Daqin: Zulong's number one favorite minister, Zhao Gao is numb

The first favored minister, Zhao Gao is numb Section 17

On the battlefield, tactics are ever-changing, and every general has tactics he is familiar with and good at.If you use the same army formation to deal with it, sooner or later, the end will be the same as the dream.

But if you are familiar with each tactic, learn the restraint methods of different military formations.This is true invincibility.

"Yi Fatty, you have done me a great favor."

Seeing Fatty Yi and the stupid Yao Sa Moucheng, Aimo's face was full of smiles.

At this moment, he is not only gaining the way of the army.He also began to reflect on the time he learned before. At that time, swordsmanship was ever-changing, but he only learned the surface.

Therefore, Fatty Yi's words this time made him come to his senses.

Chapter 027: You Are Cheap

The following training will completely make Fatty Yi and Porcelain flute feel sorry for each other.

This is called taking one step at a time?

Seeing the progress of the five hundred cavalry almost like a god, not to mention the young soldiers of the five hundred cavalry, let alone Fatty You and Chu, they all admired Mo very much at this moment.

Whenever learning military array.Ink will open their eyes.

It turns out that there are such magical tactics in this world.

It turns out that the army formation is so powerful.

Before the comparison, every young recruit could clearly feel it.If it is against 500 people like myself who just started before.They can turn the battlefield into a one-sided massacre in minutes.

The more obvious the progress, the clearer the intuition becomes.

This also allowed 500 people to begin to know what cavalry is.

Can it be done by strength and bravery?


At this moment, even though they are all young cavalrymen who have just learned, after these few days of study, they all know that it is something of a higher level beyond strength and personal skills.

It also made them more aware of why it has always been said that thousands of troops are easy to get, but one general is hard to find.Following a good general is the greatest blessing.

But there's more to it than that.

Next, Mo refreshed everyone's perception over and over again.

Every tactic, every military formation.Every kind of defense and counterattack.

After practicing over and over again, Mo would explain every detail to them in great detail.

In less than a month, all the cavalry soldiers looked at Mo with indescribable admiration.Just like the fanaticism of believers.

Everyone can feel very clearly that from the beginning to the present, it is like a transformation.This also convinced everyone that in the future, under Mo's leadership, they would be invincible.

Every young soldier firmly believes that Mo is their leader worthy of following, and will be their general in the future.

"The husband is really not the son of the general?"

Chuo asked the fat man curiously.

At this moment, the expression on Chu's face was like that of a curious baby.Chu with this expression looks very cute.

Who would have thought that the arrogant and unruly Chu would show such an expression.

"Should... not... right~~!"

Fatty Yi struggled and gestured, but he himself didn't believe it.

If it weren't for a person who was familiar with military books and studied with famous generals all the year round, how could he be so good at all kinds of military formations, the military formations he had heard of, Mo Hui, and the military formations he had never heard of, Mo would know.

When the thoughts return to the first day of acquaintance again.

When he came to Mo's side, he looked at Mo who looked a little thin among the burly teenagers.

"My name is Ye."

Fatty Yi still remembers that Mo at that time had straw sandals on his feet and old commoner clothes that had been mended many times.

All in all.It makes the fat man feel at this moment.

This is not pretending!

One is slightly thin, wearing straw sandals and rags, and comes from a commoner family.

The other is excellent swordsmanship, knows all kinds of military formations, and is familiar with the method of cracking one of the military formations.He has super insight in the confrontation, and he can easily find opportunities when he is attacking and defending, and he will be defeated with one blow.

Is this the same person?

"Tell me, if Mo leads us, one day, we will also be great generals."

Ever since he was swollen and hard, he only met Mo later.Of course, Fatty You didn't know as much about Mo's affairs.

At this moment, he just looked at Mo in the distance with eyes full of fanaticism.


Different from the previous question, the fat man looked at Mo in the distance, with a smug smile on his fat face.

Then I thought that I really had a chance to become a general in the future.

Fatty Yi's gaze became cold, resentful, and with undisguised killing intent

Just as Mo once thought.

If one day, Fatty Yi has power, then people will definitely die.For some people, life would even be worse than death.

Different from other people, although you may look fat and fat, he is definitely an out-and-out ruthless person, and his methods are extremely cruel.Even if the goal is not achieved, the means will be unscrupulous.

This is still 14 years old, if in the future.Fatty is not dead, it will be a terrifying existence that makes people's faces change.


"Familiar with the art of war, good at using military formations, and has a keen insight into the battlefield. If there is a slight flaw, he will definitely be caught by him and defeated in one blow. The five hundred cavalry has begun to take shape. Even the last general, if there is no three Even soldiers and horses will go around and avoid it."

In Xianyang, in a mansion, a general saluted with both hands, and said respectfully.

Inside the room, various books are placed on wooden shelves.And on the wooden table not far in front of the general, a person was holding a bamboo slip and looked at it. When he heard the general's words, he was obviously stunned.

"How dare you give such a high evaluation."

"There are so many military formations that even the last general has never seen before. The military formations reveal strangeness everywhere. The final general cannot describe it to adults."

Accompanied by the general's words, the man obviously showed a puzzled expression.

"My lord, that boy...is he really the son of a commoner?"

After the general finished speaking, he raised his head cautiously, his eyes full of disbelief and curiosity.

Even he, unless he saw it with his own eyes, wouldn't believe that five hundred recruits would transform into an elite cavalry in just one month.It was even more unbelievable that the one who brought about this change was actually a boy who had just turned fourteen and still had curly hair.

All this, he can guarantee, if he tells others, no one will believe it.


that is the truth.

If the adults hadn't said that they should not be approached, he would have been unable to resist asking where he learned these military formations.There are some military formations that even he has never heard of or seen.

"Well, you go down first."

The adult on the wooden table did not answer the general, but smiled and stroked his beard.



After the general left, an adult looked through the window at a lawn in the courtyard, where a horse was grazing with its head bowed, and two servants were carefully taking care of it.

"Hehe, I thought it was a loss. I exchanged one horse for five hundred elites. Maybe even that girl didn't think of it. Hehe..."

In the study room, the adult's faint laughter came out.

My daughter's words came to mind: "Huh~! If you trade this horse for five hundred people, you'll be dead."

I think of my daughter's expression of 'you are cheap'.


He knew that his daughter had two horses, and he really didn't know what expression Xio'er would have on his face when he saw his sister carrying a horse to do business with him.

"Women do not stay in college!"

shook his head.At this moment.


The door was opened again.A servant walks in.

"Master, the King of Qin asked you to go to the palace to discuss matters!"

"it is good."


Chapter 028: What I Learned from Jingcheng


After driving for more than 20 miles, Xiao Yan brought Mo, Fatty Ye, and Ci Ren to Jingcheng.

Xiao Yan did not know how many times he looked at Mo with envy.

As soon as he came to the barracks, he became a cavalryman.

If this waits for Mo to go back, the villagers will not be stunned.

Although he and Mo are not in the same village, Xiao Yan knows a lot about Mo.

I don't know how those people who used to look down on Mo will feel when they see Mo riding back on horseback.

Of course, the fact that Mo became the leader of five hundred cavalry has never been spread.Neither the generals nor the [-] cavalry were heard.

So Xiao Yan at this moment doesn't know that his cousin is now the leader of five hundred cavalry.Affiliated, five hundred husband positions.

Xiao Yan at this moment is just a Qin soldier, even Xiao Yan's father, Mo's second uncle Xiao, is only a corps leader at the moment.

So, after much deliberation, Mo finally chose not to tell Xiao Yan about this matter.

Jingcheng is different from the Lantian Barracks twenty miles away.

When you see Jingcheng from a distance, you can see the gate of the city, merchants and common people in an endless stream,

Moreover, the scale of Jingcheng is also a very large city.

Entering the city, the streets paved with blue tiles, a variety of shops, countless pedestrians, and women are even more numerous.

Contrast that with the Lantian barracks, which are all men.

It seems like heaven here.

"Guest officer, come here, there are first-class wine and food in the shop."

"Fine mink fur! Come here, give it to the girl, it will definitely win your heart."

"Jade, fine jade. Come and see."


There will be people shouting at the door of every store.

It is often seen that some men walk in with beautiful girls.

"You're here to spend money again, good guy, you borrow... let me have some money."

From time to time, I could still see Xiao Yan looking helpless when he saw acquaintances. Obviously those people were also soldiers and borrowed money from Xiao Yan.

As for borrowing money.

You can tell by looking at the girls around those people.

Fortunately, Xiao Yan is also a shrewd person, and he saved enough face for those people.And by the way, help him build momentum.

"Cousin, do you come here often?"

Mo smiled strangely, and looked at Xiao Yan.

"No, it may not be possible to come once in two or three months. It means that you won money last time, so you can come here this time with confidence."

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