Arrived in front of Ye Qingyang.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva hastily performed a Buddhist ceremony.

When he got close, he realized that he couldn't feel the slightest bit of mana from the man in front of him.

Ye Qingyang nodded slightly, and asked: "You have been sitting in this square inch mountain for seven days, but are you waiting to learn from your teacher?"

"Eh?" Ksitigarbha didn't expect that the first words of this powerful man would be this?

For a while, I was a little overwhelmed by the question.

However, since he came here with questions, he can be regarded as a teacher by preaching and accepting karma to solve doubts.

Then what the magnate said was right.

The other party really had a clever plan, and he knew the purpose of his trip just by looking at him.

"Yes." Ksitigarbha nodded.

"In that case, I advise you to go."

Ye Qingyang shook his head.

"The person you are looking for has left ten years ago. If you want to learn from a teacher, you can find another place."

After finishing speaking, Ye Qingyang turned around and was about to leave.

He thought that the monk in front of him also came to learn from Patriarch Bodhi as a teacher.

So kindly advise.

But he didn't plan to say anything more, so as not to be entangled again.

Ksitigarbha hurriedly followed, and said:

"left already?!"

Ksitigarbha's mind suddenly changed.

This mighty man was clearly in front of him, why did he say he had already left?

That's right, a senior like the other party will definitely not give 983 directions at will.

I sat in Fangcun Mountain for seven days and seven nights before the other party came out to see me.

If you want to let the other party continue to answer questions for yourself, I am afraid that you need more sincerity.

After finishing speaking, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sat down cross-legged again.

He was going to impress Ye Qingyang with his sincerity.

But from Ye Qingyang's point of view, it's a different feeling...

"Monk, I told you... don't touch porcelain!"

Ksitigarbha was puzzled: "What is Porcelain?"

But he still replied seriously: "Senior refused to answer my questions, probably because he thought I was not sincere, so I am willing to sit here for a long time, waiting for senior to change his mind."

Sit down for a long time?


Is there something wrong with these monks in Journey to the West?

The Scrophulariaceae master used to like to argue with others, but now there is another one who insists on sitting in front of his door for a long time.

Did you stab the monk's nest? ? ?

Countless thoughts swirled in Ye Qingyang's mind.

One is to throw this person out directly.

Lost far away.

Let him never come back to this square inch mountain again.

One is to pinch his nose to hear if he is confused. It is best not to mention the karmic reincarnation, black and white, good and evil things that Master Scrophulariae mentioned.

Choose the first one, according to his understanding of monks.

This group of people will definitely come back after traveling thousands of miles, and then sit quietly.

Their urination is like this, and they call it firm, and they don't consider other people's feelings at all!

Asking him to directly kill a young monk who has no magic power is a bit unreasonable.

In the end, only two can be chosen.

"Monk, tell me, what's your problem?" Ye Qingyang said.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's eyes lit up, and then he asked cautiously, "Can I go into Senior's room and have a detailed talk with Senior?"

Ye Qingyang:? ? ?

Monk, don't push yourself too hard!

After realizing Ye Qingyang's hesitation, Ksitigarbha thought that his sincerity was not enough, so he was rejected, so he slowly sat down again...

"Yes! No problem!" Ye Qingyang made a gesture of please!

Ksitigarbha followed Ye Qingyang into the hut.

The first time after entering, Ksitigarbha was taken aback.

The extremely rich Hongmeng aura almost filled this thatched cottage!

The streamer is blooming in the yard, and the fairy air is lingering.

The lotus ponds were planted with all kinds of great way lotus, white lotus of pure world, red lotus of karmic fire...

These are all top-level spiritual roots that can be turned into top-quality spiritual treasures!

Such an innate treasure, the owner of this courtyard actually planted a whole pond!

Even the hen who was pecking at the worms in the courtyard was full of inspiration, and it was impossible to tell the level of its cultivation.

It is very possible that this chicken's cultivation is completely superior to his own!

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