"You can only hear the sound but not the person. You humans are used to calling this kind of sound a goblin. Well. In summary, let's ignore it. I and everyone didn't see anything, right?"

Several people immediately ignored the tearful expression of the Leopard Man, and nodded fiercely with a smirk.

"Wow! Are you devils! I'm here meow! Don't act like you didn't see anything meow!"

The leopard man cried like a tiger.

Meng Xiao clapped her hands:

"Okay, let's put aside the matter of the Leopard Man. What we need to do now is to bring the Ax of Marduk back to the point of no return."

Lixiang nodded her chin when she heard the words:

"But the question is where to put such a big ax back home?"

Meng Xiao shrugged:

"That's the problem with Kim Picka. It's not something we should worry about. We are only responsible for taking it back, and let him have a headache."

"That's right, that's the only remaining role he has."

Ishtar agreed.

Merlin suddenly said at this moment:

"But the size of this ax is so big, we can't move it."

The elder sister of Feathered Serpent God put her hands on her hips and said with a smile:

"I think so, after all, it weighs the same as the whole Eri. But if it's just for transporting, there is a way.

Weave a rope out of jungle vines and let my pterodactyls move to Uruk.By the way, let those soldiers come to help too.Although it may take three days, can you catch up? "

Meng Xiao nodded:

"This is really a great help. It's not like Merlin. There's nothing left to eat and nothing to do."

Mei Lin immediately refuted Meng Xiao's words:

"I'm in charge of using the brain. Don't compare me to the God of War. But even so, Quetzalcoatl is indeed reliable. Please help me in the future."

Feathered Serpent smiled and said that it doesn't matter, if you have something to do, just leave it to the reliable big sister.

Meng Xiao threw a look at Mei Lin, and also claimed to be a 'reliable big sister (big brother)', but why is there such a big difference in life?

Merlin said don't scold, don't scold, it's stupid to scold others.

So after Quetzalcoatl arranged the relevant matters, everyone also embarked on the return journey.

Of course, Leopard actually wanted to go back with everyone, but was arranged by Quetzalcoatl to oversee the work.

Although the leopard man used the skills Tiger Tears and Tiger Kneeling two moves, but under the threat of his big sister Yan Yi, the leopard man resolutely admitted his counsel, and he chose between being made into a specimen and being an honest supervisor.

On the way back, they passed Ur again, but they still did not choose to enter the city, but chose a relatively flat and open place to camp in the wild.

In the middle of the night, beside the burning bonfire, Meng Xiao was dozing off.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Suddenly, a rustling sound came, and Meng Xiao raised her head and opened her eyes:

"Are you here, Allie?"

"Ah...haha, my intuition is quite accurate. Although I don't look back, it's not polite to be born suddenly."

Ai Lei, who sneaked over, froze and laughed awkwardly:

"Or are you already that sensitive to my breath?"

Meng Xiao smiled:

"Yeah, I'm so sensitive to your breath that I know you're coming even if it's hundreds of meters away."

Ah, this... Ai Lei was caught off guard by Meng Xiao's sudden teasing, so she could only force herself to say:

"Oh, I don't hate it. It seems that I teach you about the etiquette due to the goddess every night. It's worth it."

0 ......

Meng Xiao smiled and patted the log under her body:

"Okay, okay, I don't know you yet. Sit down first, what do you want to talk about tonight?"

Ai Lei sat down beside Meng Xiao obediently with a bulging face when she heard the words:

"Forget it, I'm here to comfort you tonight. You've recruited a new goddess to be your partner again. You've done a great job, I want to praise you."

Meng Xiao waved her hand:

"Actually, it's all thanks to Lixiang. I'm just responsible for holding back Quetzalcoatl. If Lixiang didn't figure it out, it wouldn't be so easy to subdue Feathered Serpent."

"Anyway, it's really powerful. Do you really have to say such unpleasant words? Give me a pinch of your face."

After finishing speaking, Ai Lei stretched out her slender fingers to pinch Meng Xiao's cheek.Then he looked satisfied:

"Ah... the feeling of unhappiness really dissipated... what a wonderful effect. I'm going to record it."

Meng Xiao smiled and asked:

"Just record it? You can pinch as often as you like."

Ailei immediately snorted when she heard the words, arrogantly said:

"Who...who wants to pinch it all the time. It's just that when you see you getting along with other goddesses, you feel a little depressed for no reason. So as long as you physically attack yourself, this mood will disappear, and now it's gone." Five .

Chapter 334

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Meng Xiao, who knew her character well, was a little surprised. She never expected her to admit her feelings so frankly.

Is the progress of this strategy already so high?She really deserves to be the best woman in Chaldea.Make sure to pinch a few more times?

Ai Lei didn't continue to argue with Meng Xiao, but brought the topic back:

"Okay! Speaking of business, don't underestimate Quetzalcoatl, he is considered the strongest goddess in [Alliance of Three Goddesses].

Even facing Gorgon, who accumulated strength by slaughtering humans, as long as Quetzalcoatl is serious, he can still be defeated.

But having said that, even if they leave the alliance, the restriction of the goddess is still effective.Because the goddesses can't attack each other, the question of who is stronger and weaker doesn't make much sense. "

Meng Xiao smiled when she heard the words:

"Is that so? I will tell Lixiang and the others to be careful. But what about you, Ai Lei? When will you quit the alliance to help me?"


When Ai Lei heard Meng Xiao's words, she blushed instantly and stuttered, not knowing what to say.

Meng Xiao admired Ai Lei's flustered and shy expression, and she was also very happy.

Suddenly, Meng Xiao became dizzy and almost fell down.

"Wait, your complexion is terrible! Could it be that you have some kind of disease!? Lend me your forehead..."

Ai Lei found out what was wrong with Meng Xiao, and quickly put her palm on Meng Xiao's forehead:

"Huh? There seems to be no problem? Then why is your face so ugly?"

Meng Xiao shook her head:

"I'm fine, maybe it's because I haven't had a good rest recently."

Meng Xiao casually made up a reason, and comforted Ai Lei.However, my heart was a little dignified.

Just kidding, he is a godslayer, so it goes without saying how perverted a godslayer's physique is.

Cold, fever, physical fatigue and so on will never appear on him.

That being the case, the sudden dizziness just now was not so simple.

After all, the Godslayer's physique is only immune to magic below the god level, and it will still be affected for magic and powers above the god level.

After thinking about it in many ways, the only reasonable explanation is the influence of Ai Lei's power.

But Meng Xiao was not stupid enough to say it, otherwise this girl would blame herself very much.

Ai Lei didn't doubt Meng Xiao's words:

"Is...is that so? How tired are you? Is it a lot of work? But no matter how heavy the work is, there should be a limit, right?

Even the heavy labor in the underworld can be liberated after only three days of work! ?What job can make you so tired? "

"Ah ha ha……"

Meng Xiao smiled dryly. Can he say that his day-to-day work is just fishing?Even if he won't be poked a hole by Allie's gun?

"It's...it's nothing, it won't be like this after this time."

"That's right... After all, they basically rely on you to solve things now..."

Ai Lei nodded and suddenly made a decision:

"Okay, I'll help you watch the night, you just lie down there. I will ensure that the surrounding security is perfect. Cover the name of Irigal, and will not let any foreign enemies approach."

Meng Xiao stroked her chin and thought for a while, then rolled her eyes:

"Rest? It's a good idea indeed, but can you use a knee pillow?"


Ai Lei was taken aback, and saw Meng Xiao lying down on her lap.

Seeing Ai Lei who was in a hurry but didn't push him away, Meng Xiao closed her eyes in satisfaction and enjoyed the softness at the back of her head:

"The night is very long. Since you have kept watch for me, in order not to make you bored, let me chat with you more. Someone must respond to what you say."

Ai Lei also calmed down at this time, and put her palm on Meng Xiao's hair:

"Then tell me the story that happened before you came to this era."

Meng Xiao closed her eyes and smiled:

"Okay, then let me talk about it. A long time ago, there was a king in Fuyuki City who liked to stand on street lamps..."

As a result, the two of them finally talked about something else for the first time, as if the time had been pressed on the accelerator, and soon, the sky gradually brightened...  

"Hahahaha, that Gilgamesh still has such a thing, he was made into a card to steal power...

And the world of godslayers you mentioned, where the gods break free from the shackles of mythology and do harm to the earth, it's really amazing. "

Ai Lei was fascinated by the story Meng Xiao told, but then she thought of something:

"Ah, I'm sorry, I wanted you to rest, but it made you more tired. But it was really interesting! Thank you for telling me all this!"

Meng Xiao opened her eyes and looked at her jewel-like eyes:

"Is it interesting? Would you like to come and see it with me, if you have the chance?"

Ai Lei nodded, and didn't pay attention to the second half of his words:

"Well, of course, these things are the exciting adventures I have always dreamed of. And most importantly, you can travel, take risks, and defeat enemies one by one according to your own wishes."

Speaking of this, Allie nodded:

"That's right, human beings should be like this. Nature, fate, the gods, and even the malice of human beings themselves...

Only humans can defeat so many unreasonable things!Humanity is indeed the most advanced possibility worthy of my protection! "

Meng Xiao smiled and played with his drooping blond hair:

"Then do you prefer humans or 0.5 adventures?"

"I like both. I want to protect human beings and experience that kind of adventure. But for me, this kind of freedom..."

She has no way to leave the underworld, if the underworld does not have her, it will stop functioning, so what is the protection of human beings?

"There will be a way."

A smile curled up on the corner of Meng Xiao's mouth, there was nothing that a world crystal could not solve, the worst would be to add more money.

The morning light pierced through the clouds and sprinkled on the two of them, and Ailei was startled:

"Ah, the sun is about to rise, and it's almost time to go to bed. Are you going back to Uruk next? Although Uruk is surrounded by Gorgon monsters, as long as it's you, it must be fine.

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