"Plans have risks, but the difference lies in whether the risks are in the open or in the dark. The risks in this plan are 'what if we find out?'. It's better than those hidden risks, right?"

"It makes sense?! But, can this work?"

"You can ask Zi Qiao about this." Bai Zhi pointed to 3602: "The two tricks of 'heroes do good deeds without leaving a name, but write a diary' and 'the disabled need caring people' are tricks that Lu Ziqiao has tried a hundred times. , Yesterday when you came back, he used the latter trick to deceive a massage therapist, and you saw him take off the splint on his neck, have you not forgotten that?"

"Wow, Ziqiao didn't teach me such a high-end technology? Isn't he too inhumane?" Zhang Wei suddenly realized that if he had such a trick yesterday, let alone a phone call, he might be able to hit third base: "But wouldn't that be too bad?"

"Men are not bad, women don't love~ When she really falls in love with you, then everything you do will become the capital of your flirting, not the reason to break up, understand?"

"Good analysis, I like 0..." Zhang Wei gave a thumbs up.

Seeing Bai Zhi's excited expression, Bai Zhi didn't say a word to him, that is, although this trick has a high success rate, it's a tightrope walker, if you really want to find a future partner, it's better to use it sparingly.

Because it’s okay if it’s not exposed, and if it’s exposed, then you don’t even have to do it with your friends. Lu Ziqiao has tried it repeatedly. It’s because he failed. Anyway, he didn’t plan to do it with those girls. friend.

After Zhang Wei finished drying his clothes, he got another good trick and became very happy. At this time, Zhang Wei heard the sound of closing the door. Looking back, it was Lu Ziqiao who came out of the room, trembling all over. He couldn't help but He asked, "Zi Qiao, what's the matter with you?"

"Don't bother me, I'm exhausted physically and mentally."

"Because of that little girl from yesterday? What did she do to you?"

"Some injuries, from the inside out." Lu Ziqiao hugged the pillow and shivered.

"Isn't it just for you to invite someone to drink a milkshake~ As for?" Zhang Wei pushed him angrily.

Lu Ziqiao didn't even want to talk to him at 2.9: "She gave me a thorough lesson yesterday, what is the meaning of the Yangtze River's back waves pushing the front waves, and the front waves dying on the beach. The current post-00s are so against the sky, she actually asked me to be her blue friend."

"Isn't this too precocious?"

"Tsk, it's not a boyfriend, it's a friend of Lan. Do you understand?"

Zhang Wei shook his head, didn't understand, Lu Ziqiao looked at Bai Zhi, Bai Zhi nodded: "I understand, friend blue, there are two meanings, one is the homonym of boyfriend, but if Ziqiao says it's not a boyfriend, it means another species, that is, the so-called blue face."

"Oh~ Lan Yan?!"

"For you, I had another three hours of nightmares last night." Lu Ziqiao was complaining to Zhang Wei, there was no way, it was really a loss. .

Chapter 1064

"Hey, if I knew you sacrificed so much, I would have worked harder."

"Ah~ I'm already like this, you still haven't asked for her phone number?" Lu Ziqiao shook his head in pain, feeling that all his hard work all night was in vain. He should have thought of it a long time ago, whether he was Zhang Wei Whether Zhang Wei was his wingman or Zhang Wei was his wingman, he had no good end, but as soon as Zhang Wei came back, he happily forgot about it.

"I think there is something wrong with the method you taught me."

"Don't tell the outside world that I'm your master, please." Lu Ziqiao said with a look of lovelessness.

Zhang Wei tried very hard to explain: "It's true, Bai Zhi taught me a trick this morning, even if I was a man, I would give him the phone, if I used this trick last night, then I can definitely get it , Bai Zhi said that this is your special move, you should have taught me this at the beginning, otherwise I would have succeeded."

Lu Ziqiao looked at Bai Zhi slowly, not knowing what ecstasy soup Bai Zhi had poured into him: "My special trick? Which one is the one who wins sympathy for the disabled or does good deeds and writes a diary?"

"The one in front." Bai Zhi spread out her hands: "I just showed him a demonstration, but Zhang Wei was tricked by 09, not only promised to give me the phone number, but also promised to find him at any time, no matter what he was doing."

Lu Ziqiao pouted helplessly: "Zhang Wei, this is a high-end technology. You haven't even learned it yet, so you want to learn how to fly?"

"Who said I can't run? I can run fast."

"Really? Then Bai Zhi must not have told you about the hardware and software facilities needed for this matter, right?" Lu Ziqiao stared at Zhang Wei with disdain, as if seeing through his thoughts.

"What facility? Isn't it possible that you can't even make friends?"

"It's the aftermath, I say the trouble in the process."

"What's the trouble?"

"For example, looks, acting skills, the other girl's IQ, the other girl's occupation, and the other girl's kindness, as well as your vision of people, do you have all of these?" Something without an iota of confidence.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, and then said dissatisfied: "Do I look bad?"

Bai Zhi shrugged and looked Zhang Wei up and down: "How should I put it? You are the handsome type among black faces."

"Look!" Zhang Wei looked at Lu Ziqiao confidently.

Lu Ziqiao gave two 'tsk tsk', and calmly shook his index finger: "He said that you are the most handsome type among the black faces. Pay attention, the word 'black face' is the key point, remember."

"Any questions?"

"Let me analyze it for you. Whether you are doing good deeds, writing a diary or being sympathetic to the disabled, you need extremely rich acting skills. Both of them have one thing in common, that is, pretending to be pitiful, or even crying~ Lu Ziqiao opened his palm: "Then let's make up our minds, pretending to be a poor person, do you need someone with that kind of appearance?"

Zhang Wei rubbed his head, and Bai Zhi said calmly: "The best appearance should be cute, even a little bit cute."

"That's right~" When Lu Ziqiao talked about this kind of experience, he regained his energy, and he didn't look physically and mentally exhausted at all: "Lovely person, crying makes people feel sympathetic, but Zhang Wei, take care of yourself Mirror, do you get along with the word cute? Think about what it would be like for a black face to cry because of grievances?"

So, Zhang Wei cried and felt aggrieved in the minds of the three people. They couldn't help but shuddered, took a deep breath, Lu Ziqiao spread his hands, and said, "Did you see that?"That's the consequence, not to mention sympathy, it's fine if you don't get slapped to death. '

Lu Ziqiao saw that Zhang Wei had no place to refute, and continued: "After talking about looks and acting skills, let me ask you about your vision and the situation of the other girl. When you confirm a prey, what do you do first? What were you thinking at the moment?"


"Fart." Lu Ziqiao patted Zhang Wei on the forehead: "Of course it's observation. The right time, place and people are the key to victory. The timing depends on luck. If it's a heavy rainstorm, the girl is stuck in one place and can't go. Then do you think that the other party will chat with you as long as you are not too wretched to pass the time? And even if she doesn't want to, she has nowhere to go.

Location, where is it easier to strike up a conversation, bar, coffee shop, library?Naturally a bar?Because the people here are just here for recreation or even waiting for an affair, you need to carefully consider where to act.

Renhe, I won't talk about this. If the other party appears alone, don't think about it. This is the best opportunity. If it is like the encounter yesterday, there is an oversized light bulb, which requires a wingman.

All these have to be considered, you actually said that the first thing you think of is action, do you think that death is not miserable enough? "

Zhang Wei was dizzy when he heard it. Before, he hated Lu Ziqiao for not teaching him more in-depth things, but now he found that he couldn't understand what he said in such detail.

Lu Ziqiao didn't give him a chance to respond: "Then, after all these are confirmed to be very good, then we need to pay attention to the girl's condition. What is her occupation? A psychologist, or a detective, you need to make a preliminary identification of these, because we have to start Most of them are women with big breasts and no brains. This kind of people obviously have a low success rate.

Then there is the girl's love, can you see her love from her behavior, make a preliminary confirmation, if it is confirmed that she is very kind, then both methods can be used, such a battle can be invincible.

We have to consider so many things, you actually tell me it's easy?Think about it yourself, how many things can you do? "

Lu Ziqiao said a lot, and Zhang Wei's eyes were staring, and he didn't know what to say: "Ziqiao, are these methods really as complicated as you said?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Lu Ziqiao yelled, "Last night, I created such good conditions for you directly. As long as you want to get a phone call, you don't need to worry about the right time, place, people, or her IQ. You can't even do such a simple thing, and you still want to learn advanced techniques? How about playing?"

Bai Zhi looked at Lu Ziqiao pretending to be aggressive, and saw Zhang Wei flickering for a while, and almost apologized to Lu Ziqiao. He felt that this master had good intentions!Going around in such a big circle is just to keep my head from being burned, literally. . .

"Then thank you! Zi Qiao, hey, it turns out that I couldn't even succeed in the simplest way, no wonder even a food delivery person got to the phone faster than me yesterday."

"Delivering food?".

Chapter 1065

After Zhang Wei told them, Bai Zhi and Lu Ziqiao understood that it was a takeaway that was delivered by mistake, and wanted to confirm the number with Wei Wei, but she reported it directly.

Bai Zhi and Lu Ziqiao looked at each other, and at the same time realized how difficult it is for this super student to become a teacher, this difficulty!It is almost comparable to Lu Zhanbo, who is several levels higher. This person is not only unlucky, but also unlucky, and very unlucky. The most important thing is that this guy is also very narcissistic. He wants to save face. He is not as modest and studious as Lu Zhanbo. They do what they say. What, there is executive power.

"Oh, it's easier to get a phone number for a food delivery guy than me?! But I don't even know the name of the person."

"Didn't she say it all?" Lu Ziqiao reminded silently.

"Uh, when did he..." Zhang Wei asked back, halfway through speaking, he reacted: "Wow, Ziqiao, I love you..."

Looking at the figure of Zhang Wei running out, Lu Ziqiao shook his head helplessly: "Hey, why did I have such a student? He is the most stupid student I have ever seen, even more primitive than a baby. He knows how to do it when it is delivered to his mouth, but he can't even do it twice."

"Calm down, is it the first day we met Zhang Wei? To be honest, sometimes he does nothing wrong, but it's just bad luck, that's why he fails. Didn't you realize that a lot of time, his things will go wrong?" There was an accident, for example, when Yu Mo helped him date that female traffic policeman, he actually did nothing wrong, but he was unlucky later, so that's why it didn't work out?"

Lu Ziqiao rubbed his eyebrows: "It seems to be true, but the problem is that he is not very lucky, but his understanding is really worrying. Why don't I give him these methods? Because he is not suitable, no Falling in love with the purpose of getting married is all hooliganism, this is his concept of love, and these methods are all time bombs, which will not only damage his confidence, but also destroy his values”‖.

"You think too much." Bai Zhi spread her hands and pointed to her temples: "Don't underestimate Zhang Wei, your psychological endurance is not as strong as his! If the roles are reversed, you have lived in an orphanage since childhood, so bad luck When you drink water, your teeth are stuck, think about his life, can you bear it?"

"Hiss~ I really can't bear it, so to speak, I think too much."

Bai Zhi shrugged and leaned on the sofa: "Do you think I haven't thought about it? I'm different from you. I've never used these two tricks. I rely on my personal charm when I fall in love, but it doesn't mean I don't know how to do it." Knowing these principles, I just don’t want to use them, the reason why I taught Zhang Wei this is to help him level up.”


"Yes! What do you think of Zhang Wei's personal charm?"

"If you get a full score of [-], Zhang Wei will get two points at most." Lu Ziqiao gave Zhang Wei a score decisively: "He hardly has any obvious advantages, but there are a lot of obvious shortcomings, even if I force him When it comes to advantages, they are all very general advantages, if you use these advantages to go to an interview, you will not even be able to pass the first pass.”

"That's right. If such a person doesn't use some tricks, he may really be a bachelor for a lifetime. Not everyone will meet their destined person."

"Then what does this have to do with you asking him to level up?"

"Let me give you an example!" Bai Zhi snapped her fingers: "If I want to practice running, how would you train?"

"Burden?" Lu Ziqiao suddenly realized that he had to say that he was smarter than Zhang Wei, and it was easy to understand: "That's right~ the bigger the goal, the stronger the motivation, and you are required to walk like flying, but with no weight and with weight, you can reach the goal. At the same level, if you take off the weight, it is not the same level, and the effect is beyond your own cognition, unless the goal is so big that it makes people desperate, it will overwhelm people's motivation."

"Yes, but Zhang Wei is a person with a very strong mental capacity. Do you think his motivation will be overwhelmed?"

Lu Ziqiao agrees with Bai Zhi's point of view. Throughout Zhang Wei's life, he finally got married. His fiancée ran away with someone, and he missed the wedding. The defendant can be confused, so he is still struggling to move forward, which is not so simple in his heart.

"Then why didn't you stop me when I hit him?"

"Why should I stop it?!" Bai Zhi said indifferently: "There is nothing wrong with what you said!"

"you are not..."

"So, I want him to choose for himself, whether he chooses to exercise himself in a regular way or in a special way, that is his own choice, and I don't want to interfere."

"But how much progress can he make without special methods."

"Hehe, it is a conventional method, but it is actually a different kind of challenge for Zhang Wei."

"` ‖I'll go, what do you mean?" Lu Ziqiao was upset, why Bai Zhi's words were always inconsistent: "You just said that Zhang Wei can't find a girlfriend with his own personal charm!?"

"So, if Zhang Wei really finds a girlfriend by relying on his personal charm, is this difficulty more difficult than using a special method? Similarly, is the girlfriend he finds stronger than the relationship he finds through a special method?"

Lu Ziqiao was stunned for a long time, before letting out a sigh of relief, he gave Bai Zhi a thumbs up: "You won, your whole family won, your confidence in Zhang Wei is really great!"

"Thought it out again?"

"Figured out."

"That's good." Bai Zhi nodded: "That's it~ Life is full of challenges, like Zhang Wei, he chose the path himself, and I will not interfere with his choice."

Lu Ziqiao agrees with Bai Zhi's words very much, but Zhang Wei on the other side, (good Zhao) doesn't know what Lu Ziqiao and Bai Zhi are planning. He is really struggling now whether to use the method Bai Zhi taught him.

But now the phone is about to arrive, and it's too late to use it. After talking for so long yesterday, Zhang Wei didn't know much about her, but he talked about his own things like beans.

Zhang Wei stood on the balcony in a daze, holding a flower in his hand: "Yes, no, no, no..."

Bai Zhi just stayed in 3602 for a while, not for a long time, and the relaxation was over, Bai Zhi felt that she should go back and plan her wedding well, this is a huge project!He took a long time to think about the spear.

While Zhang Wei was struggling, Yifei also began to struggle. Although she said that she was not Nuolan's rival in love, in fact she was!She didn't know if Bai Zhi would tell Zeng Xiaoxian, so she felt that she had to be prepared. .

Chapter 1066

Yifei is very conflicted now, she doesn't trust Bai Zhi, because Bai Zhi doesn't care about her threats, so she feels that with Bai Zhi's character of fearing the world will not be chaotic, she will definitely tell Zeng Xiaoxian, and even tell Zeng Xiaoxian that she doesn't tell him about WeChat, When the time comes, they will wait for Zeng Xiaoxian to settle the score with him, and Bai Zhi will wait to watch the excitement.

So Yifei decided to make double preparations. She couldn't let Bai Zhi tell Zeng Xiaoxian about this matter, but she could let Zeng Xiaoxian reject Nuo Lan.

However, no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't think of an idea, so Yifei patted his forehead: "Ah! Why am I so impulsive and insist on provoking Baizhi? If I just hide it and go out to hide for a day today, I will be liberated. How can it be such a troublesome thing?" something?"

Yifei wandered around depressingly, thinking that if this matter could be resolved perfectly, she came to Yumo's cosmetics store as she walked. Yifei looked up at the signboard, and it was all here, so why not just go in and have a look Feather forget it.

After proficiently saying hello to the waiter inside, Yifei went straight to the reception room at the back, just in time to see Yu Mo lying there sleeping soundly, and when he heard someone coming in, Yu Mo raised his head sensitively, dazedly She took a quick look: "Yifei, it's you!"

"Yes! Didn't bother you?"

"No, I just felt a little sleepy all of a sudden, so I just squinted for a while 307, you can sit down wherever you want!"

When Yifei saw Yu Mo, she seemed to have some understanding. She sat down and said, "If you're sleepy, you can go back to sleep! Why are you lying here? What, there are clients again later?"

"That's not true." Seeing that there were no outsiders, Yu Mo simply stretched his waist: "It's just that I don't worry about this place, it's fine anyway, so I just came here to guard."

Yifei paused for a moment, as if thinking of something: "So, you are actually here, just like Baizhi in the bar, dealing with some sudden problems, such as clients who didn't make an appointment to see you?"


Yifei's mind became active: "That Yu Mo, otherwise you would go to sleep! I can help you watch!"

"You?" Yu Mo stared at Yifei: "Yifei, no, why did you suddenly want to help me? Are you okay?"

"Oh~ It's because I'm so boring that I came here to ask you to hang out!"

"Then let's go shopping~ There will be no problem for a day." Yu Mo said as he was about to pick up his bag.

"Hey, hey~" Yi Fei quickly stopped her: "No, Yu Mo, that's not what I mean, I mean, you finally decided to go out to play, you have to find Bai Zhi anyway? Are you afraid that he won't like it? 1"

"Why? At worst, let's call him Baibai~ This way, there is one more bag that can be carried."

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