"But we need to talk about it... No, there is no room for negotiation at all. The only option is to kill it. Obviously that's all it takes."

Strengthening his belief, Jin Gu raised his head and looked at the starry sky with a broken expression:

"That's right... because I'm not Enkidu at all..."

Jin Gu's sickness and blackness are unknown to everyone, and everyone remained silent along the way. Although Meng Xiao wanted to liven up the atmosphere, she thought that this was not her own design, so she gave up.

He secretly decided that he must bring Merlin with him next time, if it's okay, Merlin can liven up the atmosphere, and if he has something to beat Merlin.It's very nice.

After returning to Uruk, Gilgamesh didn't say anything. After getting off the carriage at the gate of the Chaldean embassy, ​​he motioned for a few people to go to their own devices, and then walked to the shrine.

Because it was getting late, Meng Xiao and the others were not in the mood to discuss anything, so they washed up and rested.

In the early morning of the next day, Lixiang and Mash were still struggling with what work they had today, and whether they would continue to do odd jobs. The news came from the tower, asking them to meet Gilgamesh.

Because Meng Xiao was still sleeping late, Artoria didn't want to move.Anna went to sell flowers for a nearby old woman early in the morning, so Lixiang could only take Matthew and Merlin to the tower.

When Meng Xiao woke up at noon, she found that only Arturia was left in the embassy, ​​who was holding a teacup and drinking tea silently.

"Huh? Liya, where are Lixiang and the others?"

Scratching her head, Meng Xiao took Artoria's shoulders.

"Go wash up, Lixiang and the others have already gone to see Gilgamesh."

Arturia pushed Meng Xiao's face in disgust, and told him the whereabouts of Lixiang and others.

Meng Xiao scratched her chin:

"So that's the case. If I remember correctly, it should be about the Fate Clay Tablet, right?"


"It's nothing, I'm going to wash up..."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Meng Xiao let out a haha ​​and ran away.This wave must follow, after all, there is the best woman to deal with.But I can't show it. If Artoria knows that she intends to flirt with a girl, can the Red Dragon vise understand?

When Meng Xiao returned to the hall after washing, Li Xiang and the others had already returned.

"Ah, Mr. Meng Xiao, are you awake? King Gilgamesh has sent us a new mission."

Although one eye was covered by short hair, Matthew's eyesight was quite good, and she could see Meng Xiao's figure at a glance.

"Huh? What task? Do you need me to go with you?"

Although it is estimated that it is most likely to be the mission of the Fate Clay Tablet, Meng Xiao still confirmed it.

0 0 0

Lixiang immediately chattered to Meng Xiao about what happened in the tower today.

Because when Gilgamesh returned to Uruk from the underworld, he "saw the future" when passing through Kuza. He entered meditation in that city, recorded his destiny on the clay tablet, and then left.

Since it is performed in meditation, there is naturally no memory of before and after.If you don't read it again, you don't know what kind of destiny it is.So Lixiang and others need to go to retrieve the clay tablet.

Good guy, Boss Cao is "I like to kill in my dream", but to you it is "I like to write a diary in my dream"?

I heard Lixiang say that Gilgamesh still seems to do this often, because before the clairvoyance was not limited, sometimes he suddenly learned about the [future] that had nothing to do with him, and recorded it unconsciously.

"Ahh...so it's not in the forest to the west at all, and King Gilgamesh asked him to make a trip for nothing..."

Merlin lay on the table and complained.

"Okay, when are we leaving?"

Meng Xiao nodded, confirmed the information, and asked.

"Let's set off in the afternoon. By the way, we have to collect information about the goddess Ishtar along the way. It is said that there are several pastures between Uruk and Kusa. Report."

Li Xiang scratched her head, and replied with some distress.She thought of the goddess who did whatever she wanted that she had seen back then.Fives.

Chapter 284

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

(It is said that there is a problem with the last chapter, and those who only read half of it can just refresh it again.)

When several people were discussing the task, Anna, Ushiwakamaru and the others walked in from the door, and they saw the luggage that Lixiang and the others had prepared at a glance.

"We're back... what's this? What happened?"

Matthew smiled and tidied up the blanket in his hand, while turning around to explain to Anna:

"Well, King Gilgamesh has assigned us a new mission. This time, we are going to Kuza to find the Tablet of Destiny."

While speaking, Little Eggplant raised two fingers:

"Two days back and forth, one day of on-site investigation. The reward this time is actually 20 pieces of witch's silver."

"Ah ~ 20 coins!"

Anna's big eyes lit up when she heard that there were 20 silver pieces of witch zero and zero girls.With that much money, the embassy can be filled with flowers!

"I'm going to prepare now! Please wait a moment!"

After saying that, Anna ran upstairs with her short legs to pack her luggage.Everyone also watched Anna busy with smiles.

Meng Xiao couldn't help but laugh. Although Anna usually looks very mature, she is still a child after all.It's almost like a loli dragon who is thousands of years old at home.

"Speaking of which, Niu Niu, how is the situation on your front line? It doesn't look very good."

Meng Xiao looked at Niu Ruowan, although she had cleaned and healed herself, Meng Xiao still saw some slight abrasions on her exposed skin.

"Ah, it's okay. General Leonidas is on the front line, so there's no problem for now. King Gilgamesh also gave us a day off."

Expressing his gratitude to Meng Xiao for his concern, Ushiwakamaru explained with a smile.

"But I'm really envious. We have never been to Kuza City before. I really want to travel with you..."

Benkei, who was wiping the naginata beside him, said hastily:

"No way, Ushiwakamaru-sama, we have to rush back to the north wall tomorrow. The liberation of Nippur City is a race against the clock, so we can't get lost."

"Haha, Niu Niu, you should take a good rest, anyway, there will definitely be a chance. Let's go on a trip together next time."

Meng Xiao smiled and comforted Niu Ruomaru.

Ushiwakamaru nodded and said with a smile:

"I understand, it's just a pity. Then let's talk about it, next time we will go on a trip together. Just be patient. As a samurai, at this time, you have to smile and watch each other off. That..."


Just when Ushiwakamaru was about to say something to Meng Xiao, Anna's voice came from the stairs.I saw her standing at the top of the stairs carrying a burden much bigger than her own small body, with an excited look on her face:

"Then let's go quickly!"


Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw Anna's appearance. Little Lolita looked confused and didn't know what they were laughing at.

"All right, all right, Anna, there's no need to prepare so many things."

Meng Xiao said to Anna with a smile.

"But...these should all be needed."

Anna tightened her grip on the huge burden behind her, feeling a little tangled.

"Forget it, give it to me."

Meng Xiao stepped forward, took Anna's burden, and threw it into the system space with a wave of her hand.Conveniently, they also put away the luggage that Li Xiang and the others had prepared.As for Merlin, does Merlin need luggage?

At this point, everyone is ready to go to the mission.Ushiwakamaru, Benkei, and Artoria stood at the gate of the embassy to see everyone off.

"Then Liya, I will leave the family to you."

Meng Xiao smiled and hugged Artoria, and Meng Xiao asked Artoria to stay on the grounds that the stronghold needed someone to stay behind.

"I see, don't worry leave it to me."

Arturia patted her chest, and clattered the breastplate, which made Meng Xiao feel distressed.It took a lot of effort to let them grow a little, but don't let them disappear again.

Ushiwakamaru and the others bid farewell to several people:

"Although Kusa City is within the sphere of influence of the goddess Ishtar, it is adjacent to the territory of the goddess of monsters. There will be many powerful monsters. Be careful on the road."

Meng Xiao nodded:

"Yes, Niu Niu, you should also be more careful on the north wall. If you encounter any enemies that you can't solve, just call my name, and I will arrive immediately..."

Ushiwakamaru nodded to express his understanding, and they waved their hands and started on their way.

Leaving the city from the east gate of Uruk, heading northeast all the way, Merlin also briefly introduced the situation of Kuza to several people on the way.

After the city of Kusa appeared in the Alliance of the Three Goddesses, one day suddenly, the connection between Uruk and the city of Kuza was cut off.Kusa City was wiped out without warning.

What the investigation team who rushed to the scene saw was a quiet street.No blood, corpses, or signs of struggle.All the townspeople passed away as if asleep.

Since then, Quza has been regarded as a cursed land, a wasteland that no one dares to approach.

Merlin's words made Lixiang a little scared:

"It's really an incredible incident. Was it caused by poison or something?? Mr. Meng Xiao, do you know what happened?"

Meng Xiao rubbed her chin:

"I probably know a little bit, and the specific things have yet to be confirmed. Anyway, I am here, so don't worry. Even if you meet Jin Gu or Ishtar, you don't have to worry. But the monsters on the road have to be left to you."

Merlin laughed and said:

"Warcraft that have been left alone are no longer the opponents of Xiao Lixiang and Xiao Maxiu, and there is still Anna."

Anna pulled her hood to avoid the sun, and complained:

0.5 "Merlin, die."

"Pfft, haha!! You old rascal, you really hate ghosts."

Meng Xiao mercilessly laughed at Merlin.


Fufu stood on Matthew's shoulder and agreed, as long as you hate Merlin, we will be good friends!

"Look, even Fufu despises you, what failure do you think you have?"

"Hmph, you Meng Xiao, I'm Liya's elder after all, so be careful and I'll sue you!"

Merlin snorted coldly, and said the most cowardly words in the most ruthless tone.

"Are you sure you won't be cut out by Liya's sword?"

What Meng Xiao said about Mei Lin was completely true, who would believe what he said, anyway, there was no one in the round table who didn't want to give him two knives. .

Chapter 285

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Everyone laughed and laughed and went all the way, passing through a field of reeds in a small boat.Entered a hilly area.

"Wow, this is really tragic."

After turning over a small hill, Lixiang was startled by the tragic scene that came into view.

I saw that the ground seemed to have been ravaged by missiles, and there were potholes everywhere, some hills were blown to pieces, and rocks were everywhere.

"There's someone over there."

Meng Xiao reminded those who were still in shock.

Everyone looked over quickly and saw two shepherds pulling sheep out of a big pit.

Going forward, Lixiang said hello and helped the shepherd get the sheep out.

"Huh, it's really thanks to you, thank you."

After finally finding the lost sheep, the shepherd slumped on the ground and took a breath, expressing his gratitude to Meng Xiao and the others.

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