While the two were chatting, Kalifa from CP-9 came over and said in a low voice, "Sir, the latest news." "Say." Spandain said directly, without treating Dauberman as an outsider at all. mean.

Naturally, Khalifa would not be such a villain, and said openly: "We have received news of the previous battle, and a third party has entered the arena. It is the Song Ming Army. They also shouted to eradicate Im and free the slaves. , Slogans like maintaining order and equal rights, how do we deal with them? Shall we wipe them out together?"

Spandain was stunned for a moment, and Dauberman also had a little surprise in his eyes.

Because the timing of the entry of the Song Ming Army is really too precise. At this stage, the Navy and CP agencies are jointly fighting against the guards and guards on Marie Gioia.

Ge Mingjun came out at this time, it's really hard for you to attack them.

In particular, the slogans and positions used by these people are basically the same as theirs, which is even more embarrassing.

At this time, once they attack the Geming army, the battle will definitely be delayed to a more troublesome point.

It is even possible to fight on two fronts, which is not a good thing for the navy.

But if at this time, if you don't do anything to them or clean them up, it's like cooperating with the Geming Army, which means you have to be forced to 'clean them up'.

And once they cooperate and unite to rectify Mary Joya, after the war is over, after the chaos in Mary Joya is over.

The Geming army also occupies a certain amount of righteousness, and can definitely increase their weight and bargaining chips, and can seize more benefits in the subsequent cake-sharing operation.

Obviously, although Kalifa came to ask what to do.

But neither Dauberman nor Spandain has the real power to make relevant responses. They are not qualified enough!

Just when the two were a little embarrassed.

Gion's voice came from the phone bug that Dauberman was wearing.

Not contacting him alone.

After the start of the war, the combat phone bugs used by all naval generals are basically continuously turned on, and the commanders will have special phone bugs for transmitting orders. A phone bug can send signals Waves reach out to all the admirals who have sub-phone bugs' hands.

It can also be understood as a 'walkie-talkie' type.

"Everyone has it, everyone has it, the Marines of the Mary Gioia theater are paying attention!" Gion's voice came from the phone bug.

Both Dauberman and Spandine fell silent, looking at the general direction of the next step.

"Now the latest order is sent, and all parties concentrate their forces. Street fighting must open up the passage to the God's House within 10 minutes to support the military operations of the Marshal and others. At the same time, we must target the No. The three forces. The song order army organization, ignore it for the time being, and give priority to opening up the advance route to the residence of the gods, repeat it again..." Gion quickly conveyed her latest order to all parties on Marie Gioia Admirals.

After conveying these orders, the phone bug naturally fell silent again.

Dauberman and Spandain glanced at each other, and then Dauberman said: "Okay, I won't tell you more, I have to go to the front line to gather." "Be careful." Spandain nodded in response road.

Dauberman quickly took the G-5 navy to evacuate from the headquarters building and went to the street fighting area near Pongle Castle. . …ask for flowers.

After Dauberman left, Spandain glanced at Kalifa and said, "Follow Lord Gion's order! Ignore the Uta Order Army organization for the time being!"

After finishing speaking, Spandain also took out a phone bug, and began to order to the phone bug: "The CP agency listens to the order, temporarily ignores the song command army organization, assists the navy, and gives priority to opening the marching route to the God's House , the rest of the people, still follow the order to carry out the liquidation campaign against Mary Joya, it must be done, destroy one place, liquidate one place, this kind of thing cannot be left behind after the war!"

In the end, you can just throw the blame away, saying that they resisted fiercely during the battle, so as a last resort, they were all killed.

But after the war is over, if you go to liquidate, although the CP agency doesn't care about these bloodthirsty names, since there are better choices, there is no need to smear yourself, right?

The new power center will be re-established soon. At this moment, even the CP organization hopes to maintain a relatively good reputation.

Didn't you see the notorious Geming Army organization, have they all started to wash their hands and go ashore?

These are the consensus of the big guys!

In the beginning, the battle on Mary Joa was relatively stalemate, and it seemed that no one could do anything to anyone.

... 0 But as the navy gradually entered the real state of war, this gap in experience was quickly turned into an advantage, and then expanded.

The guards and guards on Marie Gioia are indeed very powerful, and the weapons and equipment they use are also very advanced.

But in the end, it is the lack of such cruel actual combat experience, and as far as the command system is concerned, it is absolutely impossible for their command system to have a naval professional.

Naval generals from all walks of life, they really graduated from colleges and universities, and at the same time they had to participate in large and small wars, and accumulated countless times before they could reach the level of lieutenant general.

Maybe there are high and low strengths, but in terms of war command, in this world, it is difficult to find people who are more professional and have more advantages than them.

Therefore, as the navy gradually completes its warm-up, the war has entered a deeper state of intense heat.

The garrison and guards, who were still aggressive, were soon suppressed by the navy's war quality.

The street fighting also began to win gradually, constantly compressing their tactical and strategic space, and in the general direction, they all suppressed and retreated towards the God's House.

Killing a general of the Celestial Dragon Guards who was wearing armor all over with one knife, the ghost spider flicked the blood on the knife. He was biting a cigar in his mouth, smoking, and his eyes were indifferent.

At this moment, another team of navy rushed over from not far away, led by a neutral vice-admiral.Keisha.

It's the guy whose name looks like a woman, but in fact, is a super handsome guy.

"Hey, ghost spider, you are too cruel, aren't you? Don't leave any?" Kaisha asked in surprise after taking a look at the street fighting area that ghost spider was in charge of attacking.

Although along the way, he has never seen a living creature...

The ghost spider exhaled smoke, and said very calmly: "What we believe in is... Only dead enemies are good enemies!" .

It doesn't mean to set off any factional struggle here, it's just a complaint.

Especially the current internal situation of the navy, the atmosphere is very good, factional struggles and so on, although there are still, but they are not as intense as before.After saying hello, Keisha hurriedly said, "Let's go, meet Kuzan!"

The ghost spider nodded, then waved, leading his subordinates, and together with Keisha, marched towards the distance.earth.

Chapter 421 The Five Old Stars Are Dead! ?

Pull forward a little bit in time.

When Pongle Castle was just blown up.

The thick smoke of gunpowder was transpiring in the ruins. Under the chaotic rocks, a golden arm suddenly stretched out. It was the Marshal of the Warring States Period.

At this time, he has already transformed into a Buddha.

His shock wave did not block the beam of light, and he suffered an unknown attack head-on, and Marshal Warring States was also very uncomfortable.

On the surface, his golden body is not bad and there are no injuries, but blood is overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

Obviously suffered some internal injuries.

"Ahem..." Marshal Zhan Guo spat out two mouthfuls of blood, and felt much better.

Since becoming a marshal, or in other words, after Diarmuid became a general, he is no longer the only general, and he rarely goes to the front line in person.

It is generally scheduled in the middle.

Therefore, it is true that for a long time, I have not been beaten.

For a while, I really didn't get used to it, and it's also because he is an ability user of the phantom beast species, and he is a group of strong physical fitness, otherwise the attack just now would probably kill him half of his life.

Standing up from the ruins, looking back, the smoke and dust are too heavy to see clearly, but it can also be observed that more than half of Pangle Castle was blown down, and the conference room behind it has become a real one. ruins.

This made the Marshal of the Warring States feel cold, what the hell, there are a hundred royals there! ! !

If a hundred kings were brought together here, the world would be in chaos! "Seven Thirty"

Seriously, I never expected this to happen.

Originally, it was just a verbal crusade against Wulaoxing and others, occupying the commanding heights of justice and morality. It was nothing more than waiting for Wulaoxing and others to escape before Polusalino and Diarmuid took action.

Why did he suddenly get shot?

And as a veteran on the battlefield, the Marshal of the Warring States knew very well that that blow was not at all aimed at rescuing the five old stars.

Even if there is no such chaos, and even if it is possible to have a normal meeting, they will be attacked!

This kind of attack has nothing to do with the behavior of their navy, nor with the progress of the meeting, it is more like a feeling of silence!

I was a little flustered in my heart. After all, being killed a hundred kings at once is definitely a big deal.

The Marshal of the Warring States Period quickly turned around, opened the ruins, and dug down. Relying on the huge Buddha body, his digging speed was not slow.

After digging a few times, some boulders from the ruins of the castle were lifted, and Marshal Warring States saw a piece of hot magma exposed under the ruins.

"Sakaski!? Is that you?" Marshal Warring States shouted.

After all, it is impossible for magma to appear in this place. Once there is, it can only be done by that guy Sakaski!

As if they heard the shout from above, the magma slowly dissipated from the area dug by Marshal Warring States, revealing a huge cavity.

The Marshal of the Warring States Period looked inside along the hollow, and under the magma, at a distance of three to four meters, there were dense white lines of cobwebs... It was these white lines that lifted up all the collapsed ruins and did not fall down .

There is no doubt that it is Doflamingo's handwriting.

"Marshal?" Sakalski asked.

"It's me, what's the matter?" Marshal Warring States asked urgently.

"The situation is very bad. Although I, Polusalino, Lieutenant General Garp and... and that guy Doflamingo responded immediately, the aftermath of the shock is still for the royal families of all countries. They caused a lot of damage, seven royal families died, and more than 20 were seriously injured... We need medical soldiers!" Sakaski quickly responded.

Although it sounds ugly, Marshal Warring States breathed a sigh of relief, only seven died?The luck of the misfortune.

He originally thought that he had been taken over by a pot.

"Where is Diarmuid? How is he?" Marshal Warring States asked again.

"Not buried with us." Sakaski said calmly.

In his tone, he didn't mean to worry about Diarmuid at all, which is normal. Diarmuid is his turn to worry?

Anyway, even if Sakaski was beaten to death, he didn't believe that Diarmuid would die under the attack just now.

That guy is amazing.

The Warring States Marshal quickly returned to his normal body shape and went down from the hollow.

The current situation is a bit bad for them. If there were no such hundred kings, they could have rushed out to fight back now, but with these more than 100 oil bottles, Sakaski, Polusali Nuo, Doflamingo and others, including Marshal Warring States himself, dare not show their faces casually.

Before, Sakaski and the others were pretending to be 'annihilated', so there was no movement.

No one knows if the energy attack just now will come again?

Once it happens again, if they act recklessly, I should be fine, but these royal families are completely cold.

So the best way to deal with it now is to wait here temporarily, don't show any movement, prepare for defense, and wait for follow-up support.

Once the navy's support arrives, those people in Gion will bring the army over to protect these oil bottles to the rear, then they can let go of their hands and feet and do a big job.

Otherwise, the aftermath of the battle of these big brothers alone would be enough to kill all the so-called royal families.

Marshal Warring States just got into the pothole not long ago.

Not far away, there was a change in another ruin, and a faint dark breath overflowed from the gaps in the ruins from time to time, and then, looking at the ruins, it was swallowed by the dark breath slowly and without a trace.

About 5 minutes later, Diarmuid poked his head out of the darkness, looked left and right, and his expression was a little surprised.  …

This gangster is ruthless enough!

At the last moment before the attack arrived, Diarmuid had no time to do too many other actions, and he immediately chose to protect Stucey.

At the venue, there were many people who had a good relationship with him, such as Sakaski, Polusalino, and Karp.

But Diarmuid didn't care about it, because there was no need, those guys were very strong, and it was impossible for them to be killed by this kind of attack.

Only Queen Stussy, although she has the identity of the head of the CP agency, seems to have a lot of power, and her status is similar to that of the Marshal of the Warring States Period.

But in fact, Her Majesty Queen's strength dishes are not really great masters at all.

Those guys, it's true that they can block this blow, but Her Lady Queen may not be able to block it.

In order not to be widowed, Diarmuid immediately chose to protect Her Lady Queen.

And Stussy's position is also a bit embarrassing, just next to the seats of Wulaoxing and others, and that position is also the target of the attack!

Diarmuid also had reason to suspect that this attack was to kill Wulaoxing first, right?


"He's dying..." Queen Stusi's voice came from under the ruins.

Diarmuid did not act rashly either, and made the same choice as Marshal Sengoku.

Although his dark fruit ability, once spread out, can even block the attack of Hades, it can be regarded as a defense.

But after all, there are a hundred kings, who dares to take risks?

In case of that attacker.Well, Diarmuid guessed that it was Lord Im, in case Lord Im really has any means to activate the king of heaven.What about Uranus?

If you can block Pluto, can you block Uranus?

Just kidding, Diarmuid doesn't even know what the king's attack method is, okay?

So he also chose a safe way, first hide on the spot, prepare for defense, wait for the support of the navy to come, and send those oil bottles away...

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