"Damn!" Diarmuid scolded angrily, his heart turned cold.

It doesn't matter that you, Karp, are hob meat, I can't stand it!

"From today onwards, I will be at odds with the old thief Garp!" Diarmuid said angrily.

Kuzan looked like he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, he reached out and patted Diarmuid's shoulder and said, "Well, Mr. Karp...he's always been like this, you just get used to it, now you know why I used It took three years to become a major general, right?"

Chapter 38 Garp jumped off the building! ! ! (six more)

After sitting for a while, Flying Squirrel and Huoshaoshan went to work on their own affairs.

Kuzan has already sorted out all the work of the general of the Warring States Period. There is nothing to do today, so I will chat with Diarmuid here for a few more words.

Speaking of which, before Diarmuid came, Kuzan really lacked a friend like him in the headquarters.

He didn't have much to talk about with Polusalino, and he had nothing to say with Sakalsky at all.

Is Gion a woman, or a woman pursued by many navy, Kuzan does not want to have too much contact with Gion, so as not to be misunderstood and cause trouble.

As for Dorag, his personality is too serious, and he urged Kuzan not to be too lazy when he met.

Therefore, although Kuzan has a good relationship with many people, there are not many topics to talk about.

On the contrary, after Diarmuid's arrival, the two of them were often able to chat together, and their friendship developed rapidly.

In addition, Diarmuid himself was up to the challenge, and quickly became the new elite seedling of the navy. There was no difference in status from Kuzan. The two talked and communicated on an equal footing, which was very pleasant.

Rosindi was on the side peeling fruit for Diarmuid, the "good big brother", while Diarmuid was chatting with Kuzan.After chatting for a while, Diarmuid suddenly asked, "By the way, Kuzan, I just wanted to ask you something." "What?" Kuzan replied very casually, raised his hand and took an apple, I ate on my own.

"After you become a capable person, do you sometimes feel very hungry?" Diarmuid asked.

Love, I'm not good at it either, after you recover from your injury, I'll take you to find Jiaji, that guy is very popular despite his ugly appearance, he's an old hand in Huajie..."

Diarmuid was stunned for a moment, then his face turned black and he said, "What are you thinking? Isn't your thinking too dirty?" "Didn't you tell me you were hungry or not?" Kuzan looked confused. He looked towards Diarmuid and said.

"In your heart, does hunger and thirst only represent this? So you are such a Kuzan, and I will use you as a model someday and write you an autobiography..." Diarmuid rolled his eyes and said.

"I'm a lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters. Due to the confidentiality regulations, I can't write anything. I want to go to a court-martial." Kuzan glared at Diarmuid and said.

"Don't worry, I won't write those things that need to be kept secret. I'll save you some face, okay? When the time comes, I'll call you 'A Bing' in the book. I've already thought of a name. I'll call it "Young A Bing". More match." Diarmuid complained.After a few words of nonsense, Diarmuid said with a straight face: "Really, haven't you felt it? It's that kind of hunger and thirst. I always feel that there is something missing?" Since eating the gravity fruit, Diarmuid De has that feeling from time to time.

He didn't know what was going on, and asked Mr. Zefa, but because Mr. Zefa was not a capable person, and the devil fruit's abilities were all kinds of strange things, and the side effects were all kinds of weird things, so he couldn't give Diarmuid a good one. explanation of.

This time he suddenly remembered, and Diarmuid asked Kuzan.

Kuzan frowned slightly when he heard the words, and after thinking for a while, he said: "No...". "

"Really? Maybe I was thinking too much, maybe it has nothing to do with abilities." Diarmuid nodded upon hearing that.

After thinking for a while, Kuzan said, "Maybe it's a side effect of your devil fruit ability? Just get used to it in the future, and you can gradually control it."

After a short pause, Kuzan continued: "The side effects of devil fruit are not just being disgusted by the sea and becoming a landlubber. Behind the power brought by each ability, there are also some flaws, such as Shiji's fluttering fruit, He is afraid of force majeure such as storms. In a storm, he will become weaker than ordinary people. Like me, after eating frozen fruits, I often feel tired, so I developed this laziness. character..."

"I always feel that you are making excuses for yourself..." Diarmuid looked at Kuzan suspiciously.

But this is just a joke. Kuzan's lazy behavior is somewhat affected by the fruit ability. His body temperature is very low, so he doesn't seem to be motivated to do anything.

"Is there a side effect?" Diarmuid murmured again, and finally regarded it as the reason for the time being.

He also thought about whether there was something special about his body. He didn't find anything, but the medical examination in hospital was normal.

"When you gradually develop your ability and master it deeper, maybe the situation will improve a lot. This is the case for most ability users." Kuzan said calmly.

"I hope so." Diarmuid said with a smile.

Although what Kuzan said made sense, and it sounded like this, he always felt that the truth might not be the case.

Two weeks later, Diarmuid recovered as scheduled, and after completing the discharge procedures, he rushed to the office of Chief Ahe's General Staff immediately, preparing to return to the team.

After coming to Marineford for so long, he finally found an organization. This is the first time he has been formally divided into a sequence!

Wearing the black suit given to him by Teacher Zefa for a long time, and the cloak of justice on his body, he looks very handsome and looks like a promising young man.

Walking on the road, from time to time, the navy looked at Diarmuid, and then whispered to the companions around him.

At first, Diarmuid thought it was his handsomeness that attracted these people.

As a result, as he walked, he seemed to hear some random thoughts.

"Did you see that? That is Brigadier General Diarmud. I heard that he is about to become a major general. The chief of the sixth officer training camp is really amazing." The man who beat up!"

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't let him hear you."

Diarmuid's face is very dark, I have already heard it!

Damn, did everyone in Marineford know about me beating up the Marshal?

Can I still hang out in the navy?

For a moment, Diarmuid was thinking, is it too late for him to become a pirate now?

I always feel that I have a great future in the navy for two or three years, and it was all ruined by that bastard Karp!

I hope there are a lot of Marshals. After all, he still has to sit in the position of Marshal for more than ten years. If he is really tricked by Garp, he may have to sit in the position of Major General for more than ten years. Oh... this is too miserable!

The office of Chief of Staff Ahe is on the third floor of the Fortress of Justice in Marinford, where the Intelligence Department is located.

Diarmuid was thinking about his gloomy future in the navy all the way, and he walked to the door of this office without knowing it.

Just as he was about to reach out to knock on the door, he found that the door was not closed, and there was a gap. Then, he heard a burst of hearty laughter.

"Hahahaha, Xiaohe, please help me, find more information about Roger, he seems to have disappeared in the sea recently." It's Garp!

In an instant, Diarmuid was so angry that he didn't even care about his gentle image in the navy, and he kicked the door open.

As soon as his news came out, the senior staff officer Ahe and Lieutenant General Garp in the office were stunned.

"Diarmuid?" Chief Ahe was surprised first, and then looked at Diarmuid in puzzlement. What's going on?

On the first day of reporting, kick the office of the immediate boss?

"Karp! You bastard, I'll fight with you!" Diarmuid pulled out the long hair from his waist, and without a word, he slashed at Garp on the sofa.

Garp was startled, instinctively dodged, and rolled over along the sofa. Just as he dodged, Diarmuid chopped the sofa with a knife.

"." What are you doing?Diarmuid, I didn't provoke you, did I? ! "Kap yelled quickly.

This guy was also interesting, he didn't put on any identity to pressure Diarmuid, he just asked in panic.

"You still have the nerve to ask? Now the whole of Marineford knows that I, Diarmuid, as a brigadier general, beat up our marshal. How do you want me to see people? How do you want me to see the marshal? I How dare I fight with you!" Diarmuid scolded angrily.

Then, he kicked away the sofa that had been split in two, and rushed up with a knife.

Garp also let out a strange cry, and while running, he explained: "Didn't I think you were very majestic? I can't say that?" "I'm majestic, you uncle!" Diarmuid roared angrily.

Garp couldn't take it anymore, but he was indeed very guilty. With his strength, he could completely suppress Diarmuid with a backhand, but because of his guilty conscience, he didn't think about it at all.

At this time, Diarmuid was blocking the door again. In a panic, he directly smashed the window of Ahe's staff office, and jumped out of the third floor of Marineford abruptly.

Then, Diarmuid also burned out his sanity, and even stepped on the window sill, swinging a knife to chase him out.

At this moment, Chief Staff Officer Ah He grabbed Diarmud's wrist, moved the power in his hand, a little funny, but also a little helpless and said: "Dilmud (good lord), you just need to breathe out.  … "Grand Adviser Ahe is a person with the ability to wash away fruits, claiming to be able to wash away all evil, filth, violence and other messy things.

Her ability matched her words, and Diarmuid quickly calmed down as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Sorry, Chief Staff Officer, I..." Diarmuid hurriedly said.

Staff Officer Ah He didn't care about anything, even if Diarmuid cut the sofa in her office.

Maybe it's because after so many years, being comrades-in-arms with Garp, you've already gotten used to it?

Anyway, she wasn't angry at all, and even said a little funny: "It's time to teach Garp a lesson, otherwise he will be lawless..."

But after a short pause, she glanced at the scene outside the window, and said with some amusement: "But it seems that you are going to be famous again. After beating the admiral violently, you forced the naval hero to jump off the building..." Di Ermud froze for a moment, looked down the window, and saw Garp running wildly without looking back, while running, he shouted: "Dilmurd, when you calm down, let's have a good time again." talk about..."

At the same time, there was a group of melon-eating marines looking at the broken windows on the third floor with shocking eyes.

Well-deserved reputation!

The brigadier general who dared to beat the marshal was different. As soon as he was discharged from the hospital, did he force the hero Lieutenant General Garp to jump off the building?


Diarmuid's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted. .

Chapter 39 Promoted to Rear Admiral, Reorganized Naval Intelligence Department! (seven more)

Staff Officer Ah He has a good temper, and he didn't care that Diarmuid messed up her office at all.

The weather was fine today, so she didn't bother with the smashed window.

After appeasing Diarmuid, who was almost fainted out of breath, the two tidied up the sofa together, put it together, used it temporarily, and changed it to another one after the matter was over.

"I'm really sorry, Chief Staff Officer." Diarmuid said awkwardly while sitting on the couch that was put together, holding a teacup in his hand.

Staff Officer Ah He smiled, waved his hands and said: "It's nothing, when I was dealing with that fellow Karp, I also wanted to kill him..."

Hearing this, Diarmuid nodded in agreement, and said, "Before I came to Marineford, I always admired Lieutenant General Garp, after all, he is a naval hero..."

This is true. Before he really got in touch with Garp, Diarmuid felt that Garp should be a very interesting person, approachable, powerful, and interesting in doing things.

Well, fun is fun, but if it falls on your own head, it's hard to keep yourself from killing him!

"When you have more contact with Garp in the future, maybe you can get used to it..." Senior Staff Ahe said after thinking about it.

"Is there no way to change him?" Diarmuid asked again.

"Everyone has tried. In the end he is still like this." Senior Staff Officer Ah He said helplessly.

Good guy, the Navy's No. [-] Hob Meat lives up to its reputation.

He just got everyone used to tormenting him!

Diarmuid was very skeptical. If Garp hadn't been so powerful, he would have been killed by the navy long ago.

Just when Diarmuid was thinking about this, Ahe said again: "Although Garp is out of tune in many places, you have to admit that he is a trustworthy comrade in arms at critical moments." Diarmuid did not Opened, just nodded.

This is true. Although Garp is not in tune with all kinds of deadly actions, he is indeed trustworthy.

Thinking of this, Diarmuid felt heartbroken again. He had destroyed all the beautiful blueprints and good image he had built up in the navy in just a few days. What mood are you in?

Maybe he wants to kill Garp even more than him?

Seeing that Diarmuid didn't intend to continue talking about that bastard Garp, Ah He smiled and said, "Okay, let's not talk about that guy, Diarmuid, since you are discharged from the hospital, let's do something serious." Speaking of this, Diarmuid straightened his body and said, "Yes, Commodore of the Navy Headquarters. Rodriguez. Diarmuid is here to report to you!" "I am not accepting the report of a Commodore General." Said with a mocking smile.

Diarmuid's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and his eyes looked expectant.

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, the chief staff officer took out a document from the desk drawer, handed it to Diarmuid, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Major General Diarmuid." He stretched out his hand and took it After opening the file, it contained his promotion approval and a pair of major general epaulettes.

On the document, the generalissimo has been stamped.The seal of the steel bone, that is to say, from the moment he got this document, he officially became a rear admiral of the Navy headquarters.

Looking at this document, Diarmuid was both happy and emotional.

He was happy that he was finally promoted again, and after only one mission, he reached the position of major general, and he did not risk his life in vain.

The navy is still good. Basically, it can be said that if you pay, you will gain.

In other places, if you have no integrity, even if you work hard, you may not be able to gain anything.

With emotion, maybe because of Karp's cheating, in the next ten years, this promotion document will be the last time I see it.

The lieutenant general... is far away.

Although he also knows that with his current qualifications, it is difficult to support the qualification of lieutenant general.

"Thank you, Chief Staff Officer, everything is for justice." Diarmuid sighed.Ah He smiled, and said, "You're welcome, this is not due to me."

After the two chatted for a few more words, Ah He said: "Dilmurd, what do you think of the current situation in the sea? What's your opinion on our navy's plan and purpose for the new world? If I want to form a new world Do you have any good ideas for the intelligence department?"

Diarmuid knew very well that Ahe's questions were just testing himself.

In other words, understand yourself, and then judge, how to arrange work for yourself next.

So Diarmuid thought about it for a while, and then said: "The current situation in the sea should be regarded as maintaining a fragile balance, and this balance may be broken at any time. Once the balance is broken, to be honest, I think the layout of our navy in the new world will be disrupted, even..."

Having said that, he didn't say any more, as long as the meaning comes to mind.

After a pause, Diarmuid continued: "As for our plans and goals in the new world, I don't have any opinions to express. It should be regarded as the most correct judgment under the current situation." The third question , he did not answer.

And Senior Staff Ahe seemed not to wait for his answer, nodded and said: "Is that so? Then what change do you think will break the so-called fragile balance in your mouth?" Diarmuid pondered for a moment, then spoke Said: "A new pirate overlord is born." The eyes of Chief Ahe's staff lit up, and he seemed to agree with Diarmuid's statement.

"Currently, all the pirates in the new world are ambitious. In fact, if there is no accident, Shiji might have the qualifications to unify the pirates more than two years ago. If that happens, maybe the fragile balance now , has been broken." Diarmuid said.

In his opinion, if Skee had won the Edwall naval battle more than two years ago, whether he had eliminated Roger or subdued Roger, the new world would have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Maybe Shiji will really climb to the top because of this. Once a person like him reaches the top, he will definitely not go dormant. Now the world may be in chaos, let alone the navy regaining control of the new world. It's counterattacking Marineford...

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