boom! ! ! !

A violent explosion sounded, and the waves of heat and sound gradually spread.The steaming heat and smoke obscured everyone's sight.

"Did you make it?"

"It's not over yet! The breath hasn't disappeared yet..."

At this time, it was Xiao Hei's turn to move. As soon as he stomped his feet, Xiao Hei started to run.

"Even though I don't know the reason, I understand how to do it. I don't know why, but I know what to do. This is my strength..."

A black nameless longbow was projected in his hand, and Xiao Hei kept running along the wall to find a suitable position.

"Identify the concept of creation, determine the basic points, copy the constituent materials, imitate the production technology, share the growth experience, and reproduce the accumulated years."

Finally, he walked around to a position where it would not affect everyone, and a gorgeous golden long sword appeared in Xiao Hei's hand.

Although Xiao Hei was just a subconscious projection and didn't know what it was, with Meng Xiao's eyesight, he could still tell that it was a calibur, not the original shape, maybe a subspecies or a pseudo-original.

"Above all projects, weaving fantasies into swords here!"

The long sword was continuously compressed and stretched to become an arrow, and Xiao Hei put it on the longbow, and the bow opened to the full moon.The golden magic power wrapped around the arrow body, exuding a bright golden light. .

Chapter 191

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Amazing magical compression..."

The few people who had completed their tasks were watching Xiao Hei's performance, and Sapphire let out a sound of amazement.

"That arrow is completely different from the previous one..."

Ruby, who was in shock, did not escape as before.

"The last blow, Xiao Hei!"

Finally, the magic power was compressed to the point that it could no longer be compressed, and the golden light on the arrow was so dazzling that it was impossible to look directly at it.Xiao Hei finally let go of the bowstring.

Hei Pika subconsciously manipulated the magic fog to fight back, but the magic fog, which was invincible before, was easily penetrated by the arrows like tofu.

boom! !

There was a louder roar than the previous magic cannon, and a small mushroom cloud even rose in this underground space.

The flames reflected in everyone's eyes, and they all stared nervously at the center of the explosion.Gradually, the aftermath subsided, but the scene after the smoke cleared surprised everyone.

"That is……"


"Where did it come from?"

I saw a huge black and gold shield standing unscathed in the center of the explosion.

"No, compared to that... our strongest attack was blocked."

Rin swallowed, his face a little ugly.

"What should I do? Do you want another shot?"

Elijah asked nervously.

"No time! Get out of the way!"

At this time, Meng Xiao suddenly stepped forward, raised the golden sword that appeared at an unknown time, and chopped the magic mist that came suddenly into pieces.

"How? Let me just say, this guy is not so easy to deal with. 'Shield of the Gods', if it is that guy, he won't allow himself to shrink behind the defense."

Meng Xiao looked solemnly at the shield of the gods that blocked Calibur's illusion from collapsing.

"Hmph, since you guys failed, it's my turn to act according to the agreement`~."

Baget activated the Rune runes to strengthen, crouched on the ground, and suddenly rushed out from behind the group of people, dodging a few whips formed by the magic mist and leaping high towards the shield of the gods.

"Hey! Come back soon...forget it..."

Meng Xiao was about to stop Budget, but she had already charged above the shield. Anyway, Budget belonged to Brother Xinchun, so if she didn't suffer a little, she would definitely not give up.

Sure enough, Baget directly ignored Meng Xiao's dissuasion, clenched his fists and poured magic power into it...


Several weapons of various styles pierced Badgett who was still in the air, and she finally saw the dark figure behind the shield clearly.

I saw dozens of swords, guns, swords and halberds floating beside him, roaring continuously.

With unbelievable light in his eyes, Badgett finally fell from the sky.


When Illya saw Budget lying in a pool of blood, even though many unpleasant things had happened before, she was kind-hearted and still couldn't help worrying about her.

Seeing Yi Liya's gaze, Meng Xiao scratched her cheek:

"Don't worry, she has a hole card, it would be better to let her activate the hole card."

The fact is indeed the case, and she is still seriously injured if she is rescued in this state, at least she needs to recuperate for a while.Anyway, since she can be resurrected with full blood, it is better to wait for her to activate and then save it.

Don't say that Meng Xiao is cruel, anyway, she doesn't know Bajet very well, so why should she be a licking dog?

"Stab... eight places..."

Baget slowly got up from the ground, muttering:

"Two of the fatal wounds were in the abdomen..."

"Meng Xiao, quickly think of a way."

Rin tugged at the corner of La Mengxiao's clothes.

Meng Xiao replied helplessly:

"This is her insistence. Don't worry, you will see her hole card soon. It is a magic comparable to a treasure."

While speaking, a long sword suspended beside Hei Pika suddenly pointed at Baget and shot out, piercing her heart in an instant.

At this time, Baget raised the corners of his mouth:

"Condition... achieved!"

The fire of magic power, which was about to be extinguished, suddenly jumped and burned violently.Circles of runes appeared around Bagett as the center.

The magic power surged, and the wounds on Badgett healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. After circling a few times, the rune sank into Badgett's body. When she raised her head again, she had recovered to her best condition.

With clenched fists and a sprint, Badgett came to the roaring Black Picka, and hit the opponent's abdomen with an uppercut.

With a swinging fist, he slammed it into the air, forming a deep hole in the wall.

"No way...the heart has been pierced, why..."

Although she was prepared for Meng Xiao's words, Yi Liya was still shocked when she saw the scene in front of her.

"々Su Sheng... I'm afraid it was activated at the moment his heart stopped beating. It really is a Noble Phantasm magic as you said."

Rin also explained in cold sweat, and then looked back at Meng Xiao who seemed to know everything.

Meng Xiao spread out her hands, and continued to look at Badgett, who smashed the black pickup with his fist.

Baget, who appears to have the upper hand on the surface, is actually suffering. No matter what kind of injury is caused to the opponent, the opponent can use magic power to recover immediately.

And she is still blocking her attack route with the strange weapons around her.

"What the hell are those?"

At this time, Rin and the others also noticed those weapons.

"It's a treasure."

"Noble Phantasm? How could there be so many? Shouldn't there be only one Noble Phantasm for a Heroic Spirit under normal circumstances? Even in special circumstances, there should be no more than three."

Rin, who knew something about heroic spirits, was immediately surprised by Meng Xiao's explanation.

 (Nuoma's) "That's not right, there is a heroic spirit who can have infinitely many treasures. Didn't your father summon just one?"

Meng Xiao shook her finger and explained.

"My father...nephew"

Lin fell into deep thought when he heard this, and then remembered something, his expression changed drastically and he asked Meng Xiao:

"Could it be, isn't it? Is it really that guy?"

"What are you talking about?"

Luvia and San Xiaozhi were very upset about the Riddler's dialogue between them.

"What kind of Heroic Spirit is that?"

However, at this time Rin had already squatted on the ground with his head in his hands, and the whole person lost his power:

"I can't beat it, if it's that guy, I can't beat it..."


Today's update is done, masters, rest early, there are two or three chapters left and I will go to the parallel world, so I just push it horizontally without any scruples. .

Chapter 192

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lin hugged her head and crouched on the ground trembling, Meng Xiao sighed helplessly and explained:

"Gilgamesh, the fattest human being...cough, King of Heroes.

It is called the King of Heroes, not in the sense of 'King of Heroes', but as 'King of Heroes'. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the original scripture of all myths and the template of heroes.

Gathered all the treasures on the ground, and sublimated it into the Noble Phantasm 'King's Treasure' after it became a Heroic Spirit.

It is not so much the treasures that Gilgamesh has hoarded inside, but the "Original Code of Human Wisdom" itself.Contains the original scriptures of all Noble Phantasms. "

"It's a lie, right? The existence of that kind of supermodel..."

After all, Luvia needs to know a little more, and she also understands why Rin fell into that state after hearing this.

"It's okay, I was the one who won the Holy Grail War last time."


As if hearing Meng Xiao's words, hundreds of treasures behind Hei Pika started to attack indiscriminately.

"Xiao Hei's defense, you evacuate first, and I'll get Baget back. Since I can smash him once, I can smash him a second time."

Meng Xiao twisted her neck and stepped forward with the golden sword in hand, bent slightly and disappeared in place in an instant.

"Covering the seven rings of the blazing sky! (rhoaias)"

943 Facing Hei Picka's treasure rain, Xiao Hei quickly deployed a chrysanthemum | flower shield in front of the girls to defend against sporadic attacks.

Because most of the treasures were aimed at Bajiete and Meng Xiao who were sprinting at high speed, so although Xiao Hei's defense was a little pressured, it could still barely withstand it.


Facing the treasure rain, Meng Xiao and Bajiet dodged left and right and kept approaching the black pickup.It seems that because the treasure rain did not make a contribution, the black pickup roared to increase the output of magic power.

More treasures appeared behind him, and they all aimed at Baget who was closest to him, trying to solve one first.

Baget kept leaning over and sprinting, the rune ring appeared on his fist, and the metal cylinder that was originally thrown in the distance bounced off and flew out three ore balls.

To deal with this situation, using a backlight saber is the best choice.Before the storm of treasures, which can be said to be overwhelming in number, fell, Baget finally activated and swung his fist.


In the Noble Phantasm Storm, a hole with a diameter of about three meters appeared centered on Baget.

"In order to kill a person, it doesn't take such an exaggerated (bdae) attack method. Just one blow!"

Along the vacuum created by the backlight saber, Badgett finally rushed in front of the black pickup.

Step on the ground with your left foot, twist your body, and punch!

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