Not to mention there are combustible ice mines.


And on this day, the cleaning of the battlefield was finally completed, and all the corpses of the pirates were transported away.

Then, it entered the link of salvaging the sunken ship.

"Get up~"

On Turtle Island No. 2, salvaging sunken ships has become a recent sightseeing project.

Because Chu Chen used killer whales to salvage.

Some tourists came to the island, and they came for the killer whales.

"These killer whales are really big~"

"How did Chu Chen feed it? This ability is too strong!"

"For sure, haven't you heard, at least it is an S-level ability, and, so far, he is the only one who has an evolutionary ability like Chu Chen."

"I'm so envious~ Do I have such abilities, and I can't roam the island world?"


Visitors watched and discussed.

Among the tourists, there are still some journalists, anchors and the like who are live broadcasting the salvage, which once again attracted a lot of attention on the Internet.


The sunken ships were salvaged one by one.

After several days of use, the ordinary pirate ships that were worth repairing were all salvaged, and repairs began in the huge dock at the back of No. 1 Turtle Island.

Then came the salvage of the battleship.

For the salvage of the warship, the mermaids dived to the bottom of the sea with steel ropes, tied them with steel ropes, and then a large number of killer whales carried the steel ropes to pull the battleship out of the water abruptly, and pulled it to the No. 1 sea turtle. On the turtle shell behind the island boat.

It only needs to sink the No. 1 Turtle Island slightly into the water. After the battleship is pulled up, the No. 1 Turtle Island will float up a little bit, and the problem will be solved.

In this way, the rearmost area of ​​Turtle Island, No. 1 Turtle Island, has already been filled with ships.

These areas are newly grown areas.

More than half a year has passed, because the little snake girl Tina has recently summoned a large number of sharks with her own ability to satisfy the food problem of the No. 1 turtle, Xiao Hei, and Xiao Hei has also grown rapidly recently.

After all, after reaching level 5, this guy has 800 evolution points to allocate every day.

Now Xiao Hei, the length of the tortoise shell is close to three kilometers, and the width is not too short.

There's still plenty of space in the back.

Although it was very large, the fringe area of ​​the tail of the little black tortoise shell was already filled with warships.

From here, we can see how powerful Xiao Hei is. With so many battleships placed on it, the weight is quite heavy, but it doesn't bring too much load to Xiao Hei.

This is the benefit of gigantic.

After all, its own tortoise shell is so much heavier than these warships.


After the sunken ship is salvaged, the next step is to repair it.

The repair of the sunken ship requires a large number of professionals, as well as people with supernatural powers.

Moreover, it must be a supernatural user of the metal system.

The supernatural beings of the metal department have a good understanding of metals and have some control power. They can repair metals through supernatural powers when some machines are inconvenient to operate.

Well, there are still many differences in the abilities of Magneto in the movie from before Chu Chen traveled.

Like in the movie, the ability to control all metals, and even the aircraft carrier can fly into the sky. In this world, there are no such powerful supernatural beings yet.


Chu Chen directly charged a high price and recruited supernatural beings on the official account. Not surprisingly, this time, he recruited many high-level supernatural beings.

Several level 5 ability users came, and two level [-] ability users also came...

With 4th and 5th level metal abilities, with a large number of technicians, it should be enough to repair the battleship.

Chu Chen also did not recruit more advanced abilities. After all, the damage to these battleships is not too great, and the cost of too advanced abilities is quite high.


"Finally done, you can plant trees!"

And when salvaging and repairing the sunken ship, Chu Chen was not idle.

Chu Chen didn't need to watch these two things by himself.

He was busy with another thing, which was moving soil for No. 3 Turtle Island.

Turtle Island No. 3, where the ocean is now too deep, so Chu Chen chose to collect soil from the seabed near Turtle Island No. 1 and No. 2, and then get it to Turtle Island No. 3.

Using the latest achievement points, Chu Chen increased the storage space to 720 square meters at one time, which is equivalent to the sum of the soil transported by 70 muck trucks at one time.

Although there is such a large storage space, and the storage space is also convenient for loading and unloading mud, it only needs Chu Chen to go to the bottom of the sea and swim through the mud on the bottom of the sea.

The soil needs to be treated to remove some of the salt in the soil.

The characteristics of the seabed soil are quite fine, so the salt content in such soil is not heavy.

There is storage space, the process is not very complicated.

However, due to the need for too much soil, it took Chu Chen several days to cover No. 3 Turtle Island with a thick layer of soil.

This layer of soil is not thin, it is several meters thick.

Moreover, not only is there soil, Chu Chen also made some stones and the like, and made some hills in some areas.


"It's time to start planting trees."

After thinking about it, Chu Chen first took out the tree seed and planted it in the center of No. 3 Turtle Island.

"We have to transfer some people from Turtle Island No. 2 to guard here first."

Chu Chen thought.

Due to the increasing number of tourists entering, there are now more than two hundred security personnel on Turtle Island No. 2.

These people are all retired soldiers recruited by Wei Tong after passing the assessment, so they are quite reliable.

Therefore, Chu Chen asked Wei Tong to transfer dozens of people from Turtle Island No. 2, and then began to recruit workers for planting trees on a large scale, as well as people with natural abilities.

He is going to start planting trees.

The current season is actually not the best season for planting trees.

But for Turtle Island No. 3, it doesn't matter, because the evolutionary ability of Turtle No. 3 can stimulate the growth of these trees.

In addition, after the tree species grow up, it can also drive the growth of these trees.

"Plant trees first, form a forest, and then plant medicinal materials."

Chu Chen thought.


As for the saplings, Chu Chen bought them directly from the island owner's trading platform.

In the island world, there are also some island owners who cultivate saplings of precious tree species for sale.

"Pay attention to the combination of tree species so that the entire forest can develop in a healthy way."

Chu Chen had learned specialized knowledge before. In addition, after communicating with some natural supernatural beings recruited, he also had a clear plan for the overall plan of No. 3 Turtle Island.

As a result, a vigorous tree planting campaign was launched on the entire No. 3 Turtle Island.

Although Turtle Island No. 3 is very large, there are also many people involved, so it won't take long to plant trees.

It's just that after the tree planting is completed, the next work is the focus, that is, maintenance.

These are temporarily in charge of the workers and natural supernatural beings recruited by Chu Chen.

Chu Chen would come to have a look every day.

Turtle Island No. 3 has no fresh water resources.

Chu Chen would bring a lot of fresh water over every day.


After the power station is completed, Turtle Island No. 3 will also have energy, and the water purification equipment can be driven to produce fresh water from seawater.

And when the forest grows and a complete ecology is formed on Turtle Island No. 3, there is no need to worry about fresh water.


These things took a lot of time.

In this way, after nearly half a month has passed, many pirate ships have been repaired and put into use one after another.

The main task of these pirate ships is still to be used as a sightseeing ship.

Now there is a huge demand for boat trips to the island. After all, 1 tourists enter the island every day. Most tourists hope to take a boat tour around Turtle Island and see the whole picture of Turtle Island on the sea.

In addition, during this process, tourists will see killer whales jumping from the water from time to time, and every time they see it, it can cause many tourists to scream.

These killer whales are not low in popularity now.

Even, occasionally, there will be naughty killer whales jumping out from one side of the boat, jumping over the boat, and entering the water on the other side of the boat.

The tourists on the boat were very stimulated, and after the stimulation, they felt excited again. After all, such an experience was unprecedented.


After half a month, the tree planting on Turtle Island No. 3 was completed, and after a period of maintenance by some natural supernatural beings, Chu Chen prepared to withdraw all the personnel.

Because the trees on Turtle Island No. 3 will grow too fast in the future, and if others see it, there will always be something bad.

Even with the ability of a natural supernatural being, it is impossible for the trees on an entire island to grow so fast.

No. 3 Turtle Island Chu Chen is not going to open.


After the tree planting was completed, soon, another few days passed.

Now, almost 20 days have passed since the battle with the pirates.

On this day, Wei Tong brought a really good news.

"Island owner, the application has been received. The people from the Star Rating Center agree to give your island a special rating... Besides, we don't have to wait for the 2-star island rating. After the special rating is completed, if you can reach a 3-star According to the standards of the island, we rated it as a 3-star island.

If you can't reach it, you will see if you can meet the standard of a 2-star island, and give us a 2-star island first! "

The application for special evaluation was successful!


Now, there are only about ten days left before the official assessment.

During these 20 days of busy work, everything that should be perfected on Turtle Island 1 and 2 has almost been perfected. .

Chapter 115


On a battleship more than 100 meters long, firecrackers sounded.

"Wow, another battleship has been repaired~"

"Chu Chen got rich this time and captured so many warships~"

"Yeah, these warships were destroyed, and after repairing, they can continue to be used~"


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