"Ah, Mr. Meng Xiao is an old friend of our family."

Irisviel didn't explain too much, she just patted the seat beside her and said:

"Come on Illya, tell mom what happened to you recently."


On the other side, Tohsaka Rin returned to Luvia's house with a depressed face, the bastard Ruby didn't want to come back.

"What? That guy Meng Xiao hasn't come back yet?"

Not seeing Meng Xiao in the living room, Rin frowned.

"Huh? What's the matter, sister?"

Sakura asked suspiciously.

Rin is also not good at losing his temper with Sakura, so he just took out Illya's resignation letter:

"It's okay, it's just that Ilya has quit, but Ruby refuses to come back."

"Huh? Didn't Meng Xiao say that she would solve Ilya's problem?"

Luvia asked suspiciously.

Rin shook his head:

"Okay, let's not talk about this, so what are we going to do tonight? There is only one employment card left."

Luvia pinched her chin when she heard the words:

"Didn't Meng Xiao say that he will solve it tomorrow? According to him, the last berserker is very strong and we can't deal with it."

"I'd like to try that……"

Miyu who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke.

Rin and Luvia looked at each other. Although they were a little worried, they thought about going to the mirror world to see the situation. Even if they couldn't beat it, it would be good to collect some information.

In the end, he agreed with Meiyu's opinion, and after preparing a bit, he set off with Meiyu.

Although Sakura stopped them a bit, she couldn't hold them back, so she could only helplessly watch them leave.After a while, Xiao Ying thought about it and was still worried, so she hurried out to find Meng Xiao.


The third watch is here, and there is another watch, I will get it done as soon as possible, and the gentlemen should rest early. .

Chapter 149

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At Yi Liya's house, seeing that Meng Xiao and her family were old acquaintances, Yi Liya also understood that her family must have intersected with the other world.

Although she didn't know why her parents never told her about this, Illya still told Alice Faier honestly what happened during this period.

"Then Illya, what do you think?"

Meng Xiao asked Ilya.

Ilya shook her head and bowed her head and said:

"I don't know. I fought with her before and almost lost. It was super dangerous."

Ilya didn't dare to say that she almost died.

Irisviel took Illya into her arms distressedly:

"Actually, you are also worried about her, right. If you are worried, then go and help."

Elijah lowered her head:

"I've tried my best, but I still can't do it... Meiyu can do everything well. I'm different. I can't do anything well, and I'm causing trouble for everyone."

"What are you worried about? Is it that scary? Things like failing because of yourself."

Alice Viel asked.

Facing her mother, Ilya finally opened her heart:

"I'm afraid because I'm going to make everyone suffer, because I might make things irreparable..."

"Really? It may be so..."

Irisviel gently hugged Illya:

"Do you think that you are the only one who is afraid, that you are the only one who suffers? That child named Miyu can do everything, whether it is study or sports.

But even so, do you think she really doesn't care?No matter how powerful a person is, loneliness is painful..."

Ilya finally raised her head after hearing the words, and stared at Irisviel in a daze:

"But there's no problem with Meiyou's lobbying... She said that she can do without me."

"Do you really think so?"

Meng Xiao who was sitting opposite suddenly said:

"Miyu said that on purpose. That gentle child took all the pain on his own shoulders. Together with you who are afraid."

"It's all on my shoulders... Miyu has never mentioned this kind of thing..."

Yi Liya looked at Meng Xiao in shock.

"Didn't you also say that Meiyou is introverted and not good at talking. After such a long time of contact, don't you understand that what Meiyou told you yesterday was her real thoughts?"

Meng Xiao shrugged and asked Ilya.

"But I... I'm afraid... If I fail again, it will get out of hand."

Elijah closed her eyes and said loudly.

"So is this good now? Stay here forever?"

Meng Xiao asked back.

"I don't want to! I also want to help, just like Meiyou did to me, I also want to help her!"

Under Meng Xiao's constant questioning, Yi Liya finally faced up to her heart and spoke out her thoughts loudly.

"Then go ahead and have no regrets."

During Ruby's protest, Meng Xiao threw the ruby ​​she was playing with to Ilya.


Illya took the ruby, but still hesitated.

"Hey, Illya, because you're scared, Miyu came to help you. Because you want to help Miyu, you got up the courage, isn't it great?"

Meng Xiao smiled and said to Ilya:

"Besides, if it doesn't work, is there still me?"

Seeing Meng Xiao's smile, Ilya nodded:

"I see, I want to help Miyu, I want to continue being a magical girl!"

Yi Liya stood up holding the ruby ​​and said firmly to Meng Xiao.

Meng Xiao and Irisviel looked at each other and smiled, and Irisviel patted Ilya's head and said to Meng Xiao:

"Then please take care of me, Mr. Meng Xiao."

"Brother Meng Xiao!"

At this moment, Sakura broke into Illya's house directly, and after taking a few breaths, she said eagerly:

"Sister... sister and the others went to the mirror world to inquire about the news."

"What! Why did these girls go by themselves?"

Meng Xiao suddenly stood up and asked.

"What's wrong? Mr. Meng Xiao?"

Seeing Meng Xiao's nervous look, Yi Liya asked quickly.

Meng Xiao sighed and explained with a serious face:

"The last job card is Berserker, if there is no accident, it should be the Greek Hercules, Hercules.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Very strong, very strong, in this case, much stronger than the Saber you met before. "

Then Meng Xiao said to Ilya:

"Let's go, we need to support them, I hope they are really just going to investigate, don't provoke that monster."


On the other side, the three of Miyu came to a building, and after confirming the location, they jumped into the mirror world.

Because there is only the last job card left, the scope of the mirror world has also been greatly reduced, covering only the space of the entire building.

Standing on the roof of the empty building, the three of them looked around, and Rin said:

......... 0

"It seems that the magical distortion has been reduced to this level, it's so narrow. Well, let's check it first, and withdraw immediately if there is any situation..."

Before the words were finished, a roar sounded, and the three of them hurriedly looked towards the place where the sound came from.

I saw a huge figure standing in front of me, with wild hair and muscular muscles telling the three of each other's powerful strength.

Uncle B raised his head and roared, jumped up from the opposite side, waved his fists and landed on the three of them.

The three quickly spread out to avoid it, and Uncle B punched a huge hole in the roof of the building directly with his fist.

"Are you kidding! Is there such a powerful force in the body alone?"

Seeing the pothole made by Uncle B, Empress Luvia was terrified.

"Sister Lin, Sister Luvia, get out of here!"

Meiyou gave a reminder, rushed forward, and a cannon shot shot straight at Uncle B.

However, the bombardment of the magic cannon on Uncle B's face only made him tilt his head, not even leaving any scars.

With a roar, Uncle B raised his fist and chased Miyu and slammed it. Miyu quickly retreated, and Rin and Luvia also took out gems to support.

However, the gemstones engraved with flames and explosions had no effect when they fell on the opponent. Even after the gemstones engraved with gravity erupted, layers of boulders were adsorbed to Uncle B, but he broke free with brute force.


The fourth watch is done, and those who haven't rested yet, let's rest early.Continue tomorrow, good night.Four.

Chapter 150

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing such a violent Uncle B, the three of them were shocked by the other's tyrannical physical strength. Sapphire reminded:

"Absolutely avoid being directly attacked, and there is no way to completely defend with physical protection."

After several attempts, the three also found that neither the magic cannon nor the gem magic had any effect at all, and because of the limitation of the venue, under the opponent's advance force, their own situation was also very dangerous.

But there is no way, under the current situation, the girls can only bite the bullet and continue to fight with Uncle B.

Constrained by Meiyou's maneuverability, Rin and Luvia prepared for a long while, and directly took out a large number of gems and smashed them at Uncle B.

There was a roar, and although the explosion of the gem didn't hurt Uncle B at all, the scope of the explosion spread to the ground under his [-] feet.

Meiyou took the opportunity to take out her employment card and directly lifted the restriction, and the scarlet magic gun appeared in her hand again.

Armed with a spear, taking advantage of Uncle B's unsteady footing, Miyu quickly approached him from behind, jumped up and stabbed the magic spear into the opponent's heart.

Blood gushed out, and Hercules, who had been pierced through the heart, fell to his knees directly.

"Good job! Miyu."

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