Shanshan and the surrounding mermaids fell silent after listening.

Jasmine, who was a bit cute, raised her own question.

Caiwei nodded and said, "Well, yes!"

"Caiwei, is that human being really as good as you said? So much so that you want to leave us and go to him."

Shanshan finally spoke.

Caiwei looked at Shanshan and said, "No, it's not me...I hope you can go to his place with me."

"Are we going too?"

"Some humans are uneasy and kind towards us, Caiwei, isn't it too risky~"


Caiwei's words made the mermaids commotion.


Caiwei was unmoved, looked at the mermaids, and said: "He is indeed as good as I said, he has a face that is always full of sunshine, his eyes are brighter than the stars, and your words are brighter than the wind." Gentle, but his heart is always full of passion like the sun in the sky."

Speaking of this, Caiwei's eyes couldn't help becoming gentle.

She thought of Chu Chen again.

I thought of the scenes I saw when I was on Turtle Island.

That was Chu Chen standing on the edge of Turtle Island (got Zhao), looking into the distance.

At that time, she could only see Chu Chen's profile.

From that angle, Chu Chen is exceptionally attractive, his eyes are deep, as if there are stars and seas in them.

That is also the corner that attracts Caiwei the most.

Every time I think about it, Caiwei can't wait to go back to Chu Chen's side, and accompany Chu Chen to watch from a distance by the sea.

That was her most unforgettable memory.


Caiwei's words made the mermaids' suspicions quiet down, because they could feel that Caiwei was serious.

Moreover, they also faintly felt that Caiwei seemed to have feelings for that human being.

However, the current Caiwei is not like the kind of little girl who is desperate after falling in love.

Such a little girl is dazzled by love, she can do all kinds of stupid things, and no companions will trust her.

Caiwei's situation is obviously different.


"He has a huge turtle island, he also raises dozens of seagulls, and even killer whales listen to his orders, and, his killer whales, even ancient eye fish are no match..."

Caiwei continued talking.

The mermaids listened silently.

After Caiwei finished speaking, she looked at Shanshan and said, "Shanshan, believe me, you can go with me to take a look? It's only a dozen days away. After you have seen it, if you want, you can stay. If not...I will escort you out."

Shanshan was silent for a long time.

After a while, Shanshan finally made a decision: "Okay, then let's go and have a look first, if he is really like what you said... if it is suitable for living there, we can stay there with you! "

"That's great, Shanshan~"

Hearing Shanshan's words, Caiwei's little girl side appeared again, she couldn't help giggling, and gave Shanshan a big hug~.

Chapter 72

"There are more and more giant prawns."

More than a month after the "Moon Gathering", Chu Chen's giant shrimps are also getting more and more.

With the breeding evolution contract, Chu Chen's shrimp mothers will lay eggs once a day.

Chu Chen's giant shrimps are growing at a rate of thousands every day.

These giant prawns can grow up in about half a month and put into work.

This also makes more and more giant shrimps mining combustible ice mines.

In the current combustible ice mine, more than 3000 square meters can be mined every day during the non-stop mining of more than [-] giant shrimps.

In this case, Chu Chen can earn more than 200 million yuan every day through the combustible ice mine.

Well, now that there is a combustible ice mine, Chu Chen can get more benefits.

Because of tax breaks.

The tax reduction and exemption naturally belonged to Chu Chen.

Now selling a square of combustible ice, Chu Chen can get about 650 yuan.

In other words, a party of combustible ice saved Chu Chen 50 yuan in taxes.

This is the benefit that Gaoping City fought for Chu Chen after Chu Chen took the first place in Gaoping City and was willing to cooperate with the publicity.

If Chu Chen's island can be rated as a star island, it can further reduce or exempt taxes.


With the decline in popularity, the number of people who pay 1 yuan a day to enter Turtle Island is now much less, only a few people a day.

This is also normal.

There are many people and many things in this world, and many things happen every day in the island world.

People's attention is quite easy to divert.

For example, one of the things that attracted the most attention recently was that an island owner discovered an ancient ruin on the bottom of the sea, which contained a lot of huge statues.

Chu Chen has also watched the videos of these statues, and they all have something in common.

That is, the upper body of the statue is all human.

But the lower body, without exception, is another creature.

For example, there is a huge statue whose lower body is the body of a fish.

The upper body is a human and the lower body is a fish. This statue is undoubtedly a mermaid statue.

This mermaid statue is wearing armor and a helmet on her head. She can't see her appearance clearly. She is holding a huge spear in her hand and a shield in the other hand, which looks quite sturdy.

In addition to the mermaid statue, other statues, the lower body is also a variety of creatures.

For example, there are some statues where the lower body looks like a snake.

There are also some statues with spiders on the lower body, but they are quite different from the spiders on land.

These statues are also quite huge.

They stand on a huge square on the bottom of the sea, and they seem to be discussing something.

I don't know how long they have existed. The statues and squares are already covered with marine plants.



The discovery of these statues caused a sensation throughout the world.

In the past, some island owners discovered some relics on the seabed, but they have never found such a large-scale relic.

Now, people on the Internet are talking about it.

It also made the island world once again covered with a veil of mystery.


This matter naturally dominated the hot search.

Chu Chen's Sea Turtle Island, after more than a month, the heat is sure to drop.

Although the popularity has dropped, many people have already known about Turtle Island. Once Chu Chen's tourist island is built, there is still no need to worry about the source of tourists.

Those who want to travel will definitely go to the tourist island to try something new!


Seeing that fewer and fewer people were willing to pay 1 yuan to go to Sea Turtle Island, Chu Chen simply changed his authority and stopped letting people in.

A few people a day, tens of thousands of dollars, Chu Chen has already looked down upon.

After changing the authority, Chu Chen can concentrate more on building the island.

However, this wave of hot money still contributed 8000 to [-] million to Chu Chen, and the money was not all spent. After all, the combustible ice mine still has a lot of income every day to support the construction.

In this way, another few days later, another good news came.

Chu Chen's No. 2 Turtle Island has also reached level 4!

After the No. 2 Turtle Island reaches level 4, the length has also increased to 1000 meters. The drop between the middle of its turtle shell and its surroundings is larger and steeper. However, such characteristics are conducive to the construction of tourist islands.

"Construction can begin."

Chu Chen thought.

The planning for the entire Turtle Island has already been made.

According to Shen Mengzhu's request, Chu Chen also recruited thirty level 3 construction department supernatural beings for her to send.

The salary of a level 3 construction department supernatural user is not low. 30 level 3 construction department supernatural persons need to be paid 15 yuan a day.

Chu Chen is rich and powerful now, but he doesn't care about money at all.


"Then let's start building."

After communicating with Shen Mengzhu, Shen Mengzhu clapped his hands and said cheerfully.

Chu Chen also has his own views on tourist islands.

Shen Mengzhu made an overall plan for No. 2 Turtle Island based on Chu Chen's basic opinions.

A lot of projects have also been identified.

At that time, Chu Chen's giant shrimp will also become one of the sightseeing items.

Of course, only from a distance.

In addition, some giant prawns will be overworked due to long-term mining. These giant prawns will be caught and supplied to specialty restaurants on tourist islands.

The giant prawns specially evolved by the system have a better taste than ordinary giant prawns. Needless to say, the price of these giant prawns will definitely not be cheap.

Moreover, there will be a limited supply every day.

Their existence is not to make money, but to improve the tourism ecology of No. 2 Island and enhance the style of No. 2 Turtle Island.


In short, Chu Chen had already planned everything.

Therefore, while the Internet was still full of discussions about the underwater ruins, Chu Chen's No. 2 Turtle Island also carried out vigorous construction.

Now, several surrounding small islands with a side length of several hundred meters have almost been mined by Chu Chen. The stones, soil, timber resources, etc. on them have all been taken away by Chu Chen.

There will be no candidates for these islands in the future, because the area for newcomers is different every year.


  After the construction of Turtle Island No. 2 started, Chu Chen got busy again.

This wave of busyness has been busy for nearly half a month at once.

Half a month later, Chu Chen's castle has basically been completed, and now it is entering the decoration stage.


"I've never decorated anyone's interior... You're an exception."

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