Diarmuid turned his fists into claws, and one claw was aimed at Leili's heart. Leili put two fingers together, like a sharp sword, and pierced Diarmuid's heart.

In this short period of three or five breaths, the two used physical skills to engage in a duel, as if no one could do anything to the other?

It was also at this moment that the eyes of the two met. Lei Li saw a hint of ruthlessness in Diarmuid's eyes, and Diarmud also saw a hint of determination in Lei Li's eyes.

It was obvious that both of them were hard stubbles, a black tiger pierced his heart, and the other pierced his heart with a sword, neither of them had any intention of hiding, as if they wanted to die together.

And also after this line of sight met, Diarmuid and Leili twisted slightly at the same time in an instant, and in the next (bccj) second, the blood suddenly appeared!

Lei Li's two fingers were close together, like a sharp sword, directly piercing Diarmuid's flesh and blood, but because of the twisting of the figure just now, it did not directly penetrate the heart.

In the next second, a domineering energy directly penetrated Diarmuid's chest and back, and shot out from behind Diarmuid with a splash of blood.

Looking at Lei Li again, the clothes on his body have been torn apart by Diarmud, soaked in bright red blood, the strong muscles on Lei Li's body were bloodstained by Diarmud, and at the same time, at the position near the heart , a piece of flesh and blood was torn off by Diarmuid with his bare hands!

In the same way, if it wasn't for Leili's slight twist at the last moment, Diarmuid's heart might have been ripped out by this blow!

Of course, he will also directly pierce Diarmuid's heart!

It was too late to say it, but it was so fast at that time, from the sudden appearance of blood on the two of them, until this moment, there was not even time for a breath.

And it was at this moment that a key point that could affect the outcome of this match appeared.

Lei Li frowned slightly, and there was some pain in his eyes. Just kidding, anyone who is torn off a piece of flesh and blood will definitely feel great pain.

And this pain obviously made Lei Li's movements stiff for a moment.

At this moment, there was nothing serious. After all, Diarmuid was also pierced through his chest and back by him, so he must be affected to some extent.

However, at this moment, Diarmuid's eyes were full of fierceness, as if he didn't feel any pain at all, his movements were very smooth, without any stiffness, and he leaned into Lei Li's arms suddenly .

"Okay..." Rayleigh thought in his heart.

At the same time, he was also extremely surprised, what happened to this man?Even if you have done stress response training for pain, it is impossible to feel nothing directly, right?

Before Leili could put this idea to rest, a violent impact erupted. Then, Leili spat out a mouthful of old blood, and his figure was like a cannonball, and was directly knocked out by an iron mountain leaning on Diarmuid.

Rolling on the ground for more than 20 meters, I don't know how many times, Lei Li finally stopped his figure, propped himself on the ground, and before he could speak, he spat out another mouthful of old blood.

"Cough..." Lei Li spat out the blood, and felt his breath calm down. He raised his head and looked at Diarmuid, who was standing there still in the distance, with a ferocious smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were slightly moved.

"It seems that I am the one who won in physical and fighting skills." Diarmuid said with a smile.

Lei Li rubbed his ribs, which seemed to be slightly broken. He stood up enduring the pain and said, "You are really vicious..."

Not far away, Newgate just stood there without any movement.

This is normal, and it’s not his fault. Rayleigh himself knows very well that he and Newgate have never cooperated, let alone teamed up. It is impossible for the two to get together. Doing it is the most correct choice.

If he intervenes, maybe he will be even worse now!

"The second round is about to begin..." Diarmuid took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

The moment the voice fell, his figure had disappeared.

Startled, Newgate stepped back and squatted on the ground with his tall body.

In the next second, Diarmuid's high whip kicked directly over his head, with such force that it felt like the air was being kicked into pieces, and there was a crackling sound.

And at this moment, the figure of Newgate who had just squatted down suddenly jumped up, separated his hands, grabbed Diarmaid's legs, and directly carried Diarmaid on his shoulders .

There was a look of surprise in Diarmuid's eyes. Just as he was about to exert his strength, he saw an iron bridge in Newgate. He leaned back directly, pressing Diarmuid, and the two of them hit the ground together!

This time, Newgate was the first mover, and his speed was faster than that of Diarmuid. At the same time as he smashed Diarmuid, Newgate twisted his arm and directly grabbed Diarmuid's neck. , and pressed Diarmud to the ground.

"You don't think the old man's fighting skills are weak, do you?" Newgate grinned.

"You don't think you have the upper hand, do you?" Diarmuid said with a triumphant smile on his face despite being strangled.

Also at the same time as his words fell, Newgate was startled suddenly, inexplicably vigilant, and then, from the corner of his eye, he saw Diarmuid's other hand...

"Impossible!?" Newgate said with a shock in his heart, and he didn't care about giving Diarmuid a hard time. He loosened his grip, kicked his foot, and rolled backward in embarrassment.

But it seems to have slowed down a step. Severe pain came from between his waist and abdomen. When Newgate and Diarm opened the distance, there was already a terrible wound in his waist and abdomen. Bleeding!

"Boundless True Biter..." Diarmuid said softly.

Xindu was still stuck on Newgate's body, and at this moment, Diarmud held Xindu's scabbard in his hand...

"Such an obvious shortcoming, will I not keep a second hand?" Diarmuid said with a ferocious smile, looking at Newgate's half-kneeling figure on the ground, clutching the huge wound on his waist. . .

Chapter 316: Earth Explosion Star Seals Rayleigh!

Newgate's previous speculation was actually wrong.

He thought that the Boundless True Bite needed a medium, and Diarmuid couldn't use the Boundless True Bite without a knife in his hand.

In fact, he was only half right, that is, the immeasurable true beast needs a medium.

As long as there is a suitable medium, even if he doesn't have Xindu in hand, Diarmuid can still use the infinite true bite.

And as one of the top masters, Diarm Deming knows that the Immeasurable True Biter has this shortcoming, will he think of a way to make up for it?

It must be impossible.

I will definitely find a way to make up for it!

The first way to make up for it is to solve the media problem, and see if it is possible to use the infinite true bite without using the media.

And this way, at least for the time being, is not going to work. Diarmuid is not so brave yet, and he has developed the power to use the immeasurable true bite with his bare hands.

Then the second way to make up for it is very simple, just make a backup and you're done.

After Xin Du is out of his hands, how should I use the Boundless True Biting?

Diarmuid only thought about this question for a short while before he set his sights on Xindu's scabbard.

It turned out he succeeded, and it wasn't a particularly difficult problem.

At the same time, he didn't tell anyone about this matter, and it was regarded as a killer move in his hand.

It is actually a very insidious idea to use Xindu's scabbard as a medium to display the immeasurable true bite. After all, under normal circumstances, no one would value a scabbard.  …

And now, just because of this neglect, Newgate was directly raped by Diarmuid, and his old waist was almost abolished.

At this time, Newgate was holding the hideous wound between his waist and abdomen with one hand. The wound was not very big, but it was thirty to forty centimeters long. It looked very serious. It was near his left kidney, the muscles between his waist and abdomen. It has completely disappeared, as if it was forcibly torn off, directly revealing a hollow, and from this hollow, Newgate's internal organs can be seen completely.

Blood hula bad one, very cruel.

Even though Newgate covered the wound with his hands, he still couldn't stop the blood gushing out, serious injury!Undoubtedly seriously injured!

Newgate's injury was serious, but when Raleigh intervened, he gave him some time to adjust his state and forcibly suppressed the injury.

But now that he was severely injured again, the breath on Newgate's body suddenly became disordered. At the same time, the injury that could be suppressed by force could no longer be suppressed.

Every time he took a breath, some blood would overflow from the corner of his mouth, under his breath, but the scarlet blood froth, the whites of his eyes were bloodshot, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and there were blue veins surging in his forehead, it seemed that he was experiencing extremely strong pain, and It's like trying to get used to the pain.

"Hey, Whitebeard..." Reilly stood in front of Newgate at this time, and then asked with some concern, "Are you okay?"

Newgate really wanted to stand proudly, but just as he opened his mouth, a mouthful of old blood gushed out, dyeing the half-damaged white beard into bright red.

Looking at this scene, Lei Li's heart was very heavy. It was obvious that White Beard was dead!

Whitebeard is dead, and he has to face Diarmuid alone, if he can still watch with a relaxed attitude when watching the show before.

Now that he has really joined in, Raleigh can fully feel the strong pressure brought by Diarmuid.

"It's such a troublesome matter..." Lei Li murmured softly, the pupils in his eyes shrank slightly, and his expression was extremely serious.

On the other side, Diarmuid held Xindu's scabbard and said with a ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth, "Oh, has one fallen already?"

After a short pause, Diarmuid looked at Rayleigh and said, "It's your turn, Pluto..."

The moment the word 'Pluto' landed on the ground, Diarmuid's foot suddenly exerted force, and his figure disappeared in a flash, it was a shaving step!

In the next instant, Diarmuid's figure appeared in front of Leili, and he dropped his sword without hesitation, oh no, the scabbard fell.

The immeasurable true bite on the scabbard brought Leili a great sense of oppression. Wherever the infinite true bite passed, the space was faintly shattered.

Not daring to have any intention of resisting at all, Lei Li moved his feet, pushed his body back a step, and at the same time struck out with a domineering force in his backhand.

The Immeasurable True Bite fell against Lei Li's side, but failed to hit, and Diarmuid didn't take it seriously, and also followed with the other hand wrapped in domineering power, defeating Lei Li's offensive with one blow.

In the next second, the scabbard in his hand raised the flower shadow, and slashed towards Lei Li at an extremely fast speed. At that moment, Lei Li's heart was full of alarm bells, and he retreated in a hurry, wanting to distance himself from Dilmudra , but Diarmuid's offensive was extremely fast, Leili took a step back, and Diarmuid chased after him.

In just a short while, Leili retreated dozens of meters, but Diarmuid was still stuck in front of him, slashing wildly with the Xindu scabbard in his hand.

Speaking of which, since Diarmuid's "great achievement", few people will compare anything.

But in fact, Diarmuid's kendo level has always maintained the "half-handed" state of the year.

This is what Raleigh is grateful for at this time. As a top swordsman, he can feel that Diarmuid's kendo level is not very good, and he is completely crushed by other forces.

It is also because of this that he was able to survive under Diarmuid's onslaught until now. If Diarmuid's swordsmanship level is half as strong as Mihawk's, it is estimated that the unarmed Raleigh has been chopped into pieces by now. up.

At the same time, Raleigh also discovered a problem, that is, when using the Boundless True Bite, Diarmuid seems to be unable to use other moves and techniques related to his abilities.

In fact, it is true. The attack power of the Immeasurable True Bite is the best in the world. People block and kill people, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas. However, there are also many disadvantages. For example, there is no medium and you cannot use it at will. Because of the need to mobilize a huge amount of gravitational energy and fine control, Diarmuid cannot use the rest of his abilities.

"When you used this trick..." Raleigh said suddenly.

While dodging Diarmuid's slash, he wanted to use trash talk to engage in psychological warfare with Diarmuid. Even if it didn't work, it didn't matter, and it wouldn't take much to say a few words anyway.

However, before he finished speaking, he saw the immeasurable true bite in Diarmuid's hand dissipate suddenly, revealing the true face of Xindu scabbard.

And at this moment, Lei Li's response speed could not catch up with Diarmuid's change speed, his face changed, he was not ready, and a huge pressure of gravity enveloped him in an instant, It made his movements a little sluggish.

At the same time, Diarmuid punched him directly on the bridge of the nose. This powerful blow with domineering power instantly broke Lei Li's bridge of nose, and the blood flowed from Lei Li instantly. gushed out of his face.

All these changes happened so fast, for a moment, Raleigh's brain was a little blank, and when he came back to his senses, Diarmuid had already pinched him with the hand that just smashed the bridge of his nose Relying on his height advantage, he directly lifted Lei Li in his hand.

"What happened when I used this move?" Diarmuid asked with a smile on his lips.

There was a slight pause, and before Leili could speak, Diarmuid continued: "When you use this trick, can't you use other abilities? That's right, you are right, but Leili, there is nothing in your hands. In the case of a knife, I want to deal with you, why should I be obsessed with the infinite true bite? Hehehe."

From the very beginning, Diarmuid used the Boundless True Bite to attack Lei Li fiercely, and the slashing was actually a means to cover up his true intentions. What he wanted was the moment Lei Li relaxed his vigilance, or , the moment he thought he had discovered some secret.

And Rayleigh may not have engaged in actual combat for many years, so there will naturally be some flaws in this initial attack. If these flaws are placed on other opponents, with his strength, there should be no problem, and after a while, he will recover. I feel that Raleigh will become stronger, but here in Diarmuid, he was caught by Diarmuid the moment he showed his flaws.

But before Rayleigh could speak, the ground under Diarmuid's feet moved slightly. He frowned and looked down.

A bottle of Homiz stuck its head out from under the ground.... …ask for flowers.

"This is..." Diarmuid was taken aback for a moment, then his expression changed.

Armed-colored arrogance burst out from under his feet instantly, trying to envelop himself in it, but Homiz was even faster, and exploded with a bang.

It's Dynamite Rock! ! !

At the moment of the explosion, an extremely powerful shock wave, or a slashing wave, erupted from a distance.

"Weiguo!!!" Charlotte.Lingling roared angrily.

This blow directly smashed Kuzan's glacier into powder, and at the same time, it slammed into Diarmuid's side with unabated power.

Actually, Charlotte.Lingling didn't regard Kuzan as a real threat at all. She was very clear that the real threat here was only Diarmaid, so while fighting Kuzan, she was always paying attention to Diarmad.

A blow from Weiguo, even if it looks like a hit, but Charlotte.Lingling didn't dare to be careless at all, she exerted force with her feet, and the tall figure rushed towards Diarmuid like a tank.

"Bastard." Kuzan cursed angrily, the ice in his hand was about to burst out with anger, when a flash of blue flames flashed and kicked him on the head.

It was Marco. At this time, Marco's expression was very serious, and the flames of anger flickered in his eyes.

Even not long ago, he was almost killed by Charlotte.Lingling was beaten to death, but at this critical moment, he still chose to put the overall situation first and help Charlotte.Lingling blocks Kuzan for a moment!

... 0 because he also knows very well that if Diarmuid is free now, it will be difficult for everyone!

Without Kuzan, Charlotte.Lingling was like a runaway wild horse, plunged headlong into the gunpowder smoke.

She was full of knowledge and domineering, and instantly caught Diarmuid's figure. The Emperor Sword in her hand burst into flames and slashed down.

"Broken Blade!!!" Charlotte.Lingling roared angrily.

At this time, Diarmuid was also a little confused. He knew that there was Dynamite Rock on this island, but he really didn't expect that Dynamite Rock had turned into Homiz, and even took the initiative to sneak up on him.

It's all right, but he's not on his feet yet, Charlotte.Lingling's domineering prestige rushed towards her, forcing him to fight back quickly.

It's hard to adjust, Charlotte.Lingling, the old woman, rushed in like crazy, and slashed at him, what's going on?

"Damn it, I knew you bastard, Kuzan, was unreliable!" Diarmuid scolded angrily.

Meet Charlotte.Diarmuid punched Lingling's flaming emperor's sword fiercely and aggressively.

The fist and sword intersected for just a moment, and Diarmuid let go of his feet, borrowing Charlotte.With brute force, Lingling retreated directly from the smoke of the explosion.

Charlotte was ignored.Lingling, Diarmuid's domineering look quickly locked on to Leili who just stood up from the ground not far away.

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