Just, what should I say, I originally considered that the Odd Belt is not over and it is difficult to give an ending, so I didn't want to write the Odd Zone.

But now that I think about it, writing a book focuses on the process.

Happy is over.

If you want to read the Obscure Tape, then I will write the Obscure Tape.

You can tell me the anecdote tapes you want to see the most, and I can write them in advance without following the original sequence.

And if you have any suggestions about the Strange Story, if you have any plots you want to watch, and if there are any minefields that you need to pay attention to, please let me know, thank you!

ps: Depending on the situation, I may take a day off to watch the plot.

pps: My current plan, the final chapter of this book, should end with Ikama's Tokugawa Huiten Labyrinth Ooku.After solving the Shinjuku singularity, Xia You returned to Chaldea.

And as soon as he arrived in Jia, he met an acquaintance in the 2.0 plot.

"The younger brother is Goldruf Mujik from the Clock Tower. After working hard, he was finally fortunate enough to come to Chaldea to assist the rescue work of those who are qualified, and to serve as the team leader! Although the younger brother has mediocre qualifications, the younger brother will definitely I'm working hard! Please teach me a lot!"

Goldruf Mujik, the new director in 2.0, known as the fat director.


Xia You looked at Fatty Director with a somewhat subtle expression.

The new characters in the 2.0 plot...

Unexpectedly, after Xia You had just cleared Shinjuku, she would appear in front of Xia You early!

Moreover, his attitude was extremely respectful. When facing Xia You, he was even more nervous and did not dare to breathe.

No wonder.

After all, after all the previous events, especially after the nuclear explosion of the clock tower in the parallel world.

The clock tower has long been in awe of Xia You and Chaldea.

But this time, when a rescue force of 30 people, including Director Fatty, visited Chaldea, it was Chaldea's initiative to request support from the clock tower.

This is to safely and securely unfreeze the 56 competent persons in the control room.

Originally speaking...

The thawing work of those who are qualified should not be difficult for Chaldea, and there is no need to ask the clock tower for help.

However, during the year when the crown designation was carried out, these frozen frames unexpectedly changed several times, which caused great headaches for the Chaldean employees.

And the reason for this, if you look deeper... In fact, there is also Xia You's fault.

Previously, when the paradise descended on Chaldea, Xia You triggered the highest level hidden alarm inside Chaldea.

As a result, when the alarm was triggered, all the frames of the competent persons sank into the underground air-raid shelter in Chaldea.

At the same time, in order to protect the safety of the qualified personnel, all the frames are automatically blocked and frozen at the highest level.

As a result, it has also made it extremely difficult to unfreeze the jobs of the competent today.

The safest solution is to seek assistance from the Clock Tower.

And let the clock tower is also quite powerful, they sent a professional team composed of magicians, engineers, and doctors as quickly as possible.

As for why the leader of this professional team is this fat belly, who can only be regarded as a third-rate fat director in the field of magic?

Just like the temporary manager Clement when he was attacking the fourth singularity.

Since the position of team leader also has the function of communicating with Chaldea, it is very convenient for a magician with this title to take the opportunity to win over Chaldea.

Xia You's friendship, the favor of high-dimensional gods.

These are extremely precious resources for the clock tower!It can be called the hottest treasure today!

In order to compete for this resource, the clock tower experienced quite fierce competition.

However, Chaldea was in a hurry to ask for someone, and time was very tight. In the end, the leaders of various forces in the tower had to compromise with each other.

They decided to just find a good-for-nothing who has a free identity and has no close relationship with any department.

At that time, the fat director was persuaded by his secretary, so he used his connections and wealth to hire a top medical team, planning to use this as a stepping stone to join Chaldea.

The Fat Director is undoubtedly in line with the image expected by the bosses, the image of the free trash.

In addition, the clock tower was supposed to be sent to Chaldea's medical team, but all of them disappeared for unknown reasons.

So the fat director was favored by the bosses and succeeded in taking office.

"Okay, then you work hard, and those who are qualified will count on you."

Xia You smiled and patted Director Fatty on the shoulder, then left.

The Fat Director's heart fluttered for a while:

"As expected of a high-dimensional god, that beautiful and heroic figure made me feel like first love for a moment! If I can learn to work hard with this god, within a few years, I will definitely be able to make a career. !"


On the other side, Xia You returned to her dormitory.

He started thinking...

What is the plot of 2.0?

Xia You didn't have much impression.

He only remembered that Chaldea was bombed and Brother Zheng was awesome.


Then according to this idea, in the near future, the enemy should organize a home-stealing operation.

In short, get ready.

So Xia You took action.

Now that Chaldea has complete technology and abundant martial arts, the so-called organizational defense, to be prepared, only needs to wake up all the combat units that are fishing for fish.

First of all, Xia You went to the snow mountain, woke up the more than 30 giant gods one by one, and told them to stay vigilant and watch the gate carefully within this month.

Then he went to the 5+6 composite singularity, mobilized a group of suzhengxin, and then went to the cyberpunk singularity, collected a batch of the latest mech letters.

Then the air fortress was also activated and entered a standby state, ready to kill all directions at any time.

Then he checked the energy reserves in the Faith Church.

The designation of the crown is over, and the earth returns to normal, but it will take a little more than a week.

However, in just one week, the publicity department established by the wild boar cubs has already put various missionary products online at the speed of light, and has received massive praise!

Today's temple is full of faith energy, which is completely sufficient.

At this point, Xia You felt more at ease.

And just like that, four days passed without knowing it.

The rescue force of the clock tower has successfully rescued most of the qualified persons, but only the seven A-group frames are still in progress.

And on such a quiet night.

The secretary who came with the fat director, Miss Goyanskaya, quietly slipped out of the dormitory, started a teleportation, and arrived in the control room without a sound.

At this time, in the control room, there were wild boar cubs on duty.

Koyanskaya appeared behind the wild boar cubs, she smiled slightly, and in an instant, all the wild boar cubs were knocked unconscious by her.

Then she modified the monitoring equipment in the control room, and then started her task.

Using her own means, she rescued the frozen members of Group A one by one.

The seven-seat frame slowly opened, and six members of Group A stepped out of it.

Except for Kadok, who was removed by Koyanskaya in advance, this is all the hidden people who signed a contract with the Alien God.

When the Hidden Ones were frozen, they had already concluded a contract with the Alien Star God, and they were very clear about their mission.

So once the blockade was lifted, they did not need to say much, and immediately began to act step by step, preparing to evacuate with Koyanskaya.

"Chaldea, are you leaving? It's really sad."

"I don't care, I just want to summon the servant quickly."

"Wait a minute, everyone, the transfer of spiritual particles... a magical device that can be freely transmitted from ancient to modern times, this thing is quite harmful to our mission."

Just when everyone was about to leave, Beryl asked:

"Should we destroy Chaldea's spiritual seed transfer system first, and then leave?"

Everyone stopped.

Kirshtalia, the captain, turned his head and glanced at Chaldeas.

Chaldeas has just recovered from the burnout state, and now it is operating normally and healthy, which means that human beings are safe and sound, which is reassuring.

Chaldeas, and the Spirit Transfer Device, these things need to be destroyed.

For the Hidden One and the Alien Star God, the best thing is to find a way to permanently destroy the entire control room!

The captain's gaze was calm and cold:

"It should be so, let's do it."

And just when the hidden people were about to act, Goyanskaya hurriedly stopped them.

Koyanskaya was startled:

"What are you trying to do? Blow up this thing? You are crazy, it will alarm Chaldea!"

However, when Kirshtalia and the hidden people heard this, they were also shocked:

"What are you panicking about? Chaldea's defenses are very limited. Even if it is discovered, it will have no effect on our retreat."


Goyanskaya was dumbfounded: "The defense force...is very limited?"

Ophelia frowned:

"Did we say something wrong? Objectively speaking, Chaldea is just an ordinary observation station. It lacks armed forces. Even if there are powerful units, they are just a small number of followers. Our reinforcements are enough to deal with it."

"An ordinary observatory? Ordinary?"

Koyanskaya tilted her head:

"You mean this... the courtyard of the temple of the God of High Dimension stands underground, the Babylonian fortress that contains all the original scriptures of humanism is suspended above the head, and the sky is shrouded in the projection of the kingdom of abyss. —Is it Chaldea, one of the most mysterious and supreme holy places on Earth today?"

"You...what are you talking about?"

Ophelia was inconceivable: "The names just now, could it be that they introduced this Chaldea? What has Chaldea experienced in this year?!"

The captain also spoke at this time:

"Not to mention anything else, at least this is the Age of Gods, it's absolutely true."

Ophelia was stunned: "Just kidding..."

"After all, you have been sleeping for a whole year, and the news is a little unclear. In short, listen to me, all of us, there is only one thing to do next-then bet your lives, use all your abilities, and live forever. Get out of here!"

Koyanskaya's smile disappeared.

She said very seriously:

"The ether in this land will instinctively repel the enemy of the main god, and interfere and counterattack. The removal of the white-haired boy before almost killed me.

So we have to walk out of Chaldea with our legs.

In short, come on everyone, escape from the guarded Chaldea with only a few servants protecting you, this may be the most difficult, terrifying and dangerous task you will perform in your life! "

The hidden people looked different, and finally nodded.

"We are divided into three groups. There is an uncle priest outside the control room to meet you, and the Russian reinforcements will arrive soon. I can also take one away from my side. Well, Miss Ophelia, are you interested in going with me? "

"Whatever, let's go."

So the hidden ones left the control room separately.

Ophelia and Koyanskaya chose to transfer from the southern district exit.

The two sneaked cautiously.

However, walking halfway, a small white animal suddenly rushed out, and then rushed towards Koyanskaya!

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