
Because they were indeed frightened by Chu Chen's move, and they all wanted to withdraw. As for whether they would withdraw later, they were not sure.

"Okay, don't discuss it, just rush up and do it. Whether he is suspicious or wants to provoke us, we just rush up, I don't believe it, he can turn the world upside down!"

Boss Qin finally spoke.

"Okay~ Boss Qin is mighty~"

"Fuck Chu Chen~"


The pirates yelled.


On Turtle Island No. 2, those who snatched free tickets have already started to enter.

Seeing the entry of these people, the tourists who lined up to withdraw from Turtle Island No. 2 were quite surprised.

After clarifying the situation, some of these tourists decided not to leave, but more people still wanted to evacuate, especially those with their families.

After all, after getting married, thinking about things will be different, and it will be more stable.

After these people entered, they did not go to the beach, but occupied a higher position with a better view, preparing to watch a play.

"Chu Chen, we are here to support you!"

"Fuck off the pirates, that's great, Brother Chu!"

"Chu Chen, come on!"


After some people came in, they would shout loudly. Many of these people were from Gaoping City.


In this way, after nearly five or ten minutes, almost 10% of the tourists on Turtle Island No. 2 withdrew, but the number of tourists did not decrease but increased, and the total number exceeded [-].

It became extremely lively.

And amidst this excitement, a large number of small black spots appeared on the horizon.

Some tourists looked through binoculars, and immediately shouted: "The pirates are coming!"


You can see it, this distance is not far away!

According to the speed of these pirates, they will be able to get close in more than ten minutes!zero.

Chapter 109

"Turtle Island is right there, rush over~"

On the battleship, Boss Qin's voice sounded.

Following his voice, more than 100 pirate ships accelerated again and rushed towards Turtle Island.

Many pirate leaders have already returned to their ships.

"Light up the prepared oil, let's slow down~"

Behind these pirate ships, Zhu Sanniang's voice sounded.


Then, on this battleship, some oiled rags were ignited, and thick smoke billowed into the sky.

Then, the entire battleship began to slow down.

Beside the battleship, the other pirate ships also slowed down.


"Zhu Sanniang, what's the matter with you?"

Soon, a pirate leader noticed something unusual, and Boss Qin also raised doubts.

"This broken boat always loses its chain at critical moments. It's okay, Boss Qin. It will be repaired in a while."

Zhu Sanniang's tone sounded a little headache.

"If you come late, if you share the benefits later, there won't be much."

Qin Lao Dao.

"Of course my mother knows, isn't this being repaired?"

Zhu Sanniang said.

The tone is a little hotter.

Boss Qin stopped talking, and the other pirate leaders didn't pay any attention after seeing this. After all, Turtle Island was just ahead.

At this point, it is impossible for these pirate leaders to withdraw.

Seeing that Turtle Island was just ahead, these pirate leaders wished that there would be one less person to share the benefits.


As the pirate fleet continued to accelerate, Zhu Sanniang's warship and several other pirate ships were quickly left behind.

Without them, the pirate fleet is still huge, and the number of ships is still over a hundred.

The distance between them and Turtle Island is also getting closer.

"Adjust the formation, turn on all the sonar equipment, and don't give Chu Chen's killer whale a chance to approach."

On the battleship, Boss Qin kept giving orders.

Even old-fashioned warships have pretty good sonar detection equipment on them.

Following Boss Qin's order, all the warships turned on their sonar detection equipment, and soon, the data of these warships were collected to Boss Qin, forming a complete real-time detection map.

Even if the pirate fleet is moving fast, as long as a large underwater target appears within one kilometer of the surrounding area, it can be accurately detected.

No matter how far away the distance is, the accuracy will not be so high. Whether it can be detected depends on luck.

After all, it is an old-fashioned warship. If it is a slightly newer model, or fixed detection, the range of accurate detection will be farther.

But in the eyes of these pirates, the range of one kilometer is quite safe. Don't forget, there is a submarine loaded with a lot of torpedoes waiting for the killer whales to come!

The sonar equipment on that submarine is also more advanced than those on these warships. With submarines, killer whales will be spotted as soon as they appear.


At this time, as the pirate ship approached, more and more people paid attention to it on the Internet.

On Turtle Island No. 2, a large number of new tourists took videos or broadcasted them live.

These people knew that the pirates were coming and dared to come in. Naturally, they had great confidence in Chu Chen. Of course, some tourists came in and saw the scale of the pirates with their own eyes, and then they withdrew.

On the 2nd Sea Turtle Island, many reporters and anchors also came. These reporters and anchors all applied to enter the island individually. Chu Chen asked Wei Tong to give them the opportunity to enter the island.

After the reports of these reporters and anchors, there are already a large number of netizens on the Internet watching the pirates attacking the island this time.

. . . . . . . . .

"Haha, Mr. Kong San, Chu Chen's plan has failed."

"That's right, I wanted to scare the pirates by inviting 2 people to the island, but the pirates were unmoved and attacked the island as usual. Chu Chen was digging a hole for himself."

"It seems that Chu Chen is going to be eliminated, it's boring, finally an interesting competitor appeared to motivate us, and he was eliminated like this~"

"It doesn't matter if he's eliminated, who made him so popular~~ The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it..."


At this time, in the group created by the children of the big families among the newly promoted island masters, this incident was also being discussed.

"He should have some hole cards, don't underestimate him."

"What cards do we have? With so many warships, it's impossible for killer whales to beat them. Even if we face pirates of this size, we don't have the slightest chance of winning."


In this group chat, there are many children from big families who are discussing, but more children from big families are silently paying attention to this incident.

Including Mr. Kong San, who was ranked second in the last assessment, they were all on their own island, paying attention without saying a word.

For him, Chu Chen's elimination was naturally a good thing, which meant that this competitor was gone.

But...it also means that he will never be able to defeat Chu Chen himself.

For such a proud and arrogant child of a big family, he felt that the victory was invincible.

But this matter is not something he can decide.


"Island Master, they are here!"

On Turtle Island, Wei Tong's voice sounded.

Now, Wei Tong, Shen Mengzhu, and Lu Xue Tanglei have all arrived in the small castle next to the sightseeing castle.

From the balcony of the small castle, the pirate ships could already be seen clearly.

The pirate ship formed a semi-circular formation and rushed over from the right side of No. 2 Turtle Island.

Yes, they also chose to avoid the turtle's head.

At the same time, these pirates did not divide their forces to attack No. 1 Turtle Island, but attacked No. 2 Turtle Island with all their strength.

After approaching Turtle Island No. 2, the speed of the pirate fleet slowed down, but not too slow, maintaining a stable speed.

Chu Chen knew that these pirates were waiting for the killer whale to attack.


Seeing the approach of the pirate fleet, on the right side of No. 2 Turtle Island, the tourists who entered the island behind have already gathered, and the entire right side is crowded with people everywhere.

There are also many tourists who have already started to withdraw. After all, from the current distance, through the telescope, you can easily see the huge warships among those pirate ships.

Although these warships are old-fashioned models, they still look quite mighty.

When some tourists saw such a battleship, they felt that with the size of a killer whale, they might not be able to beat it.

Such a battleship, and the previous pirate ship, are two concepts.

Not to mention that the battleship must carry similar weapons such as torpedoes, even the thick armor of the battleship can effectively prevent the battleship of the killer whale.

Like the pirate ship of the previous group of pirates, the steel used for the hull is only less than one centimeter.

Banknotes determine the thickness of the hull, and there are ships with thicker steel, but they are not available to the little pirates before.


However, the pirates who came today, the battleships they brought, the thickness of the outer armor alone is close to 10 centimeters!

Although it is still in the category of light armor, such thick armor cannot be penetrated by ordinary shells falling on it!

Weapons like ordinary bazookas pose no threat to such armor.

Of course, the surface of the battleship certainly does not have such thick armor.


Chu Chen also has no weapons that can directly attack the surface of the battleship!

Orcas can only choose to attack from the side of the battleship, so they can only go through the armor of the battleship first!

With the strength shown by Chu Chen's five killer whales before, it is simply too difficult to sink such an armored warship weighing several thousand tons!

If these warships had been parked there and allowed to be hit by the orcas for a while, they might still be knocked over.

However, how could these warships allow killer whales to hit them!

Therefore, even if some tourists who had confidence in Chu Chen were withdrawing, they were afraid that if there were too many people who wanted to withdraw later, they would not be able to withdraw in time.


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