About an hour later, Diarmuid, who was stained with a lot of blood, returned here from the depths of the prison. After all, this is the only way to enter the elevator.

Rayleigh and Shanks were sitting in the prison, looking at Diarmuid with complicated eyes, his hands were stained with blood, and he was surrounded by evil spirits. Accompanied by Magellan and others, they left the sixth floor of Imperton. ...

"I'm suddenly a little lucky that I'm not a person with abilities." Raleigh smacked his lips.

Shanks also came back to his senses, shook his head and said: "Me too, this world is too cruel, even Impelton is not safe..."

(Let me be miserable, I am really vomiting and have diarrhea, and I have to type. There should be a chapter later. Don't you guys give me a flower monthly ticket to comfort me?) Soil.

Chapter 401 Luffy: I want to eat Momo fruit!

At the gate of Impelton, Magellan looked at Diarmuid unsatisfied, and then asked: "General, are you sure you don't want to kill me?" Diarmuid's face twitched a little. Aren't they all perverts?

But looking at Magellan's sincere expression, Diarmuid forced a smile, and quickly said: "No, no, next time, next time, this time is enough, I didn't bring much fruit..."

"We still have fruit in Impelton..." Magellan added.

Am I really fruitless?I have a lot on board, okay?

This was the first time that Diarmuid tried to deprive others of his devil fruit power consecutively. It had to be said that this seemed easy, but it was really hard work.

He randomly killed a batch on the sixth floor of Impelton, and then selected some seemingly powerful ability users from that roster, and went to kill another batch.

The further he got to the back, the more he couldn't bear the loss of physical strength caused by taking away the abilities of others.

It was more uncomfortable than fighting Whitebeard for [-] rounds, and it might have cumulative effects. Therefore, Diarmuid felt that this kind of thing had to be done slowly, not too hastily, and had to be slowed down.

Therefore, he decisively stopped his plan and prepared to return to Marineford.

After going back, discuss some matters with the marshal, rest for two days, almost Marie Gioia will start the World Conference.

When the time comes, I will go to Marie Gioia to make troubles. How can I have time to 'desperate' with those bastards in Imperton here?

"July [-]" Magellan persuaded a few more words, and found that General Diarmuid really didn't intend to continue doing it, and felt a little regretful.

But when the matter was over, he didn't try to persuade him any more. Instead, he said seriously: "General, don't worry. After I go back, I will take good care of them all and wait for you to arrange them next time." Seeing that Magellan stopped trying to persuade him, Diarmuid also heaved a sigh of relief, then nodded and said, "Okay."

Soon, Diarmuid and the others boarded the warship. This time, the two warships set off together, but Diarmuid and Garp were both on the same ship and returned to Marineford together.

On the deck, Virgo is arranging for someone to send the two boxes of devil fruits back to the cabin and take good care of them.

This is really a priceless thing. There are some abilities in it. Once it is spread, it will create a powerful guy within a few years.

If someone like Fujitora Issho is okay, if it falls into the hands of some evil party, it will definitely lead to a tragedy.

Fortunately, this time I took the Justice Current directly from Imperton, passed through the Gate of Justice, passed through Judiciary Island, and then went straight to Marineford. I will not meet other forces on the road, plus Diarmuid and The two big men, Garp, are in charge, even if they are escorting many dangerous abilities, they are not considered to be at any risk.

Withdrawing his gaze from Virgo, Diarmuid looked towards Garp.

Robin and her mother Olbia are enjoying the sea view by the fence. After all, Olbia has been imprisoned for so many years and hasn't seen the sea for a long time. Even though there is nothing to see around here, she is still very interested look like.

Garp was still cursing and reprimanding Luffy.

And Luffy...

It's really miserable, with a bruised nose and a swollen face. It's obvious that Karp gave him a hard education.

But looking at his little eyes, he was obviously not convinced, and he didn't take the beating seriously.

Although it looked miserable, Garp naturally knew the severity of his attack, and he didn't really hit it hard. He remembered that in the original story, Luffy was often beaten up by Nami, the ship tyrant on his own ship, and the beating was much worse than this. So Diarmuid didn't say anything.

"What ability did you choose in the end?" Diarmuid stepped forward and asked.

It was cruel to say that after Diarmuid harvested all the capable users on the sixth floor, he came back and saw that Garp was still beating Luffy violently for more than an hour.

As an elder, Diarmuid couldn't bear it, stepped forward to persuade him, and then went to harvest some devil fruits, sorted these fruits into a book, and threw them to Luffy, let him pick one at random.

In the roster given by Magellan, Luffy, who is mentally retarded, is staring at the Silent Fruit.

It was impossible for Diarmuid to actually kill Rossindi to do this, so he simply changed the roster for him, and the scope was also narrowed down a lot.

I was busy beating the children just now, how can I have time for Luffy to choose?Because of Diarmuid's question, Luffy took the booklet from Garp and ran to the side to select abilities.And Diarmuid also looked at Karp and said, "Karp, are you interested in developing an ability? I found one that is quite suitable for you..."

Garp shook his head, but although he was not interested in becoming a landlubber, he was very interested in Diarmuid's statement that he was 'pretty suitable'.

"What ability?" Garp asked curiously.

"Bundy Wald, the World Breaker's Momo Fruit is quite powerful. To be honest, if I can't eat it now, I will definitely get it done." Diarmud smacked his lips.bondy.Wald can be regarded as Garp's old opponent. Upon hearing this, Garp nodded and said: "Not to mention, that ability is indeed really strong. You are quite discerning..."

"Think about it, a hundred times the speed, a hundred times the power, a hundred times the volume and so on. If you eat the Momo fruit and develop it well, I don't think I can take you down." Diarmuid said seriously.

Karp looked very interested at first. After all, this is a hundred times or something. He imagined it for a while. With his strength, it is really like a tiger with wings...

It's just that he hasn't eaten a devil fruit in his life, and it's not that he hasn't encountered a powerful ability, but he simply doesn't want to be a landlubber or a person with abilities.

And now that people are in their decades, is it necessary to be so competitive?

When you get old, being an ability user is a bit inappropriate no matter how you look at it.

So Garp shook his head and said: "Forget it, I'm really not interested in devil fruits, let's leave it to someone who will be more useful in the future, how about Luffy?" "Yes, if he wants it, give it to him Yes." Diarmuid said very calmly.

Garp nodded first, and then said in a very serious tone: "This devil fruit is extraordinary. No matter who you give it to in the future, you must ensure that he has good character and character, otherwise there will be endless disasters. Power, sometimes It will make people look different..."

Diarmuid nodded, but did not refute anything.

Because Karp was right.

This also involves a 'metaphysical problem' of whether power controls you or you control power.

Just like when people get rich suddenly, they will easily expand.

The same is true when you suddenly get top-level strength, and you will even be arrogant and arrogant, and once no one pays attention or no one checks and balances, this kind of expansion will distort a person's character in all likelihood, and in the end, you will not be able to control the strength. People will be controlled by power and indulge in falsehood.

In the navy, Diarmuid benefited the most from the constant adjustment of mentality, be it Teacher Zefa, Marshal Sengoku, or Karp, Kuzan, Polusalino or even Gion and others .

In fact, they are all good teachers and helpful friends of Diarmuid along the way.

On the other hand, in the pirate camp, most of the powerful ones do whatever they want and feel like they have no bottom line.

It's hard to say which one is better, after all, it's also true that the strong are respected and the winner is king, but Diarmuid is quite satisfied with his current mentality.

From this point of view, Diarmuid suddenly felt that Momo Fruit was indeed very suitable for Luffy.

Although most of the time, this guy looks like a mentally retarded person, but it has to be said that Luffy has a "childlike heart" that few people have. His character and conduct are excellent.

Even if he got mixed up in the pirate industry, he might have done a lot of stupid things, but he has to admit that he has raised the moral standard of pirates.

But now he is even more mixed in the navy camp, and it is even more unlikely that he is going to cause harm to one side. It is quite appropriate for him to take the Momo fruit.

No matter what, it should not cause a big mistake in the future.

The speed of the warship was very fast, and it took the current of justice, circled the triangle, and first arrived at Judiciary Island, but Diarmuid and the others didn't even get off the boat, and that fellow Spandain waved his hand at the port helplessly, as a farewell General Diarmuid who is 'inaccessible'.

Looking at the two warships, at an extremely fast speed, they took the current and headed back towards Marineford.

Speaking of which, Spandain has also been packing his things these two days.

He is a hard-core member of Queen Stuci's faction, and now Her Majesty the Queen has become the head of the CP agency. Spandain has accumulated some meritorious service in Alabasta last time. Even if he failed to capture Princess Vivi, he is definitely The work outweighs the past.

This time, as soon as Her Majesty Queen came to power, she was going to promote Spandine to CP-0.

It was still dark, and Diarmuid and the others had already returned to the Navy headquarters.marineford.

Just when a few people were about to disembark, Luffy ran over holding the roster, and said with a bruised nose, "Uncle Diarmuid, is this Momo fruit very powerful?" Garp and Diarmuid's eyes lit up, Diarmuid nodded with a smile and said, "Well, it's very powerful." "Then if you eat it, can you defeat you? Can you become the King of the Navy?" Luffy asked again.

Garp was about to teach Luffy a few more words, but he didn't say anything, and Diarmuid said with a smile: "It should be very possible, Luffy, this is a powerful ability, I support you Eat it..."

Garp sighed when he saw this, and Diarmuid really has a big heart...

But at this moment, he suddenly felt something was wrong, when did Diarmuid be so gentle and gentle to Lu Fei?

If things are abnormal, there must be fraud.

Then, he froze for a moment, and suddenly realized, shit, no wonder this guy wants me to eat Momo fruit.  …

With the power of the dark fruit that Diarmuid currently possesses, if you don’t become a capable person, it will be more threatening to him. If you become a capable person, he will use the power of the dark fruit to cooperate with gravity. How to arrange you, how to arrange you!

If Garp is now facing Diarmuid, with his own hard power, he has a [-]% or even [-]% chance of winning.

But if you believe in his evil, eat the Momo fruit, and maybe face someone else, the chances of winning will increase greatly. Even if it is Newgate, it is estimated that there will not be too many stalemates and they can win.

But if it's really his turn to face Diarmuid, let alone, the original [-]% to [-]% chance of winning can be maintained at most [-]%.

Therefore, in theory, eating Momo Fruit will definitely make you stronger, but when facing Diarmuid, 2.9 may become the biggest flaw!

That is to say, if Luffy doesn't eat and doesn't become an ability user, he may have a chance to break his wrist with Diarmuid in the future. If he eats it now, he can only be hammered by Diarmuid in the future... …

But although Garp figured this out, he didn't stop anything.

Because it is unnecessary, anyway, it is not a hostile position, why always compare with Diarmuid?

That guy is a monster!

A monster in the true sense, after all, no one can really eat two devil fruits, isn't that strange?

Luffy definitely didn't think as much as Garp thought. Seeing that Diarmuid and his old man supported him, he really felt that this ability should be very powerful.

hundred times.

Maybe they can really defeat Diarmuid?

Even if it doesn't work, you should be able to compete with Ace, right?

Thinking of this, Lu Fei said excitedly: "Then I want to eat Momo fruit!"

"Hahahahaha, good." Diarmuid laughed and patted Luffy on the head.

But today is a bit late, not to mention the fatigue of the boat, it is getting dark soon, eating devil fruit may have some serious side effects, so the navy is basically accompanied by someone, Momo fruit is so powerful, Dill Mulder also felt that it was time to play it safe.

So I plan to arrange for Luffy to officially eat this ability tomorrow.

Soon, a group of people stepped off the warship and dispersed in Marineford. .

Chapter 402 Polusalino: Really enviable.

Early in the morning, Diarmuid woke up from his sleep, rubbed his eyes in a daze, and found that there was no one in the room.

Dressed, washed, tidied up, opened the door and went out, in the living room, saw Gion and Tina in pajamas, making breakfast.As if he was already used to this kind of life, Diarmuid didn't look surprised. He yawned and asked, "What are you eating?" Just as Tina brought the breakfast to the table, she said, "Bread, Come and eat, breakfast should be light." Soon, the three of them sat down and chatted while eating breakfast.

"Any plans for today? General?" Tina asked.

Diarmuid swallowed the bread, and said, "I'm going to meet the Marshal. I already made an appointment last night." Tina nodded after hearing that, and didn't speak again. After eating something, Diarmud Mud looked at Gion and said, "What about you?"

Gion took a sip of hot milk, thought for a while, and then said, "For me, I will go to the intelligence department, and then I may go to Mary Gioia to maintain order at the port..."

"Marie Gioia... So, the royal family from the franchise country has already arrived?" Diarmuid asked again.

"Well, there are a hundred franchised royal families coming to this meeting. Some of them are in the Golden City and can arrive at Marie Gioia at any time, and some of them have indeed arrived in Marie Gioia. Next, the people over there will More and more, we need our help." Gion nodded.

"Then you won't be back for a few days?" Diarmuid asked again.

"Probably not coming back." Gion said with a smile.

"Tsk tsk..." Diarmuid smacked his lips, looking slightly dissatisfied.Gion asked with some amusement, "What's the matter?"

"I'm thinking, we've been parting lately. It's not me going out, but you going out on 12." Diarmuid said with a little emotion.

"You are the admiral, and I am the candidate for the admiral, as it should be." Gion replied with a smile.

They didn't feel melancholy because of the love of these children. Soon, the three of Diarmuid finished their breakfast.

Picking up the cloak of justice hanging at the door, Diarmuid put it on his shoulders, looked back at Tina and Gion and said, "Then I'll go first." "I don't have to go?" Tina was washing the dishes , while asking.

"No need, I'll give you a day off today." Diarmuid waved his hand, and then walked out of the room.

The place where Diarmaid lived in Marineford was a residential area for high-ranking generals, and he had to be surrounded by at least lieutenant generals to live here. Generally, major generals were not qualified to hang around in this area.

Not long after I went out and walked on the street, I saw three figures in front of me. Two of them seemed to be arguing about something, and they seemed to be ready to fight if they disagreed.

Diarmuid was surprised at first, who is it?Who is so bold to make trouble here?

But when I took a closer look, ah, Polusalino, Sakarski, Kuzan?

And it was Kuzan and Sakasky who were arguing...

That's fine.

Although Sakalski's temper and behavior style have been restrained a lot, although he and Kuzan will not quarrel every day when they meet, they will occasionally have a big fight.

There are even times when both of them have a date.

It's just that both of them are decent people, but they won't mess things up to the point of no return.

Sometimes after arguing during the day, we meet at the Navy Club at night, and at least we can have a drink or two.

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