153+1-2=152 The system is as good as ever.

The linkage between Killing Yaoji and Qiu Yaoji is coming, but the system also offered a price of 30 Saint Quartz.

Exchange thirty stones for a goddess of imaginary numbers, of course it's a bloody profit.

It's just that Xia You only killed two followers and took only two stones in this rumor belt.

It is still a long way from the requirements of the system.

Xia You still needs 28 stones to defeat 28 followers.


Unless it is some special circumstances, no copy will have so many followers.

Moreover, the output of followers of the current Obscure Belt is much lower than that of the Alien.

After all, many heroic spirits in the Lost Belt are simply living people.

The most obvious of these is the Great Qin Strange Belt.

All the high-end combat powers in the Lost Belt are living heroic spirits, only Kabanko summoned two servants.

Instead of hoping to get enough rocks in the Lorebelt.

It's better to look forward to the singularity of activities that will be refreshed in the future.

In addition, what worries Xia You the most is the upcoming guide to the Greek Mystery Belt.

The combat power of the Greek Lost Belt is somewhat beyond imagination.

Not only the Greek warriors who are comparable to followers, but also the group of machine gods, each of them is a strong enemy.

Considering that an ordinary machine god can be hacked to death by Surut.

Then Xia You's Command Spell is completely released, and a set of treasured symphony should be able to kill him.

But the most terrible thing is the ultimate boss Chaos who appeared after the machine god was completely wiped out.

Chaos' fighting power is too terrifying.

With Xia You's current combat power, it is almost impossible to defeat him. Even if he shows his abyssal divinity, the chance of winning is very slim.

Thanks to the enhanced version of the Goddess of Imaginary Numbers who was born after sacrificing all of Olympus, Chaos was finally solved.

Xia You decided to bring Shatia along for this raid.

As one of the beasts, Shalltear is the most advanced combat force in the entire Chaldea.

But even Shatia might not have much confidence in defeating Chaos.

The nature of Chaos completely evaded Shatia's various invincible resistances.

And the current Shatia doesn't have a big light wheel yet.


Then again.

Chaos' appearance conditions should be that all the gods of Olympus are wiped out, or Olympus has suffered major trauma, or the like.

Then if Xia You can cut down the fantasy tree without completely destroying the Greek Mechanism.

Chaos will not appear.

Or go crazy in the Greek lore belt, but just don't fight the Mech God, and then open the abyss after accumulating enough chaotic values, drag the Greek lore belt into the abyss, and the problem can be solved.

And if you decide to use this style of play.

Chaldea will have to use a little more tactics against the Greek Lost Belt.

Fortunately, Xia You was also prepared.

Soon, Xia You came to the underground temple of Chaldea.

In just a few days, the human-shaped temple commissioned by the wild boar cub had already taken a rough shape.

A faint and misty image of a goddess floats in the underground temple, like a newborn baby, looking around, eyes full of curiosity.

That is the wild boar cubs, the temple of imaginary numbers separated from the core of imaginary numbers.

Compared with the real imaginary temple, this phantom is still too small, and it has no power at all, and the wild boar cubs need to continue to improve it.

But to Xia You's surprise, the prototype of the temple that was created has a spirituality that the imaginary temple does not possess.

Leaving aside the Imaginary Temple for now, Xia You found Shatia.

Shalltear is powerful and has a firm belief, so he becomes the leader of the wild boar cubs.

At this time, she was leading a group of wild boars to set up a new game server.

Shatia was very excited when she saw Xia You:

"The ring you brought back earlier is really a good thing!"

Shatia said excitedly:

"It's a special dress blessed by God. It can communicate across the barriers of the Heterobel Belt without hindrance. I modified this thing and added some enhancements, and then it's amazing!"

Shatia smiled brightly: "I pulled out a network cable connected to the Greek Mystery Belt!"


At the same time, the Greek lore belt.

Kirshtalia was preoccupied.

Chaldea has destroyed the Nordic Lost Belt.

And their next actions are actually not difficult to predict.

Chaldea has now obtained two hidden people, and Chaldea may have obtained other information about the Lost Belt from their mouths.

Among the five remaining belts of strange stories, some are already in jeopardy, while others are stubborn and have no achievements.

Among the thriving fantasy trees, it seems that the situation is the best at present, and only the Greek Lore Belt.

If Kirshtalia is the master of Chaldea.

Then he will definitely attack the Greek Lost Belt first!

Thinking of this, Kirshtalia became extremely serious.

Chaldea is a very formidable enemy.

When fleeing from Chaldea, Kirshtalia was deeply impressed by that stalwart and powerful god.

The hidden ones, however, almost failed to escape from his grasp alive.

And this is based on the fact that Chaldea released water...

Northern Europe, Russia.

Today, there are already two lore belts that fell during Chaldea's attack and were directly swallowed into the high-dimensional universe, becoming the collection of that god.

In order to deal with the invasion of that god, the Greek Lorebelt must make comprehensive preparations.

Cutting off the spiritual veins and eradicating the followers of pan-human history are the most basic.

As early as when Chaldea began to invade the first Lost Belt, Kirshtalia had already completed these preparations.

The most important thing now is to arrange the combat power that can actually defeat that god.

The power of the Mech Gods is indispensable.

And Kirshtalia himself must fight actively.

But say it.

Recently, the state of the machine god is very wrong, and he is not very active in preparing for the battle.

Especially Zeus, he has been housed on Mount Olympus for several days without moving.


Kirshtalia looked at Kennis.

Kenneth had just returned from a business trip and passed Mount Olympus on his way back.

"There's something wrong with the machine god recently, do you have any clues?"

"Oh, I heard, they recently got a very interesting game from somewhere."

Kirshtalia looked subtle: "Game?"

Katniss nodded.

In fact, she didn't know much about it.

She travels in various lore belts every day, but occasionally when she returns to Greece, she hears a few words from the Mech Gods.

"Say it."

Kayneth recalled the Mekhans' conversation:

"Do you know who Brother Xia is? Those Mech Gods shout every day to beat him."

Yesterday's data: recommended tickets 253 monthly tickets 56 blades 12 tips 200

Today-to-date data: recommended ticket 125 monthly ticket 16 blade 4



I haven't had time to watch the plot of 2.5. I have been holding back for a long time and don't know what to write. I only updated 2k words. At ten o'clock, I will send a red envelope in the group, 620528113.

Who is Brother Xia?

Kirshtalia doesn't know.

However, the main god of Chaldea seems to have a Xia in his name.

Hope the two don't connect.

Otherwise, the fun will be great...

Just thinking about it for a while gave Kirshtalia a headache.

Today the fantasy tree of the Greek Lost Belt is thriving, its canopy protruding out of the atmosphere.

However, the more gratifying the growth of the fantasy tree, the more likely it is to attract the attention of the terrifying Lord God...

Kirshtalia knew that the day of the decisive battle with Chaldea was getting closer.

At this time, the gods of Olympus sent a message to let Kirshtalia replace the gods to supervise the preparations on the ocean side.

So Kirshtalia took Kenneth and set off to the ocean.

Here, he met Odysseus, the commander-in-chief of the Atlantean defense forces.

Kirshtalia boarded Odysseus' battleship, the two exchanged a few words, and then got to the point.

"Chaldea may arrive in the near future."

Kirshtalia asked, "How are you going?"

Odysseus shook his head:

"Not quite enough."

Kirshtalia's expression became serious.

After seeing the power of Chaldea, Kirshtalia did not dare to be careless about the threat of Chaldea.

And the defense force of Atlantis, after listening to Kirshtalia's suggestion, has also arranged manpower since a long time ago, preparing for the battle with all their strength, preparing to face Chaldea.

Eradicate the pan-human history followers and destroy the spiritual veins.

And prepare a powerful army and formulate careful tactics.

But these are not enough for Odysseus.

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