Although I haven't seen other seaman warships yet, it's okay to get one first. As long as I can get this one, it means that these high-explosive torpedoes can handle other seaman battleships.

Following Kang Mingcheng's order, seven submarines attacked at the same time on both sides of the island.

The strength of the Kang family is indeed very powerful, and they actually have a total of 8 submarines.

The detection and weapon systems on these submarines are much more advanced than those of the pirate king Shi Qian!

A total of eight submarines attacked the seaman warship from all directions at the same time!

All of a sudden, more than twenty specially-made high-explosive torpedoes rushed towards the seaman battleship from all directions!

"There are so many high-explosive torpedoes, I can't kill you if I don't believe it!"

On a submarine, a commander hummed softly.

"¨Sir, it's bad, the sonar has detected a lot of Kairen warships!"

At this time, next to him, a subordinate reported.

"What? Show me."

The submarine commander looked at the screen of the sonar detector, and saw a large number of seaman warships approaching their submarine!

The opponent's timing was very good.

After they launched this round of torpedoes, they encircled them!

After a round of torpedo launches, it will take at least twenty seconds for the next round of launches!

And the Seaman battleship had quietly dived to a place less than a few hundred meters away from them, and they didn't realize it!


"How did they come out? Come on, reload the torpedoes!"

All the submarines retreated rapidly while reloading the torpedoes, trying to distance themselves.

However, those Seaman submarines came too fast, and the attack distance of the water cannons on the submarines was also quite terrifying.


On the other side, those high-explosive torpedoes had been blasted by the water cannon, and a small amount of high-explosive torpedoes landed on the seaman battleship that was acting as a decoy.


The threat to that seaman battleship is almost zero!

That is a battleship made of the alloy made by Eve!


Amidst the explosion, the other seventeen seaman warships had already launched an attack.

A large number of water cannons launched a fairly intensive attack.

At a distance of a few hundred meters (to get Zhao), there is no way for a heavy submarine to dodge these attacks.

In the blink of an eye, the submarines were hit by water cannons.

It was directly penetrated by the water cannon.

The sea water poured in violently, and these submarines were immediately useless!


"How's the battle going?"

On the island, Kang Mingcheng is still quite concerned about the battle situation.

On the surface of the sea, the sea water has been surging and rolling.

This is the movement caused by the high-explosive torpedo explosion.

Such a big movement is enough to explain the fierceness of the underwater battle.

"Chairman... No, it's not good.. All the submarines have lost contact!"

At this time, a subordinate reported in a panic.


Hearing this subordinate's report, Kang Mingcheng's face changed drastically!


"How is it possible, we have 8 submarines!"

Kang Mingcheng didn't want to believe it at all.

But soon, even bigger bad news came.

"Chairman, it's not good. We have detected that there are [-] seaman warships under the water, attacking our island~"


"18 ships!"

Kang Mingcheng only felt his eyes darken, and his eyes were already full of despair! .

Chapter 194

A few hundred meters below Kang Mingcheng's main island, eighteen seaman warships formed a half-moon shape.

From the front of these battleships, huge, spiral water columns are constantly drilling the island.

Under the attack of these spiral water columns, the rocks of the island were drilled with large holes at an alarming speed!

Such a spiral water column is actually not as good as a water cannon when used to attack, because the speed of the water cannon is faster.

This is specially used for drilling.

It is also the seaman battleship that has improved the water cannon to a certain extent, making the spiral water column larger, each of which is several meters thick!

The sacrifice, of course, is speed.


When such a spiral water column drills the island, it can drill hundreds of meters in one minute.

Generally, an island with a length of several kilometers can be captured in three to four hours with five seaman warships attacking continuously.

And this attack is skillful.

It is not necessary to drill through the island completely. If the island is drilled to a layer, the island will only fall, and will not sink.

This attack method is to drill half of the island.

After drilling halfway, the island will fall down due to its own weight, so that it will sink.

Therefore, the attacks of the Seaman warships are basically in the shape of a half-moon, only attacking half of the islands.


Kang Mingcheng's island is indeed large, more than twenty kilometers.

Fortunately, there are eighteen warships, which should be able to sink the island within five or six hours.

Among these seaman battleships, there are dozens of mermaids in each seaman battleship.

Only a mermaid is needed to control the frontmost water drill.

Other mermaids, in addition to controlling the power system, all control the water cannon.

The reason why many island owners are helpless on the sea warships is because they are too flexible. When you drop the depth charges, these sea warships will dive directly into the deeper sea water, and they will not be able to bomb them at all.

In addition, they are also very strong, stronger than human warships.

On the other hand, these seaman battleships are equipped with a lot of water cannons, and the attacks of these water cannons are also sharp. Ordinary weapons such as torpedoes cannot hit them at all.

Submarines are no match for them at all, let alone warships on the sea.

In front of them, warships can only be reduced to targets.


Therefore, after all the submarines were wiped out, Kang Mingcheng was dumbfounded.

Although it still has a fleet, it doesn't have submarines. How can this fleet fight against the Seaman battleship?

Even submarines can't fight, and this fleet is also weak.

Who made the seaman battleship underwater.

"Father, what should I do?"

Kang Mingcheng's son also panicked.

"Withdraw, everything, how much can be withdrawn, how much can be withdrawn."

Kang Mingcheng has not lost his sense of propriety, and is already making two-handed plans.


The order was quickly passed on.

But how much can be removed in a hurry?

This island is too big.

It can be said that it is the core of the Kang Group.

Even if everything was removed, the sinking of this island would be an immeasurable loss.

Not to mention, in a few hours, not many things could be removed.


"Father, should you seek help from the authorities? If nuclear bombs can be used, these warships should be able to be eliminated. After all, there are so many seaman warships here."

Kang Mingcheng's son said.

"Nuclear bomb? Hui'er, you are so naive. It is impossible for the authorities to use nuclear bombs for us, even if there are 2000 seaman warships here. If there is no record of Chu Chen, I will go to lobby and lobby. Maybe it is okay, but now , Chu Chen has solved more than [-] seaman warships by himself.

We have a grudge against Chu Chen again, do you think the authorities will help us in this case? "

Kang Ming said sincerely.

This guy is not stupid.

When Kang Mingcheng's son thought of this, his heart sank.

Now, Chu Chen has been regarded as the hope of mankind.

On the Internet, it has incomparably huge popularity.

In addition, the island owners who were rescued by Chu Chen all stood on the same line as Chu Chen.

That is to say, Chu Chen is no longer as unfounded and background as before.

The current Chu Chen can be said to be supported by the whole people, and there are also a large number of star-rated island owners who have become Chu Chen's allies.

Even the officials of the Global Federation are probably mostly trying to please Chu Chen.

Under such circumstances, even if Kang Mingcheng uses some of his connections and is willing to spend a lot of money, I am afraid that it is impossible for the authorities to use nuclear bombs for them.


Because, that may offend Chu Chen, and besides, Chu Chen has dealt with so many sea warships, and the officials used nuclear bombs for more than a dozen sea warships... It seems a bit of a fuss.


"Then what should we do? Are you just watching the sinking?"

Kang Mingcheng's son was in a hurry.

Kang Mingcheng was equally anxious.

However, he has no good way at all.

At this time, he didn't regret dealing with Chu Chen, and for such a person, he wouldn't dwell on what had happened.

Although urgent, it has no effect at all.

"This Chu Chen really deserves to die. Father, I should invite the world's top killer to kill Chu Chen!"

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