you say that, he can deceive you eighty times even if he is not very smart, so that means you are more stupid than him? This is the first time I have heard such a slander against myself."


Zeng Xiaoxian gave Bai Zhi a hard look, and he didn't care what he said, as if he had made up his mind: "Even if I can't learn everything, I can just practice the chapter on ankle joints! In this way, I can learn as soon as possible." Learned."

"Uh, just a reminder." Bai Zhi grabbed Zeng Xiaoxian's shoulders: "There are 66 acupuncture points on both feet, accounting for one-tenth of the whole body. Except for a few points, there are 33 acupuncture points on one foot, and 77 reflex points. Pulling the whole body, especially massage, not only requires your solid finger skills, but also requires you to grasp the acupoints and ligaments253, it doesn’t matter if you are familiar with the acupoints, are you sure you can learn it so quickly?”

"Didn't you say that you don't know acupuncture points very well?"

"Nonsense, is this common sense?" Bai Zhi patted Zeng Xiaoxian on the shoulder: "I'll ask you, how do you learn it?"


"Forget it." Lu Ziqiao interrupted the argument between Zeng Xiaoxian and Bai Zhi: "A certain person just wants to make up for the sooner or later attention to that person, so you can let him do it! At least don't do anything right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!?"

Bai Zhi has nothing to say now, whether he can learn is one thing, attitude is the key, this is indeed a truth: "Well, if you want to learn, I can tell you how to learn, although I can't, But there are still ways to learn, especially the way to exercise your fingers."

"That's great, what are you waiting for..."

"Now?" Bai Zhi and Lu Ziqiao were stunned: "Even if you want to learn, you don't have to be in such a hurry, right?"

"The sooner you learn it, the sooner you can help Yifei return to normal. If the injury recovers in a few days, Yifei's sequelae will be completely left behind."

"It's up to you." Bai Zhi curled her lips and muttered in her heart. If you were in such a hurry, you shouldn't have shown that expression at the beginning, and you shouldn't have left Yifei there for so long. Now at this time, you have to double Make up, don't you think it's troublesome?

Lu Ziqiao held the Bone-Setting Internal Canon, read it for a long time but didn't understand it, and threw it to Zeng Xiaoxian: "No, here you are, whether you want massage or bone-setting, you must memorize the acupoints. You must memorize the acupoints first."

"At the same time, you have to train the strength of your fingers in the past few days. Let me tell you, Teacher Zeng, this is different from the last time you learned Taekwondo! This is a real skill, not opportunistic." Bai Zhi reminded Zeng Xiaoxian in advance : "Are you ready? If you are, I will tell you what to do and what not to do these few days."

"So professional? I like it." Zeng Xiaoxian was very happy to see that Bai Zhi had entered the state. He decided not to play around this time. Of course, it would be better to be professional: "Then what should I do now?"

"Endorsement, didn't you see that Bai Zhi asked you to sort out the training methods?"

"Oh, okay..." Zeng Xiaoxian picked up the book and read it seriously.

And Bai Zhi found a pen, spread out a piece of paper, and Lu Ziqiao leaned over it curiously, he wanted to see what kind of training method Bai Zhi had prepared for Zeng Xiaoxian.

But he didn't know if he didn't read it. He was startled when he saw what Bai Zhi wrote, even if he looked at it, he felt his scalp numb.

The word is easy to hear. . .Very deep, Lu Ziqiao shivered: "Well, I would like to ask, Bai Zhi, what does this mean?"

Hearing this word, even Zeng Xiaoxian, who was reading seriously, pricked up his ears. This is related to his training plan!No matter what he says, he should pay attention to it!

Bai Zhi frowned and was thinking, when she was suddenly interrupted, she said angrily: "That's not to say, of course it's literally, the medicine is to increase the strength of the bones, and this hack is to thicken the skin, Cut your finger, then peel off the scab when it forms, and repeat this until the wound heals, so that the skin on the finger will form a thick layer of callus, which will help increase the thickness of the skin.”

"Hiss~~" Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian gasped at the same time, so it turned out that this is the legendary "thousand cuts!"It was too vicious, Zeng Xiaoxian glanced at his fingers, and couldn't help but shudder: "Can you skip this step? Isn't it too cruel?"

"Well, it's not impossible." Bai Zhi nodded: "Actually, there are many ways to train the thickness of the skin, but it takes a long time, but you don't have that much time!"

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