Daqin: Zulong's number one favorite minister, Zhao Gao is numb

The first favored minister, Zhao Gao is numb Section 150

Chapter 186: One ring after another, already doomed

On the other side, in a city in Valley County.

The Yanmen iron cavalry army has all converged.

in the city.

The iron cavalry army gathered on both sides, holding bows and crossbows, wearing Qin armor, and their momentum was extremely powerful.

In the middle is the avenue made by the cavalry army.

The avenue leads directly to the city gate.

Inside the city gate, more than 20 cavalry officers and soldiers were sitting with paper and pens.Two to three hundred iron cavalry officers and soldiers stood in front of the gold, silver and jewelry. On the open street, countless women and children looked at the city gate, all looking forward to it.

Seems to be waiting for something.

at last.

A bloody Yan State soldier with his head in his hand appeared in front of everyone.

"Yu Shang. There are more than ten heads, and there are two!"

The cavalry officer holding a brush and ink paper looked at the "Nine Two Three" head in the soldier's hand and shouted.

The soldiers of Yan State saw that the registration was completed.He threw his head aside.

After receiving the gold from the Yanmen iron cavalry, he saw his wife, who had already covered her mouth, looking at him in surprise.this moment.

The blood-stained face of this Yan State soldier finally showed a smile.

And there are countless soldiers of Yan State carrying their heads like this outside the city.

Boxes of gold, silver and jewellery.

The iron cavalry officers and soldiers looked at the avenue one after another. Those soldiers of the Yan Kingdom who lined up to enter the city looked at the heads in their hands. The faces of the iron cavalry officers and soldiers had strange expressions.In fact, it's not just cavalry soldiers.

It is on the tower.

Long Long, Nong Chen, Zhang An and others were a little surprised.

Looking at the more than 6000 Yan soldiers under the city tower covered in blood, their aura is different.

They dare to say.

If they were guarding Jidu back then, they would have been like this.

I am afraid that there will be countless casualties if the iron cavalry soldiers attack by force.

Long and the others are all generals who have fought with Mo Yublood all the way, so they can naturally see it.

In front of these swallows.

After experiencing the massacre, it was like being completely reborn.

They are said to be elite, but they are not. They are not as powerful as the Yanmen cavalry.


Those soldiers who experienced the massacre gave people the impression that they were dead.

Or killing intent.

It's weird.

Iron cavalry, as a fierce cavalry, is famous all over the world, and people can feel the meaning of iron and blood at a glance. It is an aura that can be won only if you fight to the death.

However, these Yan soldiers in front of them.

It gives people the feeling that it is completely the opposite of iron riding.

So weird!

"Ye, the general is sure to subdue them?"

At this moment, no matter how confident they were, Long, Nong Chen, and Zhang An couldn't help but look at Fatty Yi worriedly.

From ancient times to the present, the only time to slaughter a clan.That's what these people did.

Now experience the massacre.

The more than 6000 soldiers of Yan State have undergone tremendous transformation.

This is not a joke.

They could tell at a glance that if these people could really be subdued, the general would have a terrifying army besides the Yanmen iron cavalry.It is different from the Iron Blood of the Yanmen Cavalry.

This army is extremely strange.

But if it is not used well, it will be forced to stay. If there is a mutiny one day in the future, it will definitely damage the vitality of the Yanmen cavalry, and even cause a fatal crisis.

"Do not worry!"

Hearing what Long and the others said, Fatty Yi smiled.

He gave Long and the others a reassuring look.

He was never worried.

He also asked.

However, when you get the answer.

To be honest, Ye really admired the general so much.

Only then did he know.

From the beginning.

This army went north to slaughter the clan.

He is destined to be under the command of the general.

Perhaps even at the beginning, when the general sent these people to the north, it was intentional to build another terrifying army to deal with the forces in the north.

- Ring after ring.

The General may have known.

But after these people went north, they saw the screams of the Yan woman.

Some Yan soldiers must have gone crazy.

Will slaughter the clan.

After the slaughter of the clan, no one in the whole world would dare to accommodate these people, and would even despise their actions.

Only the general will not only not spurn them, but also accept them.

This is the first kindness!

The second is that the general gave them the opportunity to choose by themselves, and let them see for themselves what the women of Yan State were like in Donghu... 0 also put the opportunity of revenge in front of them.

This is the second kindness!



Although Donghu suffered countless casualties, he might even be devastated and flee far away.

But who knows, decades later, Donghu will recover his vitality and will go south to take revenge on Yan.

Take revenge on the descendants of these people and all Yan people.


It is their only home!

The general is their only choice, plus two favors.

Now he rewards gold and titles.

But after they rested, they saw gold, their titles, and fertile land.

These Yan soldiers will think of the former Yan State, and the former Yan State will not know them.

General at this time.

For them Yanzu, grace is the only choice.

Don't even think about it.

Yan Zu not only made the choice willingly.

From then on, he was even more willing to sacrifice his life.

After waiting for a long time, they got more things and titles.

At that time.

Naturally, they are part of the Yanmen Cavalry.

My thoughts came back to my senses.

The fat man looked at the bloody Yan Zu below the city, holding a bunch of heads and exuding murderous intent.I couldn't help but smack my lips.

The general is really as resourceful as a 4.8 demon! !

The world.

I'm afraid I won't be able to find another one.

Besides, compared to what the general told him.

Fatty Yi knew better that when these Yanmen soldiers followed the general for a long time, they would naturally become the same as the Yanmen Cavalry.

Know this world.

Who is the strongest general.

What a blessing to be under such a general.

thought here.

The fat man couldn't help but look to the west.

He knows.

In the Qin court, many people were restless and were targeting the general.Now the general has another terrifying army under his command.

There was a sinister smile on the fat man's face.

He was looking forward to it.

When the general returned to Qin State.

those people.

Will you shudder. .

should report

Chapter 187: The news spreads

"Zifang, the previous Xinzheng incident was too reckless."

"Brother Cao, it's not what Zifang wanted. However, the country is broken and the city is lost. Zifang doesn't know when and what month will be the next time." In the gazebo of Jixia Academy.

- A square table, a cup of tea, and two cups.

One old and one young sit opposite each other.

Zhang Liang looked at his senior brother Cao Shen, he was also from the Huang-Lao school, and he was also a smart and intelligent person.

But no matter how he speaks.

Brother Cao Shen was unwilling to follow him to resist Hu Qin.

"Brother Cao, why would you rather watch the world be devoured by tiger riders than..."

Zhang Liang opened his mouth and couldn't help asking.

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