





Yesterday's data: recommended tickets 360 monthly tickets 11 blades 2

Today-to-date data: recommended ticket 393 monthly ticket 8 blade 4



My God, I'm too touched today, I'm really sorry, I will definitely update the blackened saber on time tomorrow. She has an intuition and can detect something wrong with Hassan's cursed arm.

With her intuition, Xia You revealed the true and false mind-eye package A, and her senses were so keen that she had reached the level of a magic stick.

He had already discovered the problem of Hassan the curse arm, so when Hassan the curse arm was about to take away Gudazi, he quietly put a buff on Gudazi.

As a result, when Hassan, the curse arm, changed back to Yanqing and wanted to attack Gudazi, he was ruthlessly killed by the chaotic evil Gudazi.


Kind of a pity.

Although Gu Dazi was very reliable, he left Yan Qing's dog's life behind and brought him back intact.

But it's a pity that this guy is just a low-level toolman of the Black Tower. Although he knows a lot, Xia You is very suspicious of the authenticity.

For example, the villains on the Black Tower, the ultimate goal of the Shadow Demon Alliance.

The black tower they built is actually a gigantic "gun".

The Black Tower is the gun, and the bullet is the giant meteorite capable of destroying the world.

Moriarty will use the ability of the magic bullet shooter to guide the meteorite into the black tower to complete the loading.

Then, a world-killing blow that penetrates the star core can be launched.

The plan is sound.

But the motivation is completely unfounded.

First of all, Shinjuku, the isolated demonic realm, has been separated from the real world. Even if Shinjuku is destroyed, the real world will not be affected.

However, there is a spell set by the Demon God Pillar on the black tower, so it can be proved that the Demon God Pillar intervened in this plan.

However, the Demon God Pillars, no matter what, would not be able to accompany Moriarty to destroy the fake earth, such a meaningless play.

Therefore, the ultimate goal of the Shadow Demon Alliance can never be to destroy the world.

If it wasn't for Yan Qing who was lying to Xia You.

It was the Black Tower who deceived Yan Qing.

Xia You judged that the latter should be more likely.

But fortunately, there are still some noteworthy details in the information provided by Yan Qing.

For example.

In the Isolation Demon Realm, there was a mass cleansing of servants, including the famous Sherlock Holmes, all non-self servants were cleaned up by the black tower a few months ago.

Especially the big detective, although his combat power is not high, his thinking is so sharp that it is outrageous.

In order to kill him, Heita not only used the wolves and force chambers, but Yan Qing also faced the risk of the collapse of the spirit base, and directly used a double body to disguise himself as a top-ranked King of Gold and went into battle.

In the end Holmes was killed, and a kind Moriarty disappeared with him.

The blackened saber survived because she was summoned relatively late.

"You mean... good Moriarty, dead?"

Xia You was taken aback, feeling incredible, he looked at the old man beside him:

"Then what happened to him?"

"I don't know, I'm also very curious... But according to the leader, as long as he still exists, the good side will continue to appear, so it should be him, resurrected..."

"It's such a setting."

Xia You nodded.

At this point, Shinjuku Assassin explained everything he knew, and Xia You also put away the resurrection medicine used to threaten him, allowing this broken soul to rest in peace.

Yan Qing disappeared as a spirit child as she wished, and before she died, she sighed very sincerely.

"You Chaldean lords... are simply not human... Even the leader of our family is a hundred times more upright and moral than you. The way to save the world by restraining your power... is it fucking fighting poison with poison!"

Yan Qing, rush to the street.

Shinjuku's assassin died, and Shinjuku's berserker and rider came under Xia You's command.


The only remaining servants in that black tower are Moriarty and a Shinjuku Archer.

However, the Shinjuku Archer is not a fusion phantom, but an ordinary follower, and his combat power should be at an ordinary level, so it is not difficult to handle.

Next, there is still an uncertain factor in this singularity, which is the potential Demon God Pillar.

After Xia You demolished the Temple of Time, nearly forty Demon God Pillars escaped, and who knows how many Demon God Pillars fell here.

According to Yanqing, this singularity has existed for nearly 3000 years.

In such a long time, no one can say what kind of amazing technology they have developed.

Moreover, Xia You was particularly concerned about that bad Moriarty.

Moriarty has fused Xia You's spirit base. Although a good Moriarty is only a broken fragment, it also possesses Xia You's charm skills.

If it was a complete Moriarty, how much Xia You's power would he have?Not to mention that Xia You of Heroic Spirit is a complete Xia You, which is far beyond comparison with Xia You today.

And this good Moriarty is really suspicious...

After eating, Xia You and Heihua Saber came to a power plant near the burger restaurant, and they just went to the electricity plant.

"Actually, I've always wanted to say it."

Blackened Saber looked unhappy: "That Shinjuku Archer, you should get rid of him as soon as possible, even if you don't kill him, you should kick him out of the team."

"No need for that. Although he is a little weaker, he is still trying to help us, and he is a very strong support for Gudazi."

"Since you decide so, then I have no objection."



Xia You sneered, then said seriously:

"The above thoughts are all induced by the charm skill that Moriarty fired at me at first."

The blackened saber was startled: "What did you say?"

"When I first met Moriarty, that guy used a skill to charm me. Although I immediately interrupted the charm, but now it seems that the effect should always exist on me."

Xia You continued:

"It's no wonder, after all, that guy got my spirit foundation, and the charm skill he used, of course, is also extraordinary. So I was charmed, received spiritual hints, and always regarded Moriarty as a trustworthy Teammates, stayed in the team and did not attack him."

The blackened saber was amazed:

"Even if you were hinted at, these things...have you always been aware of them? Such a keen mind, worthy of being the guy who saved humanity..."

"But it's useless to know it well. I still can't do anything to Moriarty. If you want to do something to him, I'm afraid I will stop you too."

"It doesn't sound like a charm, but more like a law of cause and effect?"

"It's kind of like, the charm skill held by Moriarty must be the sublimation of one of my legends. It's kind of like the sixth singularity. Of course, it may be some future action."

Xia You sighed: "I didn't expect that one day I would be fooled by my charm skills."

Blackened Saber: "So, is there any solution? You can't let the enemy's plot succeed."

"A solution? Of course there is."

Xia You smiled kindly:

"I really don't know what Moriarty and his group want to do, so I just use the ultimate killer's weapon."

Heihua Saber was stunned: "Oh?"

Xia You: "I am very sure that no matter what tricks or plots the other party has, I have the power to completely defeat them. They will never survive 'that trick'. Just appreciate the arrival of that moment." Can."

"You're really confident, but what is the plan that makes you so confident?"

Blackened Saber smiled: "I really can't imagine it at all."

"It's simple."

Xia You said lightly:

"Destroy the planet, bring the greatest chaos to this world, and then... the abyss covering the planet will come."

Anyway, this is just a fragment of the world, even if it is destroyed, it doesn't matter at all.

On the contrary, once the world is destroyed, the extreme chaos will cause Xia You's chaos index to explode, summoning a high-depth abyss.

At that time, no matter what means or secret weapons the enemy uses, they will never be able to resist the killing intent of the God of the Abyss.

Heihua Saber was dumbfounded, and after a long time, he choked out a sentence: "Also, you are more ruthless..."

Xia You smiled:

"It's okay, my Command Seal has recovered, let's go back now."


After returning to the hamburger restaurant, Xia You immediately began to prepare for the next plan.

No matter what means or schemes the Demon God Pillars have hidden, the abyss that swallowed the world, and the god of the abyss who has gained the same power, can make all the efforts of the enemy meaningless and worthless .

But since this is the case, Xia You can't destroy the Black Tower at will.

That thing was the body of the gun that would destroy the earth, and Moriarty might just use this as a cover.

But Xia You really wanted to use it to destroy the world.

But this is a bit difficult to do...

Because Xia You's original plan was to use the giant wolf summoned by the wolf king as ammunition, and use the Yijiao array to blow up the black tower.

But now the situation is reversed, and Xia You has become the person in Shinjuku who most hopes for the existence of the Black Tower.

It cannot be fried at all.


The black tower has a super powerful magic shield. If the black tower is not blown up, Xia You has no other way to enter the black tower.

But if you can't meet Moriarty, the current big boss in the Black Tower.

How to proceed with the correction task?

As for this matter, Xia You must make up her mind as soon as possible.

Because Moriarty controls the Holy Grail and the phantom fusion technology, he may summon a new fusion phantom at any time to continue to trouble Xia You.

So Xia You can't waste time.

And at this time, the revelation of hanging up has been silent.

Suddenly there was a whimper.

"Darling, I suggest you go to the east side of the Black Tower to check it out!"

Ever since, Xia You sent a dedicated and reliable pigeon to make an investigation into the Black Tower.

As a result, Chaldea learned an astonishing truth with the help of the googoo familiar.

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