The bull revolver in her hand pointed at Diarmuid again, and said: "Boss Shiji fell down, and I really didn't intend to continue to be a pirate, but seeing you bastard, my teeth itched with anger Ah! You despicable and shameless guy, what method did you use to kill Boss Shiji!?"

Until then, Tina seemed to have recovered, and said in surprise: "You are a runaway loli. Sphinx? A member of the Flying Pirates?" "It's my mother, how is it?" While speaking, Si pointed another revolver at Tina.

"Flying Pirates?" Virgo was a little surprised, and then said: "If it's really the Fast Pirates, wouldn't she be a pirate at the age of three or two? Look at her, she's less than 20 years old, right?" "Let you go." Mother's fart, my mother is just young, when I was hanging around in the sea, you were still eating farts!" Sphinx said with foul words.

Virgo looked helpless for a while, it's a pity that such a pretty "six six seven" little loli, an old lady who opened her mouth, shut up and eat farts, think about it carefully, good guy, she really looks like she grew up in a den of pirates Big one.Diarmuid shifted his gaze from Sphinx to Fujitora Yixiao, and then said, "What's the situation with you? Report your name, are you also a pirate?"

Fujitora said helplessly with a smile: "It's a misunderstanding. Shimo Fujitora is just a rogue. Although I know that she used to be a pirate, but these years, she really didn't do anything bad. I think it was her at the beginning." Children are ignorant, so they are tricked into becoming pirates, right? Your Excellency, can you let us go?"

"All these years?" Diarmuid asked in surprise.

Dude, you bad gambler, have you been hanging out with sphinxes all these years?

How on earth did you get together?

"I assure you with my character, she has repented." Fujitora said with a smile.

Tina looked at the gambling house, and then said suspiciously: "Do you mean to tell our navy to trust your character as a gambler?" Fujitora was speechless for a moment with a smile.

What you said is so reasonable!

"Bad gambler, what are you talking about with these bastards and the navy? You are a man who has inherited the will of Boss Skee. The two of us join forces, starting with killing Diarmuid, and fighting for hegemony of the sea!" Sphinx He yelled for fear that the world would not be chaotic.

Fujitora smiled and almost didn't let her cry, and said quickly: "Don't talk nonsense, I don't, I don't, I have nothing to do with Shiji!" "A man who inherits Shiji's will?" Virgo was a little strange Looking at Fujitora and smiling.

Fujitora Yixiao has never been an admiral at this time, and as a private master, he is not well-known, and he hangs out among the common people, and the most permanent place is the gambling houses all over the place.

What kind of aura do you think he has?

At least not now.

And what about Skee?Shi Ji used to be a mighty man who shocked the world and dared to single out the Navy Headquarters alone. He used to be a hero who overwhelmed him for half an era and was only one step away from reaching the true pinnacle of pirates.

Fujitora's smile is really not comparable to him in terms of temperament, so Virgo is very strange, how does this guy named Sphinx see that he has inherited Shiji's will?

"Dilmurd, you despicable and shameless bastard, you stole Boss Skee's Devil Fruit, and you have the nerve to use this power against Boss Skee, and even killed him in Impelton, you How dare you be an admiral? You are despicable, shameless, nasty, disgusting..." Sphinx cursed.

Diarmuid? ? ?

"Don't think that I won't beat you because you are small. I snatched my ability myself, just like Shiji snatched the devil fruit from others. I snatched it from him. What's the matter? Question? I am a navy and he is a pirate. It is only natural for me to hit him. As for his death, if he did not intend to escape from Imperton, I would have nothing to do and have to go to Imperton Kill him here? I can kill him in Marineford! What's more, he fought to the death with me, so there is nothing mean and shameless!" Diarmuid raged at the Sphinx.

Sphinx was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Prison escape? Didn't you go to Impelton secretly to kill Boss Skee because you were narrow-minded?" "Are you insulting me?" said angrily.

The huge gravity on his body instantly enveloped Fujitora Yishao and Sphinx.

And at this moment, Fujitora stepped on his foot lightly with a smile, and an equally invisible and intangible force rose from his body, slowly resisting Diarmud's casual aura.

It was at this moment that Diarmuid's anger dissipated instantly, and he smiled at Fujitora with some surprise in his eyes.

He is very familiar with this power.

Because this power can be said to be the one used by his first enemy in this world, the top-level power that used to overwhelm the world.

Back then, when he slashed Shiji in Impelton, he also regretted that he didn't have the dark fruit, after all, he emptied a top-level superhuman ability.

That's right, at this moment, the ability that Fujitora Yixiao inadvertently uses to resist Diarmuid's aura is the flying pirate who shocked the world back then.golden lion.Shiki's fluttering fruit power!

"I see, no wonder, no wonder the Sphinx said that you are a man who inherited Shiji's will, no wonder, a irascible guy like her will listen to you and retire from the pirate industry, so that's it... " Diarmuid said softly.

"Piao Piao Guo..." Tina said with surprise in her eyes.

The intelligence department of the navy has been looking for this devil fruit since Shiji's death, but there is no trace of news. As a result, this devil fruit was eaten by such an unknown person many years ago. Yet?

What is even more surprising is that with this kind of power, this guy didn't make any big news at all, and just calmly faced a bad gambler, and taught Sphinx, the former great pirate, Reformed?

"Although I haven't witnessed that incident back then, I have followed General Diarmuid for many years, and I have learned some of the secrets back then, the Golden Lion. Shi Ke broke his own legs and came from Imperton. Breaking out of prison happened to be built in Imperton, and countless pirates fell under the general, but Shiji was the only one who buried himself and set up a tomb!!!" Tina said quickly.

The Sphinx had a look of shock and disbelief in his eyes, and asked in a slightly trembling tone, "Boss Skee, does Boss Skee have a tomb?" , but Fujitora Yixiao and Sphinx already understood the meaning, and he admitted it.

"At the very end, did Boss Skee approve of you?" Sphinx asked Diarmuid tremblingly.

"I need his approval?" Diarmuid asked angrily.

But after this annoyance, he still nodded and said: "Whether it's me or Shi Ji, in fact, I appreciate each other in my heart. Maybe he is a damned, evil bastard pirate, but in terms of his bearing and demeanor, I also have to admit that he is a well-deserved hero... For this kind of person, when death is about to come, I am willing to respect him."

"That's right... Boss Shiji mentioned you many times back then, saying that he was the one who watched you walk out of Beihai, an unknown person, and he also said that he didn't kill you with a knife in Beihai back then, so The world will become more exciting..." Sphinx said softly...

The tone is very sad.

It can be seen that she has a lot of affection for Shi Ke.

At this moment, the Sphinx raised his head again, looked at Diarmuid, and then a tear flashed in his eyes, he lowered his head in humiliation, jumped off the stool, and smashed his head on the gaming table.

It seemed that some nondescript kowtowed to Diarmuid and said: "Diarmurd, whether you want to kill me or arrest me, I will not resist, I just ask you one thing, before you deal with me , let me take a look at Boss Shiji’s tomb! Just one look is enough!!!”

Diarmuid looked at Sphinx in surprise, he couldn't understand this feeling, Sphinx has been dead for so many years, Sphinx is still loyal to him, even willing to do this step for him .

But if he doesn't understand, he won't mock anything.

After a long time, Diarmuid said: "Yes."

"Thank you!" Sphinx said, raising his head sharply.

Fujitora smiled and stood up quickly at this time and said: "This is really a misunderstanding. Sphinx was still a child back then. She had no choice but to do evil when she was adopted by pirates. Now she has really changed her ways. There is no need to be serious. kill her, or take her to Imperton..."

"What if I insist on doing this?" Diarmuid looked at Fujitora and smiled.

"Bad gambler, don't worry about me. Actually, I already knew that you didn't inherit Boss Shiji's will at all. I was just lying to myself. Every time I see your ability, I will think that Boss is not dead yet. ... He is still alive, but now that you think about it, you are not like him at all, so go away, leave me alone, and continue to be your gambler!" Sphinx pushed Fujitora away and said with a smile .

But Fujitora smiled but raised his hand and grabbed Sphinx by the collar, lifted her up, and left her behind, looking at Diarmuid with serious eyes: "Maybe this choice is wrong, but ...I can't just watch you and take my friend away!"

"Oh, you want to be the enemy of the navy, the admiral of the navy?" Diarmuid grinned and said with a murderous smile.

"Maybe I just want to ask for a chance to forgive you, General." Fujitora smiled and touched the stick knife at his waist, and said softly.

"Hahahahaha!" Diarmuid laughed loudly.

After laughing, Diarmuid said: "For so many years, you haven't caused any problems, I can actually treat you as dead, Sphinx, and even our navy's intelligence department, have already identified Your death, it doesn't matter if you are caught or not, until now, it doesn't make much sense. I can take you to Shiji's grave, but from now on, you have to join me... "

Fujitora Yixiao is such a person, he can let go of the Straw Hat Pirates willfully after becoming an admiral, not to mention that he has not yet become a navy, and what Sphinx said, in fact, Diarmuid is really right She doesn't have much interest anymore, she has retired for so many years, it's good to laugh with Fujitora, but she made a mistake after all, and she can't really ignore her, instead of that, it's better to give her a A chance to turn around...

In fact, the Navy also has this tradition of recruiting pirates. For example, in the original story, Tina recruited the hypnotist of the Black Cat Pirates.

But it wasn't necessary, nor appropriate, for her to join the Navy.

"Impossible, I can be caught or killed by you, it doesn't matter, but it's impossible for me to join your bastard navy!" Sphinx refused without hesitation.

"It's not the Navy either. Speaking of which, it's a good match for you. It counts as hiring you as security personnel? There is a place called the Golden City, and I think you will be very interested." Diarmuid smiled and said.

"It's an entertainment city that is ten thousand times more powerful than here. It has everything from the lowest-level gambling stalls to the most luxurious casinos..." Tina, the little devil, also bewitched at the side.

Fujitora smiled that this guy had no morals at all, and immediately pulled the Sphinx and said: "It's absolutely fine! It's not a matter of betting or not, I just think the name Golden City is nice, and I have a fate!".

Chapter 328 Dressrosa's conspiracy is in progress.

After making an appointment to open in the Golden City, Fujitora Yixiao and Sphinx rushed to report immediately, and Diarmuid and others quickly evacuated the casino.

Sphinx let out a sigh of relief and slumped on the chair with a complicated expression.

"You should change your temper, Sphinx." Fujitora smiled and glanced at Sphinx.

Sphinx glanced up at Fujitora and smiled, then whispered: "When I saw him, I couldn't help but get angry..."

"If I wasn't here today, you might really be dying. Is this the result you want?" Fujitora frowned with a smile.

"I'm not afraid of death!" Sphinx said without hesitation.

"But it's meaningless for you to die. If Shi Ji really treated you like a daughter as you said, do you think he would want you to die in such a muddle?" Fujitora asked with a smile.

"Me." Sphinx wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

"Forget it, anyway, you just need to be more careful in the future, don't always be so irritable." Fujitora smiled and laughed again.

"Oh..." Sphinx sighed, a little helpless.

"That's pretty good, isn't it? Golden City...Although I haven't heard of it, the admiral shouldn't lie to us." Fujitora touched his chin with a smile, and said with some expectation.

"Is he really trustworthy? A bad gambler?" Sphinx asked with some doubts.

"What did he lie to us for? It doesn't make sense at all." Fujitora smiled.

After a short pause, Fujitora smiled and said: "If we really join this golden city, at least we won't have to worry about the navy anymore." People's character and thinking are actually all formed by life experiences. cumulatively evolved.

In the original story, Fujitora did not know what he experienced with a smile, but he must have a different view of the world, and even to a certain extent, he believed that the world polluted his eyes, and he did not want to see this filthy world again. world, and then blinded himself.

At the same time, after the Navy Headquarters launched the global conscription operation, he may have the idea of ​​​​changing the world, so he joined the Navy and directly served as the Admiral of the Navy with his strength.

Taking advantage of the status and power status of the admiral of the navy, at the World Conference, he launched an action to abolish the Shichibukai, the king, and finally succeeded.

It can be regarded as displaying his ambition and changing the world.

But there is no doubt that in the story of this world, Fujitora smiled and met the Sphinx. It sounds like they have been hanging out together for many years.

He is more or less affected by the thoughts and will of the Sphinx, and even his living habits, which will subtly change his thoughts and decisions.

At the same time, coupled with the fact that he inherited Shiji's Piao Piao fruit, although he feels that he has nothing to do with Shiji, there will always be so many changes.

That's why Fujitora in this world smiled, he didn't have any harsh thoughts about this world in his heart, and he didn't blind his eyes because of it. Since he was surrounded by the former pirate Sphinx, he didn't think about it at all. Yes, planned to join the navy or something.

Maybe if a world conscription starts now, Fujitora will continue to be his bad gambler and dismiss the navy with a smile.

And now, at this inflection point, Fujitora met Diarmuid with a smile, and had a new choice to join the Golden City.

"I'm inexplicably looking forward to it, Golden City..." Fujitora murmured with a smile.

After he finished speaking, he seemed to think of something, looked back at the gambling table, saw that the dice clock was still firmly on the table, with a happy expression, went up and pulled the dice clock away, counted the points is big'.

"Sphinx, I won, hurry up, give me the money!" Fujitora said with a smile.

Sphinx froze for a moment, then cursed: "Impossible, and this bet has been voided, so I won't give you a piece of Bailey!" "Is that how you talk to your savior? You bastard!" Fujitora said angrily with a smile.

Soon, the two walked out of the messy gambling house cursing each other.

At the same time, on the other side of the street, the gunfight that happened in the casino just now didn't seem to affect this side at all. The era of great pirates has been in existence for more than ten years, and it has indeed made the nerves of people in this era become rougher. some.

"General, let them go like this? Will they really go to the Golden City as agreed?" Tina asked as she walked beside Diarmuid.

While admiring the lively street scene, Diarmuid said nonchalantly: "This is just a random arrangement. In fact, even if they don't go to the Golden City, I don't have any loss, and it can be seen that Fujitora's smile is a Smart people, this kind of thing doesn't harm their interests, why don't they go? What's more, that Sphinx, if she doesn't go to the Golden City, don't even think about offering incense to Shiji."

Virgo followed on the other side and said, "If it were me, I would definitely go."

Tina glared at Virgo with some displeasure, and Virgo didn't dare to speak when he saw this. After all, he was hanged and beaten by Tina.

Even though Tina was suspected of a sneak attack, Virgo still remembered clearly that he was subdued by Tina in an instant.

He knew very well that the major general beside General Diarmuid, who looked weak and only handled clerical work, was actually a very capable guy.

Tina glared at Virgo, and after Virgo didn't dare to disturb her anymore, she hugged Diarmuid's arm and said, "General, the playground in Carnival City is said to be very famous, let's go sit together Roller coaster..."

Meanwhile, in the New World.Dressrosa.

Liku had a busy day.Dolde III was about to make himself a cup of tea and rest.

However, just as he took out the tea and hadn't had time to brew it, he suddenly found a figure sitting there on the sill of the half-opened window.

"Assassin?" King Liku frowned and said, then raised his head and looked over carefully.

Then, his expression became a little surprised.

"Tian Yasha?" King Liku asked in surprise.

"Fufurfurfurfur..." Doflamingo smiled evilly.

In fact, at this moment, King Riku doesn't have much fear of Doflamingo, because Doflamingo's current identity is Shichibukai the king, and Shichibukai the king is theoretically one of his own. With the appearance of Diarmuid, today's King Shichibukai does not have much notoriety.

So at the first moment, King Liku really didn't have much fear, but was a little surprised, why did Brother Doflaming come here?

"Your Excellency Tianyasha, do you have any advice?" King Liku asked in a respectful tone.

Doflamingo didn't answer right away, but instead looked out the window.

Dressrosa is not big. In the entire New World, it is at most a small country with a small population. In Doflamingo's impression, it seems to have only more than 200 million people.

The whole country is on this island.  …

And this island looks very poor.

Yes, Dressrosa, ruled by the Liku royal family, is very poor.

Perhaps in some respects, Liku.Dolde III did a very good job, but on the two important issues of economy and people's livelihood, they have been derelict in the Liku royal family for hundreds of years.

"A poor country is the king's failure, isn't it?" Doflamingo suddenly turned his head to look at King Liku and said.

King Liku frowned a little, he didn't quite understand what Doflamingo meant, you f*cking pirate, what do you mean you're king or not?Why don't you talk about One Piece?

"I don't quite understand what you mean, Your Excellency Tenyasha." King Liku said after a moment of silence.

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