Meng Xiao nodded and embraced Asia, letting her cry.Crying and crying, Asia fainted from exhaustion.

"Okay, Kirkbill, you've seen enough good shows, let's deal with you next."

"Lia, I'll leave it to you!"


The second watch is coming, and the plot of the Devil's High School is coming to an end soon. To be honest, I also feel that this world is overblown, and Mo Yi will make a good design.See the book review for more reminders, above four.

Chapter 120

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Looking at Kirkbill, whose face was full of joy after revealing the secret, Meng Xiao said softly:

"Lia, I'll leave it to you!"


Arturia nodded, and walked forward, the whirlwind of magic power suddenly exploded around her body, and the silver armor was instantly armed.

Holding the sword of vowed victory hidden by the enchantment of the wind king, he stepped forward and raised the long sword in his hand high.

The wind king's enchantment was lifted, and the flowing wind wrapped around the sword body swept and spread, and the gorgeous sword body gradually appeared.

For the first time, the Holy Sword of the Stars assembled by faith appeared in this world.

That's right, Artoria is going to open up directly. Although she doesn't say anything, she likes Asia, a simple and kind girl.


[-] Xenovia's expression froze, and the induction of the holy sword user let her know what the sword was.

"How is that possible! That can't be Excalibur!"

Kirkbill's expression was also shocked. Although it was different from the ones he had seen before, he confirmed without a doubt that it was Excalibur.

The concept of the holy sword of the stars is universal, even if it is changed to another world, it can still show its brilliance.

Vali, who was watching from a distance, realized that it was unusual when Artoria released the Wind King's enchantment, and quickly sent a message through secret means.

The light appeared throughout the Kuou Academy, and gradually converged on the sword of the vowed victory in Artoria's hand.


Artoria stared coldly at Kirkbill, who flew up into the sky and was about to flee. After accumulating a certain amount of power, she swung the sword in her hand:



The light was rushing, and the soaring beam of light rose from the ground, directly submerging Kirkbill who wanted to escape, and even destroying the barrier set up by the student union.

After a full 5 minutes, the beam of light slowly dissipated, and Kirkbill had already disappeared in the air.

It's not about escaping, but about being completely vaporized, with the ashes thrown away.

Everyone present stared dumbfounded at the figure who kept wielding the sword, and swallowed hard.

It's not that I haven't seen Artoria fight before, but she has always used swordsmanship and strong physical strength to fight against the enemy. She never expected to be so ridiculously strong.

Arturia looked at the results of the battle she had caused and was quite satisfied.

Ever since he made a contract with Meng Xiao, he didn't have to worry about magic power at all. If he didn't have enough magic power, he could directly borrow Meng Xiao's magic power through the contract channel.

Not to mention that since Xingyue Heavy Industry started to work, he has often replenished his demons with Meng Xiao.

"It seems to have seen a good show, Sekiryuutei."

While Rias and the others were still in shock, a voice suddenly came, and Vali in casual clothes came out with a blond man.


Rias and the others immediately became alert after hearing the words.

"Hello, my name is Vali, and I belong to Asachel."

Valli didn't care, and introduced himself directly.


Lias and the others felt tense when they heard the words. They just dealt with a fallen angel cadre. Is it really going to trigger a war between the three clans?

"Okay, you don't need to be nervous. If you are right, you should come to me, right? The White Dragon Emperor."

At this time, Meng Xiao also stopped watching the show, and walked out directly to speak.

"Ah, yes, it seems that you are the new Sekiryuutei."

Vali said to Meng Xiao with a smile.

Meng Xiao raised her eyebrows when she heard the words:

"Why? Don't you plan to have a game?"

"Hahaha, no, I should not be your opponent now."

Although it was just a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg, Meng Xiao's limited hands-on before Vali had collected information.

So after careful analysis, Vali had to admit that he couldn't beat Meng Xiao now.

Meng Xiao curled her lips. Vali didn't want to do anything, and he wouldn't force her into the battle.

"Arubion, long time no see."

At this time, the cage hand of Chilongdi, who had not yet dispersed from Meng Xiao, suddenly spoke.

A wing of light automatically appeared behind Vali:

"You're still alive, Ddraig."

"I didn't expect it to be like this when we meet again."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, there will be a duel one day."

With just a few words, the communication between the two dragons was over, and then fell silent again.

"Okay, okay, don't be nervous. Asachel is also very troubled by this matter. He was supposed to punish Kirkbill, but it seems that it is unnecessary now..."

Seeing that the atmosphere became serious again, Valli hurriedly spoke.

And the blond man standing beside him has been staring at Artoria closely:

"Who are you?"

"I am the Knight King of Britain, Arturia Pendragon."

Arturia answered the other party's question openly and aboveboard, and also stared closely at the sword hanging on the other party's waist.


Not only the blond man, everyone present except Meng Xiao was stunned.

"Your sword gives me a sense of familiarity, what is it?"

Artoria looked at it for a while and finally asked.

The blond man sighed:

"I have never heard that the ancestor knight king is a woman. Let me introduce myself, my name is Arthur Pendragon."

After hearing this, Artoria understood. It turned out that this is the descendant of King Arthur of this world that Meng Xiao once said, so that sword is probably the sword in the stone of this world.

After feeling it carefully, although it is much more powerful than the sword in the stone in my own world, it is still far inferior to the sword of vowed victory.

Nodding her head, Artoria turned around and returned to Meng Xiao's side.

Seeing everyone's surprised eyes, Meng Xiao helplessly spread her hands:

"Okay, Liya is not the Knight King of your 0.4 world, so don't ask me why, and I won't tell you anyway."

Everyone had no choice but to suppress the doubts in their hearts.

"In this case, let's go first. I escaped this time. I will fight with you even if I lose to you next time, Red Dragon Emperor."

Meng Xiao didn't speak, but shrugged her shoulders. She didn't know when the next time would be. Anyway, Meng Xiao didn't plan to stay in this world any longer. It was quite boring.

But before we go, there is one more thing to do:

"Wait, Vali, I need a person's spatial coordinates, I think you have it?"


The third watch is coming, well, the Devil's High School will end with at most two or three chapters, and we have to do one thing before we leave, everyone understands. .

Chapter 121

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Rias and the student council began to clean up the mess.

After Meng Xiao handed Asia to Artoria, she and Vali came to a deserted place.

"So, Sekiryuutei, whose coordinates do you want?"

Wali asked Meng Xiao with his back against a big tree and folded his arms.

"I need the coordinates of Theodora Astarot."

Meng Xiao also relied on a big tree to communicate with Wali.

"Oh? Why do you think I told you? We are old enemies anyway, aren't we?"

Valli looked around and talked about him with a smile.

"Because you can't beat me."

Meng Xiao also showed a harmless smile and choked Vali with a single sentence.

"Okay, I know that you want to get rid of the Son of God monitor, and I also know that you have already had initial contact with the Scourge."

Meng Xiao didn't hold back, and directly expressed Vali's thoughts.

Vali shrank his pupils when he heard this, sighed after a moment of silence, and directly told Meng Xiaodiodora the information.

But it's just a general range, no matter how much information he has, he has no way of knowing who hasn't joined the disaster group.

13 But for Meng Xiao, it will be much easier once she has a general scope.

After Wali left, Meng Xiao immediately found Rias and expressed her desire to go to the underworld.

"May I ask what you want to do in the underworld?"

Rias felt strange about Meng Xiao's request.

"To butcher a filthy bedbug."

Meng Xiao sat on the sofa in the Supernatural Research Department with her hands on the back.


"Theodora Astarot."

Meng Xiao uttered a name coldly.

Rias was taken aback when she heard the words, and asked nervously:

"Excuse me, do you have any problems with him? The underworld is sparsely populated now, and every pure-blooded demon is precious."

"Just say whether you can help me or not."

Meng Xiao's expression turned completely cold.

Lias was stunned when she saw Meng Xiao's expression, she didn't know whether she was afraid of Meng Xiao's anger or something else, she panicked and said:

"I will definitely help you, but I still want to know what happened."

Meng Xiao sighed and began to talk:

"Asia used to be the saint of the church, you know, Diodora is a very bad and perverted guy.

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