A sexy and coquettish beauty came slowly.

It was a woman with long white wavy hair. She was wearing a white dress with very little fabric, and she walked around, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin.

"Welcome to Hestia Island."

The white-haired beauty smiled and said in a soft voice:

"Warriors from afar, welcome to come. It seems that you are in trouble. My house is not far away. Would you like to come to my house to rest?"

The white-haired beauty's eyes were fixed on Xia You, and her eyes were full of enthusiasm and greed.

According to Xia You's rich experience.

This woman is greedy for his body.

Yesterday's data: recommended tickets 248 monthly tickets 20 blades 10 tips 200

Today-to-date data: recommended ticket 108 monthly ticket 7 blade 3



There is another update, update before 12:[-]

Facing the big sister's invitation, Xia You was silent.

Xia You said in her heart: "Sulute, something is wrong."

Surut agreed deeply: "Indeed, women are not good things."

"Not that one."

Xia You frowned tightly, and expressed her worries:

"This woman has an abnormality..."

Just as Xia You guessed.

There is something wrong with this white-haired woman.

She is not a real human or heroic spirit, but a temporary humanoid terminal made by Mechanism Zeus.

Chaldea's strategy of pulling the line in Greece and selling mobile games with glamorous memes has achieved great success.

Mechanism's attention was distracted, and at the same time, his hostility towards Xia You was greatly reduced.

This greatly reduces the difficulty of conquering Atlantis, but at the same time...

But at the same time, this also made Machine God deeply remember Xia You.

Gender is just a concept for Mechs.

So does sexual orientation.

What's more, under the full interference of the charming meme of the Chaldean Temple, even the Mech God can hardly hold himself.

Zeus came here this time, her only purpose is to charm Xia You!

She knew that Xia You was an invader from Chaldea, and she had just slaughtered [-] defenders.

But so what!

As long as you roll on the bed, cook rice with raw rice, then everyone is a family!

As long as you can charm Xia You, let him become a part of the Olympus gods, and give up the status of pan-human history god...

At that time, Zeus will not only be able to embrace the beauty, but also the invasion of Chaldea will be solved easily!

The best of both worlds!

This is for the righteousness of Olympus, it is official business!

It's definitely not Xia You's body!

So, this white-haired beauty came slowly, and stretched out her hand affectionately, wanting to hold Xia You.

And Xia You raised her gun.

This is a Noble Phantasm shotgun made by Kobelco.

It mimics a modern pump-action shotgun, and the action of pulling the hand guard on the original firearm is also retained in this model.

But here, pulling the gauntlet becomes the operation of lighting up the original rune on the barrel and performing the operation of accumulating power.

Now the Noble Phantasm shotgun has completed charging ahead of schedule, and the original rune is shining brightly on the barrel.

The white-haired beauty was taken aback: "Huh?"

Don't wait for her to react.

Xia You has already pulled the trigger.


Zeus' head is gone.

The headless corpse slumped to the ground, its life lost.

Surut was hooked.

And Odysseus was taken aback by this.

"You, what are you doing? What did she do, why did you kill her?"

"Intuition, she is dangerous."

Xia You said calmly:

"You see, she looks so good-looking and dresses so colorfully, but she didn't enter the card pool. She must be an enemy."

Odysseus was dumbfounded: "...what are you talking about?"

At this time, Odysseus suddenly discovered that the body of the dead white-haired woman was bleeding reddish blood.

Although it is also red, it is completely different from human blood.

This is an artificial human...

Odysseus froze.

"This is the humanoid terminal of Machine God, that woman just now...is a god!"

"Good marksmanship!"

At this time, the fallen Zeus suddenly gave a thumbs up:

"But... I will definitely come back!"

After Zeus finished speaking, he died completely.

Xia You put away her gun and continued to move forward.

Just now Xia You used Odysseus' helmet to order a takeaway from the defense forces.

The takeaway will probably arrive soon, Xia You needs to get familiar with the terrain and get ready.

ps: Xian bullets will be harmonious when fired, so I switched to shotguns. After killing the unidentified enemies, Xia You wandered around Hestia Island.

In the depths of Hestia Island, Xia You found a village.

This is just an ordinary village in the ocean of Atlantis. According to the villagers, there used to be several foreigners with extraordinary skills here, but all of them were killed by the defense forces.

Those are probably pan-human history followers.

Before Xia You's arrival, the Atlantis Defense Force teamed up with the Alien God's Apostle to kill all the pan-human history followers meticulously.

After all, everyone is very afraid of Chaldea's power, and dare not give Chaldea a chance to grow.

Of course, it is very regrettable to lose ammunition and comrades-in-arms.

Fortunately, Xia You already has a new way of thinking about brushing stones.

Next, Xia You returned to the coast, waiting happily for the arrival of the Saint Quartz express.

That afternoon, reinforcements from the Defenders arrived.

These are the ten servants summoned by the Defense Force.

With the assistance of Kirshtalia and the huge resources of the defense force, it is not difficult to summon servants.

However, these servants had only just come into contact with spiritual body transformation, and half of them were taken away by Xia You, who had been in ambush for a long time, with a deviant sword.

After that, the remaining servants were slaughtered by Xia You after a while.

The gap in strength is really too great.

With the EX-level panel and the superposition of a lot of combat skills, Xia You's lethality has already far exceeded the limit of a follower.

And now, Xia You also has the flame sword dress, and hundreds of treasures are under the control of AI, which is equivalent to hundreds of servants fighting side by side with Xia You.

After eliminating the first wave of followers, Xia You contacted the defense army and called for the second wave of support.

This time, the Defense Force sent more Servants.

They landed in scattered ways, cleverly using spirit bodies to track down the enemy.

But still... was killed by Xia You.


The third wave of express delivery of the Defense Force has entered the state of waiting for delivery.

For the Defense Force, the tragedy of Xia You's single-handed annihilation of the fleet dispatched before is still vivid in his mind.

After Luna was severely injured, he could no longer use it at will.

Sending servants to attack Xia You seems to be the method with the highest probability of success and the least cost.

The defenders want to use servants to eliminate Xia You.

And Xia You was also happy to keep harvesting Saint Quartz from the defense forces.

But in fact, everyone knows it.

There is only one way for the Greek Lost Belt to kill Xia You.

That is the collective end of the gods, encircling and suppressing Xia You.

When the defenders fought against the invaders in order to defend the land of Greece.

Their gods, however, paid no heed to their prayers.

Not only that!

Not only did the gods of Olympus ignore the prayers of the soldiers, they even joined forces with the invaders to attack Chaldea crazily through mobile games!

Not only that! !

They were so frenzied that they moved to Xia You's house to play games!

Now, deep in the jungle on the island of Hestia, there is a huge building.

This place was originally a temporary stronghold built by Xia You with some simple materials.

But now, it has become a magnificent palace.

Xia You waited for his courier with a look of lovelessness.

And behind him, a group of peerless ladies and sisters are gathering together to play online, laughing and laughing.

These young ladies... are all machine-god humanoid terminals.

Since killing the mysterious white-haired woman, Xia You has been approached by many beautiful women one after another.

Only then did Xia You know that these women were the very high-value humanoid terminals specially made by Machine God in order to attack Xia You!

These avatars are very troublesome.

If you kill it, you will be resurrected, and you can't drive it away.

Xia You was very curious about these pussies:

"I said, we are enemies, right? Panhuman history and Greece should be endless competitors, right? You ignore the war and play games here, won't your conscience hurt?"

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