They were only concerned with searching for heretics who had betrayed the emperor.

But he doesn't care about the life and death of the emperor's people!

And just when the Yaga lost hope and had no choice but to accept the fate of death...

Suddenly, a dense light flashed across the sky, followed by a large number of weapons falling down like a torrential rain!

The endless weapons turned into a killing rainstorm, killing the monsters one by one with precision and brutality!

This torrential rain directly wiped out the monster army. Hundreds of monsters died in just a few seconds!

There are only dense corpses of monsters left on the ground, and those mysterious weapons that gradually dissipate.

Then, a handsome blond man in golden armor appeared.

"Yo, what are you repairing?"

The golden king, he asked with a haughty sneer:

"My king asks you, is your emperor in a place called Moscow, who knows how to get there?"







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The city of the Yaga was attacked by monsters.

Facing the tide-like army of monsters, the Yaga were helpless.

And just when the city was about to perish.

An old man in golden armor appeared with a hearty laugh.

This man left a very deep impression on the Yaga, it was almost unforgettable.

He obviously has no fur, but he is handsome and compelling, and he has the air of a king who can command all living beings.

Quite a few Yaga's hearts were pounding.

And most importantly.

This man, who called himself King Gilgamesh, brought to the city an abundance of food piled higher than the city walls!

That is, those monsters killed by him!

When the Yaga expressed their gratitude to him respectfully, and then carefully and reservedly asked if the meat could be given to them...

King Gilgamesh was taken aback.

"What do you bastards mean? Do you think this king will need these dirty beast carcasses? Just take them all away. Yes, this king rewarded you. Let me be grateful."

"Thank you very much, Lord Gilgamesh!"

The Yaga were overjoyed, and they admired this handsome and generous old man even more.


The Yaga people didn't know that this golden king was actually just Xia You's disguise.

After Xia You used the doppelganger skill, she was able to perfectly imitate the hero king Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh owns the king's treasury that contains the original treasures of all mankind, and his combat power is also the ceiling among the heroic spirits.

Powerful, with many treasures.

Jin Glittering is undoubtedly the most suitable heroic spirit for Xia You to imitate.

It's just that after entering the camouflage mode, Xia You was somewhat influenced by the King of Heroes.

For example, I can't help but become arrogant and arrogant, and I want to climb up when I see a street light-fortunately, there are no street lights in the Lost Belt.

Also, I like to call other people the gate type.

"Hey, bastards, before taking away the reward, first answer the question of the king. Where is your emperor at this time? How should the king meet him?"

The location of the Tsar is not a secret among the Yaga. The Yaga immediately answered Xia You's question and gave Xia You a map.

"Thick, the distance is not very far."

Xia You roughly glanced at the map.

The Tsar who ruled the Russian Lorebelt, Ivan the Terrible.

According to the information provided by Shatia, such a ruler who rules the Lostbelt is called the "King of the Lostbelt".

The capital of the country where he lives is called Yaga Moscow.

If you drive the submarine at full speed, it will only be less than a day's journey.

And beware.

The fantasy tree also took root in Moscow.

If Xia You wanted to cut down the fantasy tree, the king of the lore belt would definitely not sit idly by.

Therefore, Ivan the Terrible is also the target that Xia You must defeat.

After confirming the positions of the fantasy tree and the king of the lore belt, Xia You still has another question.

"Then besides this king, what other powerful old species have you seen?"

"No, not at all! Lord Gilgamesh is the most powerful and powerful old species we have ever seen!"

"Stop talking nonsense, I didn't ask you to compliment me."

"Oh... In that case, I heard that there is an old-type woman who has no fur and wears little clothes on the rebel side. I heard that she is very powerful."

"Rebels, where are they?"

The Yaga looked in the distance, those killing hunters who were suppressing the counter-revolutionaries, they leaned close to Xia You's ear, and told Xia You an address in a low voice.

"very good."

Xia You was satisfied: "Bastards, your information is very valuable, get the reward and get out of the king's presence.

"Many thanks!"

The Yaga picked up the corpse of the monster and went back to the city happily.

Despite Gilgamesh's arrogant attitude and his tendency to curse, they didn't feel any discomfort.

After all, Xia You's appearance is so handsome and charming, his temperament is so noble and extraordinary, and his actions are so generous.

Even if they were insulted by him, the hearts of the Yaga were flattered.

What a happy day!


Next, Xia You continued to set off according to the address of the rebel army given by Yaga.

The location of the rebel army is consistent with the direction that the enlightenment guides Xia You.

It seems that the enlightenment originally wanted to lead Xia You there.

In the howling wind and snow, a proud golden servant, leading two servants with the same extraordinary temperament, quickly moved towards their goal.

Along the way, even the monsters would instinctively feel fear and make way for them.

"But what to say."

On the way, Xia You sighed helplessly:

"Although this King of Heroes is suitable for disguising, his mouth is really stinky. Now I miss the days when I can speak normally."

Yao Ji smiled: "So what if you have a bad mouth, anyway, you are handsome and can fight, look at those Yaga who have been scolded by you, all of them are happy and blooming."

Hearing this, Xia You instinctively cast a mocking smile:

"Heh, you're pretty good at talking—a bastard."

Yao Ji's expression was delicate: "Wait, are you sure you want to scold me too?"

We are alone, okay?

Soon, they approached the base camp of the rebels.

On the only way to the base camp, Xia You was blocked by the rebels.

Several Yaga from the rebel army, plus a follower, stopped in front of them.

"Stop, you can't go any further!"

That is the Altered Atalanta.

Atalanta stared at Xia You and the others vigilantly, ready to strike, as if ready to strike at any moment:

"Are the three old species coming here... The old species remaining in the world are only the court magician and the servant, and both of them are enemies!"

Atalanta looked at Xia You and the others:

"Therefore, as to whether you are the lackeys of the emperor, I must use my method to judge!"

Xia You crossed her arms and looked at Atalanta with a sneer:

"Then come and talk to me about your method."

"Now I'm going to make an outrageous and unreasonable request - fight us mercilessly, but we will kill!

If you have the power to hit us, we won't suspect you as a spy, because you can destroy us directly, but you still let us live. This is what the old species has-love! "

Matthew was taken aback: "This, this is really unreasonable..."

And Xia You readily agreed:

"So that's it, kindness? This king will give it to you!"

Shooting and killing hundreds of Roman-style launches, countless blazing lights converge into a sharp light spear, and its power continues to rise after being amplified by various strengthening buffs!

Xia You's EX is agile, making him approach Atalanta in an instant!

I'm afraid Atalanta didn't expect that the other party would strike directly without saying hello.

So she was completely caught off guard!

And when she was in a daze, the powerful and brutal light spear had already hit her hard!

"It's so despicable ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

Atalanta screamed, and her whole body flew into the sky like a home run baseball!Disappeared at the end of sight!

"Miss Head!!"

The rebels turned pale with fright, and ran to chase Atalanta in the sky.

And Xia You built a pergola with her hands, looked into the distance, and couldn't help laughing:

"Ha, it's really far away, this king is quite capable, she shouldn't die, probably!"

very lucky.

Relying on her tenacious vitality, Atalanta survived Xia You's unkind fist.

Following Atalanta's rules, the rebels admitted Xia You.

After all, Xia You can knock the strongest Atalanta away with one punch, and of course he can also use his cruel and ruthless iron fist to send any Yaga to meet their tsar.

What's more, Xia You's real name is the famous hero king Gilgamesh.

Although Yaga didn't know who this person was.

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