
As this group of giant prawns joined the work, the mining speed instantly increased several times.

Moreover, Chu Chen discovered that although these giant shrimps were simple-minded, their speed was speeding up as they continued to mine.

Now, in an hour, they can go back and forth three times.

In this way, after only two more days, the amount of combustible ice in Chu Chen's hand had already reached a thousand square meters.

"One thousand square meters... has reached the minimum sale standard, you can sell it first, familiarize yourself with the process, and take a look at the energy company's bid by the way."

Chu Chen thought.


PS: Injections in the morning are usually updated in the afternoon and evening, and you will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, so you can update more. .

Chapter 24

On Turtle Island, Chu Chen turned on the island owner's wristwatch and found the resource trading center.

There are not many restrictions on selling resources and energy from the island world to the earth star. Of course, there are not many taxes and fees.

In the resource trading center, there are many subdivisions, including this year's newcomer section.

Chu Chen entered the newcomer section.

In the newcomer section, there are also quite a few transaction orders hanging up.

For example, some people want to sell a thousand tons of fish and shrimp, as well as timber and the like, and some people want to sell natural gas mining rights.

Chu Chen could only take a rough look at these contents, and only those who were interested and qualified could go in and view the detailed contents.

"A thousand tons of fish and shrimp...mostly belong to the children of those big families."

Chu Chen thought.

It's only No. 12 days, and a thousand tons of fish and shrimp have been harvested. Except for the children of big families who spend money, who can compare?

For the children of these big families, a new island means a new source of income.

Therefore, people in this world, especially the rich, are now giving birth like crazy, because the more people in a family, the more islands they can occupy in the future.

For ordinary people, it is not easy to persist for a year, but for big families, barring some unexpected circumstances, it is impossible for the island to escape from their palms from the moment they choose the island.


However, unless you are lucky, even the children of big families are still vigorously developing the fishery and earning income at this stage.

Because in the evaluation of the island owner, the income level of the island is also a criterion for rating and star rating.


These transaction orders disappeared very quickly, indicating that Earth Star has a very large demand for these resources.

Chu Chen looked at it for a while, and after learning about the situation, he opened the energy section.

Then, the transaction of selling [-] square meters of combustible ice was listed, and Chu Chen noted later that there will be a steady stream of combustible ice in the future.

When publishing, Chu Chen chose to remain anonymous, only had contact information, and did not disclose the location.

After the release was completed, Chu Chen waited patiently.



In less than a minute, the island owner's watch rang.

There is a newsletter request.

After waiting for a few seconds, Chu Chen connected.

"Hello, I'm the purchaser of Xinyuan Energy Company. Do you have a thousand cubic meters of combustible ice to sell?"

A female voice sounded, listening to the voice, it should be a middle-aged woman.


Chu Chen said.

"How much?"

The other asked again.

"What price can you give?"

Chu Chen asked.

"It depends on how many are behind you."

The other party continued.

"Tens of millions of square meters."

Chu Chen didn't tell the truth.

"Tens of millions? That's not a lot. If it's a one-time transaction, I can only give you 500 yuan. If you choose to sign a contract with us for a long-term cooperation, I can give you 520 yuan."

The other party said again.

Chu Chen was silent for a while, and then said, "I'll think about it again."


Before the other party's voice fell, Chu Chen had already hung up the phone.


As soon as the phone was hung up, another new communication request came in. However, this time, it was not the middle-aged woman before, nor the energy company, but another energy company.

After chatting with the other party for a minute or two, Chu Chen hung up the phone again on the grounds of "consideration".

In this way, for the next hour, Chu Chenjing was answering the communication.


There are quite a few energy companies on Earthstar. These energy companies are large and small. The small ones may be able to supply the energy of a small city, and the big ones will be big. Not only in Earthstar across several continents, but also in the island world. It has a large number of self-owned or long-term cooperative energy mines.

There are quite a few energy companies paying attention to the rookie sector now. After all, this year’s rookies are located in an undeveloped area, and new energy mines can be found 100% of the time.

Therefore, Chu Chen's combustible ice mines are quite popular.

No worries about selling at all.

However, the most popular ones are the most popular ones, and the prices offered by these companies are not very different.

Basically, the one-time purchase price is only 500 to one party, while the price of long-term cooperation and stable supply is 540 for low and high ones.


"The price we gave is already the highest. This is the price after you get it. We are responsible for all taxes, shipping fees, and handling fees... These fees cost one or two thousand, and we can actually earn a lot of money." not much....."

Many energy companies tried their best to persuade them, hoping that Chu Chen could cooperate with them for a long time.

Chu Chen's island owner's watch was about to explode.

However, the calls now are all small energy companies.

Chu Chen understands why some big energy companies are silent, because Chu Chen is a newcomer. According to the general logic, the newcomer discovered combustible ice mines... It can still be mined at this stage, and the family may not be ordinary rich.

Most of such families have their own sales channels.

However, for the assessment of the island owner at the end of the first month, even if the children of some big families mined combustible ice, they would not sell it to their own company in the first month, but would choose to sell it separately. avoid arousing suspicion.

It doesn't matter after the first month, it must be sold to your own company to get the most profit.

Therefore, it is doomed that there is no way to cooperate with major energy companies for a long time.

There is no way to cooperate for a long time. It is only a thousand cubic meters of combustible ice. Some big energy companies really don't really like it.


"Hello, I'm Lu Xue, the president of Xingchen Company. May I ask how many combustible ice mines you have in total? If there are more than 600 million cubic meters, as long as you are willing to cooperate with us for a long time, I am willing to pay [-] per cubic meter for the purchase."

At this time, Chu Chen received a message, and when Chu Chen opened the message, he became interested.

This company offers 600 parties?

This price is already quite high.

Regardless of the fact that one side is only a few dozen more than others, what about [-] million square meters?

That's billions!

Well, this is the benefit of giant shrimp mining. The cost of Chu Chen's mining is quite low.

Otherwise, according to other mining methods, the average cost of mining one cubic meter of combustible ice would be two to three hundred or even higher.


Moreover, what's interesting is that this Star Company... the president actually sent a letter to himself. From this point of view, this company may be experiencing a shortage or exhaustion of energy mines at this stage.

Chu Chen didn't reply in a hurry, and continued to answer communication requests from some energy companies, but as long as the other party quoted more than 500 yuan, he hung up directly.

In this way, after picking up several times, he heard a young female voice.

"Finally the call came in... Hello, I am Lu Xue who sent you the message... President of Xingchen Company, can you give me the coordinates so that I can come to your island and have a face-to-face meeting with you? Trust me, I am absolutely sincere."

Chapter 25

"Hi, I'm Lu Xue."

On Turtle Island, a tall, 21-year-old woman with long black hair introduced herself to Chu Chen.

She didn't reach out, probably because she wasn't used to shaking hands.

But when speaking, the body leans forward slightly, which is also a kind of respect.

Obviously, this woman is a well-bred woman.

Come to think of it, the president of an energy company is no ordinary Bai Fumei.


"Hello, Chu Chen."

After his eyes quickly passed over the other party, Chu Chen did not look at the other party too much, but introduced himself lightly.

Although the other party's appearance is very high, Chu Chen will still be amazed before he has seen the little beauty Caiwei.

However, even having seen such legendary creatures as mermaids, Chu Chen now has great immunity to beauties.

Besides, Chu Chen is not a man who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman.

What he was thinking about now was some of the content he had just found out.


Star Company is not in Gaoping City, but in another city. This company is responsible for the energy of several medium-sized cities. However, there have been many accidents in this company recently.

One is that the former chairman of Xingchen Company, who should be Lu Xue's father, died in an accident, and Lu Xue inherited the company. The second is that some residents have recently complained about their natural gas on the Internet. It becomes so small that even cooking is difficult.

This company, it seems, is indeed facing a crisis.


In contrast, Lu Xue looked at Chu Chen for a longer time, and her eyes stayed on Chu Chen for several seconds.

Probably because he was attracted by Chu Chen's height and appearance.

When a man sees a beautiful woman, his gaze will stay for a few seconds longer, and when a woman sees a handsome guy, it seems that the same will be true.

Of course, she didn't look too much.

"Chu Chen, thank you very much for giving me this opportunity, can you let me see your combustible ice?"

Lu Xue asked politely.

Chu Chen nodded: "Okay, follow me."

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