Chapter 367

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"Hmm... what?"

Originally, Ai Lei nodded triumphantly when she heard Meng Xiao say that she could be of great help.Only after Meng Xiao had finished speaking did she realize in shock:


"Huh?" x2

Ishtar and Ailei were stunned for a moment before they realized what Meng Xiao meant, and they screamed with disbelief.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Meng Xiao nodded in satisfaction. They were twice as beautiful and twice as happy.

"Hey, Meng Xiao, are you right? Pulling Tiamat into the underworld?"

Ai Lei came back to her senses, and screamed loudly.

Gilgamesh folded his arms and agreed:

"This king thinks it's feasible. Since she won't die in the living world, let her fall into the inanimate world."

Meng Xiao nodded:

"Although this method seems unreliable, it is indeed feasible. Besides, we have no other way now, right?"

Ai Lei was sweating profusely, and asked Meng Xiao:

"Fall? Did you just say let her fall?"


"Fall into the underworld? Are you serious?"

Ai Lei pointed to the ground under her feet, suspecting that Meng Xiao was joking.

At this time, 070 Gilgamesh stood up, pointed to Ai Lei in the mirror and said:

"Goddess of Hades, Ereshkigal. In the name of the king, I command you to open the gates of the underworld throughout Uruk.

Bind the calamity beast that pretended to be the god of Tiamat to the ground.This is the duty you once ran amok as one of the Three Goddesses, and this is your only chance of redemption. "

Ai Lei was a little dazed by Jin Glitter's sudden order, and when she realized it, she shouted frantically:

"Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible. Do you want me to move the Underworld underground to Uruk?"

Meng Xiao laughed lightly:

"Is it really impossible, Allie? As far as I know, you did something secretly."

Ai Lei was taken aback when she heard the words, and turned her head in embarrassment:

"You... what are you talking about. Forget it, since it's your request, I can only do it."

When Lixiang heard Ai Lei's words, she showed a look of surprise:

"Really? Thank you so much, Miss Ereshkigal."

When Ai Lei heard Lixiang's thanks, her expression was a little gloomy:

"Of course it's true. If you don't do this, Mesopotamia will be destroyed."

Meng Xiao smiled at Ai Lei:

"Then please, beautiful and kind Miss Alley."

"Beautiful...beautiful and kind..."

Hearing Meng Xiao's words, Ai Lei blushed immediately, and turned her back to poke her fingers continuously.

Seeing Ai Lei's appearance, Li Xiang asked anxiously:

"So how long will it take to be ready?"

Ellie paused for a moment, rubbing her hands together in embarrassment:

"The death cave covering the entire area of ​​Uruk is not so easy to prepare. Originally, it would take ten years to prepare..."


Everyone quickly grasped the essence of Ai Lei's words, and their expressions were a little strange.Meng Xiao almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Actually... because I hated Uruk very much before, I had this plan a long time ago..."

Ai Lei turned her head back a little shyly, and raised three fingers:

"So it only takes three days to get ready..."

Gilgamesh's cheeks twitched when he heard the words, good guy, so you still have this plan.

If Alley hadn't said it herself, Gilgamesh wouldn't have known that she still had the operation of directly stealing the house.

"You are amazing, Miss Ereshkigal."

However, Little Eggplant didn't notice this at all, and praised Allie with a look of amazement while holding two little hands.

"Pfft...hahaha, no, I can't take it anymore."

Seeing Gilgamesh's more constipated expression, Meng Xiao finally couldn't help laughing out loud, (bdaf) frantically slapped the pillar beside him.

"Yes... is it?"

Ai Lei put her hands on her hips proudly when she heard Matthew's words:

"Then it's worth it for me to curse in the tunnel every night."

Gilgamesh forcibly suppressed the emotions in his heart, and laughed dryly:

"Hahahaha, well done, Ereshkigal. But the king will talk to you later."

After speaking, he snapped his fingers, causing the mirror to slowly sink into the king's treasure.

If he didn't end the call, he was afraid that he couldn't help rushing into the underworld to have a fierce battle with Ai Lei.

After finishing the call with Ai Lei, the next biggest problem is only the problem of time.

There are still two days before Timma arrives in Uruk, but Ai Lei needs three days to prepare.

The only Marduk handaxe capable of dealing damage to Tiamat was also damaged during the previous crusade against Gorgon.

All of a sudden, everyone fell into entanglement again.Thinking about how to hold Tiamat.

At this time Gilgamesh laughed and asked Ishtar:

"What are you pretending to be? You can see the road to victory now."

Ishtar was a little impatient when he heard the words:

"So, there is no way to hold her back."

Gilgamesh pointed at Ishtar:

"The solution is you! Ishtar."

"Huh? Me?"

"Hahahaha, you guy, you actually know how to show your trump card. How hateful, how hateful."

Gilgamesh laughed and patted Ishtar on the shoulder.This king understands your thoughts, I really deserve to be you.

Ishtar was stunned by Gilgamesh's words, and had no idea what he was talking about.

Li Xiang seemed to have thought of something, he hammered his palm and said:

"It's Gugalana!"

"Serve the goddess Ishtar, the largest beast in Sumer, the bull of heaven - Gugalana."

"Use that to hold Tiamat!"

"That's right! I heard that Gugalana can even drain the Tigris River, so it won't take much effort!"

"As expected of you! Miss Ishtar!"

Everyone also thought of Ishtar's bull in the sky, and their eyes lit up, and they began to praise her one after another.

Ishtar pushed Gilgamesh away and shouted:

"Gu Jialan is not such an amazing guy!"

However, everyone didn't pay attention to her words, they only thought that she had finally learned to be humble.He raised his hands and shouted:

"Gurgalana! Gugalana! Gugalana!"

"Ishtar! Ishtar! Ishtar!".

Chapter 368

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Facing the cheers of the crowd, Ishtar was numb and kneaded his hair helplessly.

"Huh? What's the matter, Mr. Meng Xiao, do you have anything to say?"

Li Xiang, who was cheering, saw Meng Xiao's strange expression, and asked suspiciously.

Meng Xiao coughed helplessly, and asked Lixiang:

"Lixiang, have you forgotten? When I met Ishtar for the first time?"


Hearing Meng Xiao's words, Ishtar thought about it carefully. When she first met Ishtar, she seemed to be looking for something.

Then Mr. Meng Xiao seemed to tell her something...

"I can't find your Gujarana..."

Digging out Meng Xiao's words from the depths of his mind again, Li Xiang was startled, and asked stammeringly:

"Mr. Mengmeng Mengxiao... what you said at the time couldn't be true, could it?"

Meng Xiao shrugged:

"Of course, besides, is there any advantage for me to lie to her at that time?"

Seeing the situation here, Gilgamesh also stopped laughing and looked at Meng Xiao:

"Any questions?"

Meng Xiao gave him an angry look:

"It's a big problem, okay, do you think Ishtar's character will look like this at this time?"

Pointing to Ishtar who was still twitching, Meng Xiao sighed:

"Usually, she has already put her hips on her hips and let out a high-pitched laugh at this time, showing off?"

Gilgamesh noticed something was wrong this time, and suddenly turned his head to look at Ishtar.

Ishtar quickly turned his head to avoid Gilgamesh's gaze, and said in a low voice with some embarrassment:


"Ah? What did you say?"

Gilgamesh froze.

"Yes, Gugalana is gone..."

As if giving up on himself, Ishtar shouted with tears in his eyes:

"No more! I lost it! I don't know where I lost it! I searched all over Mesopotamia, but I couldn't even find the shadow of Gugalana!"

Ishtar looked at Meng Xiao weepingly:

"I met this guy at the end and told me that Gujialana is no longer in this world. I gave up looking for it. If you want to blame, blame him!"

Everyone turned their eyes to Meng Xiao, who was watching the play from the side.

Meng Xiao coughed dryly:

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