Xia You looked at Moriarty again, and asked curiously:

"I don't think you are hostile to us, but why are you following us?"

Moriarty is a little embarrassed:

"Oh, this is our first meeting, I think it's better to be honest, so I'm telling the truth, I'm actually a little embarrassed-in fact, I want to meet the Master of Chaldea, but I'm afraid of being You exploded into fireworks and didn't dare to come forward to say hello."

"Ah... it's understandable."

Xia You nodded subtly. After all, he had just lit hundreds of heroic spirits on fire in the Temple of Time to set off fireworks.

This matter has probably spread in the Hall of Valor...

But anyway.

Xia You finally met the first local heroic spirit in the singularity.


Xia You is not familiar with the place of life now, and there are too many questions to be answered, and now, it is just right to ask Moriarty.

After listening to Moriarty's introduction, Xia You had a general understanding of the current situation.

This is an extremely evil isolation realm.

It's a world where only the bad guys survive.

Magicians, monsters, rampant dolls,

And the so-called soldiers who are called Sparrow Bees—

This is good people are mostly dead,

Only super-villains can survive. It's the end of the century.

The prison block, which is isolated from the outside world, is the devil's land and the devil's town, and it is also a city of evil that is hated by gods and ghosts.

which is—

What people call it, Shinjuku, the isolated magic land.

The wall in the distance cannot be destroyed, and the outside world, like all singularities, has become an unobservable nothingness.

And the dark tower located in the west of Shinjuku is the base camp of the enemy.

But unfortunately, just like all rpg games, the protagonist cannot approach the final boss' room at the beginning of the game—the road under the tower is steep and rugged, and once approached, he will be subject to deadly sniping.

At present, it seems that it is best not to approach rashly.

don't come near?

Xia You is a little eager to try.

How rough can a rough road be?

How deadly can a fatal shot be?

Xia You can directly use the Balrog to fly, and the terrain is not an obstacle at all.

And at this distance, with the range of the rebellious victory sword, Xia You can even bombard that building directly!

"So, the general information is that."

Moriarty looked at Xia You and raised his eyebrows: "Looking at you, you seem to be very satisfied with the information?"

"Ah, that's right, it's all very valuable content, especially the location of the final boss - I have to find a way to fuck it up." Xia You murmured.

"Well, since the two of you have obtained satisfactory information, I actually have one on my side, something I want."

Xia You was curious: "What?"

Moriarty smiled: "That's your trust."


"Shinjuku must not be allowed to go on like this. Evil must not be allowed to go on like this--I think that's the only thing we agree on, right?"

Gu Dazi nodded: "Well, that's true."

"Great, thank you for your understanding~ Kind and lovely little sister~"

Moriarty was very moved, and then looked at Xia You: "Then what do you think? The savior of humanity? I am a very reliable follower."

In order to increase his friendliness, Moriarty also showed Xia You a kind smile that he was not good at.

As a result this time.

An accident happened.

Just as Moriarty was trying to be amiable, one of his inherent skills suddenly activated.

With a whoosh, a pink light beam suddenly shot into Xia You's brain!

Xia You was caught off guard and fell for the trick.

Then a strange feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

He just felt that the Moriarty in front of him was very cute...so cute...so cute that made him dizzy...so cute that made him...


Xia You exerted her last will, condensed a bright spear, and smashed it hard at Moriarty's head!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ah

Moriarty was hit with a huge force, and flew out in an instant, screaming all the way, smashing through the wall of the coffee shop!

Finally Moriarty hit the street, stuck upside down among the rubble, his old legs twitching.

And with Moriarty's departure, the throbbing in Xia You's heart gradually subsided until it disappeared without a trace.

Xia You was a little confused.

It was just that...

Charm skills?

Moriarty, still charm?

However, just when Xia You was in a daze, the monsters that had been tamed before suddenly came to report.

They called Xia You a few times, and Xia You's expression immediately became serious.

"An enemy is approaching, and he is a well-known saboteur on your side?"

At this time, there was a violent and ear-piercing scream in the distance. The sound was like a tsunami, surging endlessly, vibrating wildly in the ears!

That is definitely not the volume that ordinary creatures can make.

When hearing this voice, Xia You had almost guessed the identity of the person who came.

Xia You walked out of the coffee shop with Gu Dazi.

In the distance, there is a giant blue shadow running towards it!

It is like a chariot that is out of control, smashing all obstacles in the way, even buildings are smashed and destroyed just as fiercely!

That was the wolf king, Hesse Robb.

Shocking however.

The roar of the giant wolf came from all directions, one after another, like a big ensemble.

The roar of giant wolves is all around, and the loud noise of buildings being smashed is all around.

At this moment, countless giant beasts are hunting together and rushing towards Xia You at the same time!

There is more than one wolf king!







Yesterday's data: recommended tickets 566 monthly tickets 83 blades 33

Today-to-date data: recommended ticket 359 monthly ticket 28 blade 5



I updated 5k today. I originally wrote about 1k words of plot content, but I felt that it was not suitable for today, so I cut it out and used it tomorrow, which means that I will update 7k on time tomorrow.In the coffee shop, Xia You and Moriarty briefly exchanged information.

However, at this moment, the enemy struck.

The blue giant wolf roared and rushed towards Xia You at a frightening speed of over 100 kilometers per hour.

The beast servants in fgo are extremely rare, so just by hearing the roar, Xia You was able to confirm the identity of the other party.

Wolf King, Hesse Robb.

However, the fatal thing is.

It was not the wolf king who attacked them.

But wolves!

Countless "wolf kings" gathered from all directions towards the target as if they were hunting and hunting, blocking all escape routes

They are like heavy tanks with fangs, rampaging on the streets, everywhere they go are frightening exaggerated ruins, and countless innocent corpses trampled into flesh.

Or they directly opened the way with their steel-like bodies, smashed through the buildings, and moved forward in a straight line!

Or use your strong muscles to burst out with amazing jumping power, and jump between buildings at high speed, just like flying!

And these all show the terrifying power of this group of beasts.

I don't know why it became like this, there should be only one wolf king, but it appeared in the form of a group!

"Xia Youjun, please be careful! Each of these wolves has a huge magical reaction, and they are at the level of servants, no! They are much stronger than ordinary servants!"

"It's unscientific. I haven't heard that the wolf king can clone himself."

Xia You frowned, and in order to find an answer, he activated Sigurd's crystallization of wisdom.

Cooperating with clairvoyance, his eyes swept over the pack of wolves one by one.

A huge amount of information was instantly poured into Xia You's brain.

From the life experience of these monsters to the detailed parameters of every inch of the body structure, everything was imprinted in Xia You's mind in an instant and became a part of Xia You's memory.

Xia You got the answer:

"Each of these wolves is a genuine follower with inherent skills and treasures, as well as a super high panel!"

Gu Dazi was startled: "Oh?! These are all followers? I thought they were monsters..."

"It's a follower."

Xia You explained: "Through the destiny of the wolf king to lead the pack of wolves, use all kinds of phantoms as sacrifices, fill up its spirit base like feeding Fufu, and finally forcibly support it with such an extraordinary treasure.

If they were to be listed, it would be like Iskandar's King's Army——Okay, no more nonsense, they are coming! "

While talking, the first giant wolf had already pounced on Xia You and Gu Dazi.

And Xia You activated the Roman style of shooting hundreds of heads, and activated various bonus skills, and shot a series of brilliant lights at the ferocious giant wolf!

Boom boom boom boom!

The fist of blazing light exploded on the giant wolf's body, but failed to stop the giant wolf's charge. It was not until Xia You added another luminous spear that the giant wolf was repelled.

The repelled giant wolf staggered back two steps, accidentally falling into the distorted position Xia You had set in advance.

In an instant, the magic eye was activated, and the pressure of [-] tons exploded from the inside of the giant wolf, tearing its body apart from two directions.

The giant wolf grinned at Xia You, desperately resisting the oppression of Juli.

However, it only lasted for a few seconds before being crushed by the ever-increasing tension of the demon eye, and its body exploded into countless spirit particles and dissipated.

But this is just the beginning.

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