
Christina clutched her chest, flustered.

I saw Christina's eyes flickering, and all the delicate joints trembled unnaturally, as if she was suffering a huge shock in her heart.

She looked at the Phantom of the Opera, and said weakly:

"That... Eric..."

The Phantom of the Opera has a subtle look:

"Christina, I need to remind you that it's just the Chaldean master's usual trick to lure the followers, let's put it aside if you want to cooperate with the Chaldean master, but it will be bad if you are confused by bad men.

So please don't say things like 'that guy is so handsome, let's join his camp'! "

"That man is so handsome, let's join his camp!!"

In this way, Christina and Liqiang Dajun joined the team.







The data of the day before yesterday: recommended tickets 384 monthly tickets 24 blades 6

Yesterday's data: recommended tickets 562 monthly tickets 29 blades 15

Data from today to today: recommended tickets 185 monthly tickets 11 blades 3 rewards 300



Moriarty's current situation is that he has divided himself into two sides, good and evil, and has become two people.

One of them representing the kind side is the good Moriarty next to Xia You.

And the other has full power and represents the bad Moriarty who is pure evil.

He is the builder of the black tower.

And at the same time, he is also the distortion point of this singularity that Chaldea must defeat.

Bad Moriarty knows this well.

So for his plan not to be disturbed, in order to fulfill his ambition.

He had to get rid of Chaldea.

So he set up a careful plan, summoning servants, transforming servants, using the technology of fusing phantoms, he created for himself an almost invincible fantasy lineup!

Even the main god of Chaldea, in the face of this kind of battle, I am afraid that he will be deflated!

However, now, this plan has some small accidents...

"We've lost contact with Berserker for over two hours, guys, do you have any clues?"

In the black tower, Bad Moriarty asked his subordinates.

There are three of Bad Moriarty's subordinates.

Shinjuku's assassin, Yan Qing.Shinjuku's Archer, Emiya Alter, and Shinjuku Rider, Wolf King Rob Hessen.

Wei Gong said lightly: "Is there even a need to think about it? Of course it is that shameful berserker who has been bewitched by the charm of Chaldea's lord and has taken refuge in Chaldea."

Yan Qing sighed:

"That is to say, the Chaldean master tamed that crazy golem? This is not good, after all, it is quite a headache to be an enemy of that berserker..."

"Headache? That's not the case."

Bad Moriarty, smiled, actually quite relaxed:

"Berserker will lose contact, that's the only possibility. But berserker is an uncontrollable guy.

Her betrayal is also in my expectation, and it will not pose any threat to us. "

Emiya looked at Bad Moriarty: "How do you say that?"

"Long before the master of Chaldea landed on the singularity, I prepared a perfect strategy."

Bad Moriarty Introduction:

"The puppet of Berserker originally served as the army of our phantom demon alliance. Patrol, investigation, and assisting servants in combat are an extremely important part of our combat system."

Yan Qing spread her hands: "But she has betrayed now, and her army has become our enemy."

Bad Moriarty smiled: "But don't we still have riders?"

Emiya understood:

"Did you give Rider a pack of wolves just to deal with Berserker's betrayal?"

"That's right, the rider's wolves can perfectly replace the berserker's position, even better than the berserker! Even if the berserker betrays, as long as there is a rider, we can still carry out the battle completely. As for the berserker..."

Bad Moriarty sneered:

"That stupid little puppet, she betrayed us, and lost our magic supply. Don't forget, the biggest weakness of Chaldea's master is the lack of magic!"

Yan Qing: "In this case, if there is no magic power, Berserker cannot produce soldiers, and she lacks combat power.

So even if she took refuge in Chaldea, it would not bring much advantage to Chaldea. "

Bad Moriarty laughed heartily:

"Hahahahaha, that's exactly the case, we have the Holy Grail, and we have as much magic power as we need, so the wolves are unlimited, and so are our warriors!

As for Berserker, the magic power she has stored will be exhausted in just one battle!No more threats! "

Bad Moriarty looked at the silent wolf king with a kind smile:

"But as long as the rider hides in this high tower and never participates in the battle, then the wolves can produce infinitely and fight infinitely—and we are invincible!

Now as long as the wolves are sent to attack the berserker, and the wolves are used to consume the berserker's power cavity, then everything will be fine. "

However, at this moment, the rider suddenly bared his fangs and glared at Moriarty: "■■■!"

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

Bad Moriarty smiled calmly:

"I made a slip of the tongue, don't worry rider, I didn't mean to treat your partners as cannon fodder, of course, the assassin and the archer will also join the battle, they will protect your partners - and what you have to do , just stay in this tower, okay?"

The wolf king put away his fangs and was no longer angry with Moriarty.

The above is Bad Moriarty's plan.

The Master of Chaldea seems to have gained the upper hand, but everything is nothing more than bad Moriarty teasing them.

Chaldea, still being toyed with by the bad Moriarty in applause...

Yet at this moment.

In the black tower, an old computer suddenly lights up automatically.

The four followers were taken aback.

They all looked at the abandoned computer.

In the picture, Xia You was holding a sword on the neck of a white Samoyed, and the Samoyed was crying pitifully.

"Wolf King, your wife is here. I'm going to kill her right now. If you don't want her to die, come here in person!"

Seeing this, Moriarty chuckled:

"What is Chaldea trying to do? Although it is admirable to be able to guess the real identity of the wolf king, even if they know the weakness of the wolf king, they will not be able to use a dog to make up the number, right? What's the use of it?"

Yan Qing smacked her lips: "But let's not talk about it, this dog looks cute..."

"Ah, yes, it's really cute...Huh?" Bad Moriarty was taken aback: "Why do I think it's cute?"

Wei Gong stared at Samoyed's neck carefully: "Do you see that blue collar, does it look like a treasure?"

"Treasure Phantasm? Wait!"

Bad Moriarty freaks out:

"Could it be some charm treasure?! If so, a white canine creature equipped with charm treasure, wouldn't it be to the wolf king...!!"

Bad Moriarty quickly looked at the Wolf King.

However, at this time, the wolf king had turned around and rushed out of the black tower!

Bad Moriarty breaks down instantly:

"Damn Master Chaldea! This trick is really effective against the wolf king! Wait, rider! Don't run away! Come on, come and stop it!"

But don't wait for bad Moriarty to finish.

The wolf king has already smashed through the wall of the black tower. That huge body is completely unafraid of the damage caused by the fall. It jumped directly from the high tower and rushed towards the sinful city-Shinjuku without hesitation!


After Xia You used the charm skill, she finally reached a consensus with Christina.

Next, Christina established a master-slave contract with Xia You and became Xia You's follower.

As for the Phantom of the Opera, there was no other way. His own diva had already quit at the speed of light. As a manager, he could only keep up with the diva's footsteps.

So he also signed a contract with Xia You.

And those power cavities created by Christina naturally became Chaldea's combat power.

Liqiang is a super soldier who can rival wolves. Although his appearance is a little hotter, his strong combat power is real.

Xia You hasn't seen the plot of Shinjuku, but according to his memory when he played the Shinjuku checkpoint, these force chambers, or miscellaneous soldiers ruled by the Shinjuku berserker.

Originally, it should be a group of mechanical puppets.

As for why the mechanical doll will become a muscular super soldier.

The truth is strange.

However, all the Shinjuku servants who have appeared on the stage today have undergone quite exaggerated enhancements.

The pack of wolves, Liqiang, and Moriarty who fused with Xia Youlingji were more ferocious than the other.

The change of Christina, although surprising, is also expected.

It can only be said that the enemies in this singularity are very well prepared against Chaldea.

But thanks to these, Chaldea has the same combat power as the wolves, and can face the wolf king head-on.

"But what if..."

In the hamburger restaurant, Xia You was making the final preparations to capture the wolf king, and at this moment Moriarty asked:

"What if we can't get the technology to modify the phantom even if we blow up the black tower?"


Xia You was stunned: "We ask her to join our camp, please use her strength to attack the wolf king, and then use the wolf king to blow up the black tower, then Christina's task will be completed, and I will modify the method of the spirit base." Try to find it, but if we can't find it, the worst case scenario is to find a chance to backstab her."

"Oh, how decisive! But I said, the savior of human reason, can't you be more open and aboveboard?"

"Open and aboveboard? Oh, I also want to hide in the servants and be an innocent and kind-hearted commander, but you don't see what kind of nightmare levels I play every day? A wolf king has turned into dozens or hundreds of them. Miscellaneous The fish has also become a mass-produced vanguard who can fight followers in groups, what is there to be open and aboveboard? How many light cannons can that thing hold?"

"Oh, oh, you are under a lot of pressure."

"Let's go, catch the wolf king."

Xia You left the hamburger restaurant with her followers, and they came to a TV tower in Shinjuku.

And here, there is already a large group of younger magicians waiting here for a long time.

They were using various equipment and magic to debug the TV station, and installed a lot of peripherals for the TV tower, and when Xia You arrived, they had just finished all the work.

"Hello, boss, we are ready for what you have arranged for us!" The magicians bowed to Xia You together, and presented a video recorder for Xia You respectfully:

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