Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, another half a month has passed.

Half a month has passed, and the No. 5 Sea Turtle Island is full of flowers and bees are swarming.

Beekeeping has already begun.

Needless to say, none of the employees on Turtle Island No. 5 were very willing to leave.

Because the No. 5 Turtle Island is too raised.

After these flowers are planted, there is not just one color, but many colors. After blooming, they are beautiful and beautiful.

As a result, Chu Chen also planted a large number of flower seeds on Turtle Island No. 1, turning Turtle Island No. 1 into a world of flowers.

Then, on Turtle Island No. 1, Chu Chen also raised bees, but the scale was not as big as Turtle Island No. 5.


Immediately afterwards, another good thing happened as expected.

That is, the anti-cancer drugs of Chuchen Biological Company have been fully launched. Due to the price advantage, these anti-cancer drugs caused a frantic rush in the market as soon as they came out.

Just on the first day, the first batch of goods were sold out, and the sales directly exceeded [-] million!

The first shipment is not so much!

On the official account of Turtle Island, a large number of people asked for medicine on it.

The biological company has also officially started to operate, and has become another gold-absorbing behemoth of Chu Chen.

In other words, now Chu Chen has three gold-absorbing behemoths, one is the combustible ice mine, the other is the biological company, and the third is the tourist island, which can be said to be in full bloom.

At the same time, the warship production line is still producing warships day and night.

Industrial Island No. 4 is also under construction.

It is indeed a thriving scene.


Amid such prosperity, another piece of good news came.

The Little Mermaid Caiwei, after such a long period of evolution, has finally reached level 7!

No, this time she was able to reach level 7, and the time was quite fast.

Twice the expected time.

The reason for shortening so much is simple.

The little mermaid Caiwei has been hunting and killing the ancient species in that sea area for the past few months, and the battle with the ancient species has benefited her a lot.

Grow in battle, obviously faster, because you get more evolution points!

After learning the news, Chu Chen went directly to Forest Island No. 3, and saw that the little mermaid Caiwei was already waiting there.

"Brother Chuchen, close your eyes and use your mental power to sense. I just got a new ability."

The little mermaid Caiwei said happily when she saw Chu Chen.zero.

Chapter 153

Seeing the happy appearance of the little mermaid Caiwei, Chu Chen closed his eyes.

In fact, Chu Chen already knew Caiwei's new ability.

Not only that, Chu Chen also shared Caiwei's new ability.

This new ability is still related to Caiwei's spiritual talent.

An ability evolved from spiritual talent is mind space.

Caiwei can construct a spiritual space, and can also pull other people's consciousness into this spiritual space.


The role of mental space is quite powerful.

Let's put it this way, when other people's consciousness enters the mental space, everything that is in other people's heads can't be hidden from you.

Whatever he thinks, you will know.

In addition, everything in the spiritual space is dominated by Caiwei, and she can disguise it inside, making it exactly the same as the outside world, or turning it into whatever she wants.

When other people's consciousness is pulled in without anyone noticing, they will not notice any abnormalities in a short period of time, and will only feel that they are still in the outside world.

When she grows further, she can even keep a person's consciousness in the mind space forever.

That person's body will become a vegetable, and if there is no nutritional supplement, he will die soon.

It is equivalent to killing invisible.

Unless that person is also spiritually gifted to be able to resist, otherwise it is extremely easy to get tricked.


This spiritual space also has another function, that is, after further growth, with the help of the spiritual space, you can communicate and exchange at the spiritual level regardless of distance.

Mind...is indifferent to distance.

Of course, it can't be regarded as truly ignoring distance, because how far you can communicate depends on Caiwei's own ability.


This ability is somewhat similar to the ability taught in "X-Men" before Chu Chen traveled, but in specific aspects, there is a very big difference.


In addition, Caiwei has been upgraded to level 7 this time, and there is another change, that is, her spiritual storm also has an upgraded version.

Turned into a mind storm!

The power and range have both increased!

Chu Chen now has several abilities shared from Caiwei.

Spiritual talent, telepathy, spiritual storm, spiritual space.

There are four in total.


After Chu Chen closed his eyes, he extended his mental power.

As soon as it was extended, Chu Chen felt Caiwei's spiritual power.

"Brother Chu Chen, don't resist, come with me~"

A message came from Caiwei's mental power.

Therefore, Chu Chen's spiritual power followed Caiwei's spiritual power, and soon entered the spiritual space constructed by Caiwei.

As soon as he entered, Chu Chen saw a change.

Caiwei reappeared in front of her eyes, but the other mermaids disappeared.

Chu Chen knew that he had entered the spiritual space.

The spiritual space of Caiwei is not very complete, only Caiwei herself, and the surrounding environment is not well structured.

Of course, the mental space changes with the heart, and the environment is not fixed.

After all, Caiwei has just acquired this ability and is not very proficient yet.


Chu Chen looked at Caiwei in front of him, and the Caiwei in front of him was actually Caiwei's consciousness, but if it was not Chu Chen but someone else here, it would be impossible to tell the truth from the fake.

If a person without spiritual talent comes in, Caiwei will know everything that person is thinking now.

With the same ability, Caiwei naturally has no way of knowing what Chu Chen is thinking.

If it grows further, Caiwei can also create some illusions based on some memories of the other party, so that the fake ones can be confused with the real ones.


"Brother Chu Chen, do you see anything unusual?"

Caiwei asked.

Chu Chen stretched out his hand and touched Caiwei's little head: "Well, Caiwei, this ability is very good."

Hearing Chu Chen's compliment, Caiwei smiled happily: "Thank you brother Chu Chen for the compliment~"

Her sweet appearance made Chu Chen couldn't help touching her little head again.


Caiwei has made a lot of attempts. For example, Chu Chen used her telepathy ability to allow all mermaids to communicate with each other, which is equivalent to a group chat.

But the premise is that Chu Chen needs to hold the hands of these mermaids, that is, after physical contact, this ability can take effect.

However, Caiwei's mental space is no longer needed.

At close range, she can pull the consciousness of other mermaids, including the mermaid patriarch Irina, into the spiritual space, where everyone can communicate.

This kind of ability, if the mermaids are all together, it doesn't mean much.

But, if you get some distance away, it will naturally make sense.

Especially when the mermaids don't have a communicator, Caiwei's ability is very powerful.


Mermaids have more or less spiritual talents, but they are not as outstanding as Caiwei.

Now most mermaids have already signed a contract, and they can get a lot of evolution points every day. If other mermaids allocate evolution points to spiritual talents, their spiritual talents can also become stronger.

However, there is such a thing as talent.

Caiwei has outstanding spiritual talent, if you allocate 1 evolution point, Caiwei's spiritual talent can grow by 150%.

If it is another mermaid, if you allocate 1 evolution point, you may only get 80% or even 50% growth.

Therefore, the allocation of evolution points still depends on the mermaids' own conditions. What kind of ability they are good at, they should allocate more to that ability, so that they can achieve the greatest growth.

For them, some evolutionary points can also be allocated to spiritual talent, but there is no need for too much, because that is not what they are best at, and if allocated, the growth rate is far slower than that of Caiwei.

It's better to specialize in one thing.


In this regard, the mermaids are more experienced, and the mermaid patriarch Irina also guides the mermaids from time to time.


Caiwei's promotion to level 7 this time is not bad.

Chu Chen also received another reward for this, which is an improvement in physical fitness and a reward of 500 achievement points.

After sharing Caiwei's spiritual space, Chu Chen had some thoughts about the girl in Castle No. 3.

That is, let's see if we can use the ability of the mind space to find the girl's consciousness.

If the sleeping girl was still conscious, Chu Chen might be able to wake her up after capturing it with the spiritual space.

Thinking of this, Chu Chen took Caiwei to the second floor of the small castle.

"Island Master~"

Here, a little snake girl is guarding it.

"Thank you, Demi."

Chu Chen was still very polite to these little snake girls.

"No, no, owner, I am very happy here~"

Hearing Chu Chen's words, the little snake girl Demi quickly waved her hand and said.

"Has she changed recently?"

Chu Chen asked.

The little snake girl Demi shook her head: "There is no change, Master, she has been sleeping."

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