It does want to ask.

But just now the boss of the family, the new boss who controlled the underworld and possessed the power to reach the sky... was killed by this evil-looking demon god in a single blow, and escaped like hell.

This made Shimen a lot of pressure.

And its boss, the problem left to it is still the type that seems to directly detonate the wrath of this demon god...

So Shimen fell into thinking.

And the demon god looked at it very calmly.

Impatiently knocking on its iron crystal armor with the Abyss Sword.

Shimen was terrified.

This shit, maybe in the next second it will be chopped off with a knife...


Shimen broke through Tie Jing, who was in the way, and forced himself to open it!

After opening the door, Shimen added in a trembling voice:

"correct answer."

"You didn't even ask, did you?"

Xia You glanced at it, then ignored it, and led a group of children to the next door.

Only the fifth stone gate was left for the rest of his life after the catastrophe, and moved tears were left behind.

On the way to the sixth door, Xia You encountered an army of Galula spirits, the scale of which was unprecedented.

There are a whole hundred thousand!

This army of Galula spirits is overwhelming, rushing from all directions in the underworld, densely packed, almost filling every inch of space.

They rushed towards the Chaldean team frantically, trying to tear Xia You and the others apart and devour them!

These Galula spirits are not native spirits of the underworld, but familiar demons temporarily created by Gaitia with the help of the power of the underworld.

There are a large number of these Galula spirits, but they cannot pose a threat to Xia You.

But now time is extremely tight, every second counts.

Gaitia wanted to use these Galula spirits as cannon fodder to delay Xia You's progress, so that it could complete the anthropogenic incineration ceremony.

Xia You fully fired, summoned countless attacking magic, formed a spell array, and used the light cannon-level attack of the servants to send a storm-like artillery strike to Jialu Laling.

Such crazy magic bombing will of course consume a lot of mana.

Xia You herself really has no magic power.

However, after using the power of the God of Magic, Xia You can easily absorb magic power from the great source of the underworld.

Even without Dayuan, he can use various methods to create a steady stream of magic power at almost zero cost.

For a moment, the dense rain of light cannons illuminated the dim underworld, like a bright sun, hanging high in the underworld!

A few seconds later, all the Galuralings were killed.

And at this time Xia You found out.

On the stone bridge in front of him, there was a pedestal that was riddled with holes, standing on the stone bridge in a miserable manner.

It is the sixth stone gate.

Xia You captured six stone gates one after another.

Now Xia You's strength has been weakened to the extreme, all skills and treasures have been sealed, and her panel is lower than that of ordinary people.

But fortunately.

Xia You also has an Abyss Throne Divine Core that has been upgraded to A++ level.

At this time, Xia You was already very close to the bottom of the underworld.

Affected by the sea of ​​abyss, Xia You's third divine core was continuously activated.

Perhaps when he passes through the seventh stone gate, his divine core will finally be upgraded to EX level.

What appeared in front of Xia You now was the last checkpoint.

The seventh stone door.

On the seventh stone door, although there is no thick iron crystal armor, there are many complicated spells imprinted on it, and there is a dark and great atmosphere in it.

It seems that Getia has upgraded Shimen's defense again.

And behind the seventh stone gate...

It is the palace of Ereshkigal, goddess of the underworld.

Using clairvoyance, Xia You saw a large-scale magic formula in the center of Ereshkigal's palace.

There are extremely complicated spells and runes, as well as various sacrificial vessels, which can be called a museum of the magic world.

And in the center of the huge spell, there is a portal, which has been opened more than half.

Through the vortex of nothingness and chaos, Xia You vaguely saw the scene on the other side of the portal.

That was...the party of the Demon God Pillars.

About forty Demon God Pillars are gathering to draw cards, and the scene is very lively.

Behind them, there is a white-haired young lady with super-colored hair, sitting at the door of the store with a business smile, watching the group of dead houses with a smile.

He tapped the calculator quickly, and calculated today's turnover with a smile.

Ah this...

It's the Temple of Time.

Through the magic formula set up in the local area, and then connected to the ritual body located in the Temple of Time, Gaitia finally assembled the great cause of erasing human beings from the earth in the underworld of the seventh singularity...

The ultimate magic possessed by Gaetia—Humanity Incineration.

There is not much time left until the anthropogenic burn is officially launched.

"It hasn't weakened yet... it hasn't weakened yet!"

At this time, Getia's roar sounded from the stone gate.

Seeing the situation getting out of control a little bit, he couldn't help becoming extremely anxious.

"Next, don't even think about taking a step forward! I have activated the emergency defense of the underworld, and this stone gate has become the strongest barrier in the world!

This is the technique used by the gods to seal Ereshkigal in the underworld when necessary. Even the gods can never shake this restriction! "

Of course Xia You didn't believe Gaitia's words.

He swung the Abyss Sword down, cutting out a chaotic sword wind, and the sword wind hit the stone gate and dissipated without a sound.


Getia sneered:

"It really works! Once these restrictions are activated, even the gods themselves cannot undo them! Divinity is useless in front of these restrictions, and even their power will be greatly reduced!

In another 5 minutes, my anthropometric burnout will be complete, and by then, everything will be over! "

"you think too much."

Xia You's face did not change, and the abyss divinity exploded!

Xia You slowly swung the Abyss Sword, and the divinity of Abyss turned into a heavy hammer, smashing, crushing, and squeezing the projection of Abyss!

Squeeze out the last trace of energy and turn it into a broken chaos, rushing like a raging black tide!

Abyss Light Cannon, launch!

The desperate darkness that could not see a ray of light turned into a torrent of energy beams and collided with the seventh stone gate.

Perhaps this stone gate can really resist the gods of Mesopotamia.

But this...

Obviously, it has nothing to do with the abyss god of another dimension.

The divinity of the abyss is an extremely special existence, so there has never been a reason why it will be suppressed by the mystery on the earth.

The abyss light cannon shredded the defensive position, destroyed the runes branded on it, and destroyed the prohibition left by the gods with the most brutal means!

Then the light cannon continued to strike forward, and after easily annihilating the Shimen, it rushed towards the palace of the goddess of the underworld like a long dragon.

Xia You used the divinity of the abyss to project a deep abyss, crush it into pure energy, and then reload and launch it.

From the perspective of the earth, this is a world-level fantasy collapse, a spectacular sight that can only be seen at the end of the doomsday.

Now the crumbling world turned into a torrent of light, pouring into the palace mightily, and then detonating it!

A chaotic frenzy that swallowed everything broke out!

The spells burned by humanism were quickly destroyed by the raging abyss, the intricate and complicated spells were washed away, and all the precious sacrificial vessels were annihilated without a trace.

The artificial incineration completely stopped.

The portal that was about to be fully opened was also closed instantly.

Then, Xia You heard Gaitia's heart-piercing screams.

"My anthropogenic incineration style!"

Xia You carried the Abyss Sword and walked into Ereshkigal's palace.

At this time, the explosion of the abyss light cannon has dissipated.

Originally, the palace of Ereshkigal was a barren land, but now it has been annihilated by light cannons, and the land has become even more barren.

Even the center part was pierced by the light cannon, leading directly to the sea of ​​abyss...

In the corner of the palace, Xia You saw the imprisoned Ereshkigal.

When Ereshkigal saw Xia You, she was very moved at first, but then she was trembling with fright at the terrifying divinity emanating from Xia You.

At this time, the divinity of Xia You's third divine core had reached its limit.

It has reached the EX class of the highest gear.

The abyss crown above his head, the dark and deep chaos, condensed into a strange block of pure black iron, and the brilliance that burst out from the cracks in the iron block was even more dazzling, divine and unparalleled!And exudes an amazing sense of presence!

At this time, Xia You has regained all the powers of the gods of the abyss.

The sea of ​​abyss under his feet trembled slightly, and in the vortex in the center of the abyss, a long cry came from another world, as if resonating with Xia You.

Then Xia You saw Gaitia.

The anthropogenic incineration style was destroyed at the last moment, Gaitia knelt down on the ground frustrated, with despair written all over his face.

In the last few minutes, the anthropogenic incineration ceremony will be completed.

However, unexpectedly, in the end, the main god of Chaldea caught up...

Getia was about to collapse.

But now there is no time left for him to continue to be depressed.

Because next, the main god of Chaldea will soon spin him like a top.

"Stand up, Getia."

Xia You used a small amount of chaotic value to summon a small abyss projection, then forged the projection into a sword and held it in his hand.

Gaitia glanced at Xia You coldly.

"It seems that the decisive battle between me and you has finally arrived."

Gaitia rolled up his sleeves, revealing two well-trained Israeli iron fists. He looked at Xia You seriously and was ready to strike.

"So, before we go to war, can I ask you a question?"


Now that the anthropogenic incineration plan has been stopped, there is plenty of time left, Xia You doesn't mind chatting with Gaitia.

So, what does Getia want to ask?

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