Zeus' divine thunder collided with the black light.

Shenlei suffered huge resistance and was unable to penetrate the core of the flower bud for a long time.

The black light first bloomed in all directions, and then converged.

In the end, it was compressed into an infinitely extended line, which was held in Xia You's hands.

Standing on the blooming Doomsday Flower, Xia You held tightly in her hands the terrifying power obtained after squeezing the entire civilization.

He raised his head, and then saw the charged divine thunder close at hand.

Xia You waved the black light in his hand!

The black light is like a sharp black shining sword, extending infinitely from both ends, cutting off the world!

The pitch-black light slashed across the entire Olympus world.

Shenlei was first cut in two, and then the energy that made up Shenlei was also completely swallowed by the sword of black light.

In the distance, stretches of high-rise buildings were accidentally injured by the sword of black light, cut off in half, and collapsed with a roar.

Zeus quickly backed away from Xia You.

Zeus felt extremely regretful for not destroying Xia You with all his strength just now.

It never occurred to him that Daqin, who had bid farewell to the age of the gods, would be able to display such terrifying power.

At this time, the three consecutive divine punishments of the Moon God were approaching.

And Xia You swung his sword again.

The infinitely extended black light cut out a sword vertically.

The light arrow was easily cut off by the jet-black sword, and the magic power of the explosion was also absorbed immediately by the jet-black sword.

On the land of the Alien Belt, a bottomless abyss appeared.

The moon god in the sky is crumbling.

The slash just now cut off a section of her wing.

The Great Qin Heroic Spirits were shocked. They watched Xia You destroy the city with one sword and cut off the ground with one sword.

In the hearts of everyone, they suddenly became extremely at ease.


Chen Gong clasped his hands into trumpets and shouted: "The goddess has shown her power, mortals retreat quickly, don't hold back the goddess!"

The heroic spirits of Daqin suddenly woke up, quickly got into the submarine, and dived to leave the Greek lore belt.

This is a well-rehearsed tactic in advance.

When the seed of birth is completed, the layout of the battlefield will be handed over to the gods of Daqin and Greece.

It was a fight between high-end combat forces.

In the worst case, there will even be a god ancestor from the Greek side, running out to instantly kill the audience.

The next battle is no longer something that their human heroic spirits can blend in with.

Only a few of the most powerful heroic spirits were left on the scene to assist Xia You in the battle.

But the battle has progressed to this point.

These strongest fighters can no longer exert their combat effectiveness.

Although Xia You is a follower, she is not even as good as living heroes like them.

But Xia You's spiritual core was used as a carrier to release the treasure, and became the seed of birth, and it also consumed the magic power of the entire Greece.

Although his spirit foundation is still the specification of an ordinary follower.

But his spiritual core is now comparable to a behemoth like Mechanism.

He is like a seed.

When it is planted, it is still a follower.

But what grows out is the goddess of the galaxy who can sweep the gods of Olympus.

At this time, Zeus discovered Xia You's flaw.

"When you swung your first sword, the energy density of the energy body in your hand dropped by 11%."

"When you swung the second sword, the energy density dropped by another 15%!"

Zeus was overjoyed:

"Forging the spiritual core into the ultimate weapon does give you power beyond the gods in a sense, but I have the power of immortality and super regeneration. As long as I can make you chop a few more swords, you will not attack Self-destruct!"

Then Zeus's divine thunder began to charge, and at the same time, the offensive powers of other machine gods were also activated.

"No, you misunderstood, this thing is not for cutting people."

Xia You said casually: "This is just a transitional form."

Zeus didn't believe it.

Is such a powerful sword of black light just a transition?

What a joke!

Then how exaggerated is her final model? !

After cracking the attack of the twin gods, Xia You further compressed the sword of black light.

The endless torrential flames were forcibly compressed, shrinking one by one, and finally became the original spiritual core.

At this time, the spiritual core has been completely blackened, like a black jade.

Xia You stuffed the spiritual core into her body.

The two spiritual foundation checks were activated, and the special magic power in the checks completed the incomplete spiritual foundation information in the spiritual foundation, allowing Qiu Yaoji's spiritual foundation to directly complete two sublimation.

The raging black flame gradually changed.

The black flames became clear and holy white flames, blooming all over Olympus.

Olympus, which was originally burned by the fire of doomsday, was suddenly covered with snow-white fireworks, becoming harmonious and beautiful.

It's like a fairyland.

But Zeus was ashamed.

because of observational data.

The dormant divine core of the heroic spirit of that magnificent girl has been reborn, and is sprouting a vast divinity beyond the limit of Zeus's imagination.

Like a loving mother, with open arms...

Embrace the whole galaxy!

The dark and coquettish evening dress is transformed into a snow-white skirt, holy and inviolable,

this moment.

Xia You once again returned to the peak of his appearance in his life.

Imaginary goddess form.

Zeus has been obsessed with it.

Such a beautiful woman, pure and holy, motherly, possesses all the beauty that a goddess should have.

Even if it was a golden apple, it would fall into her hands without hesitation.

It has been tens of thousands of years since the fleet of Mech Gods arrived on Earth, but since the birth of Zeus, they have never seen such a beautiful woman.

Gazing at this snow-white goddess, Zeus's heart fluttered, and even Olympus became insignificant...

He asked involuntarily:

"Goddess... Do you want to make friends?"

However, at this time, Zeus suddenly discovered that there was something in the sky!

He raised his head, and there was a thud in his head.

Outside the sky, in the universe, there is a goddess of imaginary numbers that has been magnified tens of millions of times, looking at him curiously.

There is no divinity in the body of the giant imaginary goddess.

But it is like a warehouse of a goddess, storing a huge amount of belief power, communicating with humans and gods, and becoming the source of power for gods.

A goddess-shaped... temple? !

The Imaginary Goddess raised her head and smiled at the temple: "Fire."

The Imaginary Temple blinked in response, and then a mighty divine light broke through the atmosphere and bombarded down!

"not good!"

Zeus was shocked and tried to avoid it.

However, Shen Guang's speed was too fast, and Zeus, who was focusing on the girl, was not vigilant enough.

So the divine light hit Zeus, and Zeus was smashed to pieces immediately! !

Then, the Imaginary Goddess looked at the Moon God in the sky.

The moon god remained silent, and the three arrows of punishment, with the power to destroy everything, hit the goddess of imaginary numbers.

The imaginary number temple responded extremely quickly.

A ray of divine light broke through the atmosphere, arrived quickly, and collided with the three consecutive divine arrows of punishment on the way, exploding and self-destructing!

The Imaginary Goddess raised her hand and grabbed the Moon God hanging high in the sky.

In the imaginary temple in the universe, her eyes flickered, and then there were snow-white flames appearing around the moon god.

The snow-white flames turned into a big slender hand with five fingers, holding the Luna body.

The imaginary goddess on the ground gradually clenched her hands.

Above the sky, the giant hands of the flames also began to retract, and the sound of explosion and cracking came from the body of the Luna, like the mournful scream of steel!

Under the huge pressure, the body of Artemis, the moon god, was squeezed and cracked, and the structure collapsed!


The Imaginary Goddess threw the thing she held in her hand on the ground.

The moon god in the sky was also ruthlessly thrown to the ground by a huge force!

The wreckage of Artemis, the moon god, smashed to the ground with billowing smoke, causing a big explosion, smashing to pieces!

Solved Zeus and Luna.

Then, only Saturn remained.

As a production factory, the God of Agriculture knew that his combat power was insufficient, so he had already left the battlefield.

But now she is also locked by the Imaginary Temple.

The Imaginary Goddess smiled at her temple:

"Find Saturn and fire."

The Imaginary Temple looked at one place.

Then a divine light tore through the atmosphere and pierced the ground, hitting a certain place in Olympus with precision.

The Goddess of Imaginary Numbers saw the flames of an explosion soaring into the sky in the distance, followed by thick smoke slowly rising.

So far, except for Poseidon who is far away in Atlantis, and the missing demigod Europa.

The gods of Olympus have all been silent.

The Goddess of Imaginary Numbers was walking in the destroyed Olympus, and she looked at the wreckage of the Mechanisms on the ground.

Although it was broken into pieces, it can still be used if put together.

Beauty God can let Koyanskaya drag it away directly.

But Zeus, Saturn, and Luna can only be sent back by Daqin's submarine brigade.

And right now.

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