Shalltear clashed his fists into his palms, full of energy.

Then she casually opened a portal and entered the battlefield where demons danced wildly.







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Okay, I wrote 8k words today!

The Temple of Time in Getia is an isolated island suspended in the imaginary space, and the magic is that if Chaldeas is the epitome of the earth, this Temple of Time is the epitome of the entire universe.

In the Temple of Time, there are a total of nine rooms.

And the most core building is the "Jade Throne" that governs the overall situation and is seated by Getia himself.

And there is also Xia You's ultimate goal.

It's just that the Jade Throne is currently in a closed state. If you want to enter the Jade Throne, you must penetrate all the other eight rooms.

With the help of the crushing firepower of the big light wheel, Xia You easily bombarded the Demon God's Pillar blocking the way to the ground.

The Demon God Pillar can indeed be revived, but the radiance of the big light wheel that does not fall can keep them forever in a state of being burned into ashes by the high-temperature radiance, and the endless loop.

Xia You broke through the melting furnace and the intelligence room in one fell swoop.

When he came to the third room—the observation room, the Demon God Pillars in the observation room were trembling, and they were about to urinate from fright.

After all, the magnificent brilliance of the Great Light Wheel can be clearly seen no matter where it is in the Temple of Time!

Although I don't know how the main god of Chaldea obtained the authority of the big light wheel, but no one here wants to be used as meaningless cannon fodder and be burned to slag by the big light wheel!

After all, although they can be resurrected infinitely.

But it should hurt, it will still hurt...

Xia You took a look at them. These Demon God Pillars shivering in the corner did not seem to be planning to fight Xia You, so Xia You went straight to the next room.

But at this moment, Xia You saw a brilliant destructive light suddenly descending from the sky.

"The Great Light Wheel is here!"

The Demon God Pillars screamed and hugged each other, weeping in despair.

The Demon God Pillars thought it was Xia You who was going to use the big light wheel to get rid of them, but in fact, it was not the big light wheel Xia You fired.

It was Getia who made the move.

He wants to bomb Xia You with a big light wheel!

Xia You frowned, and he also summoned a radiance of the same scale, which collided with Gaetia's brilliance.

Two groups of light cannons with equal power collided and blended in the sky, and finally exploded, bursting out with brilliant golden light.

And just after the first collision, Getia immediately pulled a new light cannon from the sky and smashed it at Xia You,

So Xia You immediately controlled the big light wheel and confronted Gaitia. At this time, Xia You also understood Gaitia's intention.

Gaitia has a big light wheel, and Xia You also has a big light wheel.

If Getia releases the big light wheel towards Xia You, Xia You must use the big light wheel to offset it.

And if such operations continue.

This is equivalent to sealing Xia You's big light wheel, preventing him from attacking the Demon God Pillars in each room.

Sure enough, when Xia You and Gaitia confronted each other, the Demon God Pillars in the observation room also received a notification from Gaitia.

The Demon God Pillars were overjoyed, and hope was rekindled.

"Okay! Getia restrained the main god of Chaldea with a big light wheel!"

"Then he can't blow us up with a big halo, yay!"

"The end of Chaldea has come!"

The Demon God Pillars cheered up one by one, and rushed towards Xia You clamoring.

Then Xia You used various means to slaughter them all within a few seconds.

But then, the Demon God Pillars came back to life again.

"Hehehe, as expected of the main god of Chaldea, the fighting power is indeed quite terrifying."

"However, how many Demon God Pillars can you kill with just your hands?"

"We are endless!"

The Demon God Pillar rushed towards Xia You again.

This time, the Lion King and Ugly Yuqian shot at the same time, using the sky thunder and the brilliance of the Holy Spear to annihilate all the demon pillars.

"Master, let's go!"

The Chaldean team rushed towards the next room, but halfway, they were stopped by the revived demon pillars, and Xia You was forced to fight them again.

At this moment in the sky, the big light wheels of Xia You and Gaitia were still clashing crazily.

After the light cannon collided and shattered, the shattered brilliance and heat rose into the sky and returned to the big light wheel.

This kind of light cannon confrontation will never end...

It's a pity that Xia You and Gaitia also have [The time of birth has come, so as to correct everything], theoretically speaking, the upper limit of the output released by the two of them controlling the big light wheel is also the same.

Therefore, as long as Gaetia obstructs it, Xia You will not be able to bombard the Demon God Pillars with glory.

It's hard to do...

The situation is back to square one.

Facing the infinitely revived Demon God Pillars, Xia You became unable to move even an inch. Not only that, as the battle continued, Xia You's consumption intensified, and the remaining magic power was getting less and less.

And the Demon God Pillars still rushed towards the Chaldean team frantically.

If this continues, when the magic power is exhausted, Xia You and the others may even be beaten to death by these demon god pillar miscellaneous soldiers!

"Have you seen it? Have you seen it, the chief god of Chaldea!"

The Demon God Pillar was constantly resurrected, attacking Xia You one after another, consuming Xia You's magic power.

"The seven singularities have been broken through, and the distortions of countless worlds have been quelled, but all your efforts—all useless! Meaningless!"

Xia You fought with the Demon God Pillars for a long time, the three command spells were exhausted, and the magic power in the circuit had bottomed out.

The servants who accompanied Xia You were also at the end of their strength.

Xia You summoned the Chiyuan Hound and Huang Zhishi, and could only use hand-to-hand combat against the Demon God Pillar army.

Even so, Xia You still firmly holds the upper hand.

The attack of the Demon God Pillar couldn't hit Xia You who was agile ex at all, but Kuangwu's substitute double swords killed the Demon God Column one by one!

However, this is useless, facing the infinitely resurrected Demon God Pillar army, it is useless at all!

"No. Calling it nonsense would be a real joke. Is it too soon for you to give up?"

And right now.

Xia You suddenly heard a clear and holy voice from above the Temple of Time.

Xia You was stunned.

That seems to be... Joan of Arc?

"Your battle is a long journey back into human history. But you should never feel pessimistic about it."

"Because, countless encounters are waiting for you."

"Even if everything on this star is turned into the battlefield of the Holy Grail War."

"Even if everything on this land is turned into ruins that have long been lost."

"Even if there are countless powerful enemies at the end of the road. You never give up. Staring at the sky, expressing that you will never leave the ending in the hands of others."

"Nothing has changed now. Come on, let's fight, Master."

"This is the story of you and ours, taking back the future, right?"

Xia You raised her head, and unexpectedly saw meteors shining brightly above the pitch-black void sky!

Coming from another world, piercing the sky, dragging a dazzling tail of light, and falling towards the Temple of Time!

A girl holding a flag appeared in front of Xia You.

She smiled politely at Xia You:

"Hello, Master of Chaldea, please let us assist you."

Matthew was very surprised:

"Miss Joan of Arc? Could it be that those shooting stars... are all followers!"

"No, calling them followers is no longer appropriate."

At this time, the Lion King looked at the sky seriously and said with emotion:

"Those are heroic spirits, the complete body of heroes, without a catalyst or a summoner, but they came spontaneously. There are so many of them just by relying on the thin thread of fate that was once forged... have they all come?"

Meteors slid down from the sky, and flashes of light landed on various parts of the Temple of Time.

It is those servants who once met Xia You in the singularity!

Some were enemies, some were companions, some had a deep relationship with Xia You, and some just met each other once.

These heroes sitting on the Seat of Heroic Spirits, relying on their own will, chose to come to the Temple of Time to assist Xia You in completing the final battle.

Meteors fell one after another, and countless heroic spirits appeared in the Temple of Time!

"Listen, the heroic spirits who have gathered in this realm are one thousand and one thousand, and they are inappropriate!"

Joan of Arc called out to the Heroic Spirits:

"Even if they are incompatible enemies, even if they are people of different eras who have no intersection, please entrust each other's backs to each other now!"

"It's not to stop the people from burning down, but to open up a way for our contractors to move forward!"

"My real name is Joan of Arc! In the name of the Lord, become a solid shield for everyone!"

The counterattack has begun.

All the shooting stars transformed by the heroic spirit landed on the ground, and immediately started a fight with the Demon God Pillars.

Demon God Pillars can be revived infinitely.

And the heroic spirits can also rely on their karma with Xia You to re-summon them infinitely!

Heroic spirits and demon pillars fought fiercely, repeating death and rebirth, fighting against each other!

The road leading to Gaetia Jade Seat is being opened up!

Xia You was very moved.

With the help of these servants, Xia You can continue to move forward even without relying on the big light wheel.

However, at this time, a large-scale brilliant rainstorm suddenly fell from the sky!

It's Gaetia, who has increased the output of the big light wheel.

Xia You immediately summoned an equal amount of brilliance to fight against it.

Following the orders of the two controllers, the brilliance from the big light wheel turned into a dense rainstorm, point to point crazily collided, bursting out a dazzling light like a star.

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