But when he chatted with Polusalino, he understood what was going on.

First of all, the power of pirates in the New World is prosperous, and it is not safe for the navy to sail on a large scale here.

At the same time, too many fleets will affect the speed of the ship. This mission is urgent and it is not suitable for too many warships to accompany them.

Finally, in battles at this level, the number of warships and pirate ships is no longer a decisive factor, and the top combat power is what should really be considered.

Therefore, despite the fact that the navy dispatched very few warships this time, in terms of combat effectiveness, it is absolutely possible to fight a head-to-head confrontation with any pirate group.

"Everyone is here, let's talk about the bad news just now." The general of the Warring States Period sat at the table and said to everyone.

Karp was the first to ask, "What's the bad news? Don't say they won't fight again?"

General Warring States shook his head, and continued: "That's not true, but all the surveillance ships we hung behind Shiji and Roger have had accidents."

The scene fell silent for a while, and everyone seemed to have understood the meaning behind it.

"That is to say..." Senior Staff Officer Ah He said softly.

General Sengoku nodded with a heavy face and said: "It's what you think, we have lost information on the whereabouts of the Roger Pirates and that guy, Skee."

Diarmuid on the side was very confused. Although he had the experience of leading a warship to chase pirates alone before, but that was in the North Sea, and it was just a small fight.

Now he sort of understood how little the navy was in the New World.

Good guy, it's not the kind of navy he thought before because the battle between Skee and Roger ended too quickly, and they didn't catch up.

Before the war even started, the navy has already lost its target?

Isn't this a joke?

So what are they?Are you traveling to the New World?

"I have to hurry up and urge the scientific troops. Last time, their submarine plan... I think we should support it. If this new type of ship can be researched, at least it will be very useful as a surveillance ship." Bo Rusalino said abruptly.

General Warring States and others also nodded in agreement, but they also knew that Polusalino's words were somewhat selfish.

After all, Marshal Steel Bone has already deliberately prepared Polusalino to be the commander of the Naval Scientific Force.

By saying this now, he can be regarded as gaining some benefits for himself. With this kind of behavior, when he takes office, he will be able to gain a foothold there.

Of course, this is all "using power for personal gain" within the normal range. It is completely within the "rules" and is reasonable. Naturally, no one will say anything about Polusalino.

"Let's not mention this, I have been studying the charts just now, and we have lost Roger and Skee at present, but we have mobilized the nearby surveillance ships to find them. It is uncertain whether they will be successful, and we have nothing else to do now. There is a solution, so we have to speculate and determine the future course." The general of the Warring States said in a deep voice.

After finishing speaking, he pushed the chart towards the table, picked up a thin stick from the table, clicked on the chart and continued: "Here are a few sea areas that I circled where wars may occur. Let's see, what do you think? Which way shall we go next?"

On the other side of the video call bug, Staff Officer Ahe and others all looked at it carefully.

Polusalino and Sakaski also looked down, and Diarmuid, who was standing in front of the table, also followed suit.

There are a total of three sea areas circled by the generals of the Warring States Period above, namely the Rhys Wilson Sea Area, the Charanna Sea Area, and the Edwall Sea Area.

Seeing this, Diarmuid nodded secretly in his heart. It is still possible to be a wise general of the Warring States Period. Among other things, he deduced a correct answer in at least three sea areas.

Don't think it's easy. Being able to reduce the huge scope of the new world to three within such a short period of time is already quite impressive.

"I just don't know how lucky the navy is. Have you figured out the real answer? Is it because of the storm...or did you go the wrong way?" Diarmuid secretly guessed.

After waiting for everyone to think for a while, the general of the Warring States Period asked, "How? What do you think is the most likely place?"

Staff Officer Ahe was also very clever, and asked directly: "Contact the headquarters, have you gathered the latest weather information in these three sea areas? First of all, rule out the sea areas with bad weather, that guy Shi Ke has a group of powerful people under his command." A climatologist, he also knows his own weakness, and it is absolutely impossible for him to start a war with Roger in the sea area where the climate is problematic."

The general of the Warring States Period nodded and said: "I have already sent people to investigate..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a report came from outside the door, and then a lieutenant commander walked in, and quickly handed a piece of information to the general of the Warring States Period.

After a few glances, the general of the Warring States Period frowned and said, "What a coincidence, the information shows that the three sea areas have been clear for a few days."

Although the weather in the sea area of ​​​​New World is changing all the time, there are still some traces that can be observed.

Of course, this kind of observation... if anyone takes it all seriously, it will definitely be bad luck.

For example, in the Edwall sea area, at this time, whether it is Shiji or the navy, they are all observing the climate, and it is tentatively assumed that there is a clear sky there.

As a result... Shiji overturned the car directly.

But still the same sentence, if you can measure a little and calculate a little, if you really encounter it, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

So this kind of observation information is still useful.

"Which sea area was the closest to that guy Roger?" Garp asked suddenly.

General Warring States pointed to the Charanna sea area and said, "Here."

"Really? According to what I know about Roger, that guy has two attitudes when facing the navy and the pirates. When he was hunted down by us, he didn't want to lose face at all. He just ran away, but when he faced the pirates , he is mostly on the rampage... If he is the closest to there, maybe he will go there." Garp said after thinking about it.

If you want him to hammer people, there are really few people in this world who can beat him, but if you want Garp to make suggestions, you can pull him down...

Therefore, he can only provide this kind of advice that is not nutritious and only analyzed from Roger's personal habits.

But Garp is the man who has been chasing Roger for so many years, and he really knows Roger very well. This suggestion cannot be said to be useless.

The general of the Warring States Period and the chief of staff of Ahe also frowned and pondered, considering the possibility.

To be honest, the dispatch this time was indeed a bit hasty, and a lot of information was not understood, but there was no way, the time was waiting for me, the navy had to dispatch quickly, otherwise it would be impossible to catch up.

As a result, they are in the current predicament. Because of the large lack of intelligence, they are completely unable to accurately predict.

Sakaski and Polusalino were obviously thinking hard, but they failed to come up with any effective suggestions.

At this moment, General Sengoku noticed Diarmuid, as if this kid had something to say, but because of the current situation, it was difficult to speak.

Although he didn't expect anything from this kid, the General of the Warring States Period still asked, "Major Diarmuid, do you have any comments?"

Diarmuid was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, quickly cleared up his mood, nodded generously and said: "If possible, I do have some ideas."

"Speak freely." Warring States General waved his hand.

Anyway, the current situation is like this. Everyone has no good solution. If you have an idea, just say it. What if it is really effective?

"Yes, General!" Diarmuid responded quickly, then glanced at the chart, and said in a steady and forceful tone: "Although at present, we cannot know the specific situation between Shi Ke and Roger, but I heard that , This seems to be an ambush? The Roger Pirates are very likely, but they haven't found it yet, Shi Ke is waiting to besiege him?"

General Warring States nodded, without hiding anything, and said directly: "Yes, the information we got came from Shiji, saying that he was planning an ambush against Roger Pirates. As for Roger Hai As for the thieves, because of the particularity of their pirates, we don’t have extra information, but we can’t be sure whether they are aware of Shiji’s actions.”

Diarmuid thought for a while after hearing the words, and then continued: "As the overlord of the pirates, Shiki always makes plans before moving, and the New World is his home field. At the same time, the independence of the Roger Pirates And particularity, although it guarantees that their intelligence is difficult to obtain, it also means that they also lack the means to obtain external intelligence. From these aspects, I have reason to speculate that the Roger Pirates... did not Discover Shiki's plot."

The general of the Warring States Period touched the braided beard on his lower body, thought for a while, then looked at Chief Staff Ahe and said, "Xiaohe, what do you think?"

Staff Officer Ah He smiled, nodded and said, "I think what the major said is correct."

"I also think it makes sense." General Warring States agreed, and then looked at Diarmuid and said, "So, does this speculation help us in our current situation?"

"Yes!" Diarmuid replied, and then quickly explained: "In this way, we can speculate on the actions of the Roger Pirates from this perspective!"

"How do you say?" asked the Warring States General.

"Assuming that the Roger Pirates know nothing about these situations, where would their original planned route and target sea area be? This place, I think, is the place where Skee wanted to ambush the Roger Pirates !” Diarmuid said softly.

General Warring States was stunned for a moment, then quickly picked up the phone and said: "Send me all the information about the Roger Pirates during this period, be quick and accurate!"

"Yes, Warring States General!" The phone bug quickly responded.

From the perspective of the general of the Warring States Period, although it is not certain whether Diarmuid's statement and speculation are correct or not, at least for now, Diarmuid has given them a more feasible idea, hasn't he?

that's enough!Enough for him to take it seriously!

Chapter 18 General of the Warring States Period: If there is a wrong kill, no one will let it go!

It didn't take long for a large amount of information about Roger Pirates to be sent over. The Sengoku General immediately distributed the information, and Diarmuid got a copy in his hands.

At the same time, Lieutenant General Karp and Chief Ahe's staff also received information.

Soon, everyone started reading.

Since it was the latest information about the Roger Pirates, and it wasn't too long ago, it was sorted out by a group of bigwigs in a short while, and some clues were indeed found.

"It seems that the Roger Pirates are looking for something all over the world?" Polusalino frowned slightly.

Sakaski nodded and said: "It seems to be true. From this point of view, they entered the new world this time for something."

Diarmuid wanted to tell them that the Roger Pirates were looking for the historical text.

But he couldn't open his mouth. After all, he couldn't explain this matter clearly. Once he said it, the General of the Warring States Period asked him how he knew it, and how did he explain it?

There is no explanation at all.

But just when Diarmuid was thinking about how to reveal this matter.

Lieutenant General Garp spoke suddenly.

"Historical text!" Lieutenant General Garp said in a deep voice.

The rest of the people all looked at Lieutenant General Karp in astonishment, with bewilderment and puzzlement in their eyes.

"Historical text??? Why are those guys looking for this?" Warring States general asked a little surprised.

Although the research and reading of historical texts is expressly prohibited by the World Government, for now, neither the Navy nor the World Government pays much attention to this stuff.

Because for more than 800 years, although the historical texts have been scattered all over the world, no one has been able to read and understand the above information.

Therefore, even if it is obtained by someone, it is useless.

Warring States general Wubi is also here. The Roger Pirates have nothing to do. If they don’t want to rob houses, why are they looking for historical texts?

Could it be that they are tired of being pirates and are they ready to be guest scholars?

Isn't this sick?

"I don't know what they are looking for in the historical text, but it is indeed the case. I have chased them several times and found this sign. Perhaps, there are some treasures or secrets hidden in the historical text?" Karp thought. After thinking about it, he replied.

He didn't pay much attention to this matter before, so he didn't report this issue much.

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Karp also regarded it as a coincidence.

But now, combined with Diarmuid's previous speculation and combing through this large amount of information, Garp feels that the Roger Pirates may have discovered something in the historical text.

Returning to the new world this time may also be for the main text of history!

Seeing this, the general of the Warring States Period touched the braided beard on his chin again, and finally said: "Now I don't have time to figure out what they are looking for for the historical text. As far as the current inference is concerned, there is no other discovery for the time being. Let's continue with this clue, tentatively, they entered the new world this time to find the historical text..."

Speaking of this, General Warring States picked up the phone bug on the table again, and said: "Look for the Edwall Sea Area, Charanna Sea Area, and Rees Wilson Sea Area. Is there any information on the historical text? "

"Yes, Warring States General!" The navy on the phone bug quickly responded.

Then, there was silence, and General Warring States also put the phone bug aside, looking at the information and charts on the desktop, frowning from time to time, as if he was still thinking about new clues.

At this moment, Chief Staff Officer Ah He seemed to have thought of something, and said, "If I remember correctly, it seems that there are records of ancient weapons in the main text of history, right?"

Ancient weapons?

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then the general of the Warring States Period seemed to remember something, and his expression turned black suddenly: "I seem to remember this too!"

Nowadays, not many people pay attention to the historical text.

After all, the scholars at O'Hara haven't made trouble yet.

Before this, no one had thought about this aspect for a long time, so the Warring States General and others really lacked attention and understanding of this aspect.

However, as high-level officials in the navy, they still knew something, but they couldn't remember it for a while.

Now, as soon as Chief of Staff Ahe started, the general of the Warring States Period seemed to realize something.

"What are ancient weapons?" Gion asked in a low voice, leaning next to Chief Ahe.

But it was obvious that everyone heard it. The general of the Warring States took a deep breath and explained directly: "It is rumored that in a more distant era, there were three weapons that could destroy the world, namely Pluto, Neptune, and Pluto. Poseidon and Uranus, the king of heaven, but these powerful ancient weapons have disappeared in history. They have not appeared for hundreds of years. In fact, whether this ancient weapon exists or not, Whether it is a legend or a fact, I am not sure. I will investigate when I return to the headquarters. However, the world government has circulated information about ancient weapons, which is recorded in the main text of the history. Therefore, the main text of the history has always been It is listed as a taboo, and it is forbidden to be studied and read...Of course, with the staggering of history, there are no people who can read ancient texts, so this prohibition is already a thing of the past.”

Listening to the explanation of the Warring States General, Kuzan, Polusalino, Sakaski, Gion and others were hearing this story for the first time.

After thinking for a while, Sakaski frowned and said: "That is to say, we have reason to suspect that the Roger Pirates may have deciphered the ancient text? So they want to find the whereabouts of ancient weapons in the historical text , destroy the world???"

As soon as his words fell, Lieutenant General Garp said in a deep voice: "Impossible, although Roger is a bastard, but he is not mad to this extent!"

"But he is a pirate after all, and the evil in him should not be underestimated. We must pay attention to this matter!" Sakaski said bluntly.

Sakalski's character is very strong and fierce, but at the same time, there is no room for sand in his eyes. Unlike Polusalino who didn't want to understand his position and the lazy Kuzan, Sakalski is now firm of 'absolute justice'.

After hearing Sakaski's response, Karp looked a little unhappy, but after all, he didn't argue with his navy because Roger was a pirate.

Although he didn't think that Roger would think about destroying the world or anything, his butt was still sitting upright, and he was still in the navy's camp. This point never wavered.

"No matter what Roger thinks, what he will do, but this kind of thing has always been a mistake, and never let it go. It seems that in the future, we will increase the threat of Roger's pirates. I hope this time we can Let's catch them all at once," said the general of the Warring States Period in a deep voice.

This can be regarded as defining the matter.

And from this conversation, Diarmuid understood the navy's attitude and position on the matter of ancient weapons.

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